What Is Taxable? (2024)

Retail sales of tangible items in California are generally subject to sales tax.

Examples include furniture, giftware, toys, antiques and clothing. Some labor services and associated costs are subject to sales tax if they are involved in the creation or manufacturing of new tangible personal property.

Some items are exempt from sales and use tax, including:

  • Sales of certain food products for human consumption
  • Sales to the U.S. Government
  • Sales of prescription medicine and certain medical devices
  • Sales of items paid for with EBT cards

Some sales are also nontaxable because the seller and/or purchaser meet certain criteria. A complete list of nontaxable sales is available inPublication 61, Sales and Use Tax: Exemptions and Exclusions (PDF).

To learn more about the sales and use taxes administered by the California Department of Tax and Fee Administration, visitSales and Use Tax in California.

Note:In some cases, retailers must report and pay use tax for items they purchase. The most common example of a purchase subject to use tax is a purchase of an item from an out-of-state retailer for use in California. Out-of-state retailers who are engaged in business in this state are required to collect the use tax, whenever applicable, from the consumer, at the time of the sale. However, if an out-of-state retailer is not engaged in business in this state, the purchaser may be required to self-report the use tax.

What Is Taxable? (2024)


What is considered taxable? ›

Most income is taxable unless it's specifically exempted by law. Income can be money, property, goods or services. Even if you don't receive a form reporting income, you should report it on your tax return. Income is taxable when you receive it, even if you don't cash it or use it right away.

What is the meaning of taxable? ›

adjective. tax·​able ˈtak-sə-bəl. 1. : subject to being taxed : making one liable to taxation.

What are taxable items? ›

Retail sales of tangible items in California are generally subject to sales tax. Examples include furniture, giftware, toys, antiques and clothing.

What does taxation mean? ›

What is taxation? Taxation is the imposition of compulsory levies on individuals or entities by governments in almost every country of the world. Taxation is used primarily to raise revenue for government expenditures, though it can serve other purposes as well.

What type of income is not taxable? ›

Nontaxable income won't be taxed, whether or not you enter it on your tax return. The following items are deemed nontaxable by the IRS: Inheritances, gifts and bequests. Cash rebates on items you purchase from a retailer, manufacturer or dealer.

What is my taxable income? ›

Taxable income is the amount of income subject to tax, after deductions and exemptions. For both individuals and corporations, taxable income differs from—and is less than—gross income.

What makes money taxable? ›

Most types of income are taxable based on IRS rules. This includes money you make from a job or self-employment, investment income, unemployment pay, lottery winnings, and many other income sources.

What does taxable mean on my paycheck? ›

Taxable wages are salaries paid to an employee that by law, must have taxes withheld. Alternatively, there are non-taxable wages that is not subject to tax withholding.

What is taxable income and give examples? ›

Taxable income is the amount of your income that is subject to taxation. Common types of taxable income include salary, wages, tips, bonuses and employer-provided benefits. Some kinds of income may not be taxable, though, like employer-sponsored health insurance and child support payments.

What isn't taxed in the US? ›

Disability and worker's compensation payments are generally nontaxable. Supplemental Security Income payments are also tax-exempt. Disability compensation or pension payments from the Department of Veterans Affairs to U.S. military Veterans are tax-free as well.

What items are taxed the most? ›

Five categories of excise taxes—highway, aviation, tobacco, alcohol, and health—accounted for the vast majority of total excise tax receipts in 2022 (figure 2).

What are 5 things taxes pay for? ›

Taxes also fund programs and services that benefit only certain citizens, such as health, welfare, and social services; job training; schools; and parks. Article 1 of the United States Constitution grants the U.S. government the power to establish and collect taxes.

What is a tax example? ›

For example, if you earn $1,000 in a state with a flat income tax rate of 10%, $100 in income taxes should be withheld from your paycheck when you earn that income. If, a week later, you take $100 from your remaining earnings to purchase a new smartwatch in a jurisdiction with a 5% sales tax.

Who needs to pay taxes? ›

Generally, you must file an income tax return if you're a resident , part-year resident, or nonresident and: Are required to file a federal return. Receive income from a source in California. Have income above a certain amount.

What is taxable tax? ›

Taxable income is the portion of your gross income used to calculate how much tax you owe in a given tax year. It can be described broadly as adjusted gross income (AGI) minus allowable itemized or standard deductions.

What is taxable under income tax? ›

Taxable income is the base income upon which tax is levied. It includes some or all items of income and is reduced by expenses and other deductions. The amounts included as income, expenses, and other deductions vary according to the country and the system in the country.

Is social security considered taxable income? ›

You must pay taxes on up to 85% of your Social Security benefits if you file a: Federal tax return as an “individual” and your “combined income” exceeds $25,000. Joint return, and you and your spouse have “combined income” of more than $32,000.

Which of these examples is taxable income? ›

What are some examples of income that is taxable? Money earned through a salary, wages, and self-employment income are some of the most common types of taxable income. Other types include royalties, commissions, rental income, and strike pay.

What counts as other taxable income? ›

Generally, this is income not from wages, self-employment, retirement, home or property rentals, or investments; from a tax perspective, this is any income not reported on a W-2 or 1099 form.

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