How do I select thousands of rows in Excel? (2025)

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How do I quickly select thousands of rows in Excel?

To select a range, select a cell, then with the left mouse button pressed, drag over the other cells. Or use the Shift + arrow keys to select the range. To select non-adjacent cells and cell ranges, hold Ctrl and select the cells.

(Video) Excel: Quickly Select a Large Amount Amount of Data/Cells
(Chester Tugwell)
How do I select large amounts of data in Excel?

To select a larger range, it's easier to click the first cell and hold down the Shift key while you click the last cell in the range. You can scroll to make the last cell visible. To select an entire column or row, click the column or row header.

(Video) Excel - How to quickly copy thousands of rows
(Excellent Ideas & Tips)
How do I select 50000 rows in Excel?

Hold down Shift , then press End and then → . Then (while still holding Shift ) press End again and then ↓ . This should select everything in a very small number of key strokes. However if there are gaps in your data you may have to press End then ↓ until you have everything.

(Video) EXCEL TRICK - Select large data quickly in columns & rows WITHOUT click & drag or unwanted cells
How do I select multiple rows in Excel without scrolling?

If you're a keyboard person, you can use the following keyboard shortcuts to quickly select an entire column or row:
  1. To select an entire column: press and hold the Ctrl key, then press the Spacebar. ...
  2. To select an entire row: press and hold the Shift key, then press the Spacebar.

(Video) Excel - AutoFill Thousands of Rows at Once in Excel
What is the fastest way to select all data in a column in Excel?

You can also click anywhere in the table column, and then press CTRL+SPACEBAR, or you can click the first cell in the table column, and then press CTRL+SHIFT+DOWN ARROW. Note: Pressing CTRL+SPACEBAR once selects the table column data; pressing CTRL+SPACEBAR twice selects the entire table column.

(Video) How-To Quickly Select A MASSIVE Range In Excel
(Excel Dashboard Templates)
What is the fastest way to select multiple objects in Excel?

To select one object, click the object. To select multiple shapes in a group, press and hold Shift or Ctrl while you click the shapes.

(Video) How to Select 500 Cells or Rows at one go
How to select a large range of cells in Excel without scrolling Mac?

Selecting a large range in Excel by dragging the mouse can be difficult.
You can do this two ways:
  1. Click into the cell in the upper left corner of the range.
  2. Click into the Name Box and type the cell in the lower right corner of the range.
  3. Press SHIFT + Enter.
  4. Excel will select the entire range.
Jun 30, 2014

(Video) Select large amounts of data in Excel
(Jenny Douras)
How do I overcome row limits in Excel?

There is no way to add extra rows to an Excel worksheet. You could split the data across multiple worksheets, but this makes performing calculations across all data more complicated.

(Video) Instantly Fill Thousands of Rows with Numbers, Dates, or Formulas in Excel
Why does Excel have a row limit?

Limiting rows in Excel is a great tool to add more protection to the spreadsheet as this restricts the other users from changing or modifying the spreadsheet to a great limit. For example, while working on a shared spreadsheet, a user must limit the other user from changing the data that the primary user has inserted.

(Video) Excel Tutorial. AutoFill A Series Hundreds of Thousands of Rows In Seconds!
(How To Excel At Excel.Com)
How do I select multiple rows of data?

To select more than one row in the data view, click one row, then hold the Control (Windows) or Command (Mac) key and select each of the other rows you wish to edit or remove. To select a continuous list, click one row, then hold the Shift key and click the last row.

(Video) Instantly Fill Thousands of Rows with Same Data in Excel | Auto Fill Same Word in Excel Rows

How do I randomly select 40 rows in Excel?

By placing the RAND() function in a column co-located with your data, you will assign a random number to each row in your data-set or range. Once that is done, all you have to do is sort your data by the RAND() column and then select however many rows you need. It's that simple!

(Video) Excel select data
(joe's computer tips)
How do you select without dragging?

To select a range of cells without dragging the mouse:
  1. Click in the cell which is to be one corner of the range of cells.
  2. Move the mouse to the opposite corner of the range of cells.
  3. Hold down the Shift key and click.
Jul 14, 2018

How do I select thousands of rows in Excel? (2025)
How do I select without scrolling?

"Easily select all the way down without the mouse/scrolling"

By default you can start this tool with the shortcut Control+Alt+L.

How do I select large data in Excel without dragging?

Select a Large Range of Cells With the Shift Key

Click the first cell in the range you want to select. Scroll your sheet until you find the last cell in the range you want to select. Hold down your Shift key, and then click that cell. All the cells in the range are now selected.

Which method is the most common way used to select the multiple cells?

The most commonly used way to select multiple cells is to click and drag. You need to click on a cell and drag it over the spreadsheet.

What is the fastest way to key data in Excel?

Scenario 1 – quickly enter data in multiple cells

To quickly enter data in multiple cells, first select all of the cells. Type in the data and press CTRL + ENTER, which enters the same value in all of the selected cells. For non-contiguous cells, hold down the CTRL key and click to select each cell.

What is the easiest and fastest method in selecting multiple objects?

The easiest way to select multiple objects on a slide is to hold down the Shift key and start clicking.

How do you select lots of objects at once?

Option 1: Using the Ctrl Key

After selecting one shape, we can hold down the Ctrl key while clicking on other shapes we want selected. This allows us to pick and choose which shapes we want to manipulate. Using the Shift key instead of Ctrl will produce the same outcome.

How can you select multiple items in a multi selection list?

For windows: Hold down the control (ctrl) button to select multiple options. For Mac: Hold down the command button to select multiple options.

What is the fastest way to select all data in Excel for Mac?

If you are using Excel on a Mac, the keyboard shortcut for selecting an entire workbook is slightly different. To select a workbook, hold down the Command key on your keyboard and then press the A key. This will select all of the cells in the workbook.

How do I quickly select thousands of rows in Excel on Mac?

Hold down CTRL (or if using a Mac COMMAND) and SHIFT on the keyboard and then press the down arrow key. This will select all of the cells in the range as long as there are no empty cells in the range.

How do I turn off infinite scroll in Excel?

Open Excel options and go to Advanced. Untick Show horizontal scroll bar and Show vertical scroll bar and press ok. When you return to the workbook the scroll bar will no longer be visible.

How do I overcome the limitation of 10000 rows over filter in Excel?

You can use "Number Filters" or "Text Filters" to use logic to filter those columns with more than 10,000 unique values.

How do I filter more than 10000 lines in Excel?

Excel Filtering Rows with Values more than 10,000
  1. Choose the Entire Data.
  2. On the Data tab, in the Sort & Filter group, click Filter.
  3. Arrow in the Column Header will appear.
  4. Click the Arrow next to City.
  5. Click on Select All to clear all the checkboxes, and click the check box next to Gurgaon.
  6. Click OK.
May 12, 2021

What is the quickest way to select entire worksheet?

Pressing CTRL+A a second time selects the entire worksheet.

How do I get rid of infinite columns and rows in Excel?

Select the cell range, and then select Edit-Go To and click the Special button. Choose Blanks and select the OK button to confirm. Right mouse click on the selected empty cell, choose Delete and Entire row. After pressing the OK button all rows with empty cells in excel mac will be deleted.

How do I fix a number limit in Excel?

Select Data >Data Validation. On the Settings tab, under Allow, select an option: Whole Number - to restrict the cell to accept only whole numbers. Decimal - to restrict the cell to accept only decimal numbers.

Can Excel handle over 1000 rows?

Maximum Rows in Excel

As mentioned above, Excel deals with three worksheets in a single Workbook file having up to 1,048,576 rows and 16,384 columns of data.

What is the shortcut to select multiple rows?

To select multiple rows, just keep pressing the down arrow key while holding the Shift key. You can also select rows above the cell you selected by pressing the up arrow key while holding the Shift key. To select multiple rows above the cell you selected, just keep pressing the up arrow key while holding the Shift key.

How do I select all rows with data?

To select all cells that contain data, press Ctrl+Shift+End. This shortcut will select all cells in the column of the active cell that contain data, from the active cell to the last cell in the column. 7.

How do I select multiple rows in Excel and copy?

Double-click the cell that contains the data that you want to move or copy. You can also edit and select cell data in the formula bar. Select the row or column that you want to move or copy. In the cell, click where you want to paste the characters, or double-click another cell to move or copy the data.

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Author: Roderick King

Last Updated: 02/26/2025

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Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

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Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.