How do I Delete thousands of blank rows in Excel? (2025)

How do I get rid of thousands of blank rows in Excel?

I. Removing Blank Rows with Find & Select
  1. Click Find & Select.
  2. Click to Go to Special.
  3. Choose Blanks.
  4. Click OK and then all the blank rows/cells will be highlighted.
  5. Choose the Delete under Cells section on the Home Tab.
  6. Click Delete Sheet Rows.

(Video) Excel: Delete ALL Blank Rows, Quickly!
(Chester Tugwell)
How do I Delete excess blank cells in Excel?

Select all the filtered rows: Press Ctrl + Home, then press the down-arrow key to go to the first data row, then press Ctrl + Shift + End. Right-click on any selected cell and choose "Delete row" from the context menu or just press Ctrl + - (minus sign). Click OK in the "Delete entire sheet row?" dialog box.

(Video) How to delete all blank rows in Excel in 3 seconds
(The Tech Train)
How do I get rid of infinite columns and rows in Excel?

Replies (1) 
  1. Select the entire range and apply AutoFilter.
  2. Click an AutoFilter DropDown.
  3. Uncheck all and then check the blanks option only (So only blanks visible)
  4. If it is entire rows of blanks that you want to delete and some columns have data in them then repeat 2 and 3 for all columns of data.
Feb 8, 2020

(Video) How do you delete thousands of blank rows in Excel?
(Siano's vlog)
How do you stop Excel from creating infinite rows?

Press Ctrl+Shift+down to select all the rows that already contain data. ( DO NOT select the whole column by selecting from the top)
  1. Press and hold Control and the press the right arrow. So Ctrl+Right.
  2. Then press Ctrl-Down.
  3. Then press Delete.
  4. Save.
Sep 3, 2013

(Video) How to Delete Blank Rows in Excel
(Aldo Mencaraglia)
Why do I have thousands of blank rows in Excel?

The sheet will always have 1048576 rows, so any rows you delete will be replaced by blank rows. These will reflect any whole column formatting that might be in play.

(Video) How do you delete thousands of blank rows in Excel? | Comffyz
How do I get rid of ghost columns in Excel?

Hold down the shift key and hit the down arrow. This should select all the cells with formula beyond the selected cell. Then hit the delete key (don't choose to delete rows) or choose clear from the edit menu.

(Video) How to Fix Excel2010 Large File Size/Scrollbar Issues by deleting unnecessary rows/columns
How do I Delete infinite rows?

Follow these steps:
  1. Highlight the first blank row below your data (i.e. the first row you want to delete)
  2. Hit ctrl + shift + down arrow to highlight all of the rows below.
  3. Right click the row labels (where each row's number is shown) on the left side and select "delete" in order to delete all of these rows.
Oct 9, 2015

(Video) Quickly delete multiple blank rows and/or columns in Excel
(Anne Walsh)
Why is Excel creating extra rows?

The Excel software automatically expands rows and columns when you sort data and more room is needed for the extra data. You can stop this feature from occurring in the Excel AutoCorrect properties window.

(Video) How to Delete Blank Rows in Excel (Step-by-step Guide)
How do I get rid of infinite columns to the right in Excel?

Select all blank columns - click on the first column letter, press Shift, and then click the letter of the last blank column. Right-click the selected columns and choose Delete from the pop-up menu.

(Video) How To Delete Blank Rows At The Bottom Of Excel Sheet
(Excel 10 tutorial)
How do I mass Delete blank rows in sheets?

Right click on any selected row and click Delete Rows (2 - 1000) or whatever the numbers for empty rows are in your sheet.

(Video) Learn Excel - Delete Blank Columns - Podcast 2171

How do I get rid of extra columns and rows?

Delete cells, rows, or columns
  1. Select the cells, rows, or columns that you want to delete.
  2. Right-click, and then select the appropriate delete option, for example, Delete Cells & Shift Up, Delete Cells & Shift Left, Delete Rows, or Delete Columns.

(Video) How to Remove Blank Rows in Excel | 3 Best shortcuts to delete Thousands of blank rows in excel
(ilm dotcom)
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Author: Trent Wehner

Last Updated: 02/03/2025

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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

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Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.