11 Customer Acquisition vs Retention Statistics (2022) (2024)

11 Customer Acquisition vs Retention Statistics (2022) (1)This is in-depth research about customer acquisition and retention costs.

In this research, you’re going to find:

  • Which is cheaper: to attract a new customer or to keep an existing one?
  • What do companies focus more on – attracting new consumers or retaining old ones?
  • What is the key factor in driving customer loyalty and retention?
  • And much more…

Let’s get right into it.


  • Customer Acquisition vs. Retention Costs Summary
  • 11 Customer Acquisition vs. Retention Statistics
    • 1. What Is the Probability of Selling to a New vs Existing Customer?
    • 2. What Are the Costs of Acquiring New Customers vs Retaining Old Ones?
    • 3. How Customer Retention Affects Company Profits?
    • 4. Customer Acquisition vs Retention: What Are Companies Focusing More on?
    • 5. How Much Company’s Business Comes from Existing Customers?
    • 6. What Is the Average Customer Retention Rate?
    • 7. Existing Customers Generates More Sales Than New Ones
    • 8. Only 40% of Companies and 30% of Agencies Have an Equal Focus on Acquisition and Retention
    • 9. What Is the Main Factor in Driving Customer Loyalty And Retention?
    • 10. What Is Buying Behavior of Existing Customers vs New Customers?
    • 11. 82% of Companies Agree That Customer Retention Is Cheaper Than Acquisition

Customer Acquisition vs. Retention Costs Summary

  • The probability of selling to an existing customer is 60-70%, while the probability of selling to a new prospect is only 5% to 20%.
  • It costs up to 7x more to acquire a new customer than to retain an old one.
  • Increasing customer retention by 5% increases profits by 25-95%.
  • 44% of companies have a greater focus on acquisition vs. 16% that focus on retention.
  • 65% of a company’s business comes from existing customers.
  • For most industries, the average customer retention rate is below 20%.
  • Loyal customers spend 67% more than new ones.
  • Only 40% of companies and 30% of agencies have an equal focus on acquisition and retention.
  • 89% of see customer experience as a key factor in driving customer loyalty and retention.
  • Existing customers are 50% more likely to try new products and spend 31% more than new customers.
  • 82% of companies agree that customer retention is cheaper than acquisition

11 Customer Acquisition vs. Retention Statistics

1. What Is the Probability of Selling to a New vs Existing Customer?

11 Customer Acquisition vs Retention Statistics (2022) (2)

The probability of selling to an existing customer is 3x to 35x higher than to a new one.

When you are trying to sell a product, you have a 60%-70% chance of making a sale with a returning customer. The probability of the same with a new customer is 5%-20%.

These numbers make perfect sense, and as we all know, people are more responsive to individuals or companies they’re already familiar with, compared to complete strangers.

2. What Are the Costs of Acquiring New Customers vs Retaining Old Ones?

11 Customer Acquisition vs Retention Statistics (2022) (3)

It costs up to 7x more to acquire a new customer than to retain an old one.

Depending on the scope of your business and industry, you may spend7x moreto acquire a new client.

A returning client already trusts your brand and likes your products.

Therefore, you only need a little marketing effort to get them on board again.

It is easier to increase your ROI by nurturing your relationship with existing customers.

3. How Customer Retention Affects Company Profits?

11 Customer Acquisition vs Retention Statistics (2022) (4)

Loyal customers generate more revenue each year they stay with a company. Statistics indicate that a 5% increase in customer retention increases profits by 25% – 95%.

Recurrent customers tend to buy more from a company over time.

This increases lifetime value.

Additionally, loyal customers refer others to your company, thus increasing your profit margins.

4. Customer Acquisition vs Retention: What Are Companies Focusing More on?

44% of companies focus on customer acquisition, while only 16% that focus on retention.

When looking at agency clients, the number is 58% vs. 12%.

However, 21% of company respondents believe they should be focused on the acquisition, while 22% think more focus should be on retention.

Even though most companies indicate that retention is better than acquisition, they are still doing the opposite.

The probability of selling to an existing customer is 60% to 70%. And the chances of selling to a new prospect is 5% to 20%.

5. How Much Company’s Business Comes from Existing Customers?

65% of a company’s business comes from existing customers.

Most businesses usually focus on getting new clients.

However, your existing customer base is far more critical when it comes to generating sales.

Customer Research Institute argues that the existing customer base contributes 65% of the company’s business.

Seeing as it is easier to make sales with returning customers, companies that focus on retaining their customers record up to 60% more profits than their competitors.

6. What Is the Average Customer Retention Rate?

For most industries, the average customer retention rate is below 20%.

Many companies across different industries struggle to retain their existing customer base.

The customer retention rate allows companies to know where they stand, how good they are at bringing in prospects, as well as satisfying their existing customers.

A research report by MixPanel’s Product Benchmark showed that the average retention rate was 20% across different industries.

This rate is below the average mark, which is 35% in the SaaS industry and 20% in the media and coverage industry.

7. Existing Customers Generates More Sales Than New Ones

Loyal customers spend 67% more than new ones.

Your existing customer base already accounts for most of your sales.

These returning customers are also more likely to spend more on your products than a new prospect.

A new customer will consider your company or business venture risky and will not commit to spending much.

A returning customer, on the other hand, gets to build a relationship with your brand.

This relationship culminates in trust, and customers are likely to spend 67% more than new customers.

8. Only 40% of Companies and 30% of Agencies Have an Equal Focus on Acquisition and Retention

11 Customer Acquisition vs Retention Statistics (2022) (5)

Reports show that only 40% of companies and 30% of agencies currently had an equal focus on acquisition and retention.

When asked which are between the two should have more focus, 56% of the respondents believed in allocating equal efforts and resources on both.

Equally, focusing on both helps maintain consistent growth, financial planning, and building long-term relationships with clients.

Therefore, companies and agencies should strike a balance between the two.

9. What Is the Main Factor in Driving Customer Loyalty And Retention?

11 Customer Acquisition vs Retention Statistics (2022) (6)

89% of companies see customer experience as an essential factor in driving customer loyalty and retention.

Most marketing teams in companies are responsible for creating buyer personas, collecting data, and engaging with prospects. An effective marketing strategy allows a company to deliver experiences that delight buyers throughout their customer journey.

Therefore, to maximize profits and increase sales while keeping operation costs low, companies should focus on customer experience management and supporting tools.

10. What Is Buying Behavior of Existing Customers vs New Customers?

11 Customer Acquisition vs Retention Statistics (2022) (7)

When you introduce a new product in the market, your current customers are 50% more likely to try it out than new ones.

Existing customers also spend 31% more than new prospects.

11. 82% of Companies Agree That Customer Retention Is Cheaper Than Acquisition

Retention and acquisition are two of the essential strategies for generating sales.

Although most companies agree that it would be cheaper to retain existing customers, many of them are still focused on acquisition rather than retention.

Econsultancy carried out a Cross-Channel Marketing Study for two years.

Although there was a decrease in the number of companies that focussed on the acquisition, it remained the dominant strategy for most companies.


11 Customer Acquisition vs Retention Statistics (2022) (2024)


Which is more important customer acquisition or customer retention? ›

Acquiring a new customer can cost five times more than retaining an existing customer. Increasing customer retention by 5% can increase profits from 25-95%. The success rate of selling to a customer you already have is 60-70%, while the success rate of selling to a new customer is 5-20%.

Why is customer retention more profitable than customer acquisition? ›

Retention Is Likely to Be More Profitable Than Acquisition

Existing customers are much easier to sell to. According to Marketing Metrics, the probability of converting an existing customer is 60 percent to 70 percent. The probability of converting a new prospect, on the other hand, is only 5 percent to 20 percent.

What is an acceptable customer retention rate? ›

For most industries, average eight-week retention is below 20 percent. For products in the media or finance industry, an eight-week retention rate over 25 percent is considered elite. For the SaaS and e-commerce industries, over 35 percent retention is considered elite.

How many times more does it cost to attract a new client than to keep an existing client? ›

Did you know that it costs five times as much to attract a new customer, than to keep an existing one? The first rule of any business is to retain customers and build a loyal relationship with them, and thereby avoid customer acquisition costs.

Why do companies focus more on acquisition than retention? ›

Acquisition vs retention

For many marketers, it is a given that it is cheaper to retain existing customers than to acquire new ones, particularly in industries, such as car insurance, where the lifetime value of a customer is a more significant metric than the profit arising from an individual sale.

What is the most important factor in customer retention? ›

The main findings contain that the most common factors that affect customer retention are service quality, satisfaction, trust, and commitment.

Did you know 5% increase in retention increases profits by up to 95 %? ›

The more loyal customers you have – the higher your profits. In fact, studies by Bain & Company, along with Earl Sasser of the Harvard Business School, have shown that even a 5 percent increase in customer retention can lead to an increase in profits of between 25 and 95 percent.

Is it cheaper to keep old customers or get new customers? ›

Depending on which study you believe, and what industry you're in, acquiring a new customer is anywhere from five to 25 times more expensive than retaining an existing one. It makes sense: you don't have to spend time and resources going out and finding a new client — you just have to keep the one you have happy.

What is meant by an increase of 5% retention rate? ›

Even businesses with relatively high rates of retention stand to benefit from improving retention rates. A mere 5% increase in customer retention can boost profits more than 25%. Businesses may think they have time to reveal the true value of their product to their customers.

What is a realistic retention rate? ›

A 100% retention rate is always good. Meanwhile, a 15% retention rate is usually bad.

What is a good retention rate for a small business? ›

Often, a small business's customer retention rate during a two-month period is closer to 20%, though when e-commerce is factored in, the rate increases to 35%.

How much cheaper is it to retain customers? ›

“Retaining customers is cheaper than acquiring new ones”.

Customer retention also has a network effect that paves the way for sustainable growth. In fact, customer retention is 5- 25 times¹ cheaper than customer acquisition.

Is it always worthwhile to retain a customer? ›

Customer retention is critical because the cost of acquiring new customers is much higher than retaining existing customers. Retained customers are also more likely to engage in word-of-mouth marketing or become brand ambassadors.

What is the most effective and popular customer retention marketing tactic? ›

A loyalty and rewards program is one of the most effective customer retention tactics at your disposal. It allows you to reward points to shoppers to encourage them to come back.

Should companies focus on customer retention or customer acquisition? ›

Growth without retention is not growth, retention is the single most important strategy for growth. This is demonstrated by a KPMG study, which states that the biggest revenue driver for companies was, in fact, customer retention (KPMG's 2014 Retail Industry Outlook).

Why is customer acquisition and customer retention both important in an Organisation? ›

While customer acquisition is the act of gaining new customers, customer retention is focused on developing better relationships with your existing customers with the goal of increasing loyalty and driving repeat purchases.

Why you should focus on customer retention? ›

Customer retention is crucial for forecasting consistent growth in financial planning. If you can count on committed customers returning for the next financial quarter, anticipatory budgetary decisions are easier to make.

What causes low customer retention? ›

The products you sell have a considerable impact on customer retention levels, because your catalog should give customers a need or desire to come back. For example, a store selling high-end furniture will naturally experience lower retention levels than a store selling affordable beauty products.

What are the variables in customer retention? ›

Out of seven variables tested it is found that switching barriers (interpersonal relationship and switching cost), brand image, price perception, trust and customer satisfaction have the effect on customer retention. However, customer satisfaction has little to do to increase the customer retention.

What are the goals of acquisition and retention in an online context? ›

Minimizing acquisition costs. Targeting high value customers by developing marketing communication strategies. Encouraging existing customers to migrate to online for purchase or service. Optimizing service quality and use of right channels.

What is the average customer retention rate by industry? ›

Customer Retention Rate by Industry

Retail: 63% Banking: 75% Telecom: 78% IT: 81%

When a company retains just 5 percent more of its customers profits increase by 25 percent to 125 percent? ›

Reichheld and Sasser (1990) found that when a company retains just 5 percent more of its customers, profits increase by 25 percent to 125 percent. Their study caught the attention of both practitioners and researchers, arousing a great interest in customer loyalty.

What is retention KPI? ›

The Customer Retention KPI measures the ability of your organization to retain customers over the long term and to generate recurring revenue from existing customers.

Why repeat customers are better than new customers? ›

Not only do repeat customers convert more often, they have a higher average order value than first time buyers. This means that your repeat customers are buying more from your store and more often! The number of previous purchases and how long they've been a customer directly impacts how much a repeat customer spends.

What percentage of sales come from existing customers? ›

The probability of selling to an existing customer is 60-70 percent. The probability of selling to a new prospect is 5-20 percent. 80 percent of your future profits will come from just 20 percent of your existing customers. 65 percent of a company's business comes from existing customers.

Can retention rate be higher than 100%? ›

Net revenue retention (NRR) formula

If you're experience a high rate of account expansion, NRR can be above 100% and is often referred to as Negative Churn. A rate above 110% is considered best-in-class.

What are the four levels of retention strategies? ›

There are four stages of customer retention strategies, which are: 1. Financial Bonds 2. Social Bonds 3. Customisation Bonds 4.

Do you want a high or low retention rate? ›

The higher the retention rate, the better. If it's 80%, that means only 20% of employees leave the business during a given period.

Is customer retention more powerful than customer satisfaction Why or why not? ›

Customer retention is more powerful than customer satisfaction: a. over 60% of an organizations future revenue will come from existing customers. b.a 2% increase in customer retention has an equivalent impact upon profitability as a 10% reduction operating costs.

How do you calculate customer acquisition rate? ›

How You Can Measure CAC. Basically, the CAC can be calculated by simply dividing all the costs spent on acquiring more customers (marketing expenses) by the number of customers acquired in the period the money was spent.

How do you improve customer retention metrics? ›

Three Key Ways to Boost Your Customer Retention Rate
  1. Understand your churn. Calculate your retention and churn rates to determine how many of your customers are coming back vs. ...
  2. Improve customer experience. A positive customer experience goes a long way toward retaining customers. ...
  3. Deepen customer relationships.
Apr 14, 2022

How do you measure customer acquisition? ›

How is customer acquisition cost calculated? In short, to calculate CAC, you add up the costs associated with acquiring new customers (the amount you've spent on marketing and sales) and then divide that amount by the number of customers you acquired.

Which is more important customer acquisition or customer retention? ›

Acquiring a new customer can cost five times more than retaining an existing customer. Increasing customer retention by 5% can increase profits from 25-95%. The success rate of selling to a customer you already have is 60-70%, while the success rate of selling to a new customer is 5-20%.

What is a good percentage of returning customers? ›

Although benchmarks vary from company to company, most ecommerce businesses have 25-30% percent returning customers. This is backed up by Alex Schultz, VP of Growth at Facebook who says, “If you can get 20-30% of customers coming back every month and making a purchase from your store, you should do pretty well”.

Why is customer retention more profitable than customer acquisition? ›

Retention Is Likely to Be More Profitable Than Acquisition

Existing customers are much easier to sell to. According to Marketing Metrics, the probability of converting an existing customer is 60 percent to 70 percent. The probability of converting a new prospect, on the other hand, is only 5 percent to 20 percent.

Do long term customers are profitable too? ›

This assumption was based on extensively cited research, which offered empirical evidence indicating that long-term customers are satisfied, loyal customers and that (1) they generate more profits because they get accustomed to the service and use the service more; (2) they are less price sensitive and thus, companies ...

What are the top 3 keys to customer retention? ›

Top 5 Keys to Customer Retention
  1. Shared Vision and Strategy. To achieve their goals, businesses have to know what those goals are in the first place. ...
  2. A Focus on Adoption. ...
  3. Manager and End-User Value. ...
  4. Training and Communication. ...
  5. Providing Support and Changing Management.

How do you retain customers in 2022? ›

5 Customer Retention Strategies for 2022
  1. Know Your Customer. To retain customers, you must first understand them on a personal level. ...
  2. Create a Loyalty Program. ...
  3. Offer Surprises. ...
  4. Stay Up to Date With the Latest Trends in Your Industry. ...
  5. Keep Communication Open.

What are the most common mistakes of a customer retention specialist? ›

5 common customer retention mistakes to avoid (and how to fix them)
  • Not having an easy way for customers to contact you (and not responding appropriately)
  • Not knowing your customer.
  • Not tailoring your content to your customer.
  • Not prioritizing customer engagement.
  • Not offering a free trial.
Feb 2, 2021

Why customer retention is more important than customer attraction? ›

While customer acquisition relies on your ability to reach and attract new audiences, customer retention is more about ongoing engagement, personalization, and value provided over time.

Do you think it is important to learn a customer retention and acquisition Why? ›

Customer retention is incredibly important to maintaining consistent growth and financial planning. Existing customers require less maintenance than new customers. Moreover, strong customer retention rates can be an excellent driver for customer acquisition, through referrals and positive reviews.

Why is new customer acquisition important? ›

Customer acquisition is critical for creating a firm and developing a foothold in the market, from bringing in new clients to increasing revenue. It aids in the acquisition of new clients for your company. More clients mean more income, which means more profit for your company.

Why is customer retention and customer acquisition is important for business to any age and size? ›

Customer acquisition is important for businesses of any age and size. It allows your business to: Make money to meet costs, pay employees, and reinvest in growth, and. Show evidence of traction for outside parties such as investors, partners, and influencers.

What is the average customer retention rate by industry? ›

Customer Retention Rate by Industry

Retail: 63% Banking: 75% Telecom: 78% IT: 81%

Why customer retention is preferred? ›

Customer retention helps increase the profitability of your small business. Build lasting customer relationships by providing personalized quality service, communicating effectively, rewarding loyal customers, and offering innovative products and services.

What percentage of sales come from existing customers? ›

The probability of selling to an existing customer is 60-70 percent. The probability of selling to a new prospect is 5-20 percent. 80 percent of your future profits will come from just 20 percent of your existing customers. 65 percent of a company's business comes from existing customers.

Is it cheaper to keep old customers or get new customers? ›

Depending on which study you believe, and what industry you're in, acquiring a new customer is anywhere from five to 25 times more expensive than retaining an existing one. It makes sense: you don't have to spend time and resources going out and finding a new client — you just have to keep the one you have happy.

What are the goals of acquisition and retention in an online context? ›

Minimizing acquisition costs. Targeting high value customers by developing marketing communication strategies. Encouraging existing customers to migrate to online for purchase or service. Optimizing service quality and use of right channels.

How do you measure customer acquisition? ›

How is customer acquisition cost calculated? In short, to calculate CAC, you add up the costs associated with acquiring new customers (the amount you've spent on marketing and sales) and then divide that amount by the number of customers you acquired.

What is a good customer acquisition? ›

Ideally, it should take roughly one year to recoup the cost of customer acquisition, and your LTV: CAC should be 3:1 — in other words, the value of your customers should be three times the cost of acquiring them.

How do you write a customer acquisition strategy? ›

How to create a customer acquisition strategy
  1. Identify your ideal customers.
  2. Define your goals.
  3. Choose your customer acquisition channels.
  4. Develop a unique strategy for each channel.
  5. Communicate with your customers.
  6. Measure and improve your strategy.
Jun 7, 2022

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