What's a Good Amazon RoAS? How to Calculate & Improve Amazon Advertising ROI (2024)

Running sponsored ads for your Amazon listings is a great way to increase sales, improve product discoverability, and grow organic rankings. An advertising presence on Amazon can potentially bring high returns and is worth the investment. To profit from advertising, however, you need to be able to measure the performance of your campaigns.

One way to measure the success of your advertising efforts is by calculating your RoAS, or return on ad spend. Amazon’s Advertising dashboard already provides you with this key metric to help you make informed business decisions, along with other metrics such as ad spend and ad sales.

So, what’s a good RoAS on Amazon? The industry says the average is around 4, but there’s more to it than that — It really depends on your profit margin. The good thing is you can figure out the exact RoAS you need in order for your ads to be profitable.

What is RoAS?

RoAS stands for Return on Advertising Spend. It’s a metric that measures how much revenue you’ve made in sales for each dollar you’ve spent on ads. Essentially, it tells you whether or not your ad campaign is working.

As a marketer on Amazon, it’s important to understand your RoAS for each product you sell. By learning how to calculate this metric, you can measure the performance of your ad campaign, find out if you’re earning revenue, and know when to make changes to your campaign to make it profitable.

How to calculate your Amazon RoAS

You can easily calculate your RoAS by dividing the total ad attributed sales by your total ad spend.

What's a Good Amazon RoAS?How to Calculate & Improve Amazon Advertising ROI (1)

For example, if you spent $100 on Sponsored Ads and earned $500 in sales from those ads, your RoAS would be 5.

$500 in total ad attributed sales / $100 total ad spend

RoAS = 5

The higher your RoAS, the more profitable your ad campaigns. If you spent $100 on ads but only earned $100 back in sales, your RoAS would be 1. Because you earned only one dollar back for every dollar you spent on ads, your campaign is unprofitable. After you factor in your product costs and Amazon fees, you’ll be in the red.

This is a powerful metric to pay attention to. Once you know your RoAS, you can revisit your ad strategy, and make adjustments to optimize your ads. This practice allows you to improve your ads, and earn more revenue without having to spend more money.

Amazon Advertising products that produce the highest RoAS

If you advertise your products on Amazon — especially as a brand registered seller — there are three different ad types available to you. Every ad type is in PPC format, and they each serve different functions for sellers’ advertising goals. Because of this, the ad types you choose may each result in different returns on your ad spend.

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Jungle Scout examined thousands of brands and sellers to explore how they advertise on Amazon, and see which ad types result in the highest return on investment.

According to our Amazon Advertising Report, Sponsored Products ads produce the highest RoAS compared to Sponsored Brands and Sponsored Display.

What's a Good Amazon RoAS?How to Calculate & Improve Amazon Advertising ROI (2)

This chart shows that for every $1 spent in Sponsored Products advertising, $3.67 in revenue was earned — which is a 3.67 RoAS. For many products, this type of return is very profitable.

Sponsored Brands ads come in a close second, and Sponsored Display ads are considered to yield the lowest RoAS. But this does not mean that these two ad campaign types are not worth testing out for your brand.

While Sponsored Display ads may not give you a high return on investment, they’re a great way to increase your visibility and retarget potential customers.

This ad type re-engages customers who visited your listing in the past, and they may likely convert to a sale because they’re already familiar with your listing or are looking for similar items in your category. What may not work well for another brand may work great for yours, so always test methods and see what works best for your business.

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RoAS by targeting type

The type of targeting you choose for your ads will also have an impact on your RoAS.

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In this example, Close match targeting results in the highest RoAS compared to the others because you’re targeting keywords that are most relevant to the customer’s search intent. But this doesn’t mean that the other targeting options are not as effective. Every product and campaign is different — test various target match types with your products and see how they perform.

Each ad type will have different targeting options to choose from. For example, if you are running a Sponsored Products campaign, you have the option to choose from automatic and manual campaigns.

Both automatic and manual campaigns have different targeting options within them. In an automatic targeting campaign, the targeting options are as follows: Close match, Loose match, Substitutes, and Complements.

What's a Good Amazon RoAS?How to Calculate & Improve Amazon Advertising ROI (4)

In a manual campaign, you don’t have these targeting options. Instead, you can target keywords of your competitors’ products.

RoAS by product price

Yes, your product’s price also has an impact on your RoAS! We’ve found that the RoAs for products priced $20 or less increased year-over-year, while other price ranges fell.

This could be the case because it’s easier for a customer to make an impulse purchase for a lower-priced product versus a higher-priced product. Still, we believe that the $21-$30 price range is the sweet spot.

A higher-priced product does not always mean greater returns, as it may take more ad clicks to convert a sale. Not every customer is willing to spend money on products that cost over $30.

What's a Good Amazon RoAS?How to Calculate & Improve Amazon Advertising ROI (5)

What is a good RoAS on Amazon?

What is a good RoAS on Amazon? It depends on your profit margin is — there is no one-size-fits-all number. 2x RoAS might be great for one brand but terrible for another.

If you have a small profit margin, you’re going to need a higher RoAS for your ads to be profitable. If you have a high-profit margin product, you can achieve a profit with a lower RoAS.

A good way to determine the ideal RoAS for your product is to determine your “minimum RoAS”. Once you have this number, you’ll know at a quick glance whether or not your campaigns are running profitably.

How to find your minimum RoAS

To find your minimum RoAS, calculate your break-even point. Your break-even point is what you make from a sale after the cost of goods sold (COGS), including expenditures such as unit cost, shipping fees, supply costs, and Amazon fees. That break-even number is your gross profit before advertising expenses.

Let’s use a simple example:

Product sale price: $30

COGS: $10

Amazon fees: $10

= Profit: $10

Remember that this profit is before you spend anything on advertising. If you can make a sale without advertising, great! You’ve profited $10. But assuming you need to advertise to make a sale, that $10 number is your break-even point.

If your advertising costs are $5 for one sale, you’ve made $5 net profit. If your advertising costs are $10 for one sale, then you just “broke even,” as your profit would be $0. You didn’t lose money — or make any — on the sale.

Now that we have your break-even point, let’s figure out your minimum RoAS.

To find your minimum RoAS, follow this simple formula:

Sale price / Break-even point = Minimum RoAS

Using the same example above:

$30 / $10 = 3

This means your minimum RoAS is 3x. So, for every dollar that you spend on advertising, you need to make at least $3 in revenue in order for your ads to be profitable.

If your RoAS is at or lower than 3, your ads are not profitable. Your ads are profitable if your RoAS is above 3. A “good” RoAS is subjective and will depend on the goals you want to achieve for your business.

For example, for the business that I run myself, I would consider anything over the minimum RoAS to be good, as it means my ads are running profitably. Even if the ads are barely profitable, it doesn’t mean my business isn’t. If the keywords I target are converting into sales, that ultimately helps organic keyword rankings — thus increasing organic sales.

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Since my business has very low overhead, this works well for me. As long as the ads are profitable, I can work on optimizing the campaigns to increase their profitability even more.

On the flip side, another seller with a minimum RoAS of 3 may consider anything under 5 to be bad as it is not profitable enough for their business. Their business may have more overhead, such as office and warehouse rent, employee salaries, and utilities.

This shows that what works for you may not work for another Amazon seller.

Where to find your RoAS in Seller Central

Now that you have your break-even RoAS number, how do you know what your RoAS actually is? Amazon provides these metrics in each campaign you’re running and for your advertising efforts as a whole.

In Seller Central, go to Advertising > Campaign Manager.

What's a Good Amazon RoAS?How to Calculate & Improve Amazon Advertising ROI (6)

When you first get into your dashboard, you’ll be able to see the totals of all your advertising campaigns.

What's a Good Amazon RoAS?How to Calculate & Improve Amazon Advertising ROI (7)

In this account, the average RoAS for all your campaigns is 1.48, but you can view your RoAS for each active advertising campaign. This information is good to know so you can pause and adjust poorly performing campaigns and further optimize your best-performing ones.

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For this particular campaign, you are just below your minimum RoAS number. Since you are close to breaking even, you can choose to look further into the campaign to see which keywords are not driving conversions.

Keep in mind that just because a campaign is below your “break-even point” does not mean that you need to pause it. If the campaign is still driving lots of traffic and sales to your listings, it may still be helping your overall organic rankings.

What’s a good RoAS for your business?

We hope this article helped you understand that there isn’t a magic number for a “good” RoAS on Amazon. A profitable and ideal RoAS for your product will depend on the type of product you’re selling, your product’s price point, the ad types you choose, and your profit margin.

By figuring out what your break-even RoAS is, you can make better decisions when optimizing your campaigns. If you focus on staying above that number, your advertising efforts will remain profitable.

Check out our other helpful resources on Amazon advertising:

  • Amazon PPC Strategies – The Ultimate Guide for 2024
  • 2024 Amazon Advertising Guide for Sellers

Do you have any more questions about RoAS on Amazon? Let us know in the comments below!

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What's a Good Amazon RoAS? How to Calculate & Improve Amazon Advertising ROI (2024)


What is the ideal roas for Amazon ads? ›

However, ideally, a brand would want their ROAS to be higher, closer to 3 or 4.

How to calculate ROI for Amazon ads? ›

Amazon ROI = (Profit - Investment) / Investment * 100

The "Profit" in the formula represents the total revenue generated from Amazon sales minus all expenses, including product costs, Amazon fees (such as referral fees and fulfillment fees), advertising costs, shipping fees, and other relevant expenses.

How do you calculate ROI from roas? ›

Check out this resource on HubSpot for a step-by-step guide on how to set up and use the following ROAS formula in Excel: (sales revenue - marketing cost) / marketing cost = ROI.

Is 1.6 roas good? ›

Determine Minimum RoAS

To achieve a $2,000 monthly profit with a $2,500 monthly ad spend, you need a minimum RoAS of 1.6. This means you should aim for $1.60 in revenue for every ad dollar spent to stay profitable.

Is a 400% roas good? ›

Typically, a ROAS of 4:1, meaning $4 in revenue for every $1 spent, is good across various industries. A good ROAS for SaaS typically falls in the range of 300% to 800%. This range means that for every $1 you spend on advertising, you're generating between $3 to $8 in revenue.

How do I know if my roas is good? ›

While there's no "right" answer, a common ROAS benchmark is a 4:1 ratio — $4 revenue to $1 in ad spend. Cash-strapped start-ups may require higher margins, while online stores committed to growth can afford higher advertising costs.

What is a good ROI in Amazon? ›

A good ROI is considered to be 100% and above! An ROI of 100% allows you to double your revenue. Though, ROI of 50% is also considered to be sufficient for a stable growth. With such return on investment, you will double your revenue in 2 months.

What is a good ROI for advertising? ›

What is a good marketing ROI? The shortest and most straightforward answer to this question is that a good marketing ROI is a ratio of 5:1 - or making five dollars for every dollar you spend. A marketing ROI of 10:1 is considered exceptional.

What is a good roas number? ›

A good ROAS is 3x for Ecommerce, 4-6x for B2B, and we often see 7-10x for campaigns when done right. Read these expert insights and real-world examples to maximize ROAS on your next campaign.

Is there a difference between ROI and roas? ›

Firstly, ROI measures the total return of overall investment, whereas ROAS only calculates your return for a specific ad campaign. Essentially, ROI is a bigger picture metric, while ROAS is a metric for measuring the success of a specific ad campaign. Secondly, ROAS looks at revenue, while ROI considers profit.

What is the correct formula for calculating ROI? ›

Return on investment (ROI) is an approximate measure of an investment's profitability. ROI is calculated by subtracting the initial cost of the investment from its final value, then dividing this new number by the cost of the investment, and finally, multiplying it by 100.

How to calculate ROI on advertising? ›

To calculate ROI, take the revenue that resulted from your ads and listings, subtract your overall costs, then divide by your overall costs: ROI = (Revenue - Cost of goods sold) / Cost of goods sold.

What is a bad roas? ›

A positive ROAS means that a campaign is making more money than it is spending. A negative ROAS means a campaign is losing more money than it is gaining in revenue. A negative ROAS on a new campaign isn't necessarily cause for alarm or to immediately turn off that campaign or channel. I'll explain why in a few minutes.

What is a profitable roas? ›

A RoAS of higher than $2 means that your ad campaign is profitable after all costs are taken into account. A RoAS of lower than $2 means that your ad campaign is not profitable and loss-making after all costs are taken into account.

Can roas be too high? ›

Sometimes, pursuing a higher return on ad spend can lead to missed opportunities or lower returns in the long run. For example, if you focus too much on high-ROAS keywords or campaigns, you may neglect new potential customers or markets that have lower ROAS but higher lifetime value or growth potential.

Is a 2.5 roas good? ›

That said, there are some common benchmarks for a target ROAS, with the average ROAS across industries landing somewhere between 1.5 and 3. Anything above 3 is widely considered a success, or a high ROAS, although that depends on the competitiveness and saturation of your industry.

What is a good roas rate? ›

Unfortunately, there isn't a universal metric to calculate a “good ROAS” since every industry and brand has different advertising strategies, sales cycles, and conversion goals. For some brands, a value of 4:1 is outstanding.

What's a good conversion rate for Amazon ads? ›

Amazon has some of the best conversion rates across all ecommerce marketplaces—that's why brands are so attracted to selling there. On average, a good Amazon conversion rate for a non-Prime shopper is between 10-15%. That number drops to 3.32% among Top 500 merchants due to the nature of how often they are viewed.

Is a 7 roas good? ›

A good ROAS is 3x for Ecommerce, 4-6x for B2B, and we often see 7-10x for campaigns when done right. Read these expert insights and real-world examples to maximize ROAS on your next campaign.

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