What is the acceptance criteria for repeatability and reproducibility?
Gage R & R acceptance criteria based on the estimated value of repeatability and reproducibility (%R&R) of the measurement system. If Gage R & R score falls less than 10% i.e. %GRR<10%, then the measurement system is acceptable.
Less than 10% - the measurement system is acceptable. Between 10% and 30% - the measurement system is acceptable depending on the application, the cost of the measuring device, cost of repair, or other factors. Greater than 30% - the measurement system is unacceptable and should be improved.
The AIAG MSA manual says the ndc should be greater than or equal to 5. The thought behind this specification is that process control only makes sense in case you are able to divide the process into at least 5 distinct cate- gories of measured values based on the ndc.
If the tolerance (Upper spec – Lower spec) is given, the %tolerance is calculated by dividing the Study Var for each component by the specified tolerance. If only one specification limit is given, the percent tolerance is half the Study Var for each component divided by the one-sided tolerance.
If the % Gage R&R is under 10%, the measurement system is generally considered to be an adequate measurement system. If the % Gage R&R is between 10 % to 30%, the measurement system may be acceptable for some applications. If the % Gage R&R is over 30%, the measurement system is considered to be unacceptable.
Repeatability methods were developed by Bland and Altman (1986). If the correlation between separate administrations of the test is high (e.g. 0.7 or higher as in this Cronbach's alpha-internal consistency-table), then it has good test–retest reliability.
When expressed as % Tolerance, Gage R&R indicates the relative usefulness of the gage system for determining part acceptance. Tolerance, calculated as the Upper Specification Limit minus the Lower Specification Limit, indicates the amount of variation that is permitted between all parts produced.
The Gage R&R is a tool used in the Measure phase of a Six Sigma project. The R's represent Repeatability and Reproducibility. Before the data analysis phase begins, the Six Sigma GB/BB should understand the variation caused by the measurement system (devices) and be able to quantify this variation.
- Average and Range Method.
- EMP (Evaluating the Measurement Process)
NDC is the Number of Distinct Categories. It is a measurement of the variation in your sample parts. If your NDC is less than 5, there isn't enough part variation to use the Average and Range Method or the ANOVA method to calculate Gage R&R.
What are the 5 common mistakes when performing gage R&R?
- Not Checking the Data for Consistency.
- Not Using Historical Data for the Process Standard Deviation.
- Not Looking for Differences Between Operators.
- Using Arbitrary Guidelines for Deciding if a Measurement System is Good.
- Not Using EMP Techniques to Perform Gage Studies.
We recommend a study that will require at least 30 total samples in the experiment. This allows us to gather a significant number of experimental runs to understand what is happening. You may require more, but I would suggest starting with 30, and evaluating the results before adding more runs/samples.

THe 10% Rule: plug gages
The 10% Rule is intended to assist in the selection of the tolerance for Go & No-Go gages. The premise is; if you surrender 10% of the total product tolerance to the gages, you will pass 90% of your product tolerance 100% of the time, if the Go fits and the No-Go does not.
The 95/95 tolerance limit is an acceptable criterion for uncertainties. That is, there is a 95% probability that the constructed limits contain 95% of the population of interest for the surveillance interval selected.”
This standard stated that when parts were being measured that the accuracy tolerances of the measuring equipment should not exceed 10% of the tolerances of the parts being checked. This rule is often called the 10:1 rule or the Gagemaker's Rule.
The Rule of Ten (or Rule of One to Ten) states the discrimination (resolution) of the measuring instrument should divide the tolerance of the characteristic to be measured into ten parts. In other words, the gage or measuring instrument should be at least 10 times as accurate as the characteristic to be measured.
Gage repeatability and reproducibility (GR&R) is defined as the process used to evaluate a gauging instrument's accuracy by ensuring its measurements are repeatable and reproducible.
Gage R&R measures the precision of the process. It does not measure accuracy, bias, discrimination, or other characteristics of a measurement system.
As a general rule, a reliability of 0.80 or higher is desirable for instructor-made tests. The higher the reliability estimated for the test, the more confident one may feel that the discriminations between students scoring at different score levels on the test are, in fact, stable differences.
Statisticians have determined that values no greater than plus or minus 2 SD represent measurements that are are closer to the true value than those that fall in the area greater than ± 2SD. Thus, most QC programs require that corrective action be initiated for data points routinely outside of the ±2SD range.
What is the difference between repeatability and reproducibility in gage R&R?
A gage R&R study helps you investigate: Repeatability—How much variability in the measurement system is caused by the measurement device. Reproducibility—How much variability in the measurement system is caused by differences between operators.
According to AIAG (2002), a general rule of thumb for measurement system acceptability is: Under 10 percent error is satisfactory. 10 percent to 30 percent error suggests that the system is acceptable.
Donald Wheeler, defines the precision-to-tolerance ratio as the amount of tolerance that is consumed by adjusting the specification limits to account for measurement error. This approach represents what happens in reality with measurement error's impact on the specifications.
k1 is the constant in relation to the number of trials in the study. k2 is the constant in relation to the number of appraisers in the study. k3 is the constant in relation to the number of parts in the study. For further details, See MSA manual.
- Leadership support and commitment. The success of any Six Sigma implementation project depends a lot on the level of support that is provided by the top management to Six Sigma teams handling the implementations. ...
- Data-Driven Approach. ...
- Training And Cultural Change.
- Sample parts at regular intervals across the range of measurements typically seen.
- Sample parts at regular intervals across the process tolerance (lower spec to upper spec)
- Sample randomly but pull a part from outside of either spec.
Select crossed gage R&R when each operator measures each part, and it must have a balanced design with random factors. It is used for non-destructive testing. Select nested gage R&R when only one operator measures each part. It is used for destructive testing.
Type 1 tests are simple repeatability trials with one operator, one part and multiple repetitions. Results show gauge repeatability. Type 2 tests involve multiple operators, multiple parts and multiple repetitions.
Acceptance criteria The FDA states that the typical RSD should be 1% for drug substances and drug products, ± 2% for bulk drugs and finished products. HC states that the RSD should be 1% for drug substances and 2% for drug products. For minor components, it should be ± 5% but may reach 10% at the limit of quantitation.
D. Criteria for the acceptance of an instrument calibration must be established, such as correlation coefficient or relative standard deviation. The criteria used must be appropriate to the calibration technique employed and must be documented in the laboratory's standard operating procedure.
What is the acceptance criteria for bias study?
- Criteria of acceptable performance established.
- Comparison of test method with reference method using patient material ± reference material.
- x-y Plot of data with examination by eye.
- Consideration of difference plot and statistics of difference.
- Average and Range Method.
- EMP (Evaluating the Measurement Process)
Acceptance criteria should contain a customer-centric focus that enables development teams to ensure expected functionality throughout the coding process. Ideally, the product team should define that acceptance criteria within the user story before the development team gets involved.
Example Acceptance Criteria – Given/When/Then
So that I can decide what to include on my product roadmap. Acceptance criteria for that user story could be: Scenario: The product manager adds potential ideas and ranks the best ideas based on benefit versus cost.
Specifically “Unless otherwise specified in the individual monograph, data from five replicate injections of the analyte are used to calculate the relative standard deviation, %RSD, if the requirement is 2.0% or less; data from six replicate injections are used if the relative standard deviation requirement is more ...
- Clinical evidence. ...
- Reproducibility. ...
- Validity. ...
- Accuracy.
Requirements are what the client / customer have asked for. Acceptance Criteria, often expressed as tests, are used to illustrate Requirements and to indicate, when the tests pass, that the Requirements have been met. Save this answer.
Product owners are usually responsible for acceptance criteria. But everyone who has a say in the final product should be involved in the process. Acceptance criteria is a crucial part of the development process.