Where is home to the most billionaires? (2024)

Where is home to the most billionaires?

New York City once again is home to the most billionaires in the world: It's the primary residence of an estimated 110 billionaires who are worth a collective $694 billion. The Big Apple has long dominated the ranks, coming in at No. 1 for all but one of the past 11 years. (Beijing briefly took the top spot in 2021.)

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Where are most billionaires located in the world?

China has 814 billionaires, the most in the world, according to the Hurun Global Rich List 2024. Despite holding on to the top spot, China lost 155 billionaires year-over-year, while the U.S. gained 109. The gap between the two countries has now reduced to just 14 billionaires.

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(Wealth Vault)
Where do the richest people in the world live?

Currently, New York City is home to the most billionaires.

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(CNBC International)
Who is the youngest billionaire?

Clemente Del Vecchio

Clemente was at one time the world's youngest billionaire (at the age of 18), but he has since aged out of that title, which is now held by Livia Voigt.

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(King Luxury)
Who is the richest girl in the world?

1. Françoise Bettencourt Meyers. With an eye-watering net worth of $99 billion, Francoise Bettencourt Meyers, a French businesswoman and philanthropist, is the richest woman in the world.

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(Sell It)
Which US city has the most millionaires?

Topping the list is New York City, with nearly 350-thousand millionaires.

(Video) Where The Richest Live: The Cities With The Most Billionaires 2022 | Forbes
Where do billionaires buy houses?

These countries are among the top places where the rich people own real estate. The wealthiest cities in the world that have the highest number of ultra-rich people include New York City, Tokyo, The Bay Area, London, Singapore, and Los Angeles, among others.

(Video) The Incredible Homes of The World's Richest Billionaires
(Luxury Zone)
What is the number 1 richest city?

New York City has been named the richest city in the world, with 349,500 millionaires and 60 billionaires, according to a report from consulting firm Henley & Partners in collaboration with analytics firm New World Wealth. The U.S. is home to 11 of the 50 richest cities in the world.

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(Trending Tens)
Where is the wealthiest place in America?

New York remains the richest city in the U.S. and the world with nearly 350,000 millionaires and 60 billionaires.

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What field has the most billionaires?

In broader terms, the finance and investment profession has the most millionaires. It also has the most billionaires, with 371. Here's a list of the seven best careers if you want to be a millionaire.

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(How Money Works)

Who is the richest family in the world?

Which Family on Earth is the Richest? The Al Nahyan family, the Royal Family of Abu Dhabi, is regarded as the richest family in the world, with an estimated net worth of $305 billion.

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What state has the most millionaires?

California earned the top spot on the list of best states to become a millionaire with a score of 80. According to the ranking, 17.9% of California's population are already millionaires and the state has more venture capital than most of the United States combined.

Where is home to the most billionaires? (2024)
Which state is the wealthiest?

New Jersey topped a U.S. News & World Report ranking of the richest states in the U.S. The ranking, published in November, used the U.S. Census Bureau's American Community Survey estimates from 2022 to identify states with the highest median household income.

What is the wealthiest county in the United States?

Loudoun County located in Virginia, is the richest county in the US with a population of 435,735. The county is known for its tertiary services, booming wine sector, huge wheat-growing land,second-largest, and is the hub of several high-tech and IT businesses.

Who is the 19-year-old billionaire daughter?

Livia Voigt, a 19-year-old college student, has recently made headlines for becoming the world's youngest billionaire. With an estimated net worth of $1.1 billion, Livia's journey to success is nothing short of extraordinary. Livia Voigt hails from Brazil and is the daughter of an affluent family.

How rich is Taylor Swift?

And now, as of February 2024? Bloomberg reported that Taylor's net worth is officially $1.1 billion.

Who is the richest woman in the world?

1. Françoise Bettencourt Meyers and family. Frenchwoman Bettencourt Meyers is the wealthiest woman on the planet.

Who is the daughter of billionaire?

Moo Abraham, or as more people will know her 'The Billionaire's Daughter,' is not your average 11-year-old.

Who is the richest actress on Earth?

1. Jami Gertz. Jamie Gertz is currently the richest actress in the world. She is famous for her role in the movie Lost Boys.

What's the richest town in America?

1. Atherton, California. The top spot on the list of the wealthiest cities in the U.S. belongs to Atherton, California. Atherton is located just outside of Silicon Valley, and directly between San Francisco and San Jose, making it one of the most prominent cities in the country.

Who has more millionaires California or New York?

New York has more millionaires than any other city in the world, beating out California's Bay Area, London and other wealthy cities, according to a new report. Nearly 350,00, or one in every 24 residents of The Big Apple are millionaires, according to a new ranking from Henley and Partners.

How many millionaires live in Dallas?

Dallas has 68,600 millionaire residents and 15 billionaires, according to the report.

Where do billionaires keep cash?

Common types of securities include bonds, stocks and funds (mutual and exchange-traded). Funds and stocks are the bread-and-butter of investment portfolios. Billionaires use these investments to ensure their money grows steadily.

Do billionaires buy homes in cash?

Some rich people use a mortgage to buy homes and some pay all cash, the same as everyone else. The choice just depends on the situation. Sometimes, there's more advantage to take on a mortgage to avoid tying up too much cash on a property and sometimes, it's a better deal with all cash.

Which billionaire lives in a normal house?


One of the absolute richest men in the world, the business magnate and philanthropist has given vast amounts of his wealth to charity and lives an exceedingly regular life. He still lives in Nebraska in a home he bought more than 50 years go for just over $30,000.

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