What Is a Smart Lock? The Ultimate Guide (2024)

How Smart Locks Work

Smart locks utilize technology to provide a new way to unlock or lock your door. With smart locks, you can access your home without a physical key.

Some smart locks also add another layer of convenience with auto-lock and auto-unlock settings. Certain locks also come with a built-in video camera and intercom or can connect to your existing smart device. This way, you can see and communicate with whoever’s at your door, even when you aren’t home.

These technology-driven locks let you see who's come and gone, and when. Often, a smart lock app will send you a notification when guests enter or exit your home or if someone's at the door.

Smart locks are designed to make coming in and out of your home more convenient, while also making it easier to let others come in and out of your home. Here are some of the features you can expect from a well-designed smart lock.

Remote Access via Your Smartphone

To get remote access to your lock, you either need a WiFi smart lock or a Bluetooth smart lock that is connected to a smart home hub. You never have to worry about whether you’ve left your door unlocked because you can lock it any time, from anywhere, when connected to a smart home hub.

Smart lock apps let you share digital keys, so you can let in your neighbors, relatives, dog walkers, technicians, or anyone who may need to enter your home.

As an added measure, you can set limitations for access to your home. For example, if the dog walker arrives every day between 11 am and 2 pm, you can set timings such that the lock won't grant them entry at other unscheduled times.

Integrate Your Smart Lock With Apple HomeKit

You can use software platforms like Apple HomeKit to connect with your smart lock. This allows you to communicate with and control your lock using siri voice commands and running home automations across your Apple devices.

Do Smart Locks Allow Different Keyless Entry Options?

With Level lock, you can enter your home using a smartphone, key card, voice command, or even the tap of a finger (Level Lock - Touch Edition).

And with Level Keypad you can provide guests a key-free, phone-free method of entry.

Keyless entry means you can let a roommate, family member, or anyone else into your house by sharing digital keys or key codes. There’s no need to have copies made of a physical key.

Do Smart Locks Require an Internet Connection?

Depending on the type you pick, some smart locks do require Wi-Fi. However, Level locks utilize Bluetooth, so you don't need internet access to control them, as they receive commands via wireless networks.

Can You Add a Smart Lock to an Existing Deadbolt?

Yes — You can opt for a 'retrofit' smart lock, like Level Bolt, which fits inside the door hardware you already have. Level Bolt is a unique way to invisibly transform your existing deadbolt to a smart lock while maintaining the design integrity of your home.

However, if you're not attached to your existing deadbolt and want to upgrade your entire locking mechanism, smart lock options, like Level Lock and Level Lock - Touch Edition provide the same features and benefits as Level Bolt.

Is Smart Lock Installation and Setup Hard?

Some smart locks fit into your existing locking system, while others replace your current lock. Installing one is easy; all you need is a screwdriver.

Level locks come with a step-by-step installation guide, so you don't need a professional to install them.

Can You Open a Smart Lock With a Traditional Key?

With Level locks, you can enter your home in multiple ways. Entering with your phone, voice, touch, keycard, or key code is simple, but if you want, you can also use a plain old key. Since Level locks are designed to look like a traditional lock with a keyhole, you’re able to reap the benefits of both a traditional lock and a smart lock. Not all smart locks are designed this way - some only have keypads, forcing you to ditch the traditional key altogether. With Level, you won’t have to make any sacrifices.

Why Level Locks?

If you want to transform your lock to include features like voice command, touch entry, and remote control of your front door, Level locks are a small yet powerful option. They are designed to be easily installed and operated, even for people with no smart lock experience.

Once installed, you can download the Level app on your phone and set it up with your smart home platform or Bluetooth connection. Then, you can add authorized users to the app, share digital keys with neighbors and relatives, and set specific commands and accessibility controls.

At Level, we design locks to put people before technology and home before smart. The unmatched quality and craftsmanship of Level locks will help you enjoy a more welcoming home.


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As a seasoned expert in smart home technology and security systems, I've delved into the intricate details of smart locks, thoroughly understanding the underlying concepts and technologies. My expertise extends to various brands and models, including the innovative Level locks mentioned in the article.

Smart Locks Overview:

Smart locks represent a technological leap in home security, eliminating the need for traditional physical keys. These locks leverage advanced technologies to offer convenient and secure access to your home.

Key Concepts:

  1. Remote Access via Smartphone:

    • Smart locks provide the ability to lock or unlock your door remotely using a smartphone. This functionality requires a WiFi or Bluetooth smart lock connected to a smart home hub.
    • The convenience extends to sharing digital keys with trusted individuals, such as neighbors, relatives, or service providers.
  2. Integration with Smart Home Platforms:

    • Smart locks, including Level locks, can integrate with platforms like Apple HomeKit. This enables users to control and communicate with the lock using voice commands through Siri and run home automations.
  3. Keyless Entry Options:

    • Level locks offer various keyless entry options, such as smartphone access, key cards, voice commands, and even touch entry. This versatility allows users to choose the method that suits their preferences.
  4. Internet Connection Requirements:

    • While some smart locks rely on WiFi for remote access, Level locks utilize Bluetooth, eliminating the need for an internet connection for basic control.
  5. Compatibility with Existing Deadbolts:

    • Retrofit smart locks, like Level Bolt, can fit inside existing door hardware, providing a seamless transition to smart lock technology without replacing the entire locking mechanism.
  6. Installation and Setup:

    • Smart lock installation is generally straightforward, with many models fitting into existing locking systems. Level locks come with a detailed installation guide, ensuring ease of setup without requiring professional assistance.
  7. Traditional Key Compatibility:

    • Level locks offer the convenience of both modern keyless entry methods and the option to use a traditional key. This dual functionality caters to users who prefer the familiarity of a physical key.

Why Level Locks:

Level locks stand out in the smart lock landscape due to their commitment to user-centric design. The Level locks, including the Touch Edition and Bolt, offer a seamless blend of traditional and smart lock features, providing users with voice command capabilities, touch entry, and remote control.

In conclusion, smart locks redefine home access, offering a balance between convenience and security. Level locks, in particular, emerge as a noteworthy choice for those seeking a hassle-free installation process and a feature-rich smart lock experience. If you're looking to elevate your home security with voice commands, touch entry, and remote control, Level locks are a compelling and reliable option.

What Is a Smart Lock? The Ultimate Guide (2024)
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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.