A Sample Profit and Loss Statement for Small Business (2024)

As a small business owner, you’re deeply involved in every aspect of your company. You might be the hiring manager, marketing director, and accountant, all in the span of one day. This is why you need to know what a profit and loss statement is.

Knowing the roles you have to play, it is important to have at least a basic understanding of each one. This is especially the case if you’re responsible for preparing your company’s financial reports.

The three most common reports you’ll need to know how to create are a balance sheet, cash flow statement, and a profit and loss statement (P&L). Of these three, a profit and loss statement is one of the most important. It reveals key data about the current and future stability of your business.

As your business grows, you may be able to expand your accounting efforts into an official department or outsource those services to a third-party provider. Until then, it pays to know how to do it yourself.

Read on to learn how to create a by using our sample profit and loss statement for small business!

What is a Profit and Loss Statement?

A profit and loss statement is also referred to as an income statement. In short, it measures how much your business earns (net operating profit) during a given timeframe, compared with how much it spends (net loss).

This makes it a quick and effective way to tell whether or not your company is earning money or losing it.You can analyze this report to better understand your overall business performance, as well as identify areas for potential growth and improvement.

Do your profits outnumber your losses and do your outgoing invoices outweigh your incoming bills? If so, great! That means you’re generating excess funds that you can reinvest back into your business, save for later, or use for countless other purposes.

However, if your losses are greater than your profits, it’s a clear sign that your business needs a turnaround to remain sustainable in the future.

Timelines for Measurement

The exact timeline you choose for your company’s profit and loss statement activity is up to you. Most business owners perform this assessment on a regular, consistent basis using the following time periods:

  • Monthly
  • Quarterly
  • Annually

If your business is very small or still in its startup phase, your P&L statement might be just a few lines long. On the other hand, a major business could have a P&L statement that is quite a few pages long.

Ultimately, the length of your P&L statement depends on how complex your business is. If you only have a few sources of income and minimal expenses, it shouldn’t be that long. On the other hand, if your income is complex, then it can be much longer.

Appearance of a P&L Statement

What does a complete profit and loss statement look like? Depending on the software you use to create yours, the exact layout might vary a little. Regardless, this sample profit and loss statement article should be a good place for you to start.

You can use Google Sheets, Excel, QuickBooks or any other accounting software tool to populate the empty fields and then have it automatically total each section.

Profit and Loss Statement Line Items

If you’ve never prepared one before, completing a might feel a little daunting. Fortunately, the process is straightforward, just as long as you know which fields to use and what data to include.

That said, let’s take a look at the basic line items that should be included in any profit and loss statement, regardless of your business’s size or its industry.

Revenue is Included on a P&L Statement

You’ll always begin your profit and loss statement by summarizing the revenue that your business earned during that set timeframe.

On the P&L statement itself, this will only be a single line item. Yet, it will tie back into and reference a much longer spreadsheet that breaks down everything you earned.

Direct Costs/Cost of Goods Sold

Next, you’ll need a line item for direct costs, or cost of goods sold. These business expenditures are directly related to the costs incurred to produce or sellyour product or service.

In addition to the physical materials used to create the product or service, it also includes any direct labor required to complete it. If you purchase your products from a supplier rather than making them yourself, this would also include your supplier costs.

Keep in mind that this line item does not include indirect costs associated with keeping your business afloat including marketing, rent, insurance andmore.

Gross Profit and Gross Margin

Next, you’ll subtract your direct costs from your revenue. Theoutcome is your gross profit, which you will represent as a dollar amount.

To calculate your gross margin, simply divide your gross profit by your revenue. You will represent this line item as a percentage.

Of course, the higher your gross margin, the better. This represents the profitability of your business and will be of top importance to future business partners, lenders, and potential investors.

Operating Expenses on a P&L Statement

Lower down on your P&L statement, you’ll have space to include all of the indirect expenses your business incurred.

These are your everyday operating expenses, or the payments required to keep your doors open and your business operating. They can include, but are not limited to:

  • Payroll
  • Marketing and advertising
  • Insurance
  • Business utilities (phone, internet, electricity)
  • Administrative costs
  • Rent
  • Office supplies
  • Equipment maintenance
  • Loan interest payments
  • Employee training

Depreciation is another indirect cost to include.On this line, you’ll list any business assets that have lowered in their value since the last statement.

Earnings Before Interest and Tax (EBIT)

Your EBIT will be one of the last lines on your profit and lossstatement.While there are a few different formulas you could use to calculate it, this one is the simplest:

Revenue – (Operating Expenses + Costs of Goods Sold) = EBIT

This answer reveals your company’s earnings before interest and tax, EBIT.

Earnings Before Tax (EBT)

Depending on what’s required on your statement, you may also want to include an EBT line item. Similar to an EBIT, this determines your earnings before tax.

To calculate it, perform the following formula:

Revenue – (Cost of Goods Sold+ Operating Expenses + Depreciation) = EBT

Net Income on a P&L Statement

The last step in preparing your profit and loss statement is to calculate your net income! To find it, subtract all of your indirect (operating) expenses from your gross profit.

In essence, this is called your business’s bottom line. It represents the net profit (or net loss) you experienced during the timeframe and paints a picture of where your company is headed.

If your net income is positive, you’re on the right track. If it’s negative, you can pinpoint the areas in which you’re overspending and brainstorm ways to reverse the trend.

A Sample Profit and Loss Statement for Small Business to Follow

Now that you know how to make a profit and loss statement, let’s take a closer look at a sample profit and loss statement. This way, you have a visual guide to follow as you create your own. Keep in mind that your final P&L statement will be in graph form (not bullets).

Once you’ve added your company name and address to the top left corner of the sheet, include a line for the title and timeline, as follows:

  • Company ABC
  • 123 Apple Tree Lane
  • Chicago, IL 60007
  • Profit and Loss Statement
  • For the Period January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020

Next, title your “Revenue” section and add a line foryour revenue and total revenue.

  • Revenue
  • Revenue: $125,000
  • Total Revenue: $125,000

Then, title your “Direct Costs” section and add lines for your wholesale product costs and direct labor.

  • Direct Costs
  • Wholesale Product Costs: $60,000
  • Direct Labor: $34,000
  • Total Direct Costs: $94,000

Next, subtract your total direct costs from your revenue to get your gross profit and gross margin.

  • Gross Profit: $31,000
  • Gross Margin: 25%

Then,list all of your operating costs, or indirect expenses.

  • Expenses
  • Marketing and Advertising: $1,500
  • Payroll: $6,400
  • Utilities: $2,200
  • Insurance: $950
  • Loan Interest: $1,100
  • Office Supplies: $1,300
  • Equipment Maintenance: $250
  • Employee Training: $1,100
  • Total Expenses: $14,800

Finally, you’re ready to calculate your net income.

  • Gross Profit – Total Expenses = Net Income: $31,000 – $14,800 = $16,200

Analyzing Your Profit and Loss Statement

It’sessential to compile this data and create this report. However, how can you analyze a P&L statement to make sure you’re understanding your business’s insights correctly?

There are a few approaches you can take. This might include analyzing your P&L statement based on a few factors:

  • Yearly comparisons (How did your business change/grow from one year to the next?)
  • Gross margins (What do they represent about your company?)
  • Future projections (What do these trends say about our future cash flow?)
  • Changes in monthly sales (What influenced the numbers?)
  • Possible expense reductions (Where can you cut back on and save?)
  • Income sources (Are they sustainable?)

These are just a few of the questions you can ask as you analyze your business’s profit and loss statement.

Use Our Sample Profit and Loss Statement for Small Business

A profit and loss statement can reveal important information on your business’s financial health and future trends. In a few short line items, you can learn more about your profitability, as well as identify any areas of risk and vulnerability.

Though critical, it is just one example of the tools and resources that small business owners will require. As you strive to grow your small business, other business services will become necessary.

In addition to accounting support, you might also require credit card processing, group health insurance, web services, and more. Thankfully, Your FundingTree is here to help!

Check out all of the business services we offer to growing small businesses throughout the U.S. and Canada.

A Sample Profit and Loss Statement for Small Business (2024)


Can I write my own profit and loss statement? ›

First, you can pull together your own statement and create the document using a spreadsheet. Tools like Excel and Google Sheets have templates. We've created a simple profit and loss statement template for you to use here. Or, you can use small business accounting software like Freshbooks.

What is a profit and loss statement example? ›

A P&L statement shows a company's revenue minus expenses for running the business, such as rent, cost of goods, freight, and payroll. Each entry on a P&L statement provides insight into the cash flow of the company and shows where money is coming from and how it is used.

How do I create a profit and loss statement template? ›

How To Create a Profit & Loss Statement
  1. Step 1: Choose a timeframe. ...
  2. Step 2: Gather your financial information. ...
  3. Step 3: Use a P&L Statement template. ...
  4. Step 4: List your revenues. ...
  5. Step 5: List your cost of goods sold. ...
  6. Step 6: List your expenses. ...
  7. Step 7: List interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization.
Feb 2, 2022

What are the three 3 most important financial statements for a small business? ›

The income statement, balance sheet, and statement of cash flows are required financial statements. These three statements are informative tools that traders can use to analyze a company's financial strength and provide a quick picture of a company's financial health and underlying value.

What are the 3 sections of a profit & loss statement? ›

There are three main sections of a P&L statement: revenues, COGS, and Operational Expenses. Any listed line item on a P&L goes under either revenue or an expense account, and all these items determine the bottom line.

What should not be included in profit and loss statement? ›

It does NOT include selling or administrative expenses (these expenses are listed elsewhere on the P & L statement). For service and professional companies, there will be no cost of goods sold. These types of companies receive income from fees, commissions, and royalties and do not have inventories of goods.

What should be recorded in profit and loss account? ›

A profit and loss (P&L) statement summarizes the revenues, costs and expenses incurred during a specific period of time. A P&L statement provides information about whether a company can generate profit by increasing revenue, reducing costs, or both.

Who prepares a profit and loss statement? ›

You can ask your accountant to prepare a profit and loss statement for your company or you can build one yourself using the steps below.

What is the basic formula for a profit and loss statement? ›

Profit and Loss Statement Formula

The formula of a profit and loss statement is: Net Profit and Loss = ((Total Revenue + Additional Income) – (Cost of Products and Services + Operating Costs)) – (Interests + Taxes + Depreciation + Amortization).

What is a profit loss statement for self employed? ›

A profit and loss (P&L) statement, which may also be called an income statement or income and expense statement, allows a business owner to see in one quick view how much money they are bringing in and spending—and how.

Where can I get a profit and loss statement? ›

The P&L statement can be found on a company's website and is one of the financial statements that public companies are required to issue by law to shareholders. 1. The P&Ls for different periods should be looked at in conjunction with the cash flow statement for a more accurate picture of a company's financial health.

What are the 3 steps to calculating profit & Loss? ›

To calculate the accounting profit or loss you will:
  1. add up all your income for the month.
  2. add up all your expenses for the month.
  3. calculate the difference by subtracting total expenses away from total income.
  4. and the result is your profit or loss.

Does Excel have a P&L template? ›

You'll find profit and loss templates in Excel are easy to use and configure to any business in minutes—no accounting degree necessary.

Does Google Sheets have a profit and loss statement? ›

Inside this Google Sheets P&L Template, you will find three tabs: 1) P&L MoM Comparison Dashboard: This tab stores the core Profit & Loss/Income Statement dashboard with a dedicated column for tracking Month-on-Month (MoM) growth.

What 7 items must financial statements consist of? ›

Revenues and expenses are included in the income statement. Changes in these elements are noted in the statement of cash flows.
The main elements of financial statements are as follows:
  • Assets. ...
  • Liabilities. ...
  • Equity. ...
  • Revenue. ...
  • Expenses.
Apr 2, 2022

What reports should a small business have? ›

Income/Profit and Loss Statement. Net Profit Margin Report. Balance Sheet Report. Cash Flow Statement.

What financial statements should a small business have? ›

Balance sheets, income statements, and cash flow statements are the three main financial statements a small business needs to prepare and outsourced financial management services can prepare these financial statements for a small business in a cost-effective way.

What is the first item on a profit and loss statement? ›

1. Revenue: This entry represents the net sales or receipts during the accounting period.

What are the biggest business expenses? ›

As any company leader knows, one of the biggest costs of doing business is labor. Labor, which can account for as much as 70% of total business costs, include employee wages, benefits, payroll and other related taxes.

How to do a profit and loss? ›

How to write a profit and loss statement
  1. Step 1: Calculate revenue. ...
  2. Step 2: Calculate cost of goods sold. ...
  3. Step 3: Subtract cost of goods sold from revenue to determine gross profit. ...
  4. Step 4: Calculate operating expenses. ...
  5. Step 5: Subtract operating expenses from gross profit to obtain operating profit.
May 18, 2022

What are the four sections of profit or loss statements? ›

What Are the Four Key Elements of an Income Statement? (1) Revenue, (2) expenses, (3) gains, and (4) losses.

What are the two main components of a profit and loss statement? ›

Creating a profit and loss statement for small business

There are two main parts of a P&L report: income and expenses. However, the order in which things are calculated is designed to give you a better understanding of your business and operations.

Which should be shown in statement of Profit and Loss? ›

The profit and loss (P&L) statement is a financial statement that summarizes the revenues, costs, and expenses incurred during a specified period.

Does the IRS require a profit and loss statement? ›

The IRS requires sole proprietors to use Profit or Loss From Business (Sole Proprietorship) (Schedule C (Form 1040)), to report either income or loss from their businesses.

Do profit and loss statements need to be signed? ›

The P&L must be prepared and signed by a licensed accounting firm; a borrower prepared P&L is not eligible even if the borrower is an accountant and/or is employed by an accounting firm, and. The borrower must sign and date the P&L, and.

How do you solve profit and loss problems quickly? ›

Go through the Important Maths Formulas given below to solve problems based on profit & loss within 10-15 seconds.
  1. Profit, P = SP – CP; SP>CP.
  2. Loss, L = CP – SP; CP>SP.
  3. P% = (P/CP) x 100.
  4. L% = (L/CP) x 100.
  5. SP = [(100 + P%)/100] x CP.
  6. SP = [(100 – L%)/100] x CP.
  7. CP = [100/(100 + P%)] x SP.
  8. CP = [100/(100 – L%)] x SP.
Sep 26, 2022

What is a simple formula to calculate profit? ›

Profit is simply total revenue minus total expenses. It tells you how much your business earned after costs.

What should a profit and loss statement show? ›

The profit and loss (P&L) statement is a financial statement that summarizes the revenues, costs, and expenses incurred during a specified period. The P&L statement is one of three financial statements that every public company issues quarterly and annually, along with the balance sheet and the cash flow statement.

Which items are not shown in profit and loss account? ›

Withdrawal of capital is not shown in profit or loss appropriation account.

What Cannot be recorded in the profit and loss account? ›

Only items relating to partners will be entered in Profit and loss Appropriation like interest on capital, profit, interest on drawings, salary/commission to partners.

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