How do I select a large range of cells in Excel? (2025)

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How do I select a large range of cells in Excel without scrolling?

To select a larger range, it's easier to click the first cell and hold down the Shift key while you click the last cell in the range.

(Video) How-To Quickly Select A MASSIVE Range In Excel
(Excel Dashboard Templates)
How do I select a long range of cells in Excel?

To select a range, select a cell, then with the left mouse button pressed, drag over the other cells. Or use the Shift + arrow keys to select the range. To select non-adjacent cells and cell ranges, hold Ctrl and select the cells.

(Video) Excel: Quickly Select a Large Amount Amount of Data/Cells
(Chester Tugwell)
How do I select 50000 cells in Excel?

For Excel (Windows 10, Office 365 at least) this is very easy.
  1. Click to select a cell within your table of data.
  2. Press the "End" key to tell Excel that you want to select all cells until the end of the table of data.
  3. Now press and hold the "Shift" key and then press one of the four arrow keys.

(Video) Select Large Range in Excel
(Contextures Inc.)
What is the fastest way to select all data in a column in Excel?

You can also click anywhere in the table column, and then press CTRL+SPACEBAR, or you can click the first cell in the table column, and then press CTRL+SHIFT+DOWN ARROW. Note: Pressing CTRL+SPACEBAR once selects the table column data; pressing CTRL+SPACEBAR twice selects the entire table column.

(Video) EXCEL TRICK - Select large data quickly in columns & rows WITHOUT click & drag or unwanted cells
How do I filter 50000 rows in Excel?

Excel Filtering Rows with Values more than 10,000
  1. Choose the Entire Data.
  2. On the Data tab, in the Sort & Filter group, click Filter.
  3. Arrow in the Column Header will appear.
  4. Click the Arrow next to City.
  5. Click on Select All to clear all the checkboxes, and click the check box next to Gurgaon.
  6. Click OK.
May 12, 2021

(Video) 7 Keyboard Shortcuts for Selecting Cells and Ranges in Excel
(Excel Campus - Jon)
How do I randomly select 100 rows in Excel?

How to randomly select in Excel with Randomize tool
  1. Select any cell in your table.
  2. Go to the Ablebits Tools tab > Utilities group, and click Randomize > Select Randomly:
  3. On the add-in's pane, choose what to select: random rows, random columns or random cells.
  4. Specify the number or percentage for the desired sample size.
Oct 27, 2022

(Video) Microsoft Excel 2010 Tutorial: Selecting a Range of Cells | K Alliance
(K Alliance)
How do I randomly select 50 rows in Excel?

By placing the RAND() function in a column co-located with your data, you will assign a random number to each row in your data-set or range. Once that is done, all you have to do is sort your data by the RAND() column and then select however many rows you need. It's that simple!

(Video) Select large amounts of data in Excel
(Jenny Douras)
How do you select only 500 cells in Excel?

To select first 500 rows, use the reference- 1:500. To select first 500 cells for four columns – A1:D500.
Here are the steps to select 500 cells in one go:
  1. Click in the Name Box.
  2. Type A1:A500.
  3. Hit Enter.

(Video) How to Select a Range in Excel - Excel Tips and Tricks
(Excel TV)
How do I copy a large Excel file without scrolling?

However, with larger spreadsheets, this can be awkward because you'll have to hold down your mouse button and wait for Excel to scroll to the bottom of your sheet. Luckily, there's a shortcut: Simply double-click the fill handle, and it will instantly copy the cell content down.

(Video) Excel select data
(joe's computer tips)
Which method is the most common way used to select the multiple cells?

The most commonly used way to select multiple cells is to click and drag. You need to click on a cell and drag it over the spreadsheet.

(Video) How to Name a Large Range of Non-contiguous Cells in Excel
(Danny Rocks)

What is the fastest way to select multiple objects in Excel?

To select one object, click the object. To select multiple shapes in a group, press and hold Shift or Ctrl while you click the shapes.

(Video) Easily select alternate rows, columns, or checkerboard pattern throughout large Excel ranges
How do I overcome the limitation of 10000 rows over filter in Excel?

You can use "Number Filters" or "Text Filters" to use logic to filter those columns with more than 10,000 unique values.

How do I select a large range of cells in Excel? (2025)
How do I highlight all data in Excel without scrolling?

How to Quickly Select an Entire Column or Row Using the Keyboard
  1. To select an entire column: press and hold the Ctrl key, then press the Spacebar. ...
  2. To select an entire row: press and hold the Shift key, then press the Spacebar.

How do I filter a long list in Excel?

Filter a range of data
  1. Select any cell within the range.
  2. Select Data > Filter.
  3. Select the column header arrow .
  4. Select Text Filters or Number Filters, and then select a comparison, like Between.
  5. Enter the filter criteria and select OK.

How do I fill 1000 rows in Excel without dragging?

Quickly Fill Numbers in Cells without Dragging
  1. Enter 1 in cell A1.
  2. Go to Home –> Editing –> Fill –> Series.
  3. In the Series dialogue box, make the following selections: Series in: Columns. Type: Linear. Step Value: 1. Stop Value: 1000.
  4. Click OK.

How do I overcome row limits in Excel?

There is no way to add extra rows to an Excel worksheet. You could split the data across multiple worksheets, but this makes performing calculations across all data more complicated.

Can Excel handle 400000 rows?

1,048,576 Is The Limit. Yes, Excel has maximum row limits! According to Microsoft Support (latest version): Excel's maximum row limit is 1,048,576. Columns are limited to 16,384.

How do I randomly select a list in Excel without repeats?

Select random rows in Excel without duplicates

Only works in Excel 365 and Excel 2021 that support dynamic arrays. To select random rows with no repeats, build a formula in this way: INDEX(SORTBY(data, RANDARRAY(ROWS(data))), SEQUENCE(n), {1,2,…}) Where n is the sample size and {1,2,…} are column numbers to extract.

How do you highlight infinite rows in Excel?

To select all extra rows under the data range, select the first row under data and press CTRL + SHIFT + ↓.

Which command is used to select 50% rows randomly?

RANDOM( ) in SQL is generally used to return a random row from a table present in the database.

How do I select 30 random samples in Excel?

How to generate a random sample using Excel
  1. Add a new column within the spreadsheet and name it Random_number.
  2. In the first cell underneath your heading row, type “= RAND()”
  3. Press “Enter,” and a random number will appear in the cell.
  4. Copy and paste the first cell into the other cells in this column.

Is there a quick way to select every other row in Excel?

You can also use the Ctrl+Shift+A shortcut to select all rows in a worksheet. If you want to select every other row, you can click on the first row number, hold down the Ctrl key, and then click on the second row number. This will select every other row in between the two numbers you clicked on.

Is there an easy way to select every other row in Excel?

Using CTRL and Mouse Click to Select Every Other Row

To select every other row in Excel, you can follow the easiest way of using CTRL and Mouse click. In this option, you will have to hold down the CTRL button right from your keyboard ((⌘ if you are using MAC) while selecting the number of rows.

How do I select thousands of cells in Excel?

Select a Large Range of Cells With the Shift Key

Click the first cell in the range you want to select. Scroll your sheet until you find the last cell in the range you want to select. Hold down your Shift key, and then click that cell. All the cells in the range are now selected.

How do you copy cells without dragging?

Instead, you can accomplish the same copy with a double-click instead of a drag. Set up your formula in the top cell, position the mouse in the lower right-hand corner of the cell until you see the plus, and double-click.

How do I mass copy data in Excel?

Hold the Ctrl and Shift keys and press Up arrow and it will select all cells up to and including the copied cell. (It does not matter that the copied cell is included in the destination selection.) Hold Ctrl and press V to paste. (Shift/Insert also will paste.)

How do I handle more than 1048576 rows in Excel?

Re: More than 1,048,576 rows

You may split csv on several files and open them one by one. Or import into the Excel using legacy wizard, it has an option from which row to start importing.

How do you select a range of cells in Excel by typing?

Press F5 or CTRL+G to launch the Go To dialog. In the Go to list, click the name of the cell or range that you want to select, or type the cell reference in the Reference box, then press OK. For example, in the Reference box, type B3 to select that cell, or type B1:B3 to select a range of cells.

How do you select all cells quickly?

Press CTRL+A. Note If the worksheet contains data, and the active cell is above or to the right of the data, pressing CTRL+A selects the current region. Pressing CTRL+A a second time selects the entire worksheet.

How do you select large values in Excel?

First method:
  1. In a blank cell, type “=MAX(“
  2. Select the cells you want to find the largest number from.
  3. Close the formula with an ending parentheses.
  4. Hit enter and the largest number from your selection will populate in the cell.
Nov 11, 2015

How do I select all data in Excel without scrolling Mac?

"Easily select all the way down without the mouse/scrolling"

By default you can start this tool with the shortcut Control+Alt+L.

How do I fill 500 rows in Excel without dragging?

Quickly Fill Numbers in Cells without Dragging
  1. Enter 1 in cell A1.
  2. Go to Home –> Editing –> Fill –> Series.
  3. In the Series dialogue box, make the following selections: Series in: Columns. Type: Linear. Step Value: 1. Stop Value: 1000.
  4. Click OK.

How do I overcome the limitation of 10000 rows over Filter in Excel?

You can use "Number Filters" or "Text Filters" to use logic to filter those columns with more than 10,000 unique values.

How do I select a range of cells without scrolling?

If you're a keyboard person, you can use the following keyboard shortcuts to quickly select an entire column or row:
  1. To select an entire column: press and hold the Ctrl key, then press the Spacebar. ...
  2. To select an entire row: press and hold the Shift key, then press the Spacebar.

How do I select multiple cells in Excel without a mouse?

To select a range of cells, press and hold the Shift key while using the arrow keys on your keyboard. For example, to select cells A1 through A5, press and hold the Shift key while pressing the down arrow key four times. 3. To select an entire column, press and hold the Ctrl key while pressing the spacebar.

Is there an Excel function for range?

Use Range (arg), where arg names the range, to return a Range object that represents a single cell or a range of cells. The following example places the value of cell A1 in cell A5. The following example fills the range A1:H8 with random numbers by setting the formula for each cell in the range.

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Author: Nathanial Hackett

Last Updated: 01/15/2025

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

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Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.