What is a Good Praxis Score? (2024)

What is a Good Praxis Score? (2)




Wondering “What is a good Praxis score?”? A good Praxis score is a passing score. This is not a test like the SAT or GRE where your scores are going to be scrutinized next to those of other test-takers for the chance at your dream school (or in this case, job). All that matters is whether or not you pass. If you meet the minimum passing criteria for your state (and complete all other requirements for licensure) then you get your teaching license, simple as that! It’s extremely rare for any school or organization to ask for your actual Praxis score; the license is what matters.

What are the Praxis Score Ranges?

On the Core Academic Skills Tests in Math, Reading and Writing, scaled scores range from 100-200 in increments of 2. Scores are calculated by converting a raw number of correct questions to a scaled score that is based on the performance of all test-takers taking that particular Praxis form. The table below gives the median and average performance range of test-takers for 2015:

TestPossible Score RangeMedian ScoreAverage Performance Range
Core Academic Skills: Mathematics100 – 200154138 – 168
Core Academic Skills: Reading100 – 200172160 – 184
Core Academic Skills: Writing100 – 200164158 – 172

You can find the above information along with median and average score ranges by clicking here.

What is a Passing Praxis Score?

The specific Praxis tests you need to take for certification vary by state, level, and subject, but generally-speaking, most hopeful teachers need to take and pass the Core Academic Skills Praxis tests in Math, Reading and Writing (sometimes colloquially referred to as Praxis I) along with one or more Praxis II tests for their specific subject or education level (such as “Biology” or “Elementary Education”).

  • The passing score for Core Academic Math is 150 in almost all states. Pennsylvania and Washington are the exception at 142.
  • The passing score for Core Academic Reading Skills is 156 for almost all states.
  • The passing score for Core Academic Writing Skills is 162 for almost all states. North Dakota and Washington are the exceptions at 160 and 158, respectively.*

When it comes to the Praxis II Tests, passing scores differ between tests and states, so check for the specific Passing Scores by Test and State that you need.

What is a Good Praxis Score? (3)

How Will I Know if I Passed the Praxis?

Your score report will indicate a PASSED or NOT PASSED status for each test based on the standard passing standards. Unfortunately, ETS makes it a little difficult to determine how many questions you need to get right in order to get a passing Praxis score, and it can vary between tests. As a general rule of thumb, though, you should be aiming to get over 60% of the questions right (and there’s no guessing penalty, so go to town answering every question!).

*Maine, North Dakota, and Pennsylvania have some special clauses, so if you are applying for licensure in one of these states, be sure to read the fine print (the good news is that the fine print indicates some exceptions that actually make passing easier).

  • What is a Good Praxis Score? (4)

    Dr. Kristin Fracchia has over fifteen years of expertise in college and graduate school admissions and with a variety of standardized tests, including the ACT, SAT, GRE, GMAT, and LSAT, with several 99% scores. She had a PhD from the University of California, Irvine, an MA degree from The Catholic University, and BA degrees in Secondary Education and English Literature from the University of Maryland, College Park. She was the recipient of the 2013 Excellence in Teaching Award and the Chancellor’s Club Fellowship from the University of California, Irvine. She’s worked as a high school teacher and university professor, as an independent college and graduate school admissions counselor, and as an expert tutor for standardized tests, helping hundreds of students gain acceptance into premier national and international institutions. She now develops accessible and effective edtech products for Magoosh. Her free online content and YouTube videos providing test prep and college admissions advice have received over 6 million views in over 125 countries. Kristin is an advocate for improving access to education: you can check out her TEDx talk on the topic. Follow Kristin on LinkedIn!

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163 responses to “What is a Good Praxis Score?”

  1. What is a Good Praxis Score? (9)


    Is there a way to find out, how much point each questions is worth? For example, is each question worth 5 points etc..


    1. What is a Good Praxis Score? (10)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Unfortunately, there’s no way to do this that will work 100% of the time. The Praxis doesn’t publish the point weight of its various questions, and sometimes it’s not obvious when a question is worth more than one point on a Praxis test. Fortunately, though, the vast majority of single answer multiple-choice questions are worth just one point. So even though you can’t always know how many points a question is worth, the odds are in favor of it being worth a single point.


      1. What is a Good Praxis Score? (11)

        Sakinah McDuffie

        Hi I’ve taken the New Jersey Mafh Praxis several times and I keep missing by 2 points. Is there anyway I can ask for a recheck of my test score?


        1. What is a Good Praxis Score? (12)

          Magoosh Test Prep Expert

          Hi Sakinah,

          You can see information about ETS’s score review process for Praxis here: https://www.ets.org/praxis/scores/services/score_review

          Unfortunately, ETS does not offer re-scoring for tests that only include select response. I’m sorry about that! I know it’s frustrating to be so close to the passing score without reaching it! If you are trying to take the Praxis Core Math test, then I recommend checking out our Magoosh Praxis program, which will take you through all you need to know for success on the test 🙂


      2. What is a Good Praxis Score? (13)


        I took the math praxis today and got a 146 in Alabama. Is it possible they will pump me up to 150???


        1. What is a Good Praxis Score? (14)

          David Recine

          It’s not impossible, but adjustments for the official score report of Praxis Core Math usually only change your score by 1-3 points. I’d say hope for the best, but prepare for a retake just in case. The good news is that when you’re this close to the minimum score, studying for a retake has the best possible chance of getting you to where you need to be! So the end just might be in sight even if you don’t get boosted to 150 in the official score report!


        2. What is a Good Praxis Score? (15)


          I gave praxis test today I got 142 raw score. Can you tell me that If I will pass or not?


          1. What is a Good Praxis Score? (16)

            Magoosh Test Prep Expert

            Hi Priya,

            This depends on how many questions are on your Praxis test, which test you are taking and what the passing score is in your state or district. Unfortunately, based on the information you provided, I can’t answer this question.

      3. What is a Good Praxis Score? (17)

        I just took general science praxix 2
        I got 138 . I dont know if I passed or not


        1. What is a Good Praxis Score? (18)

          Magoosh Test Prep Expert

          Hi Sanaa,

          Thanks for reaching out to us. Are you referring to the Praxis 5435? If so, there are only 135 questions on the exam, so it’s likely that 138 is your unofficial score.

          Passing Praxis scores differ from state to state, so you’ll have to check the requirements for your state to see whether or not you’ve passed. With that said, the passing scores seem to range from 147 – 160, so I think you may have to prepare for a retake. I’m sorry!


      4. What is a Good Praxis Score? (19)

        Shanara Lassig

        Hi! I just took the early childhood test and got 111/120. I live in North Dakota. Will that be enough to pass? I think it configures to 192? Is that right? Thanks!


        1. What is a Good Praxis Score? (20)

          Magoosh Test Prep Expert

          Hi Shanara, you’ll have to check the passing scores for North Dakota to see if this is a passing score. I recommend researching the passing scores on the state department of education website.


      5. What is a Good Praxis Score? (21)


        Hi so I got a unofficial score of 164 on 5511 does it matter what the individual subjects show for the final score? I need a 148 in my state…can I celebrate yet?


        1. What is a Good Praxis Score? (22)

          Magoosh Test Prep Expert

          Hi Jennie, Official scores on the Praxis are often the same as the unofficial scores. However, scores can be changed for various reasons (differences in difficulty, throwing questions out, etc.), so it’s not impossible to increase or decrease! Most of the time it only changes 1-3 points, but you’ll have to wait for your Official Score to see.


  2. What is a Good Praxis Score? (23)


    Does anyone know how well you do on the ETS Praxis test correlates to how well you did (do) on the actual Praxis exam?


    1. What is a Good Praxis Score? (24)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      In theory, your scores the official practice Praxis tests from ETS correlate quite closely with how you’ll do on test day. Unfortunately, because there’s only one practice test for each version of the Praxis. This is just one possible mix of questions, and there’s always a chance the questions you see on test day will be mixed differently. Because of this, it’s helpful to also check out the free official study companion PDF for each Praxis exam. These do not provide full practice tests, but each Study Companion does offer a generous helping of additional sample questions.


  3. What is a Good Praxis Score? (25)


    I received a 154 unofficial score on my core reading praxis 1 NJ. What are the chances they bump me up to the 156 Which is passing? I am so worried.


    1. What is a Good Praxis Score? (26)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Scores can be bumped up by 1-3 points when the score is adjusted for the official score report. However, for the Praxis Core tests, it’s more common for your unofficial score to stay the same on the official report. So there is some chance you’ll get bumped up to passing. But there’s also a good chance you’ve fallen a little short this time around. Hope for the best, but prepare for a retake.


  4. What is a Good Praxis Score? (27)


    Do you receive your Praxis core reading score immediately after taking the test?


    1. What is a Good Praxis Score? (28)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Jess,

      According to the Praxis Information Bulletin provided by ETS (page 15): For tests that only include selected-response questions, you will be able to view the unofficial scores at the testing center after taking the test. If no unofficial score is provided, it means that further analysis is necessary to determine the score (note: this doesn’t necessarily mean that there was a problem with the test).

      Since the Praxis Core Reading exam is selected-answer, you should see your unofficial score after you take the test! 🙂


  5. What is a Good Praxis Score? (29)


    I took the reading Praxis today and I got a 190. Is it safe to assume I’ve passed the test?


    1. What is a Good Praxis Score? (30)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Jess. It looks really promising, yes! 🙂


  6. What is a Good Praxis Score? (31)


    So, is it safe to say that if I get 60% or above on each individual test (Reading, Writing, and Math) I should pass each particular test? I am taking the Core combined test of all three at the same time. I have to have a score of 156 in Reading, 162 in Writing, and 150 in Math to pass and I am wondering how many questions I have to correctly answer to pass each one.

    Does it state somewhere how many questions are on the actual test in each individual test? (Reading, Writing, and Math)?

    My Praxis Practice Test I have been taking thus far, (Math and Reading) both have a total of 56 questions. I was wondering if that is the same number that will be on the actual test?


    1. What is a Good Praxis Score? (32)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Great question, Janice. 🙂

      First, it’s important to remember that your scaled Praxis score (the basis of the final official score you’ll receive) is derived from the percentage of questions you answer correctly, plus 100.

      So you need at least 56% in Reading, 62% in Writing, and 50% in Math to get passing scores. Since your scores may be adjusted by a few points for the official score report, I advise aiming for at least 5 points higher than the minimum. So you should be reasonably safe if you can get a 61% in Reading, a 67% in Writing, and a 55% in Math.

      The number of questions on each test can be seen on the official web page for Praxis Core test content and structure. There are 56 questions in Praxis Core Reading and 56 questions in Praxis Core Math. Then there are 40 multiple choice questions and two essay questions in Core Writing. This makes it a little harder to estimate your exact score, just based on your multiple choice performance, of course.


  7. What is a Good Praxis Score? (33)


    Hello! I scored in the ESOL praxis test 184 according to the unofficial report and my state requires 155, do you think that the official report will say that I pass it and display a similar score (to 184)? Thank you!


    1. What is a Good Praxis Score? (34)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Your score should be similar to 184, Robert. And even if your score is adjusted downward several points (possible, but not likely), you wouldn’t drop all the way down to below 155. Congratulations on passing, and congratulations on doing so impressively well! 🙂


    2. What is a Good Praxis Score? (35)

      I got a 165 so I’m hoping to see a similar number on the official score!


  8. What is a Good Praxis Score? (36)



    I just finished my Middle School Social Studies Praxis and I am curious about the scoring on it. I feel pretty confident, but you never truly know with constructed-responses. After my test, it showed that scores would be available in 17 days. However, when I looked online, it says for this testing window and a mixed test, scores wouldn’t be available until 8/11/17. We start school on 8/14 and I need to know sooner than 8/11 if I passed.



    1. What is a Good Praxis Score? (37)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      I know that they often report scores earlier than the final date of a window, but there is no guarantee, especially during a peak period like now. It may very well take until 8/11 and there is unfortunately no way to expedite the process. I hope they come through quick! 🙂


  9. What is a Good Praxis Score? (38)


    Is the score at the end of the Praxis test accurate, or should I wait for my official scores… my scores for reading and writing were passing with at least 10 points higher than the NEEDED passing score when I finished the computer gave me those two scores.. could it go down that much I would have failed?!


    1. What is a Good Praxis Score? (39)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Katie,

      It is usually pretty accurate, but not guaranteed. I have not seen a shift more than a couple of points, though, so I think you can safely feel confident! 🙂


  10. What is a Good Praxis Score? (40)

    I just took the special need practice test and scored a 51% so what percentage would I need to actually pass


    1. What is a Good Praxis Score? (41)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Whitney! This depends on your state and employer requirements. Do you have more information?


  11. What is a Good Praxis Score? (42)


    Hi! I just took a special ed praxis and my raw score is 168. My state requires a passing scaled score of 145. Do you think my raw score, converted to the scaled score, will be over 145? I’m afraid npt to pass


    1. What is a Good Praxis Score? (43)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Grace,

      That 168 was not a raw score, but rather an estimated score. I think you can safely say that you passed! 🙂


  12. What is a Good Praxis Score? (44)


    I got 66 questions correct out of 110 on the practice 5411. What kind of score is this?


    1. What is a Good Praxis Score? (45)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Michelle,

      This would be approximately a 160!


      1. What is a Good Praxis Score? (46)

        I need a 165 on the middle school math. I got an estimated score of 168. Do you ever see official scores go down?


        1. What is a Good Praxis Score? (47)

          Magoosh Test Prep Expert

          Hi Susan!

          These scores can change, but they don’t go down as frequently as they stay the same or go up, so you have a good chance of passing! Cross your fingers, and good luck! 🙂


      2. What is a Good Praxis Score? (48)


        I’ll be taking my Praxis 5047 exam soon and am getting really nervous. I took 3 different praxis exam tests and got on average 77 out of 112 questions correct. Based off of these scores, are my chances of passing decent?


        1. What is a Good Praxis Score? (49)

          Magoosh Test Prep Expert

          Hi there,

          You can see our method of estimating Praxis II scores here. . This score would be around a 145, and you should check the passing scores for your state or district.


  13. What is a Good Praxis Score? (50)

    Duncan Ellington III

    I just dropped a 172 on the social studies practice…. boutta help my boo drop a 190. Any tips from you second class test takers??? Even if you have suggestions keep them to yourselves hahahaha


  14. What is a Good Praxis Score? (51)

    I got a 30 out of 56 on a practice math test, what would that equal as a score?


    1. What is a Good Praxis Score? (52)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Scott,

      That would be approximately 153 on the converted Praxis score. 🙂


  15. What is a Good Praxis Score? (53)

    Meghan J Lanter

    Hi, there!

    Apparently I got a 168 on the math portion.
    Is there any way to tell how many questions I got right of the 56 questions?

    Thank you!


    1. What is a Good Praxis Score? (54)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Meghan,

      We could estimate you got approximately 38/56 correct, but without knowing how the test was scaled, this might be off a problem or two.


      1. What is a Good Praxis Score? (55)

        I’m trying to understand my praxis math score to help me pass next time. I got a 138 on the praxis math core test and I needed a 150 for KY. That means that I got 21/56 correct right? And I need 7 more correct answers to pass the test? Is it common for there to be questions worth more than 1 point on this specific test?


        1. What is a Good Praxis Score? (56)

          Magoosh Test Prep Expert

          Hi Macey,

          It means you got approximately 21 correct, but the scaling can be a little off from this estimate, so I would say you got between 20-23 correct. To guarantee a pass, I would aim to get at last 30/56 (but definitely shoot higher if you can). Good luck! 🙂


  16. What is a Good Praxis Score? (57)


    Hello! I’ve 2-questions (disguised at 4 🙂

    (1) If one assumes a 3 in the Argumentative Essay, and 2 in Comparative Essay, how many multiple choice of the 40 does one have to get right to pass the Basis Writing Praxis Test 5722 (NJ requires 162)? 25 right out of 40, won’t cut it, right?

    (2) I got a 190 on Basic Reading Praxis 5712, and 200 on Basic Math Praxis 5732. Of course, these are unofficial scores (and doesn’t really matter how much one scores above the passing grade, for NJ 156 and 150 respectively). However, I’m a bit concerned about the Basic Writing 5722, especially, the Essay Writing part since I kind of ran out of time on the last essay 🙁 Is it taking approximately 16-working-days to know one’s official score? And why do they not tell how many of the multiple choice one got right?


    1. What is a Good Praxis Score? (58)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Ron,

      The official page about the Core Academic Skills for Educators: Writing (5722) is pretty vague about how many questions of the 40 will be scored, so it is very difficult to make these kinds of approximations and estimations. I would honestly shoot for 30/40 because there are unscored questions mixed in and you don’t want to go for a “bare minimum” situation without realizing the risk of those unscored questions.

      I do not know the current time to turn around a score, but given that we are heading into a quite chaotic holiday season alongside the busiest testing season of the year, I would not be surprised to find you had to wait longer than average. Remember, too, that it is not just about your test date but rather the testing window. ETS says, “score reports are available approximately 10–16 days from the last date of the testing window or on the test date if the test is offered continuously.”

      In short, I don’t have much more information. Just sit back, relax, and wait a bit longer. 🙂


  17. What is a Good Praxis Score? (59)

    Charlyn Motley

    I took the praxis 1 in 2010 and my score in writing was 168. Now my question is I need to know if I still have to take it again because the scores are different now. Will they convert it?


    1. What is a Good Praxis Score? (60)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Charlyn, I recommend that you look up your state’s requirements. Most states require that the Praxis score be used for certification within a certain time frame (for example, 5 years), so you may have to re-take it because the scores have expired. If there is no expiration date, then you should contact your state’s certification office or ETS for information about score conversion. Sorry I can’t be more helpful here, and good luck!


      1. What is a Good Praxis Score? (61)


        So I’ve taken ETS’s official practice test for PLT 7-12 and on multiple choice questions I’ve gotten 51/70 which is 72%. However on my essay proportion I’ve given my self two 2/2 and two 1/1 is this enough to pass the essays confused me scoring wise


        1. What is a Good Praxis Score? (62)

          Magoosh Test Prep Expert

          Hi Jake! When we consider your score to estimate whether you’ll pass, we can only use the multiple choice, and it looks like you’re passed the 40 or so that you need to pass. The essays are incorporated afterward by ETS when you take the real Praxis. If you’re asking whether you’re in range at present, you are! 🙂


  18. What is a Good Praxis Score? (63)

    Haley Wetzel

    What score (1-6) should I aim for on the essay portion of the writting exam?


    1. What is a Good Praxis Score? (64)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Haley,

      That depends on what you have been told by your future employer. The guidelines differ! I recommend looking at what you can find based on what authority will be evaluating your scores. 🙂


  19. What is a Good Praxis Score? (65)


    I took the ESL Praxis last week and at the end of he test it said NS-No score. Yet, on the same screen, it broke down the questions into sections and told me I got 95/120 questions correct.

    I need a 155 in my state to pass. Do you think the raw score of 95 out of 120 is passing? Also, why would they do the NS thing?

    Thank you!!


    1. What is a Good Praxis Score? (66)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Jenny, I’ll be honest with you– the Praxis would do the NS thing because the way they display your scores on test day in the test center is very inconsistent, and suspect to gliche. The good news is that they did still give you enough info to estimate your score. Your final official score will be the percentage of questions you got right, plus 100. 95/120 = about 79%, so your official score will be roughly a 179. That is a passing score by the standards of most states. However, every state has different Praxis requirements. So look up your state on the official Praxis State Requirements web page to see if you passed.


  20. What is a Good Praxis Score? (67)


    what is the best way to study for Praxis Writing? Also if you get a high score in essay can you get less correct on multiple choice and still pass or vise versa?


    1. What is a Good Praxis Score? (68)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      The best way to prepare for Praxis Core Writing is to know the test. Your first stop should be the official Praxis Core Writing Study Companion PDF. This includes a good explanation of test basics as well as a nice range of authentic sample questions and answers from ETS. You may also want to consider buying one or both of the official ETS full-length practice exams; these can be found if you scroll down to the very bottom of the official Praxis Core Writing Prep page.

      And of course, Magoosh has plenty of prep material for you to. I recommend reviewing the articles in the Magoosh Praxis Blog Core Writing archives. You may also want to consider a subscription to Magoosh Praxis Core Premium. There, you can get many additional practice questions and video lessons to help you practice for every part of Praxis Core, including writing.


  21. What is a Good Praxis Score? (69)


    I took a practice test on special education and out of 120 questions I got 66 correct on my first attempt. My state requires a 152 to pass what would think my score would be?


    1. What is a Good Praxis Score? (70)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Red,

      It looks like you got a 55% accuracy rate, which means your score very well could be 155. We can’t make any promises as you’re close enough to the cutoff that it would be risky, but fingers crossed!


    2. What is a Good Praxis Score? (71)

      I just took the Praxis school counselor exam and it showed I got 64 out of 120 correct… is there any possibility I passed? In Mississippi I need a passing score of 156?


      1. What is a Good Praxis Score? (72)

        David Recine

        A 64/120 is 53%. Your scaled score will be approximately 100 + the percent you got correct. So you have roughly a 153 on the Praxis. Now, Praxis scores are often adjusted by a few points after test day. So there is certainly a chance your official score could be adjusted up to 156. I’d advise studying for a retake in case your score doesn’t go up on the official report. But you’ve definitely got a chance of passing! And if you don’t pass now, a retake should definitely do the trick, since you’re close to where you need to be already. 🙂


  22. What is a Good Praxis Score? (73)


    I took the Math Praxis test and got an unofficial score of 143. There were 56 questions, but I was wondering if that is a passing score or not. Also, how many questions does that mean I got correct? Any help is greatly appreciative. Thank you.


    1. What is a Good Praxis Score? (74)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Your unofficial scaled score is (approximately) the percentage of questions you got right, plus 100. 43 + 100 = 143 and means you answered about 43% of the answers right. That means you answered 24 out of the 56 questions correctly. Whether or not that’s passing depends on your state’s Praxis Core Math requirements. You can look those up on the official Praxis state requirements website.


  23. What is a Good Praxis Score? (75)

    Olivia Webster

    Hey I just took my math praxis core and got a 146 unofficial score at the end of the exam. There were a few fill in the blanks. Do you know if the fill in the blank portions need to be graded or if they are automatically
    Inputted with correct variations of answers? I obviously need a 150 and I’m feeling pretty frustrated that I’ve missed it by 4 points!


    1. What is a Good Praxis Score? (76)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Olivia,

      I’m sorry to hear about this frustrating experience! It’s important to note that official scores are sometimes higher than unofficial scores, so I hope that you were able to get those extra few points you needed! I’m sorry for the delay in response–sometimes it takes us a while to wade through blog comments. I’m sure you’ve already received your official scores–did you reach your target?


  24. What is a Good Praxis Score? (77)


    Diligently studying for the Praxis 5101 Business content exam. I’m running around 76 questions correct, this would give me approx 176 score, is that right?


    1. What is a Good Praxis Score? (78)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi there,

      According to the Praxis 5101 Study Companion, there are 120 total questions in the Business Content test. If you use our method for estimating the Praxis II Score, this means that your score would be around 160 (72/120=.6=60%, add 60 to 100 for 160). Keep in mind that this is just an estimate, but it can give you a good idea of where you stand!


  25. What is a Good Praxis Score? (79)



    I’m so nervous about my scores. I just took the test today. My unofficial scores were 200 for reading and 180 for math. However, since my goal is to be a math teacher I am super nervous about my score dropping after official scoring is released. And although I’ve passed it seems for now, I worry that my score will not be good enough. If my score drops for math, by how much could it drop?


    1. What is a Good Praxis Score? (80)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Catherine,

      First of all, congrats on taking these tests and getting such great scores! I know it’s nerve-wracking to wait for the final results, but remember that you have worked hard for this success and deserve a little break 🙂

      It’s true that your official might be a little different from your unofficial score, but it generally only changes 1-3 points. If there is a difference, it is usually a positive one (meaning your score would go up), but there is a chance that it might go down a few points.

      I’d like to reiterate something that we mention in this blog post, however: the only thing that really matters for the Praxis is whether or not you passed. States use the Praxis as a general benchmark to make sure that their teachers are qualified, so as long as you exceeded the required math scores in your state, you should be fine 🙂


  26. What is a Good Praxis Score? (81)


    I took the MIddle School Science and according to the computer I made a 100 but I needed 150. I the 100 the final score. I Just took the test on Wednesday but nothing is on my Praxis page indicating that I even took the test. The test had 125 and I answered all of the questions.


    1. What is a Good Praxis Score? (82)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      It’s a little strange that your ETS account doesn’t indicate you took the test yet (if I’m understanding correctly). You may want to contact Praxis customer service to make sure that record gets updated ASAP.

      As for your score requirement, the 150 requirement would be your scaled score requirement. Because your scaled score requirement is your percentage correct plus 100, you needed 50% correct to pass. (This sounds low, but requirements that would be low on a regular university course exam are quite normal for Praxis.)

      Now, here’s the good news: it’s very likely the score of 100 you saw in the test center isn’t an unofficial scaled score. If your unofficial scaled score was 100, it would mean that you answered literally all 125 questions correctly, which is statistically impossible. 😉 So 100 was probably actually your number of correct answers out of 125. 100/125 = 80%, or an unofficial scaled score of 180. Your official score will either be 180 or something very close to it. So it looks like you passed. Congratulations! 🙂


  27. What is a Good Praxis Score? (83)

    MJ Morning

    I took the Praxis II Social Studies (5081) yesterday as my initial Praxis experience. At the end of the exam, it showed 160* with a breakdown underneath of categories and related scoring. As a Praxis noob, I did not even expect to see my score. I can only assume this is my unofficial score. I asked the administrators who stated they cannot access my score, but if that’s what I saw then I passed (150 is passing). HOWEVER, I was severely unprepared as the result of a scheduling mishap. I did not feel I performed well but was willing to chalk this up for experience. I was stunned to see a passing score. Is what I saw, indeed my unofficial score????


    1. What is a Good Praxis Score? (84)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi MJ,

      Yes, this sounds like your unofficial score, which bodes well for your shot at passing the Praxis! Congrats!


  28. What is a Good Praxis Score? (85)


    I took the Praxis ll LAL as my initial Praxis experience. At the end of the exam, it showed 150 with a breakdown underneath of categories and related scoring. My state requires a 149 to pass when you have a high GPA ( is my case ) what would think my score would be?


    1. What is a Good Praxis Score? (86)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Ari,

      The 150 sounds like your unofficial score, which usually doesn’t change. If it does change, it usually increases by a point or two. It’s not very likely that your official score would be lower than your unofficial score, but it is possible. But from the information you provided here, I think you have a good chance of passing!


  29. What is a Good Praxis Score? (87)


    I just took the middle school math praxis 2 and my unofficial score was 163. To get licensed in DE I need a 165. What constitutes a change in score? Should I plan on just signing up now for a retake or wait for my official scores


    1. What is a Good Praxis Score? (88)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      I would start preparing for a retake now. It is possible that your unofficial score can be adjusted upward by a point or two, but it’s not something you can count on. So start studying for that retake, but hope for the best. If you have the luck to see your score adjusted up to 165, you can always call off the retake. 🙂


  30. What is a Good Praxis Score? (89)

    Rufus J.

    My scored was a 154 ( Spec Ed: CK & Applications – 5354), on my end of test screen. Will that score be my official score? Its was 120 questions.


    1. What is a Good Praxis Score? (90)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Rufus,

      Yes, this is your unofficial score. Your official score might be a little different, but normally the official score is pretty close to the unofficial score!


    2. What is a Good Praxis Score? (91)


      Rufus what can you tell me about this test? Was is hard?


  31. What is a Good Praxis Score? (92)


    Hi I just scored a 158 on the writing section of the Praxis 1. I took the test in the state of Maine and the passing score is a 162, but it also states that; “Applicants for initial teacher certification must achieve a composite score of 468 on the three sections of the Core Academic Skills for Educators, with no single score on any section being more than three points lower than the required score.” I have composite score of over 468, but have missed the 162 by 4 instead of 3. Is it possible to get bumped up one point or is it close enough that I should be fine? What else can I do as I do not want to take it again?Thanks


    1. What is a Good Praxis Score? (93)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Woodrow,

      Sorry to hear that you missed Maine’s Praxis Core requirements by a single point on one test! That definitely sounds frustrating. In your case, I’d say it couldn’t hurt to request a score review for your essay. When score review requests are successful, they typically change your score by just a point or two, but just a point or two is all you need. 🙂

      With that said, I’d also recommend preparing for a retake even if you are also waiting on a score review. Since you were off by just one point, a retake is highly likely to get you up to the score you need. In fact, retaking Core Writing gives you better chances of success than the rescore. Rescores simply don’t guarantee results the same way that hard work and study can, once you’re already very close to your target score.


  32. What is a Good Praxis Score? (94)

    Missy Nunez

    I just finished taking the FACS #5122 Praxis. I got 82 questions right out of 120. What would my score be?


    1. What is a Good Praxis Score? (95)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Your estimated score is the percentage of questions you got right, plus 100. 82/120 is roughly 68%, so your scaled score estimate would be 168.


  33. What is a Good Praxis Score? (96)


    I scored 170 in 5018 I need an official score of 135 to pass and 177 in 5025 with a required scored of 155. Is it safe to say I passed?


    1. What is a Good Praxis Score? (97)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      It is safe to say you passed, Leo. 🙂 Official Praxis scores can be slightly adjusted from the scores you see in the test center, but they certainly wouldn’t be adjusted by 30+ or 20+ points. Congratulations!


  34. What is a Good Praxis Score? (98)

    40/56 on the practice reading 5712 praxis core test. I need 156 to pass what does my score mean ?


    1. What is a Good Praxis Score? (99)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Tynia,

      This blog post provides some information on how to predict your Praxis score: https://magoosh.com/praxis/unofficial-scores-on-the-praxis-core-what-you-need-to-know/

      According to this method, we can estimate your score to be around a 171 🙂


  35. What is a Good Praxis Score? (100)


    I got 60 out of 110 correct on my 5411 practice test. What would my score be?


    1. What is a Good Praxis Score? (101)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Your scaled score is approximately the percentage of answers you got right, plus 100. 60/110 is about 54%, which means a likely final score of about 154.


      1. What is a Good Praxis Score? (102)


        I just took a practice test for the praxis 5411. I got 76 out of the 110 questions correct, the site said my score would approximately be a 149, is that accurate?


        1. What is a Good Praxis Score? (103)

          Magoosh Test Prep Expert

          To me, it looks like you’d get a 169, since 76/110 = 69%, and your scaled Praxis score is approximately your percent correct, plus 100. What site indicated a 149?


  36. What is a Good Praxis Score? (104)


    I got 88 out of 120 0n my practice test. What kind of score is that?


    1. What is a Good Praxis Score? (105)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Your final official scaled score will be approximately 100 plus the percentage of answers you got right. You got about 72% right. That would be a 172, which is a passing score on many Praxis tests, by the standards of many states. So that’s probably a good score. 🙂 But to be sure, double-check your exam in your state via the Praxis state requirements website.


  37. What is a Good Praxis Score? (106)

    karli komar

    I took the praxis 1517 today.
    I received a raw score of 180 on reading and 132 on math and i feel confident in the writing portion. Based on my reading and math did i pass?


    1. What is a Good Praxis Score? (107)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      It looks like you mistyped the Praxis number– I wasn’t able to find a Praxis 1517. Regardless, once you find the right number, you can look up passing scores for your state on the official Praxis state requirements website. 🙂


  38. What is a Good Praxis Score? (108)


    I just took 5002 and made a raw score of 134. I need a 154 to pass in my state. Is it safe to say that I failed?


    1. What is a Good Praxis Score? (109)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Amy,

      Is 134 your raw score or unofficial score? If it is your unofficial score, then unfortunately you probably did not pass. We don’t usually see such extreme adjustments between the official and the unofficial scores. However, if 134 was your raw score (number of points correct), then you have a chance of passing. We have a method for estimating scores here, and a raw score of 134 is pretty close to a 154. You’ll have to wait for your official scores to be sure–good luck!


  39. What is a Good Praxis Score? (110)


    Hello! I just scored 93/120 questions on the special ed. Praxis. (5354) What do you estimate my scaled score will be?


    1. What is a Good Praxis Score? (111)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Julie,

      We have a method for estimating your Praxis score here. It’s only an estimate, but this puts your score around 177 🙂


  40. What is a Good Praxis Score? (112)

    Kent Carpenter

    It is hard or difficult to believe that if you only get 65 out 120 questions correct on the special education core knowledge test 5354, that, that would be a passing score in MT, which requires a score of 159. How can that be so? I have been getting 90-106 on ETS practice tests, so please comfort me by saying I should not be concerned come actual test time.

    Thank you


    1. What is a Good Praxis Score? (113)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Surprising at it may seem, this is correct! The Praxis (and most other standardized tests from ETS) simply aren’t judged on the same scale as regular homework assignments or exams you might have had in school, and each state sets their own passing requirement. It sounds like you are in good shape for your exam 🙂


    2. What is a Good Praxis Score? (114)

      Kent Carpenter

      I just took the Praxis 5354 for Montana and my raw score was 79. What will that equate to for final score? I need 159 to pass. I feel pretty confident that I did well on test, but am anxious and inpatient to hear official reports.

      Thank you in advance.


  41. What is a Good Praxis Score? (115)

    Jon Kim

    Hi. I recently finished taking my praxis core math exam. I answered 29 out of 56 questions correctly but I only received a official score of 142. According to the calculating equations you gave, I should’ve received an official score of 150-151. I’m wondering if ETS made a mistake on calculating my official score. Should I contact ETS to get some explanations?


    1. What is a Good Praxis Score? (116)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Jon,

      Our score calculations are only an estimation and, unfortunately, they are not always correct. Each Praxis test is different, and ETS adjusts the scores to account for differences in different versions of the test. A downward adjustment like the one you saw could mean a few different things. It might indicate that your test version was easier than ‘normal’, or that some of the questions that you answered correctly were experimental and did not count towards your score. I know it’s frustrating to get a score that is lower than expected, but ETS generally doesn’t make mistakes in their grading–it’s more likely that our estimation just didn’t work as well in this case.


  42. What is a Good Praxis Score? (117)


    I just took the Praxis CASE Mathematics which does not have any written components except writing a number in a selected box, etc. How long will it take to get the official scores?


    1. What is a Good Praxis Score? (118)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Bekah,

      Since the CASE Mathematics test is continuously offered, you should receive your scores within 2-3 weeks of taking the test. You’ll be able to view your scores on your online Praxis account. Fingers crossed!


  43. What is a Good Praxis Score? (119)


    Hi i scored a 31 out of 56 on a praxis reading practice test. What would the score for this be?


    1. What is a Good Praxis Score? (120)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Shannon,

      This percent correct would put you somewhere around a 155. Keep in mind that this is only an estimate, and the scaling process might move that number up or down a few points, but I hope that helps you as a benchmark value 🙂


  44. What is a Good Praxis Score? (121)

    Audrey Ricardo

    Hi! What about 5511, how is this calculated. I need 150. Thanks


    1. What is a Good Praxis Score? (122)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Audrey,

      You can see our method for how to estimate your score for any Praxis II exam here: https://magoosh.com/praxis/praxis-ii-scores-need-know/


  45. What is a Good Praxis Score? (123)

    Nycole G Coleman

    I need a score of 148 on my Biology Praxis. The test consists of 150 questions. What is the rough estimate I would need to get correct in order to get this score?


    1. What is a Good Praxis Score? (124)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Nycole,

      You would need to get approximately half of the questions (aim for 75+ questions) right to meet that minimum. 🙂


  46. What is a Good Praxis Score? (125)

    Maria Viso

    Hello.. please help i just took the praxis 5025 for early childhood for new jersey. To pass it says u need 156…. I got a 155!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m sooo worried n upset please help me… th. Xo


    1. What is a Good Praxis Score? (126)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Maria,

      There is a small chance your final score will add that additional point. Good luck, and don’t lose hope!


  47. What is a Good Praxis Score? (127)


    I scored a 158 on my praxis writing and need a 162. Everywhere i research and people i have talked to it seems no one gets higher than a 16 on the essay portion. thats even what I got. I am a good writee and it seems weird that I can only get a 16. How can I raise this?


    1. What is a Good Praxis Score? (128)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Melissa,

      We have a lot of resources that can help you to improve on the Core Writing essays! Check out these blog posts to get you started:
      How to write top-scoring Praxis essays
      How to study for the Praxis Writing
      Praxis Core Writing Tips


  48. What is a Good Praxis Score? (129)


    HI there,
    I am taking the PRAXIS 5411 test in a few weeks. I took the ETS practice test and scored a 78 out of 110 so I answered 70% of the questions correctly. My state requires a 145 to pass the test but I am unsure how this percentage relates to the 100-200 score range. Can you tell me if I am in the ballpark for passing? Thank you!


    1. What is a Good Praxis Score? (130)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      The 100-200 is (approximately) your percentage correct, plus 100. So your 70% would translate to roughly a 170 on the exam. Definitely comfortably in the ballpark for passing. Nice work, Alison! 🙂


      1. What is a Good Praxis Score? (131)


        I am coming back for an update. I took the real test yesterday for 5411. My raw score was an 81/110 and my unofficial scaled score was 189. When I took the practice tests I was consistently answering between 78-82 percent correct. So my actual test day score was slightly higher than the formula on this blog but it was very close. Thanks for the help!


  49. What is a Good Praxis Score? (132)


    Any idea what a passing score for the 5411 in Texas would be? I received a raw score of 143.


    1. What is a Good Praxis Score? (133)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      According to the official Praxis standards web page for Texas, it looks like Texas doesn’t accept Praxis 5411 (Educational Leadership: Administration and Supervision). If you live in Texas and are sure that Texas does accept that exam, I would contact the Texas board of education or talk to your teacher training program to get info on the 5411 requirements. But like I said, on the official site, it doesn’t look like that’s a Texas-recognized exam.


  50. What is a Good Praxis Score? (134)


    I just took the Health praxis 5551, I got 89 as my raw score. I need a 164 for CT certification. It came back as an NS as my grade. Do you think I got that 164?


    1. What is a Good Praxis Score? (135)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Win,

      You can see our method for estimating Praxis II scores in this blog post. It’s not perfect, but it will give you a good sense of what to expect in your official score report!


  51. What is a Good Praxis Score? (136)


    Hi, so I have been taking practice tests to see if I am prepared to take the Praxis core exam. I generally get a raw score of 37-39 out of 56 on reading. (I have to have a 156).

    On the math, I usually get from 36-39out of 56. (I need a 150).

    I’d like to know if I am prepared to take the exam in these subjects or if I need a little more preparation. Thanks in advance!


    1. What is a Good Praxis Score? (137)

      David Recine

      Your Praxis Core scaled score will be (approximately) 100 plus the percentage you got correct. A 37/56 is about 66 percent, so you’re sitting at a 166 minimum in your Core Reading practice. And that formula puts you at a 164 in your math practice.

      So it sounds like you’re ready to pass the real exam. Congratulations, Makenna! 🙂


  52. What is a Good Praxis Score? (138)


    Hi – just took the 5331 Speech-Language Pathology test. At the end if the test there was no unofficial score just some letters. What does this mean?


    1. What is a Good Praxis Score? (139)

      David Recine

      The good news is that probably doesn’t mean anything truly bad. If you saw no numerical score at the end of your test, that nearly always means that the test center computer simply failed to show you your score, due to an error on the display screen. This happens frustratingly often! So it’s probably just that. But if you’re still worried, you could contact Praxis customer service to double-check and see if there’s any issue with your test.


  53. What is a Good Praxis Score? (140)


    Thank you for having such a helpful site. In the state of Nevada the passing scores are as follows: Reading 5712: passing score 156, Writing 5722: passing score 162, Math 5732: 150. May I request that you give me the percentage of all three subjects and how many questions to answer correctly in order to achieve the scores necessary to pass? Thank you.


    1. What is a Good Praxis Score? (141)

      David Recine

      Your scaled official Praxis score is approximately the percentage of questions you got right, plus 100. So for Reading, you’d need at least 56% correct, for Writing, you’d need at least 62% correct, and for Math, you’d need at least 50% correct.

      For Reading and Math, this means getting the necessary percentage of the multiple choice or numeric entry questions correct. For Praxis Core Writing, calculating the minimum score you need is a little trickier, because the exam contains both multiple choice and essay questions. For more information on predicting Praxis Core Writing scores specifically, see my post “Predicting Your Praxis Score When Constructed Response is Involved.”


  54. What is a Good Praxis Score? (142)


    I got 31 of 60 questions correct on the Algebra I practice test. This is 51.67%. How does that equate to the Praxis Test Score? I need a 157 to pass in my state.


    1. What is a Good Praxis Score? (143)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Tracy!

      This blog post should be able to help. 🙂 With that said, a raw score of 31/60 would result in a roughly ~151 or 152 on the exam. Because scores rarely change more than 3 points, it’s likely that you would have to retake the test. I’m sorry about that!


  55. What is a Good Praxis Score? (144)

    Just completed the sitting of the Social Studies Content Knowledge test (5081). The score reported at the conclusion when the session expired was 187. Questions: Would this be the raw score or the unofficial score? What does this mean for the most important report-the official score?


    1. What is a Good Praxis Score? (145)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Wayne!

      The Praxis 5081 only has 130 questions, so it looks like 187 is your unofficial score. Although it could change by a couple of points, official scores are often the same as the unofficial scores. 🙂


  56. What is a Good Praxis Score? (146)


    Magoosh Test Prep Expert,

    First, thanks for taking the time to answer everyone’s questions. I’ve learned a bunch from these pages.

    I’ve just completed a marathon of Praxis testing. After getting past the core tests, I tackled the endorsem*nt areas. My question is about those scores.

    Here is how I scored:
    PLT – 188
    Social Sciences – 189(E)
    Business Education – 197
    Computer Science – 191

    Apparently, the (E) means “Excellence”. This brings up a few questioss.

    First, what does this “Excellence” REALLY mean, if anything?

    Second, how is it that this “E” was applied to the Social Sciences and not the other two with higher scores? I can see how the PLT might have not “made the cut”.

    Finally, does any of this even really matter once you have your license? Is it at all helpful in distinguishing yourself from other applicants?

    Thanks in advance for taking the time to answer these sorts of ‘left field’ questions!


    1. What is a Good Praxis Score? (147)

      David Recine

      Congratulations on getting through a really battery of tests, all with scores that seem pretty good, percentile wise. (I’m assuming you passed, too!) As for what the “E” means, that’s a good question. I believe “E” is usually used by the Praxis as a commendation on having a good percentile score. Since percentiles vary form year to year and depend on how all the other text-takers do, that would explain why certain scores in one exam wuld get an E, while comparable or higher scores in another test might not get that E.

      I’m not entirely sure about the meaning of E though, as Praxis is not all that forthcoming on their website about the finer points of their score reports. In either case, state teacher licensing boards just look at the score itself, and not any additional notations. With at in mind, if you’re really curious about the meaning of that (E), I recommend directly contacting Praxis Customer Service. If you do go that route, come back and let us know what they said, if you can. (I do think my theory’s correct based on the kinds of special recognition Praxis sometimes gives to its test-takers, but it would be very interesting to see if they can confirm that. 🙂 )


  57. What is a Good Praxis Score? (148)


    So i just finished the praxis 5354 and it said my raw score was 92 correct answers. There were 120 questions total. However my scaled score was 186. According to what you have been saying my score should be a 177. Please explain this….


    1. What is a Good Praxis Score? (149)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Michelle!

      That is quite a large difference, and I’m sorry that our estimation didn’t work in this case. ETS is not very forthcoming with information about how they score specific Praxis tests, and unfortunately, there are some reasons why this estimation method would not work in particular cases. Sometimes scores can be quite a bit higher or lower than what we estimate.

      With that said, it sounds like you did great on the exam! Congratulations.


  58. What is a Good Praxis Score? (150)

    Jennifer Sallee

    The comment in your article regarding employers(schools) not asking for your official scores is inaccurate. I’ve been browsing job applications for Elementary Education Teachers in several counties within Tennessee and North Carolina; every application I have come across asks for a copy of your Praxis scores ( all tests taken). I do believe a higher score will you an edge during the interview process.


    1. What is a Good Praxis Score? (151)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Thank you for this feedback, Jennifer! I’m going to send your comment to our content team so that we can do more research on this 🙂

      In the meantime, if any other readers have similar stories, please share!


  59. What is a Good Praxis Score? (152)

    Sutton b

    I received a 180 on the middle school math praxis. What would this translate to in a percentage? I’m asking because I have an interview coming up and I want to know if I should mention my score or not.


    1. What is a Good Praxis Score? (153)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi there,

      180 sounds like your scaled score. Whether this is a good score or not depends on the passing score for your state or district. A 180 would be considered a passing score in most places, so if it come up in your interview I’d definitely recommend bragging a little bit 🙂


  60. What is a Good Praxis Score? (154)

    Eman Wasef

    Hi I just took the praxis 2 art knowledge test and got a 148 on the screen , new jersey you have to get 158 but is 148 the raw Im honestly confused i dont know if I am passing or not or shoould I retake the test.


    1. What is a Good Praxis Score? (155)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Eman,

      Thanks for reaching out to us. Unfortunately, there are only 120 questions on the Praxis: Art Content Knowledge (5134). Because of that, 148 would be your official score. Because of that, I’d recommend preparing for a retake. I’m sorry about that!

      Best of luck moving forward! 🙂


  61. What is a Good Praxis Score? (156)


    I just took the PRACTICE Practice for Biology offered by ETS/Praxis, and scored 114 correct out of 150 questions asked. It doesn’t tell me whether or not that’s a passing score, and I can’t find the answer online. Thoughts?


    1. What is a Good Praxis Score? (157)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Rebecca,

      The passing score required for the Praxis is different in each state. If you can’t find this information online, then you may be able to contact your state’s board of education for more information.

      For your reference, the estimated score for a 114/150 would be around a 175.

      Hope this helps!


  62. What is a Good Praxis Score? (158)


    Hello I have a few questions about my scores and how far I am
    Praxis core scores:

    Math 123
    Reading 138
    Writing 148
    I was just wondering how many questions am I away from getting a passing score.


    1. What is a Good Praxis Score? (159)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Shonna,

      The answer to this question depends on what your passing score is! You can see this blog post for more information about how to estimate your score and percent correct.


  63. What is a Good Praxis Score? (160)

    Tanner L Holley

    I just took the Government / Political Science Exam (5931) and got a raw score of 76 out of 120 questions. I need a 149 to pass in my state (TN). What would my scaled score be?


    1. What is a Good Praxis Score? (161)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Taller, see more information here: Praxis II Scores. Please note that this method is just an estimate.


  64. What is a Good Praxis Score? (162)


    I scored a 165 on the computer science exam. Will that be passing if it sticks?


    1. What is a Good Praxis Score? (163)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Jack,

      Each state (and sometimes school district) determines what a passing score is for the Praxis test. I recommend looking up the requirements on your state’s department of education website for more information.


  65. What is a Good Praxis Score? (164)


    Hi! I took my praxis II yesterday and my raw score for math was a 156. I need a 157, any luck they round to the nearest point 😂. The sub section numbers were. 11-6-7.


    1. What is a Good Praxis Score? (165)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Monica, the unofficial score and the official score are usually the same, but occasionally they change by a point or so. You’ll have to wait for the official score to know for sure! Good luck 🙂


  66. What is a Good Praxis Score? (166)


    Hi! I just took my Praxis Core Math (5733) My score was 164. What does this mean? Did I pass?


    1. What is a Good Praxis Score? (167)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      This sounds like your unofficial score. You should check the passing score in your state or school district to see if this counts as passing.


  67. What is a Good Praxis Score? (168)

    Min Zhang

    Hello teacher

    I just took a Praxis Core reading test in NJ and my unofficial score is 158. NJ’s score is 156 for reading. I wonder if I passed it or not. Thank you.


    1. What is a Good Praxis Score? (169)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Min, sounds like you passed! The unofficial score is usually the same as the official score. Congrats!


  68. What is a Good Praxis Score? (170)


    I am planning to take the General Science (high school) Praxis 5435. Can you tell me the number of correct answers I would need to pass? I believe there are 135 questions on the test. Thank you!


    1. What is a Good Praxis Score? (171)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Denise,

      The number of questions that you’d need to pass depends on the score required in your state. 🙂 For example, if you need a 150 to pass, you’d need to get at least 68 questions correct on the Praxis 5435.


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What is a Good Praxis Score? (2024)
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