What is another way to say well deserved?
just | deserved |
merited | rightful |
appropriate | condign |
justified | proper |
apt | suitable |
- admirable.
- creditable.
- deserving.
- estimable.
- excellent.
- exemplary.
- laudable.
- meritable.
entitled. adjective. believing oneself to be inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment.
beneficial | advantageous |
timely | toward |
worthwhile | worthy |
benign | inspiring |
of service | of value |
She deserves some reward for all her hard work. This hotel fully deserves its four-star grading. His work received only a tiny mention in the journal; he deserves better. It's true she made a mistake but she hardly deserves to lose her job.
Meaning of well deserved in English
that someone completely deserves to have because of the way they have behaved or the qualities they have: She is working hard and doing a good job, and her promotion is well deserved. I'm taking a well-deserved break after a very busy week.
Yes, you can say “Well deserved” to your superior in a company when he is promoted to a higher position.
exact | accurate |
matter-of-fact | precise |
unerring | verifiable |
entirely true | true in every respect |
undeniable | veracious |
"you deserve it" means that you have earned or are given something because of the way you have behaved or the qualities you have. "
- meritorious.
- deserving.
- good.
- special.
- admirable.
- praiseworthy.
- commendable.
- creditable.
When can you say that you deserve something?
If you say that a person or thing deserves something, you mean that they should have it or receive it because of their actions or qualities. 2.
- 2) “Please stop settling.” ...
- 3) “You have to put yourself first.” ...
- 4) “You have to let this partner/job/etc. go.” ...
- 5) “Never settle for anything less than what you deserve. ...
- 6) “Make the most of what you have and keep your standards high. ...
- 7) “Know who you are.

They are indeed both correct.
steal | bargain |
great value for money | excellent deal |
excellent value | excellent value for money |
discount | reduction |
closeout | offer |
It means he thinks you are worth doing something for.
past tense of deserve is deserved.
verb (used with object), de·served, de·serv·ing. to merit, be qualified for, or have a claim to (reward, assistance, punishment, etc.)
“Congratulations on your well-deserved success.” “Heartfelt congratulations to you.”
- “Thank you, it makes my day to hear that.”
- “I really put a lot of thought into this, thank you for noticing.”
- “Thank you, I really appreciate you taking the time to express that.”
- “Thank you, I am happy to hear you feel that way!”
You can use well-earned to indicate that you think something is deserved, usually because the person who gets it has been working very hard.
Can you say absolutely perfect?
“Absolutely perfect” is wrong. People use it all the time, but some words can't take qualifiers. “Perfect” is the classic example taught in English classes.
- actually. adverb. used for emphasizing what is really true or what really happened.
- certainly. adverb. ...
- clearly. adverb. ...
- simply. adverb. ...
- literally. adverb. ...
- evidently. adverb. ...
- honestly. adverb. ...
- surely. adverb.
- absolute.
- accurate.
- actual.
- authentic.
- authenticated.
- bona fide.
- certain.
- certified.
[more deserving; most deserving] 1. always used before a noun : having good qualities that deserve praise, support, etc. He's a very deserving young man. The church provides aid to deserving families.
- beneficial.
- costly.
- expensive.
- helpful.
- important.
- invaluable.
- prized.
- profitable.
- Forgive yourself. Many of us struggle to feel worthy, because we are angry with ourselves about past mistakes. ...
- Practice self-acceptance. ...
- Be there for yourself. ...
- Connect to supportive people.
-worthy, suffix. -worthy is used to form adjectives with the meaning "deserving of, fit for'':news + -worthy → newsworthy (= fit for the news);trust + -worthy → trustworthy. -worthy is also used with the meaning "capable of travel in or on'':road + -worthy → roadworthy (= capable of traveling on the road);seaworthy.
I asked this same question a week ago, and someone from the deep south told me that “better than I deserve” is a an old, traditional southern response to the greeting “how are you”.
- “That sounds really challenging. I wish you all the best.” ...
- “I wish the best of health in your future.” ...
- “I hope your recovery goes smoothly every step of the way.” ...
- “I hope you're back doing the things you love soon.” ...
- “I can't imagine how that feels.
Whatever the reasoning is behind their claim, by saying “You deserve better” they are either trying to tell you that they don't want to be with you or that they are willing to let you go, and you shouldn't hesitate to walk — or run — away from someone who would do either one.
Why would a guy say you deserve better?
When he says you deserve better, he actually means it as a compliment. It's his way of trying to tell you that he thinks very highly of you.
If you say that someone deserves something, you mean that they should have it or do it because of their qualities or actions.
You could say, “thank you”, make eye contact while talking, listen with interest, or you could wish someone “good morning”. You could also give small gifts or a handwritten note as a token of appreciation, or send a message with a “you are worth it” quote at the right time to help them feel worthy.
Someone may say “You deserve better” if they believe you are out of their league, or out of the league of the person you're with. It's easy for a compliment such as this to be taken the wrong way. A crush or partner may say this because they don't feel good about themselves.
Whatever the reasoning is behind their claim, by saying “You deserve better” they are either trying to tell you that they don't want to be with you or that they are willing to let you go, and you shouldn't hesitate to walk — or run — away from someone who would do either one.
- Yes, that's correct. This is the neutral response for agreement. ...
- You have hit the nail on the head. This sentence means 'saying exactly right about something'. ...
- Spot on. ...
- I am afraid so. ...
- You are quite right. ...
- You could say so -70 % agreement. ...
- Yes, that's right.