24 Latest Hotel Technology Trends To Watch For in 2024 (2024)

The hospitality industry is dynamic and every year the trends keep changing. Currently, a number of technology trends in the hospitality industry are making a great impact on accommodation businesses worldwide.

From streamlining hotel operations to improving the guest experience, technology is becoming more and more pivotal.

If hotels want to stay profitable in this competitive industry, it is imperative to keep a tap on the latest trends.

Just like 2023, the year 2024 also has a lot in store for hotel businesses. And in this article, we are compiling some of the top hotel technology trends that focus on improving the guest experience, enhancing your operations, and increasing your bookings.

Table of Content

  1. To Improve Guest Experience?
  • Smart hotel rooms
  • IoT
  • Bid data
  • Mobile check-in service
  • Contactless payments
  • Translation devices
  • Increased internet bandwidth
  • Cybersecurity
  • Robots
  • Air filter systems
  • To Increase Operational Efficiency and Revenue
    • Artificial intelligence
    • Face recognition technology
    • Occupancy-based sensors
    • Energy saving appliances
    • Cloud Hotel PMS
    • Mobile Hotel PMS
    • Integrated Technology Solutions
    • Revenue management system
  • To Foster Hotel Marketing
    • Text-message marketing
    • Booking on mobile devices
    • Voice search
    • 360 Degree Videos
    • Metasearch Bookings
    • Chatbots

    Latest Technology Trends in the Hospitality Industry to Improve Guest Experience

    As hospitality professionals, the guest experience is easily one of your top priorities. Because of that, it’s no surprise that there are many technology trends in the hospitality industry that focus on the guest experience through and through.

    1. Smart hotel rooms

    Smart hotel rooms allow guests to easily personalize their rooms to fit their needs. The technology in hotel rooms enables the guest to adjust the room temperature and lighting, and guests can even stream their favorite shows through a remote or smartphone.

    Such rooms can also be programmed to automatically reduce power usage during certain hours of the day. Besides, they can shut everything off in a room when guests are not present.

    In a world where people are increasingly conscious of the environment, smart rooms also offer a promise of greater sustainability, and guests can feel comfortable knowing that they’re using energy sustainably. 

    While these rooms are a massive benefit for the guest experience, they are also beneficial to hotels because they can reduce operating costs associated with energy usage.

    2. IoT

    IoT (Internet of Things) is definitely one of the top new technology trends in the hospitality industry. It allows various devices to be connected through the internet and controlled by one central source, such as a phone or tablet. Examples of IoT applications can include everything in a smart hotel room, digital key cards, and even voice-controlled customer service.

    IoT allows guests to easily control everything in their room and personalize it to their needs. They are also useful in operations, mainly because IoT works as a smart hotel technology that can use data to identify and address issues before they become greater problems.

    You may like to read: How IoT helps you Grow Your Hotel Business?

    3. Big data

    Big data is one of the most practical hotel technology trends.

    To define, big data is a large collection of data that businesses can collect from consumers. It is then used to analyze customer behavior and make more informed and strategic business decisions.

    You can use the insights to cater your service directly to your guests’ needs and interests and create a personalized experience they will never forget.

    4. Mobile check-in service

    In times of COVID-19, interactions at the front desk should be minimized as much as possible. A mobile check-in service reduces contact between guests and employees, and this can give guests greater peace of mind.

    Undeniably, mobile service is a proven future hotel technology trend.

    Aside from this benefit, a mobile check-in service can speed up the arrival process and allow guests to get to their rooms faster. One way to implement this is through digital registration cards that allow guests to fill out all necessary information from their phones prior to arriving at a hotel. Meaning, you reduce any risk that comes with close contact.

    5. Contactless payments

    Another new technology trend in the hospitality industry that every hotelier must know about is contactless payment.

    It uses wireless technology to complete transactions. Customers place their card, or even mobile device, within a few inches of the reader and quickly complete transactions.

    Looking at its benefits amid this covid scenario, hotel businesses have extensively picked up on this trend.

    Contactless payments also reduce the transaction time, allowing guests to quickly finish up their check-in and finally relax after travel.

    Beyond the typical definition, contactless payments could also mean payments made through online mode. Meaning, guests use mobile devices to transfer money to a specific account. UPI transactions and payments made by scanning a QR code are great examples of this.

    24 Latest Hotel Technology Trends To Watch For in 2024 (1)

    6. Translation devices

    In a globalized world, it’s very likely that you will host foreign guests who speak different languages, especially if your hotel is at a popular tourist destination.

    Of course, clear communication is essential to customer service and a great guest experience, so hoteliers need to modify their processes to overcome language barriers.

    Luckily, translation devices are available to integrate into guest services, so you can communicate with anyone in their native language.It is a mandatory practice and one of the prominent hospitality technology trends.

    7. Increased internet bandwidth

    People travel with more devices than ever before, and they’re using these devices to stream videos, surf social media, play games, attend video conferences during their stay, and whatnot.

    Did you know according to a survey 93% of guests felt that complimentary WIFI was the most important amenity a hotel provides?

    To accommodate this behavior, hotels should get as much bandwidth as they can, since higher-quality media requires more bandwidth to load. And the growing popularity of 5G technology opens numerous opportunities for the industry as well.

    Some people are also looking to work from hotels as a way to get out of their homes during the pandemic (staycations), so it’s even more important nowadays to provide this service.

    8. Cybersecurity

    Stories of cyberattacks on hotels and hotel groups are not uncommon, and even some of the largest groups have had security breaches. With the growth in the use of technology in the hotel industry comes the necessity for stronger cybersecurity practices.

    Cyberattacks put guests’ sensitive information at risk, so security procedures should evolve with technological improvements.

    From an experience standpoint, guests want to trust that their information is secure at all times. With the rise in working from hotels, it’s especially important that your network is secure enough for sensitive business information. From another angle, it’s also worth investing in stronger security measures so your operations and brand reputation don’t suffer the consequences.

    9. Robots

    Robots can have a wide range of uses, especially for contactless services. They can be used to greet and provide guests with key information upon arrival, and some hotels have gotten very creative with that, like this Japanese hotel staffed by robots.

    Additionally, robots can also be used for room service and housekeeping services. In a world where social distancing is still very important, robots can contribute to contactless service that helps guests feel at ease.

    10. Air filter systems

    According to a study by the World Health Organization,

    9/10 people around the world breathe polluted air.

    Pollution from cities, bad air quality from wildfires, and pollen during allergy season; all contribute to unpleasant air. Air filter systems can get rid of pollutants and allergens, and they can be especially useful in eliminating bacteria, mold, and viruses in hotel rooms. Guests will appreciate the breath of fresh air.

    Hotel Technology Trends to Increase Operational Efficiency and Revenue

    One of the key benefits of technology in the hotel industry is that it streamlines routine operations to a great extent.

    Guest experience is also closely tied to some of these trends. Because more efficient staff can serve guests faster and take the extra time to really personalize their experience.

    11. Artificial intelligence

    Artificial intelligence has been changing operations in many industries, and the hotel industry is no exception. It has the ability to streamline operations, taking over repetitive tasks like answering frequently asked questions.

    These hotel technology trends can free up your employees’ time, so they can focus on the most high-touch and personalized service.

    12. Face recognition technology

    Face recognition technology is a type of biometric technology that is able to recognize people by the features on their faces. You’re probably familiar with it already, especially if you have a more recent version of an Apple or Android phone.

    Some uses in the hospitality industry can include security and improved customer service. Properties can use facial recognition as a way for guests to access their rooms, and on the flip side, it can also prevent access to anyone who’s caused problems in the past.

    In terms of customer service, facial recognition can help your staff identify guests in order to better tailor services and messaging to particular guests. 

    If you’re hosting a special guest, perhaps a high-spender or a loyal guest, this technology can help staff members identify them and treat them with extra care.

    13. Occupancy-based sensors

    Occupancy-based sensors can never go off the list when we are talking about some of the latest technology trends in the hospitality industry.

    These sensors are great for reducing energy costs. These sensors can be in the form of motion detectors or thermal sensors, to name a few.

    When these sensors determine that there is no one in the room, they can automatically shut off the power in those rooms. Thereby, saving you from wasted energy and the associated costs.

    14. Energy-saving appliances

    In addition to other energy-saving technologies like smart rooms and occupancy-based sensors, hotels can save a lot of money by just updating their lighting and adding water-saving tools.

    Since lighting accounts for about 25-40% of a hotel’s energy costs, your hotel can save a lot by switching to LED lighting.

    In fact, LED lighting saves at least 75% of energy, and these light bulbs last 25 times longer than traditional incandescent.

    Water usage is another high operating cost, so updating to low-flow faucets and showerheads can save a lot of money, without sacrificing the water pressure that guests want.

    15. Cloud hotel property management system (PMS)

    When we are talking about technology trends in the hotel industry, a property management system can never go out. From the very get-go, it has been the backbone of a successful hotel business.

    The cloud hotel PMS is a software that comprises different modules and functions to automate every operation of your hotel.

    Whether it’s about managing reservations, frontdesk, housekeeping, billing, or anything, you name it; a PMS takes care of everything.

    Now, this is not the only benefit you get. A cloud hotel PMS has got more in store for hotels; it ensures the scalability, availability, and security of the business.

    So, if you’re still shying away from it then it’s high time to change your perspective and opt for a cloud-based property management system.

    24 Latest Hotel Technology Trends To Watch For in 2024 (2)

    16. Mobile hotel PMS

    Mobile technology is certainly transforming the hotel industry. However, many hoteliers are still not turning to it. Which shouldn’t be the case.

    A mobile PMS app makes your grip stronger on hotel management. You can perform almost every task from the convenience of your smartphone that you usually do on a computer-based PMS.

    With a mobile hotel PMS, you can run your hotel from anywhere, anytime. Yes, it is that simple. So, hurry and adopt a mobile PMS app to manage your hotel operations.

    17. Integrated technology solutions

    Speaking of new technology trends in the hospitality industry, integrated hotel technology can never be overlooked.

    This sought-after tech is all about connecting data, applications, APIs, and devices to the existing technology stack.

    Now, when it comes to trends, channel managers and booking engines are two of the most sought-after hotel technologies.

    An integrated channel manager helps hotels in updating their room inventory, rates, and packages in real-time. Meaning, hotels can now do away with manual tasks, double booking, and rate disparity.

    Next up, an integrated booking engine makes the process of acquiring direct bookings smooth. No need to update manually on the PMS as well, because the booking engine does that too.

    18. Revenue management system

    A hotel revenue management system is at the core of a hotel’s pricing strategy. It is basically used to analyze data such as internal data, market supply, customer demand, etc. to optimize pricing and inventory.

    If your hotel is looking to up its revenue management game or just wants to boost revenue in general, a revenue management system is a must.

    Read this blog to learn in detail about the benefits of incorporating a revenue management system at your property.

    Hotel Technology Trends to Foster Hotel Marketing

    When it comes to hotel marketing, technology plays a prominent role. However, not many know about the exact tech stack they need to carry out their hotel marketing tasks.

    Here are some ways you can adopt new hotel technology trends to improve your marketing:

    19. Text-message marketing

    People don’t seem to like phone calls as much as they used to. For the hotel industry, this change can be huge.

    Many of your guests will appreciate the opportunity to text you rather than call the front desk. And you can build stronger relationships with guests through their preferred channel of communication.

    The benefits of text messaging don’t end there. Conversion rates can increase by over 100% through texting with qualified leads. What that can mean for hotels is bringing more guests back directly through text message offers.

    75% of people like to be offered special deals through text messages

    The Local Project

    So, there’s a great opportunity for you to reach guests directly.

    An easy way to implement this strategy is through Akia’s SMS Campaigns feature, and you can kiss the days of unopened emails goodbye.

    We also have a detailed blog SMS marketing. Do give it a read.

    20. Booking on mobile devices

    If you were in a new and unfamiliar place, would you be able to get by without your smartphone? What if you need to make a last-minute hotel booking?

    Smartphones have become a huge part of how people interact with the world, and their ease and convenience make them even more popular than desktops in many scenarios.

    The growing presence of mobile means that hoteliers need to optimize their website and booking processes for mobile devices.

    An easy-to-navigate mobile website can capture more direct bookings, and a seamless mobile booking experience can even build customer loyalty since people will remember good experiences. Last-minute bookings are also predominantly captured by mobile, so weary travelers should be able to quickly and easily find your website on their phone and make a booking.

    21. Voice search

    Another booking channel to optimize for is voice search. More and more people are using voice-activated search assistants, like Apple’s Siri, Google Assistant, and Amazon’s Alexa. It is one of the most prominent hotel technology trends.

    50% of all searches will be voice-activated searches in 2020.


    Since voice searches use more natural language and speech patterns than typed searches do, strategies like creating content in a more conversational voice and answering frequently asked questions on your website can help your hotel become more discoverable through voice search. If people can easily find your website, they will be much more likely to book with you.

    22. 360-degree videos

    Virtual reality is a simulation of the real world using digital means. A virtual tour of your hotel can be a great way to show prospective guests what they would experience from a first-person point of view and move them further down the decision funnel.

    Providing a 360-degree presentation of your hotel allows prospective guests to get a better sense of the space and confidently make their reservations.

    23. Metasearch bookings

    Metasearch websites collect information on different properties and compare them all in one place. Websites like Google Hotel Ads, TripAdvisor, and Trivago are all examples of metasearch engines.

    Advertising on metasearch sites can drive a 180% increase in bookings. 

    Let us tell you that these sites drive more website traffic than any other platform. Most hotels use metasearch websites to research their competitor hotels. Whereas, most of them so taking advantage of advertising on these platforms can drive a lot more direct bookings.

    24 Latest Hotel Technology Trends To Watch For in 2024 (3)

    24. Chatbots

    Chatbots can be used for a variety of different applications, and driving direct bookings is one of them. They are rule-based or artificial intelligence-powered, and can quickly answer questions directly on your website.

    With the ability to answer queries 24/7, chatbots are a great way to create a live form of communication. And ChatGPT is one such innovative tool that hoteliers can use to improve their customer service and save costs. They encourage prospective guests to book directly.

    24 Latest Hotel Technology Trends To Watch For in 2024 (4)

    In Conclusion

    Today, guests’ preferences are changing, and if hotels are to serve guests better, all the while saving money in the long term, keeping abreast with all the latest technology trends in the hotel industry is the key.

    In this blog, we tried to put up as many hospitality tech trends as possible. However, that doesn’t mean you’ll go all out on all of them at once. Start by picking the relevant techs and then eventually turn to others.

    Not to mention, do not forget to keep a track of how the latest adoptions are helping your hotel. If anything isn’t working then consider tweaking it the way you want.

    At the end of the day, it all boils down to trial and error. So start updating your hotel’s technology today.

    Also, do let us know your thoughts on future technology in the hospitality industry. We would love to feature them on our list.

    24 Latest Hotel Technology Trends To Watch For in 2024 (5)

    24 Latest Hotel Technology Trends To Watch For in 2024 (2024)
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