What is Employee Retention? Everything You Need to Know (2024)


What is employee retention?

Employee retention is the organizational goal of keeping productive and talented workers and reducing turnover by fostering a positive work atmosphere to promote engagement, showing appreciation to employees, providing competitive pay and benefits, and encouraging a healthy work-life balance.

Employers are particularly interested in retaining employees during periods of low unemployment and heightened competition for talent. To retain employees, organizations use human resources technology for recruiting, onboarding, engaging and recognizing workers, as well as offering more work flexibility and modern benefits like physical and financial wellness programs.

Why employee retention is important

Employee retention is important to team building and cohesion in the workplace so workers can come to trust and depend on each other.

Diminished productivity and competitive advantage are among the biggest losses when talented employees leave an organization. High employee turnover rates can harm an organization's ability to carry out its mission due to impairments to continuity, loss of institutional knowledge, and high costs of replacing departing workers and training new replacements. Employee departures can also lower morale and prompt more employees to leave the organization.

Another negative effect of turnover is the impact to customers who notice that they're dealing with a continual flow of different people. High turnover typically signals consumers that there's something wrong with the organization or brand.

Business benefits of employee retention

Employee engagement and employee experience are among the more important strategies in retaining valued workers and maintaining a positive employer-employee relationship. Significant business benefits include the following:

  • Better process efficiency. Longer-term employees know how the company wants things done and possess institutional knowledge they can draw on, leading to greater work efficiencies and attaining company goals expediently.
  • Greater worker productivity. Seasoned employees are often skilled at quickly and efficiently executing their tasks. Conversely, hiring new replacements typically causes delays and inevitable, prolonged and costly mistakes in workflows.
  • Higher employee morale. Employees are more likely to have higher morale, take pride in their work and therefore perform better when they have a sense of belonging in the organization. High turnover rates can create the opposite effect.
  • Reduced staffing costs. Recruitment and training can cost organizations significant sums each year. Retaining employees is the best way to curb those costs.
  • Improved customer experiences. Customers tend to strongly favor organizations where they see friendly and familiar faces over time and develop a relationship with one or more employees. Low turnover rates can increase positive customer perceptions.
  • Increased revenue and ROI. Multiple studies show direct correlations between increased revenues and lower employee turnover, higher employee morale and improved employee experiences.
What is Employee Retention? Everything You Need to Know (1)

Key causes for high employee turnover

Exit interviews and employee surveys reveal some of the more common reasons why employees quit their job, including the following:

  • poor compensation;
  • insufficient employee benefits;
  • lack of remote work and work-from-home opportunities;
  • lack of career development opportunities;
  • lack of work-life balance;
  • poor or undefined company culture;
  • no sense of belonging with team members or the company at large;
  • lack of recognition or rewards;
  • concerns about the company's financial health; and
  • better job opportunities elsewhere.

Effective employee retention strategies

Companies concerned about retaining valued employees can take several immediate actions in key areas to help bolster their retention programs and lower turnover rates.

Onboarding. Companies focused on retaining employees usually start with the hiring and onboarding process by giving new workers adequate training and orientation about the company's culture. They also give new employees an opportunity to ask questions about their work and engage in dialogue with their supervisors. Employees are often offered, or at least surveyed on, flexible or hybrid work schedules to better ensure a good work-life balance and improve the overall employee experience.

Recognition, rewards and compensation. Some organizations use systematic recognition and rewards strategies to show they value their employees. Some employers rely on employee engagement software that uses gamification and other techniques to recognize workers and provide rewards and perks like retail discounts. Employers also focus on competitive pay using employee compensation management software that compares pay rates with benchmarks for given regions, job titles and performance ratings.

Benefits. Employers seek to distinguish themselves in the hiring arena by offering slates of varied benefits, including voluntary, employee paid and corporate subsidized. Newer types of benefits include lower premium, higher deductible health insurance plans, pet insurance, education debt repayment programs and legal counseling.

Performance feedback and reviews. To promote good communication and transparency, especially with the advent of remote and hybrid workforces, many companies don't wait for an annual review to evaluate an employee's performance. Instead, managers hold frequent one-on-one meetings with employees to provide constructive feedback, periodically discuss their professional interests and goals, and encourage new ideas.

Training, education and development. Companies offer employees opportunities for advancement through programs that provide upskilling, succession planning and attendance at conferences and webinars. They also promote programs that pair an employee with a mentor who can offer guidance and training in a specific area of expertise.

Perks. To foster work-life balance, companies offer flexible work schedules, time off and shorter work weeks; telecommuting via work-from-home schedules; and remote work opportunities for extended vacation and holiday location stays. They also train managers to encourage employees to take vacations.

Amenities. Employers increasingly provide office amenities such as ergonomic and standing desks, subsidized meals, free refreshments, daycare, elderly care and relaxation hubs featuring games like ping-pong and pool.

What is Employee Retention? Everything You Need to Know (2)

Employee retention metrics and measuring

HR departments can deploy employee engagement software to do pulse surveys on worker impressions of the company and take action to remedy areas where employees show low job satisfaction. Such surveys are usually anonymous and brief, so employees are more likely to participate.

Within an organization, a feeling of belonging and being heard are considered key aspects of employee retention. Workers also often cite the importance of managers who support them. Frequent surveys are a way to gauge employee feelings about their supervisor.

Employers also use corporate wellness technology that encourages companywide teamwork through a variety of techniques, such as competitive activities and group volunteer projects. Promoting physical and psychological well-being is sometimes a key aspect of corporate wellness. For example, organizations can provide incentives and discounts on health insurance for employees who use wearables, mobile devices and other metrics to track their physical health and activity.

Using HR software to improve employee retention

Depending on the application, there are several different types of HR software available, including hybrid work systems, HR information systems, HR management systems, human capital management systems, applicant tracking systems and payroll systems.

For hybrid work schedules, the newest category of HR software manages flexible hours and work environments that blend on-premises and remote work scheduling for each employee, as well as space requirements such as hot desking, hoteling, customizable work hubs and conference areas. These tools can also play a role in managing employee retention efforts. In addition, HR information, management and capital management systems incorporate elements of employee retention tracking and management.

This was last updated in September 2022

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What is Employee Retention? Everything You Need to Know (2024)


What is employee retention in simple words? ›

Employee retention is defined as an organization's ability to prevent employee turnover, or the number of people who leave their job in a certain period, either voluntarily or involuntarily. Increasing employee retention has a direct impact on business performance and success.

What are the four parts of retention? ›

The 4 Cornerstones of Employee Retention
  • Leadership That Listens. Employees are hired to do a job, which includes not only listening to leadership directives, but also executing upon those mandates. ...
  • Culture That Rewards Performance. ...
  • Culture That Is Flexible. ...
  • Transparent Communications.
26 Oct 2017

What is most important for employee retention? ›

Research shows that six important factors in employee retention are people and culture, acknowledgement at work, providing meaningful benefits, ongoing training, workplace environment, and mission and values alignment.

What are the 5 main drivers of employee retention? ›

The key drivers of employee retention
  • Recognition and appreciation. Employee retention starts with creating a healthy work culture and recognizing people as individuals rather than replaceable parts. ...
  • Work balance. ...
  • Flexibility. ...
  • Training and development. ...
  • Organizational and individual alignment. ...
  • Competitive pay plans.
20 Jan 2022

What are the 3 stages of retention? ›

This customer retention cycle consists of three components.
  • Collecting customer data.
  • Managing customer relationships and.
  • Communicating effectively with customers.
15 Aug 2017

What are the keys to retention? ›

5 Keys to Employee Retention

What can HR do to retain employees? ›

Employee retention strategies for job satisfaction
  • Onboarding and orientation. Every new hire should be set up for success from the start. ...
  • Mentorship programs. ...
  • Employee compensation. ...
  • Perks. ...
  • Wellness offerings. ...
  • Communication. ...
  • Continuous feedback on performance. ...
  • Training and development.
10 Jul 2022

How do you retain employees successfully? ›

8 Simple Ways to Retain Your Best Employees
  1. Pay above-average salaries. ...
  2. Allow employees to speak their minds. ...
  3. Show appreciation and respect. ...
  4. Encourage input and feedback. ...
  5. Don't micromanage. ...
  6. Identify and invest in high performers. ...
  7. Offer the ability to grow. ...
  8. Provide flexibility.
13 Oct 2020

What is the first step in retention? ›

The first step in developing a retention plan is to use exit interviews and/or surveys to find out the satisfaction level of employees. Once you have the data, you can begin to write the plan, making sure it is tied to the organizational objectives.

What are the eight retention strategies? ›

Eight employee retention strategies to consider
  • A thoughtful, intentional onboarding process. ...
  • Promotions and professional development. ...
  • Competitive pay and perks. ...
  • Public recognition. ...
  • Work-life balance and flexibility. ...
  • Constant communication and continuous feedback. ...
  • Diversity, equity and inclusion. ...
  • Teamwork.
19 Jul 2022

How do you retain employees 2022? ›

Table of Contents
  1. Offer Competitive Base Salaries or Hourly Wages.
  2. Let Your Employees Work From Home.
  3. Provide Flexible Scheduling and Reduced Workdays.
  4. Encourage and Promote a Work-Life Balance.
  5. Recognize and Reward Your Employees for Their Work.
  6. Create a Culture That Employees Want To Be Part Of.
  7. Build Employee Engagement.
19 Sept 2022

Why is retention most challenging? ›

Retention becomes a problem when an employee quotes an exceptionally high figure beyond the budget of the organization and is just not willing to compromise. The organization needs to take care of the interests of the other employees as well and can't afford to make them angry.

What are the disadvantages of employee retention? ›

Retention can influence employees to overestimate their worth and shift power to the wrong hands. As a result, the work quality and workflow impact a lot. With overestimating the worth, it can create micro-groups between employees that can hamper the balance in the workplace.

What is the formula for employee retention? ›

Retention rate is often calculated on an annual basis, dividing the number of employees with one year or more of service by the number of staff in those positions one year ago. Positions added during the year would not be counted.

What are retention tools? ›

An employee retention tool is a platform or program that helps drive employee engagement, satisfaction, peer-to-peer connectedness, and of course, retention.

What are the two types of retention? ›

The truth is that there are at least three different types of retention in insurance—customer retention, revenue retention, and policy retention—and although there is some overlap among the three, success in one doesn't guarantee success in all the others.

What are three ways to retain employees? ›

If your company is having a tough time keeping employees, here are ten tips we propose for how to retain the ones you've got:
  • Make Day 90 as Important as Day One (Onboarding) ...
  • Optimize Your Benefits. ...
  • Give Your Employees Flexibility with Their Schedules. ...
  • Recognize Your Employees' Hard Work.
15 Sept 2022

What are retention tactics? ›

A retention strategy is a plan that organizations create and use to reduce employee turnover, prevent attrition, increase retention, and foster employee engagement.

Who is responsible for employee retention? ›

And of course, a central role in employee retention is the manager. Gallup reports that managers are responsible for 70% of the variance in engagement. This means that organizations need to provide managers with the training and tools to contribute in a positive way to employee retention.

How do you write a retention plan? ›

How To Write a Retention Plan
  1. Create Responsibility. One of the most important parts of your retention plan is holding your managers responsible for their own turnover rate. ...
  2. Assess Your Current Turnover Rate. ...
  3. The Value of Exit Interviews. ...
  4. Use Employee Surveys. ...
  5. Keeping Your Top Performers.
13 Mar 2017

What is a good day 7 retention? ›

Traditionally, good retention rates are: Day 1 Retention – 40% Day 7 Retention – 20% Day 28 Retention – 10%

How do you retain and attract employees? ›

10 Tips to Attract and Retain Employees in your Organization
  1. Make your company culture attractive.
  2. Show Appreciation.
  3. Offer a competitive salary and benefits package.
  4. Offer opportunities for growth and development.
  5. Promote a healthy lifestyle.
  6. Encourage a work/life balance.
  7. Make sure your employees are engaged.
23 May 2022

How do you retain employees with low pay? ›

How to Improve Your Retention Rate with Minimum-Wage Employees
  1. Employee Recognition Programs. ...
  2. Establish a One-On-One Relationship with Every Employee. ...
  3. Encourage Employees to do Their Job Well. ...
  4. Make Sure that the Company is Growing as a Whole. ...
  5. Offer Flexibility with Working Remotely. ...
  6. Simplify Your Business Model.
24 Jun 2021

What is retention give example? ›

Retention in configuration means that the symmetry of the substrate before and after Reaction is same. For example: If a reactant has R−(Right) configuration and after reacting it retains its R− configuration. In SN1 mechanism, the reaction takes place by retention of configuration.

What are the problems in retention? ›

Retention becomes a problem when an employee quotes for an exceptionally high salary, which is beyond the budget of the organization. Every organization has a salary budget for every employee which can be raised to some extent but not beyond a certain limit.

What is the great resignation 2022? ›

The “Great Resignation” that has seen a record number of workers in the United States voluntarily resign from their jobs continued as close to 4.1 million workers quit in September 2022, according to the Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey (JOLTS) released by the U.S. Department of Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics ...

What is the average turnover rate for 2022? ›

U.S. employee annual voluntary turnover is likely to jump nearly 20% this year, from a prepandemic annual average of 31.9 million employees quitting their jobs to 37.4 million quitting in 2022, according to Gartner, Inc.

How do you fix poor retention? ›

Try to break the information into small manageable chunks by tricking yourself using memory aids, mnemonics, rhymes, acronyms, etc., Try to connect the information you learn with real life examples. Communicate your thoughts and ideas of what you have learned to someone else. Try to implement what you have learnt.

Why would HR managers be concerned with employee retention? ›

An organization can't survive if the top performers quit. It needs employees who are loyal and work hard with full dedication to achieve the organization's objective. It is essential for the management to retain its valuable employees who think in favour of the organization and contribute their level best.

Do companies care about employee retention? ›

Building a long-term relationship with an employee opens doors for new training opportunities, out-of-the-box ideas and higher quality work. Companies must focus less of their effort on recruitment and more on retention.

Why do companies fail to retain employees? ›

A Lack Of Learning

Talented people are always wanting to better themselves and learn more, and when they are not offered learning opportunities this can be a massive turn-off. One of the top reasons that companies fail to retain talent is a lack of learning opportunities that are easily available to them.

What are the types of retention? ›

Five Types of Customer Retention
  • Situational Binding. Spatially or temporally, here the provider has the monopoly. ...
  • Legally Binding. There is a contract between the company and the customer to ensure that the buyer remains.
  • Technical Binding. ...
  • Economic Ties. ...
  • Emotional Bonding.
23 Feb 2021

What is employee retention and why is it important? ›

Having a high retention rate means keeping staff members long-term, resulting in less time and resources required for training new staff and having the loyalty needed to run a business. Consider the amount of time, resources, and money that goes into training a new employee.

What is the purpose of employee retention? ›

The importance of employee retention strategies

They not only make employees stay in your company, but also boost productivity and promote higher levels of engagement, which ultimately increases revenue. The main goal of any retention strategy is to keep turnover as low as possible.

What is the full meaning of retention? ›

/rɪˈten.ʃən/ C2. the continued use, existence, or possession of something or someone: Two influential senators have argued for the retention of the unpopular tax. The retention of old technology has slowed the company's growth.

What is the right definition of retention? ›

: the act of retaining : the state of being retained. : abnormal retaining of a fluid or secretion in a body cavity. : power of retaining : retentiveness. : an ability to retain things in mind. specifically : a preservation of the aftereffects of experience and learning that makes recall or recognition possible.

What are the principles of retention? ›

The Three Key Principles of Retention
  • Relatability.
  • Active Learning.
  • Continued Learning.
19 Dec 2017

What are the disadvantages of retention? ›

Retention can influence employees to overestimate their worth and shift power to the wrong hands. As a result, the work quality and workflow impact a lot. With overestimating the worth, it can create micro-groups between employees that can hamper the balance in the workplace.

What is the process of retention? ›

Retention is defined as the process by which a company ensures that its employees don't quit their jobs. Every company and industry has a varying retention rate, which indicates the percentage of employees who remained with the organization during a fixed period.

What are the benefits of retention? ›

Here are the top ten benefits of employee retention:
  • Increased employee loyalty. ...
  • Decreased hiring costs. ...
  • Highly skilled workforce. ...
  • Fewer transitions and employment gaps. ...
  • Improved customer relations. ...
  • Positive company culture. ...
  • Better brand reputation. ...
  • Deeper connections among staff.

What is another word for retention? ›

What is another word for retention?

What is retention knowledge? ›

What is Knowledge Retention? In general, knowledge retention refers to the process of absorbing and retaining information. For an individual, that typically looks like taking in information and transferring it from short-term to long-term memory.

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Author: Van Hayes

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Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

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Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.