Why Does Ignoring a Guy Make Him Want You More? (2024)

Why Does Ignoring a Guy Make Him Want You More? (1)

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It is a known fact that most men are usually trained not to show emotions no matter what they go through, which is evident in their relationship.

However, they can be softies, too, so does ignoring a guy make him want you more? Could it be because he misses you or he wants to be convinced about his feelings?

Many factors could be responsible for a guy acting and coming after you when he notices your withdrawal.

Many women ask the question, what happens when you ignore a man?

This has continued to raise discussion amongst friends on whether this is a viable code or maybe it could be one that would backfire. Well, deciding on an answer is more attuned to opinion, as people vary in their response to certain circ*mstances.

So for this post, we would look at factors that could influence a guy’s undivided attention towards a woman and answer the question of why ignoring a guy makes him realize he needs you.

Do guys notice when you ignore them?

The question that begs an answer is: Do guys notice a change in your attitude when you ignore them? Does ignoring a man work? Does ignoring a guy make him want you? We have to understand that guys can be very observant when it comes to someone they do care about.

Although some guys may pretend to be strong and unemotional, guys are usually quite soft on the inside. They notice even the slightest change in your mood. Some guys would look at a show of your withdrawal as a sign of them not being wanted, so they would mostly withdraw.

However, if we look at it from an objective angle, we notice that guys always notice this strategy. They might pretend and try as much as possible to hide this knowledge while being sweet towards you, especially if you are in a relationship.

It hurts when you’re ignored, even if it’s a stranger. The Psychology of ignoring a man is simple, as everybody doesn’t like to be ignored. There is a greater probability that when you ignore a guy, he’ll come running.

Related Reading: How to Ignore Someone You Love

Does ignoring a guy get his attention?

The quest to ignore him to get his attention would not take so much work, as certain guys feel that they’re hunters and they can get most women they want. However, they fail to understand that they can feel the same level of attraction towards a woman.

To answer the initial question of this section, this post can tell you that a straight yes would do the trick, but that might be misleading. To decide on this and get a concrete answer, we have to understand the guy’s point in question, as ignoring a guy who hasn’t noticed you would be total folly.

However, if you ignore a guy that already notices you or has you on his mind, then you can easily get his attention. Most guys are usually trapped in the happenings around them, and they most times get carried away. However, to adequately get back their attention can be challenging.

Will ignoring him work?

So, if you are dealing with your partner, you can trick him into getting his attention by ignoring him, and in the long run, he is bound to notice amidst the happenings in his life. In this situation, the answer to ‘Does ignoring a guy make him want you’ is yes.

Related Reading: How to Make Him Want You

Is the ignore tactic viable?

Why Does Ignoring a Guy Make Him Want You More? (2)

As we have said in the preceding sections, we have to understand how ignoring a guy makes him want you and that using the ignore tactics has to be done sparingly, as it can always backfire, thereby placing you on the losing end.

This can be detrimental to your initial intention, as most times, you’d have to convince him that you aren’t doing it on purpose or if he doesn’t figure out that you are throwing tantrums.

People can be sensitive and quite overthink their intentions when it comes to continually being ignored. However, answering the question of using the ignore tactics is also something you have to consider thoughtfully. It isn’t easy to pinpoint what he thinks when you ignore him.

We have seen and heard of stories where the ignored probably moves on, as humans are animals of attention. We live for attention, and whenever we feel threatened, we tend to back out of such situations, which may include being ignored.

There is also the issue where the guy isn’t sensitive and probably would look at it from the rejection point of view, making him walk away. When you like someone, it is sometimes better to talk to them concerning your observations and feelings rather than ignore them.

What does your silence do to a guy?

Does silence make a man miss you? Is it advisable to pull away to get his attention? How do guys feel when you ignore them?

Well, it depends on how much rein you have over this guy that would help adequately define the power of your silence. Everyone understands the power that silence holds, and this is one very scary concept to the human mind, as we are always trying to figure out the reason for such decorum.

If a guy cares about you, then you should know that your silence would put him in a dilemma, and this is because he would become worried. Your silence could spur him to be more open and receptive to your feelings and understand you better.

Your silence holds several weapons which could be used to and against you, as perception plays a vital role in human interaction.

Using your silence when you are angry is also a way to maintain and calm the condition of things. It could also let him understand that he has wronged you.

But this should not be mistaken with giving a partner “the silent treatment,” which is a form of emotional abuse.

Related Reading: Things to Do When a Guy Ignores You After an Argument

10 Ways to use the ignore tactics

In your bid to get a guy’s attention, you have to understand that your constant availability plays an important factor in how he sees you. So using the ignore tactics opens him to the possibility of trying to figure out your needs.

When the ignore tactics are well applied, you are bound to notice changes in his perception of your personality, and that is what it takes to win him over and be in control. So let’s look at ten ways to ignore him to get his attention.

1. Ignore and fuel his ego

This method allows you to control how he feels. Ensure that you don’t act impressed with his actions or make all he does feel like nothing special, and watch how he tries to impress you.

Ignore a guy, and he’ll come running

2. Become less available

Life Coach Jaclyn Hunt says

It is always beneficial to let someone miss you once in a while. Distance does indeed make the heart grow fonder, if that person is truly interested in you.

Once you become too available, some people will rarely see the value you hold, and that is why you have to ignore them.

To ignore a guy, you can suddenly become unavailable, thereby making him want to spend time with you.

3. Get busy

Why Does Ignoring a Guy Make Him Want You More? (3)

One of the ways of ignoring a guy to get his attention is to remain busy with your own things.

The moment you get busy with other things in life, you would find out that ignoring a guy now becomes effortless. This is because there are many important things to do and you might be too exhausted to try getting his attention.

4. Play his game

When trying to get a guy’s attention, playing his game is one sure way to get his attention.

When a guy, be it a crush or partner, notices that you aren’t really into them, they notice your absence and always try to get back to you.

5. Stay back and watch him come

In the process of ignoring a guy you like, don’t try to make yourself mostly or fully available to a guy, as he would probably take that for granted.

Wait for him to make a move while you decide and follow his steps as long as they align with your intentions.

6. Show your worth

Showing your worth is the best way to get a guy’s attention, and when you notice that he doesn’t want to treat you well, you can always take a step back.

This way, you pass across a message that you can do without him and make him realize he needs you. So, if you’re important to him, he will adjust to suit your needs.

Hunt shares another effective way for this

Most people appreciate straightforward discussions. Make your choices based on what you want and need so that the other person is free to do the same.

7. Don’t be easily triggered

Some men know how to get a woman easily emotional and triggered, thereby allowing them to control her emotion. When such scenarios occur, it is best to act calm and undisturbed, making him feel uneasy.

8. Ignore some of his texts

Social media has brought us together more than ever, allowing us the leeway to be always connected.

This can be an issue and cause a strain, but when you can delay or slow down your response to his advance or text would make him eager to enjoy the few moments you allow him.

9. Incite his jealousy

Some people love to be in control, which can be all that is needed to get their attention.

When a guy tries to get your attention, ignore it and expound on the attention you receive from another. With this method, ignoring a guy drives him crazy.

Want to know when to ignore a guy to get his attention? Then this video is perfect for you:
Why Does Ignoring a Guy Make Him Want You More? (4)

Related Reading: How to Make a Guy Jealous and Be Prepared for the Payback

10. Introduce competition

The urge to win is why competition is an excellent tool in ignoring a guy and getting his attention. When a guy notices competition in someone he cares about or wants, he more than often showers attention.

What is your power of desirability?

Ignoring a guy is one of the surefire ways to get his attention, as he would at most times try to win your attention back. However, ignoring alone doesn’t put you at the forefront of his thoughts and make you desirable.

What is needed is introducing your powers of desirability which is different for every woman and required to woo a man.

Permit the use of the word “woo” as it adequately encapsulates the intent of your desirability. Once you place value on yourself and do not try to fight for a man’s attention constantly, then have you acquired the power of desirability.

Things on a guy’s mind when being ignored

Why Does Ignoring a Guy Make Him Want You More? (5)

So, does ignoring a guy make him want you?

It’s hard to predict a specific guy’s point of view; however, this post will list what he thinks when you ignore him. How do you know what goes on in his mind, to know how well to limit your usage of the ignore tactics?

Here are 20 things on his mind:

  • You are craving attention
  • He feels the urge to know what’s on your mind
  • You caught him cheating
  • You are no longer interested
  • You are trying to make him feel unwanted
  • He wants to get you at all cost
  • You have someone else
  • You have lots on your mind
  • You want him to chase after you
  • You are too good for him
  • He has hurt you, unknowingly
  • Maybe you don’t like him
  • You are playing hard to get
  • You want time alone
  • You are probably rude
  • He can’t fund your lifestyle
  • You are an independent woman
  • You are playing some mind games
  • You probably don’t want to be with him
  • You are probably proud

Are the ignore tactics used by guys when they like you?

Well, the answer to this question is a straight yes, as everyone uses the ignore tactics as it pleases them. This post has shown that women try to ignore guys when they like them, vice versa.

Most men, however, do not make it very obvious as they are mostly straightforward with their feelings.

Related Reading: 


Why does ignoring a guy makes him want you more is dependent on various factors. For those who want to use the ignore tactics, it is essential to note that being extreme can be detrimental.

Most people look at it as a manipulative character and would most times back off when they notice that you are practicing it on them. So make use of it sparingly and ignore a man and make him want you.

Lastly, be mindful of the fact that thoughtless ignoring can be a mind game, and a healthy relationship’s foundation should not be built on manipulating tactics.

Why Does Ignoring a Guy Make Him Want You More? (2024)


Why Does Ignoring a Guy Make Him Want You More? ›

Increased Interest: Ignoring a guy can pique his curiosity and make him realize what he has in you. As a result, this could increase his interest in getting to know you better or pursuing a relationship with you. Self-Reflection: Ignoring a guy may prompt him to reflect on his own behavior and actions.

Why do guys want you more when you ignore them? ›

Ignoring a guy can cause him to become confused and uncertain, which can increase his desire to make a connection with you because men usually love doing the chasing.

What does a guy feel when you ignore him? ›

In the context of what he thinks when you ignore him, the guy might experience feelings of confusion, rejection, and a heightened desire for your attention. He may question the stability of the relationship and his own self-worth.

Why does he show interest when I ignore him? ›

Distance does indeed make the heart grow fonder, if that person is truly interested in you. Once you become too available, some people will rarely see the value you hold, and that is why you have to ignore them. To ignore a guy, you can suddenly become unavailable, thereby making him want to spend time with you.

Does saying no to a guy make them want you more? ›

Yes! A polite, genuine “no” is way more attractive than a fuzzled, hesitant maybe or in your case a forced yes. Men love and crave authenticity. They adore a woman who is clear about what she will accept or not accept from them, how much she will do or not do for them.

Do guys test you by ignoring? ›

Yes, some guys might employ the tactic of ignoring as a form of testing someone's interests or feelings. This behavior is often referred to as "testing the waters" or playing hard to get.

Do guys care if you stop talking to them? ›

For most guys, a “no contact” period will make them realize how much they care about you or make them jealous, confused, or remorseful.

Will ignoring a man get his attention? ›

Increased Interest: Ignoring a guy can pique his curiosity and make him realize what he has in you. As a result, this could increase his interest in getting to know you better or pursuing a relationship with you. Self-Reflection: Ignoring a guy may prompt him to reflect on his own behavior and actions.

How does he feel when you stop chasing him? ›

He may start missing you. No more frequent random calls or text messages to catch his attention, and he can start to miss you. He may figure out he enjoyed your attention and the feeling that somebody out there cared for him. Don't chase him; watch him start missing your presence and impact on his life.

Can a guy like you but ignore you? ›

A man may ignore a woman that he likes for many reasons and it is not always intentional. If you are in the early days of your relationship it is possible that he is playing hard to get; however, this isn't always the case. It is also possible that he had a stressful day or is struggling in other areas of his life.

Why would a guy ignore a girl he likes? ›

If you know he likes you but he seems to want to ignore you, it's possible that he doesn't think you're interested in him. Therefore, instead of embarrassing himself by trying to form a relationship with you, he's choosing not to interact in the hope it will make his feelings easier to deal with.

Why do guys chase you and then back off? ›

He may like you but find it too overwhelming to pursue a relationship—or maybe he's just emotionally unavailable. It's possible past experiences have colored his current outlook. He may just need time to overcome those experiences—but don't cross your fingers. He might be afraid to let someone in.

Does silence make a man want you more? ›

In this period, the uncertainty about you is enough to make your man want you more. Men, generally, put more effort into things that seem unreachable. It's a challenge, and he will pursue it at any length. So, yes, silence after a breakup can make him return to you.

Will not replying make him want me more? ›

Ignoring or responding slowly to texts is a classic “hard to get” move. He might think you're trying to get him to chase you, or that you want him to think you're aloof. If you left him hanging mid-conversation, he'll suspect you planned to leave him wanting more.

What are the signs that a man is no longer interested in you? ›

  • Mar 6, 2023. 9 clear signs that a guy is not into you. ...
  • Lack of effort. If he doesn't try spending time with you or make plans, it's a sign that he's not interested. ...
  • Minimal communication. ...
  • No future plans. ...
  • Avoidance. ...
  • Lack of physical touch. ...
  • No interest in your life. ...
  • No introductions.
Mar 6, 2023

Will ignoring him make him want me more? ›

Ignoring a guy can sometimes lead to creating doubt and desire in his mind. This can happen because men often enjoy the thrill of the chase, and when you take a step back, it can make him want to pursue you. By not being readily available, you're showing that you're confident and independent.

Why do guys come back when you ignore them? ›

Conclusion: Men come back after you ignore them for two main reasons – reactance and the psychology of avoidants. Reactance basically means that we have some inherent behavioral freedoms, and when they are taken away, we try to get them back.

What is the power of ignoring? ›

The art of ignoring is a powerful skill that allows me to regain control over our attention, reduce stress, and enhance our overall well-being.

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