Add Months to Date (2024)

This article outlines how to add months to a date in Excel

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How to Make Excel Add Months to Date

In Excel, you can add a number of months to a date[1] using the EDATE function. This can be very useful when performing financial modelingand you are adjusting time periods. This is a step by step guide on how to have Excel Add Months to Date.

For example, if you want to have a monthly financial model, you can add one month to the start date. If you want a quarterly financial model, you can add 3 months to the start date.

Download the Free Excel Template – Add Months to Date

Formula: Excel Add Months to Date

=EDATE(start date, number of months)

(See screenshots and example below)

Example of Adding Months to Date

Follow the steps below to perform this procedure on your own:

Step 1: Ensure the starting date is properly formatted – go to Format Cells (press Ctrl + 1) and make sure the number is set to Date.

Step 2: Use the =EDATE(C3,C5) formula to add the number of specified months to the start date.Where cell C3 is equal to today’s date [the TODAY() function] and cell C5 is equal to the number 3.

Step 3:Make sure the output cell isformatted as a Date, and not as a general number(press Ctrl +1 and select Date)

Congratulations, you have now added months to a date in Excel!

Download the free template.


Add Months to Date (1)

Finished product:

Add Months to Date (2)

It’s as easy as that!

More Excel Training

Thank you for reading CFI’s step by step guide to learning how to add months in Excel. As mentioned above, this is a very common practice in financial modeling and a very useful formula for financial analysts. The best way to become a master at Excel is by practicing… a lot.

To get more practice, check out these additional CFI self-study guides which will show you how to perform advanced functions and formulas:

Article Sources

  1. Add Months to Date
Add Months to Date (2024)
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