What 2013 series $1 bill is worth money? (2025)

What 2013 series $1 bill is worth money?

collectors in the United States are willing to pay up to $150,000 for rare $1 bills that feature a particular printing error * The series date located near the photograph of George Washington must read “Series 2013″ * The bill must have a “B” Federal Reserve Seal above the serial number * The serial number must end ...

(Video) Check Your Wallet! Uncover the Rare 2013 Dollar Bill Error Worth Thousands
(Money Instructor)
What is the error on the 2013 $1 star note?

The Bureau of Engraving and Printing (BEP) accidentally printed 6.65 million $1 2013 New York ("B" Federal Reserve Bank) star note serial numbers twice. The serial numbers printed twice fall into these ranges: B 0000 0001 * - B 0025 0000 * and B 0320 0001 - B 0960 0000 *

(Video) 2013 & One dollar Bill series 2013 Note / value / Worth Money !!
(Channel of rare coins and the lost antique)
What 1 dollar bill is worth $150,000?

There are three things to look for in identifying dollar bills worth up to $150,000: The series date located near the photograph of George Washington must read “Series 2013″ The bill must have a “B” Federal Reserve Seal above the serial number.

(Video) Don't Spend This $1 Bill
(Old Money Prices)
What is a 2013 dollar worth today?

$1 in 2013 is equivalent in purchasing power to about $1.35 today, an increase of $0.35 over 12 years.

(Video) NEW 2013 $20 Bill Worth Big Money!! Paper Money Errors!
(Couch Collectibles)
Where can I check my dollar bill serial number?

Serial Number

A unique combination of eleven numbers and letters appears twice on the front of the note. Each note has a unique serial number. The first letter of the serial number corresponds to the series year. A “star” suffix is used to identify notes that serve as replacements during the production process.

(Video) BRAND NEW $20 BILL SERIES 2013
What old $1 bills are worth money?

The estimates listed are high-end prices only paid for bills in top condition and that contain certain features.
  • 1890 $1 Treasury Note: $1,000.
  • 1928 $1 Bill: $1,000.
  • 1923 $1 Bill: $1,000.
  • 1917 $1 Legal Tender Note: $1,150.
  • 1899 $1 Silver Certificate: $1,500.
  • 1896 $1 Silver Certificates: $2,000.
Nov 6, 2024

(Couch Collectibles)
Is there an app to check dollar bill value?

EyeNote® is a free mobile device application developed by BEP for the Apple iOS platform. It scans U.S. currency and announces its value back to the user. The app can be downloaded for free from the Apple App StoreSM. on Google Play.

(Video) Sequential bill side hustle!! #cash #atm #money #sidehustle #shorts
What $2 bill is worth money?

An original uncirculated $2 bill from 1862 ranges in value from $500 to more than $2,800. You might get $3,800 or more for an 1869 note. More recently, the USCA lists a value of $500 on certain uncirculated $2 bills from 1995.

(Video) Got a $2 bill? It could be worth thousands
(ABC 7 Chicago)
What is a rare $1 dollar bill with a star?

Star Notes (also called Replacement Notes) are special paper money issues that are released in much lower numbers than their regular counterparts. That's because they are only printed when a note is damaged or otherwise found to be imperfect during manufacture.

(Video) *STAR* Note search for treasure and rare STAR notes
(Greg's Random Thoughts)
What does fw mean on a dollar bill?

If "FW" appears before the lower right plate number it indicates that the bill was produced at the satellite Bureau of Engraving and Printing facility in Fort Worth, Texas. Currency has been printed here since Series 1988A. The absence of "FW" indicates the bill was printed at the main facility in Washington, D.C.

(Video) I Found a $1 Bill Worth $150,000...Sort of (2013B Duplicate Star Note – Definitive Guide)

Are misprinted $1 bills worth anything?

Each dollar bill should have its own, unique serial number. Individually, the misprinted $1 bills aren't worth much. The value of the misprint is pairing it with the second bill with a matching serial number.

(Video) What EVERY $2 bill is worth
(The Two Dollar Bill Documentary)
How do I know if my 2013 dollar bill is worth anything?

Here are three things to look for on your bills if they are worth more than a dollar: The Series date located near the photograph of George Washington must read “Series 2013” The bill must have a “B” Federal Reserve Seal above the serial number.

What 2013 series $1 bill is worth money? (2025)
What is a $100000 bill worth today?

United States one-hundred-thousand-dollar bill
(United States)
Years of printing1934–1935 (commissioned in 1933)
Estimated value$2,296,932 (1934 to 2023), $2,246,635 (1935 to 2023)
DesignA vignette portrait of Woodrow Wilson
9 more rows

How do I check the value of my $1 bill?

You can tell if your dollar bills are worth money by checking your bill's serial number. Low, high, repeating, solid, consecutive, doubles, and stars in serial numbers are a few details to look out for when determining if your dollar bills are more valuable than their face value.

What 2013 one dollar bill is worth a lot of money?

collectors in the United States are willing to pay up to $150,000 for rare $1 bills that feature a particular printing error * The series date located near the photograph of George Washington must read “Series 2013″ * The bill must have a “B” Federal Reserve Seal above the serial number * The serial number must end ...

What is $500 in 2013 worth today?

Buying power of $500 in 2013
Initial valueEquivalent value
$500 dollars in 2013$677.15 dollars today
$1,000 dollars in 2013$1,354.30 dollars today
$5,000 dollars in 2013$6,771.49 dollars today
$10,000 dollars in 2013$13,542.97 dollars today
9 more rows

What errors to look for on dollar bills?

As paper money is printed, a variety of things can go wrong. Double denominations; improperly aligned, inverted backs; obstructions between the printing cylinder and paper; overprints of seals; and inverted, misaligned and missing serial numbers are just a few of the errors seen on paper money.

Is there an app to check dollar bills?

Dollar Bill Scanner app turns your device into a powerful, fast and accurate banknote scanning, identification, value and collecting tool!

Is there a website to check serial numbers?

SNDeepInfo — service for checking a serial numbers of phones, smartphones, cameras, household appliances and IMEI phones of all brands.

Which $2 is valuable?

$2 Bill Value Chart
Series YearSeal ColorCirculated Value
1928Red$5 – $50
1953Red$2.25 – $6.50
6 more rows
4 days ago

Which bills will be rejected in stores?

According to various reports, the dollar bills that will be rejected are all those that fall into the category of “mutilated”, that is, those that have cuts or damaged edges and are discolored. This measure applies to stores and supermarkets such as Walmart, Dollar Tree, Costco, Target and other businesses.

Is Bank of America accepting 1 dollar bills?

Bank Of America Will Continue To Accept $1 Bills. Bank of America will continue to accept all currency despite previous reports that claimed the bank and several other major retailers were going to stop accepting damaged $1 bills as part of an effort to crack down on counterfeit currency.

How to look up dollar bill serial number?

Serial numbers are found on the front of U.S. currency and are always printed twice.

Where can I appraise dollar bills?

You might also want to try the Professional Numismatists Guild's Dealer Directory, or the Professional Currency Dealer Association. If you want someone to appraise your paper money, the Society of Paper Money Collectors recommends that you visit a professional currency dealer.

How do you track the value of the dollar?

The U.S. Dollar Index – abbreviated USDX – is the value of the U.S. dollar measured against a group of six foreign currencies. Just as a stock index measures the value of a basket of securities, the U.S. Dollar Index expresses the value of the dollar in relation to a basket of currencies.

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Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

Last Updated: 01/09/2025

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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.