Why does the total cost curve never originate from the origin? (2024)

Why doesn't the total cost curve begin at the origin?

It is because all the input factors are variable in the long run. Therefore, in the long-run total cost is equal to variable cost. The variable cost starts from origin, indicating zero cost is incurred at zero production level. Hence, in the long run, the total cost curve starts from the origin.

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Why does variable cost curve originate from the point of origin?

Variable cost curve originates from the point of origin because when output is zero, variable cost is also zero.

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Where does the total cost curve start from?

This curve starts from the origin which shows that variable costs are nil when the output is zero. The total cost curve (TC) is obtained by adding the TFC and TVC vertically.

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Do the total cost and total variable cost curves start from origin explain giving reasons?

The cost incurred on variable factors of production is called Total Variable Cost (TVC). These costs vary with the level of output or production. Thus, when production level is zero, TVC is also zero. Thus, the TVC curve begins from the origin.

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Why total cost does not start from zero?

This is because total cost includes total fixed cost as one of its component. And, since, TC is always positive, it never starts from origin.

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Does supply curve always start from origin?

The supply curve can start from origin. It happens in those cases where the supply is unit elastic.

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(Jacob Clifford)
Why does the TVC curve start from origin?

The cost incurred on variable factors of production is called Total Variable Cost (TVC). These costs vary with the level of output or production. Thus, when production level is zero, TVC is also zero. Thus, the TVC curve begins from the origin.

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(Kalyana Karnataka Academy)
Why does TC curve and TFC curve start from the same point above the origin?

TC and TFC start from the same point because when zero unit of output is produced, TVC is zero.

(Noushad Chengodan)
Why does the TC curve start from the Y axis?

TC = TFC + TVC and TFC remains constant even at zero level of output. At zero level of output ∴ TVC = 0Accordingly TC curve starts from the Y-axis in the short period.

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How do you explain total cost curve?

The total cost curve represents the cost associated with every possible level of output, so if we figure out the cost-minimizing choice of inputs for every possible level of output, we can determine the cost of producing each level of output.

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What does a total cost curve show quizlet?

The total-cost curve shows the relationship between the quantity a firm can. produce and the total cost of producing that output.

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What is the curve of total cost?

In economics, a cost curve is a graph of the costs of production as a function of total quantity produced. In a free market economy, productively efficient firms optimize their production process by minimizing cost consistent with each possible level of production, and the result is a cost curve.

Why does the total cost curve never originate from the origin? (2024)
Does total cost always originate from Y axis give reason?

Since Total Fixed Cost (TFC) remains constant regardless of the quantity of output and Total Variable Cost changes with the change in level of output, so at zero levels of output TFC exists but TVC is zero, therefore, TC curve originate not from origin 'O' but from the point on OY axis where TFC intersects (refer to ...

Why is the total cost curve curved?

The total cost curve is upward sloping (i.e. increasing in quantity). This simply reflects the fact that it costs more in total to produce more output.

Why is total variable cost curve?

The TVC curve is an inverted S upward sloping curve. The main reason for the shape of the TVC curve is the operation of the law of variable proportion. As the total output increases, the TVC initially increases at a decreasing when the production is experiencing increasing returns.

Why does the total cost curve start from the Y axis?

Because TVC is 0 at the zero level of output, it begins at the origin. TC = TFC and starts from the same place on the y-axis at the zero level of output.

Why TR curve is a straight line passing through the origin?

At zero output, TR=0. And the slope of the TR curve is constant and is equal to price. Hence, the TR curve is a straight line passing through the origin.

Why is the total revenue curve a ray from the origin?

Total revenue curve passes through origin because if quantity of output sold is zero then total revenue will also be zero.

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Author: Carlyn Walter

Last Updated: 16/09/2024

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