Best Education System in the World: Top 10 Countries (2024)


Best Education Systems in the World

Best Education System in the World: Top 10 Countries (2)

On this Page:

  • Top 10 countries with best education systems in the worls
  • Education system of United States of America
  • Education system of United Kingdom
  • Education system of Australia
  • Education system of Netherlands
  • Education system of Sweden
  • Education system of France
  • Education system of Denmark
  • Education system of Canada
  • Education system of Germany
  • Education system of Switzerland
  • Frequently asked questions

On this Page:

Discover the top 10 countries with the best education systems in the world and make an informed decision to study abroad. Read GyanDhan’s comprehensive guide on education system in USA, UK, Canada, Netherlands, Denmark, Australia, Sweden, Germany, Switzerland, France.

USA UK Canada Germany Australia France Study abroad

Best Education System in the World: Top 10 Countries (3)

Ananya Ghai

Updated on: 16 Feb 2024 |Reviewed By: amanjain | 85.3K | 14 min read

Best Education System in the World: Top 10 Countries (4)

Key takeaways from the blog:

  • Best Education System in the World: Top 10 Countries (5) Diverse Education: Countries offer varied systems, research to vocational, catering to learning styles.
  • Best Education System in the World: Top 10 Countries (6) Cultural Fit: Consider cultural alignment when choosing a study destination.
  • Best Education System in the World: Top 10 Countries (7) Top 10 Rankings: US News ranks best education systems, reflecting quality and opportunities.
  • Best Education System in the World: Top 10 Countries (8) Brief Insights: Blog outlines top countries' education structures – primary, secondary, higher education.

Education systems vary greatly across different countries, in terms of quality, effectiveness, and cost. When considering studying abroad, it's crucial to understand the education system and determine whether it aligns with your academic goals and learning style. For example, countries like the US and UK are known for their prestigious universities and research-oriented education systems. On the other hand, countries like Germany and Switzerland offer more vocational and practical education systems that are focused on equipping students with hands-on skills.

Cultural and social factors also play a significant role in the effectiveness of an education system. A country's cultural environment can impact a student's overall experience, and it's essential to ensure that the chosen destination is welcoming and accommodating to international students. For example, countries like Australia and Canada have diverse and multicultural societies, making them popular choices for international students.

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Best Education System in the World: Top 10 Countries (9)

Top 10 countries with best education systems in the worls

Let's look at the top 10 countries with the best education systems in the world according to US News and World Report focuses on two factors, the opportunity index, and the quality index.

  • Best Education System in the World: Top 10 Countries (10) The Global Opportunity Index is one of the most suitable metrics to get an understanding of economic, institutional, and financial factors.
  • Best Education System in the World: Top 10 Countries (11) The Quality Index helps determine how healthy, educated, well-employed, and economically secure a country is, along with its physical safety, etc.
Country (US News Ranking 2022) Quality Index Opportunity Index































A brief overview of the education system of these countries is mentioned below:

Best Education System in the World: Top 10 Countries (12)

Education system of United States of America

The education system in the US is decentralized and varies across states, but it generally follows a similar structure. The system includes both public and private schools. Here is a brief overview of the education system in the United States:

  1. Best Education System in the World: Top 10 Countries (13) Early childhood education: Early childhood education is not mandatory, but it is available for children ages 3-5 in preschool or pre-kindergarten programs.
  2. Best Education System in the World: Top 10 Countries (14) Primary and secondary education: Primary education, also known as elementary school, typically begins at age 5 or 6 and runs through grade 5 or 6. Secondary education, also known as middle school or junior high school, usually runs from grade 6 or 7 to grade 8 or 9. High school typically runs from grade 9 or 10 to grade 12, and is mandatory for students until age 16 or 17.
  3. Best Education System in the World: Top 10 Countries (15) Higher education: After completing high school, students can pursue higher education at colleges and universities. Higher education includes undergraduate degrees, such as associate's and bachelor's degrees, as well as graduate degrees, such as master's and doctoral degrees.

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Best Education System in the World: Top 10 Countries (16)

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Best Education System in the World: Top 10 Countries (17)

Education system of United Kingdom

The education system in the UK is decentralized and operates differently across its four countries - England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. Here is a brief overview of the education system in England, which is the largest country in the UK:

  1. Best Education System in the World: Top 10 Countries (18) Early years education: Early years education is available for children aged 3-4 in nursery schools or classes.
  2. Best Education System in the World: Top 10 Countries (19) Primary education: Primary education typically starts at age 5 and runs until age 11, covering key stages 1 and 2. Students are taught a range of subjects including English, mathematics, science, and social studies.
  3. Best Education System in the World: Top 10 Countries (20) Secondary education: Secondary education starts at age 11 and lasts until age 16, covering key stages 3 and 4. Students follow the National Curriculum and take national exams known as GCSEs at the end of their secondary education.
  4. Best Education System in the World: Top 10 Countries (21) Further education: After completing secondary education, students can pursue further education at colleges or sixth forms, which offer vocational courses or A-levels respectively.
  5. Best Education System in the World: Top 10 Countries (22) Higher education: Higher education includes undergraduate degrees, such as bachelor's degrees, as well as postgraduate degrees, such as master's and doctoral degrees, offered by universities.

Read more about:Education System in UK

Best Education System in the World: Top 10 Countries (23)

Education system of Australia

The education system in Australia is highly centralized and operates across the country's six states and two territories. Here is a brief overview of the education system in Australia:

  1. Best Education System in the World: Top 10 Countries (24) Early years education: Early years education is available for children aged 3-5 in preschools or kindergartens.
  2. Best Education System in the World: Top 10 Countries (25) Primary education: Primary education typically starts at age 6 and runs until age 12, covering grades 1-6. Students are taught a range of subjects including English, mathematics, science, and social studies.
  3. Best Education System in the World: Top 10 Countries (26) Secondary education: Secondary education starts at age 12 and lasts until age 18, covering grades 7-12. Students can choose between vocational or academic pathways and may take national exams such as the Higher School Certificate (HSC) or the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) at the end of their secondary education.
  4. Best Education System in the World: Top 10 Countries (27) Vocational education and training (VET): VET includes apprenticeships, traineeships, and certificate courses that provide students with practical skills and qualifications for specific industries.
  5. Best Education System in the World: Top 10 Countries (28) Higher education: Higher education includes undergraduate degrees, such as bachelor's degrees, as well as postgraduate degrees, such as master's and doctoral degrees, offered by universities.

Best Education System in the World: Top 10 Countries (30)

Education system of Netherlands

The education system in the Netherlands is highly decentralized and divided into three levels - primary, secondary, and tertiary education. Here is a brief overview of the education system in the Netherlands:

  1. Best Education System in the World: Top 10 Countries (31) Primary education: Primary education starts at age 4 and lasts until age 12, covering group 1-8. Students are taught a range of subjects including Dutch, mathematics, science, and social studies.
  2. Best Education System in the World: Top 10 Countries (32) Secondary education: Secondary education starts at age 12 and lasts until age 18, covering VMBO, HAVO, and VWO levels. VMBO offers vocational training, HAVO offers a general academic education, and VWO offers a more research-oriented education.
  3. Best Education System in the World: Top 10 Countries (33) Vocational education and training (VET): VET includes MBO (middelbaar beroepsonderwijs) courses that provide students with practical skills and qualifications for specific industries.
  4. Best Education System in the World: Top 10 Countries (34) Higher education: Higher education includes HBO (hoger beroepsonderwijs) and university degrees. HBO programs offer applied sciences and professional training, while university degrees are more research-oriented.

Best Education System in the World: Top 10 Countries (35)

Education system of Sweden

The Swedish education system is highly decentralized and places a strong emphasis on student-centred learning and development. It is also known for its strong focus on equality and inclusivity.

  1. Best Education System in the World: Top 10 Countries (36) Primary education: It is compulsory for all children aged 7-16 and lasts for 9 years. The curriculum includes Swedish, mathematics, science, social studies, physical education, and various electives such as music, art, and language. Students also learn English as a second language. Primary education is provided in Grundskola, which is typically run by the local government.
  2. Best Education System in the World: Top 10 Countries (37) Secondary education: Secondary education in Sweden is divided into gymnasieskola (upper secondary) and vocational education and training (VET). Gymnasieskola is not compulsory and lasts for 3 years. Students typically choose from several programs based on their interests and career aspirations, such as natural sciences, social sciences, or arts. VET programs offer vocational training in fields such as healthcare, technology, and business. Both gymnasieskola and VET programs provide a mix of theoretical and practical education.
  3. Best Education System in the World: Top 10 Countries (38) Higher education: Higher education in Sweden is provided in universities, university colleges, and specialized institutions. Universities offer undergraduate and graduate programs in a range of subjects, and admission is based on academic performance. University colleges offer vocational training and applied sciences in fields such as engineering, education, and nursing. Specialized institutions offer training in specific fields such as the arts, music, or military. Admission to higher education in Sweden is generally free for Swedish citizens and EU/EEA citizens and tuition fees are subsidized for international students.

Read also:

  • Best Education System in the World: Top 10 Countries (39) Scholarship for Indian Students to Study Abroad
  • Best Education System in the World: Top 10 Countries (40) Guide to Public Universities in the USA
  • Best Education System in the World: Top 10 Countries (41) Guide to Public Universities in Germany
  • Best Education System in the World: Top 10 Countries (42) Guide to Public Universities in Canada
  • Best Education System in the World: Top 10 Countries (43) Best education loan in India for study abroad
  • Best Education System in the World: Top 10 Countries (44) How To Convert A Grade In India To The US 4.0 GPA Scale?
  • Best Education System in the World: Top 10 Countries (45) Education Loan Without Collateral For Abroad Studies

Best Education System in the World: Top 10 Countries (46)

Education system of France

French education system is highly centralized and places a strong emphasis on academic achievement. It is also known for its rigorous entrance exams and highly selective institutions of higher education.

  1. Best Education System in the World: Top 10 Countries (47) Primary education: Primary education in France is compulsory for all children aged 6-11 years old and lasts for 5 years. The curriculum includes French, mathematics, history-geography, science, physical education, and moral and civic education. Students also learn a second language, typically English. Primary education is provided in écoles primaires, which are usually run by the local government.
  2. Best Education System in the World: Top 10 Countries (48) Secondary education: Secondary education in France is divided into collège (lower secondary) and lycée (upper secondary). Collège is compulsory for all students aged 11-15 and lasts for 4 years. The curriculum is similar to that of primary education but with more advanced subjects. Lycée is not compulsory and lasts for 3 years. It is divided into three streams: general, technological, and vocational. Students typically choose a stream based on their interests and career aspirations.
  3. Best Education System in the World: Top 10 Countries (49) Higher education: Higher education in France is provided in universities, grandes écoles, and specialized schools. Universities provide undergraduate and graduate programs in a range of subjects, and admission is based on academic performance. Grandes écoles are highly selective institutions that offer programs in fields such as engineering, business, and political science. Specialized schools offer vocational training in fields such as art, fashion, and hospitality.

Best Education System in the World: Top 10 Countries (50)

Education system of Denmark

The Danish education system is based on the principle of social equality, where all students have the opportunity to receive a high-quality education regardless of their background. In addition, the education system is highly decentralized, allowing local authorities and schools to tailor the curriculum to the specific needs of their students.

In comparison to other countries, Denmark uses the most advanced technology-based study gadgets for everything. Most of the teachers are professionals who started teaching after gaining good experience in the corporate world, which ultimately makes your studies more practical-based.

  1. Best Education System in the World: Top 10 Countries (51) Primary education (Folkeskole): This stage includes students from age six to sixteen and is compulsory for all children. The curriculum is broad and includes subjects such as mathematics, the Danish language, social studies, and physical education.
  2. Best Education System in the World: Top 10 Countries (52) Lower secondary education (Ungdomsskole): This stage covers students aged between 16 and 19 years. It is optional, but almost all students choose to attend this stage. The curriculum is designed to prepare students for upper secondary education or vocational training.
  3. Best Education System in the World: Top 10 Countries (53) Upper secondary education (Gymnasium): This stage is also optional, but the majority of students choose to attend. It covers students aged between 16 and 19 years and offers academic programs that prepare students for higher education.
  4. Best Education System in the World: Top 10 Countries (54) Higher education: Denmark has a wide range of higher education institutions, including universities, business schools, and technical colleges. Higher education in Denmark is renowned for its research-intensive programs and is available to both Danish and international students.

Read more about:Changes in higher education system abroad post pandemic

Best Education System in the World: Top 10 Countries (55)

Education system of Canada

In Canada, education is primarily the responsibility of the provinces and territories, which have the authority to establish their own education systems. As a result, there can be some variation in the structure and content of education across different regions of the country. However, there are also some common features that are shared across most of the country.

In terms of structure, the Canadian education system typically includes

  1. Best Education System in the World: Top 10 Countries (56) Early childhood education: This may include preschool or kindergarten programs for children aged 3-5 years old, although the availability and funding of these programs can vary.
  2. Best Education System in the World: Top 10 Countries (57) Elementary and secondary education: This covers grades 1-12, with most students starting at age 5 or 6 and completing high school by age 17 or 18. In most provinces, education is mandatory until age 16.
  3. Best Education System in the World: Top 10 Countries (58) Post-secondary education: This includes colleges, universities, and other institutions that offer further education and training beyond high school.

In terms of courses, the Canadian education system typically emphasizes a well-rounded education that includes academic subjects such as math, science, and language arts, as well as other subjects such as social studies, physical education, and the arts. Students are also typically encouraged to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills, as well as to be active and engaged members of their communities.

Read more about: UK vs Canada: Which is best for International Students

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Best Education System in the World: Top 10 Countries (59)

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Best Education System in the World: Top 10 Countries (60)

Education system of Germany

The education system in Germany is highly regarded for its quality and rigour. It is decentralized, meaning that each of the 16 federal states is responsible for organizing and managing its own education system. However, there are certain overarching principles that are consistent throughout the country.

  1. Best Education System in the World: Top 10 Countries (61) Primary education: Children in Germany begin their education at the age of six, with Grundschule, or primary school, which lasts for four years. After this, students are separated into different types of secondary schools based on their abilities and interests.
  2. Best Education System in the World: Top 10 Countries (62) Secondary education: The three main types of secondary schools are Hauptschule, Realschule, and Gymnasium. Hauptschule prepares students for vocational training, while Realschule prepares them for vocational training as well as higher education. Gymnasium is the most academically rigorous type of secondary school and prepares students for university.
  3. Best Education System in the World: Top 10 Countries (63) Higher education: After completing secondary school, students have the option to attend vocational schools or universities. Vocational schools offer training in a particular profession, while universities offer a wide range of academic disciplines.

The education system in Germany emphasizes academic achievement, and students are expected to work hard and excel in their studies. Teachers are highly trained and respected, and the curriculum is designed to challenge students and prepare them for their future careers.

Read more about:Free education system in Germany

Best Education System in the World: Top 10 Countries (64)

Education system of Switzerland

The education system in Switzerland is overseen by the Swiss Federal Office for Education and Science and is comprised of three levels: primary education, secondary education, and tertiary education.

  1. Best Education System in the World: Top 10 Countries (65) Primary Education: Primary education in Switzerland begins at age six and lasts for six years. This level of education is compulsory, and students are taught in their local language, either German, French, or Italian. At this level, the focus is on developing basic skills in reading, writing, and math.
  2. Best Education System in the World: Top 10 Countries (66) Secondary Education: After completing primary education, students in Switzerland move on to secondary education, which is divided into two levels: lower secondary and upper secondary. Lower secondary education lasts for three years and is designed to provide students with a broad general education. Upper secondary education lasts for three to four years and is divided into three different tracks: academic, vocational, and specialized. The academic track prepares students for higher education, while the vocational track focuses on providing practical skills and training for students who wish to enter the workforce directly after graduation. The specialized track is designed for students who wish to pursue specialized training in fields such as music, art, or sports.
  3. Best Education System in the World: Top 10 Countries (67) The academic track prepares students for higher education, while the vocational track focuses on providing practical skills and training for students who wish to enter the workforce directly after graduation. The specialized track is designed for students who wish to pursue specialized training in fields such as music, art, or sports.
  4. Best Education System in the World: Top 10 Countries (68) Tertiary Education: Tertiary education in Switzerland is offered at universities, universities of applied sciences, and specialized higher education institutions. The Swiss higher education system is known for its high-quality research and academic programs, as well as its close links with the business community.

In addition to traditional academic programs, Switzerland is also home to a number of vocational training programs and apprenticeships, which provide students with practical skills and training that are highly valued by employers.

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Best Education System in the World: Top 10 Countries (69)

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In conclusion, the education system of a country plays a vital role in shaping the future of its citizens. While every country has its own unique approach to education, some stand out as being the best in the world. Whether you are a student who is interested in pursuing higher education abroad or a parent helping your child make decisions about their future, it is important to do your research and consider all of the factors that may impact your decision.

One valuable resource to help you navigate the complexities of studying abroad is GyanDhan. Get on a free 30-minute consultation call where our team of experts can provide you create a plan and get a headstart to plan your study abroad journey.

Best Education System in the World: Top 10 Countries (70)

Frequently asked questions

What is class 10 and 12 standard in India called in the USA?

Class 10 refers to high school in the USA and class 12 refers to Senior high school.

What makes the education system in the US one of the best in the world?

The US education system is one of the best as it provides diverse options for international students seeking to study abroad. US universities are renowned for providing practical knowledge. Moreover, students benefit from the latest facilities and access to updated technologies during their academic pursuits in the US.

Is higher education free in Germany?

Higher education from public universities in Germany is tuition-free for both domestic and international students. However, students are responsible for covering their living expenses. Typically, students are required to pay a small amount known as the "semester contribution," which goes towards administrative and public transportation costs. This contribution is paid each semester and varies between €150 and €250, depending on the university.

What is the duration of a master's in India vs. the UK?

A master’s course in India is a 2 year program whereas a master’s course in generally the UK is a 1 year program.

What are pathway or foundation courses abroad?

A pathway or foundation program serves as an introductory course for students who wish to enrol in a university or college abroad. These programs assist students in preparing for their desired program if direct admission to the institution is not possible.

Should I consider the education system while choosing the country to study abroad?

Considering the education system is crucial when choosing to study abroad. It impacts education quality, program options, language of instruction, degree recognition, and career opportunities.

What are the top 10 education systems in the world?

The top 10 education systems in the world according to US News and World Report are:

  • Best Education System in the World: Top 10 Countries (71) US
  • Best Education System in the World: Top 10 Countries (72) UK
  • Best Education System in the World: Top 10 Countries (73) Australia
  • Best Education System in the World: Top 10 Countries (74) Netherlands
  • Best Education System in the World: Top 10 Countries (75) Sweden
  • Best Education System in the World: Top 10 Countries (76) Denmark
  • Best Education System in the World: Top 10 Countries (77) France
  • Best Education System in the World: Top 10 Countries (78) Canada
  • Best Education System in the World: Top 10 Countries (79) Germany
  • Best Education System in the World: Top 10 Countries (80) Switzerland

Which country does not conduct exams?

Finland does not conduct exams. In Finland, teachers design grading systems for students instead of relying on class exams and standardized tests. The only compulsory examination Finnish students take is at the age of 16.

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Best Education System in the World: Top 10 Countries (81)

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Best Education System in the World: Top 10 Countries (82)

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Best Education System in the World: Top 10 Countries (2024)


What country is #1 in education? ›

United States

What country has the best educational system in the world? ›

  • United States of America. The United States has the best education system in the world. ...
  • United Kingdom. The United Kingdom is known for its outstanding education system, attracting many international students annually. ...
  • Germany. ...
  • Canada. ...
  • France. ...
  • Japan. ...
  • Switzerland. ...
  • Australia.
Apr 22, 2024

What rank is the USA in education? ›

Where does the US rank in education? The United States ranks 13th in education with an Education Index score of 0.883.

What are the top 10 countries with the hardest education system? ›

South Korea, Finland, America and Russia have some of the world's toughest education systems, according to a new guide. Singapore, China, Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan, South Africa complete the top 10 list of countries with difficult education systems published by, a Kosovo-based education platform.

Where does the US rank in math? ›

Among the 81 international school systems that participated in the PISA last year, the U.S. ranked 26th in math achievement, up from 29th among the same group of school systems in 2018.

How does Florida rank in education? ›

In 2023, U.S. News released its Best States ranking, which lists Florida as the top state in the country for education. While the Sunshine State placed at No. 10 overall, the report lists Florida as a state with a “sizable system” of universities and community colleges.

Which country has the best quality of life? ›

20 best places to live in the world in 2023
  1. Sweden. Quality of life: 100/100 (#1 in the world) ...
  2. Canada. Quality of life: 93/100 (#3 in the world) ...
  3. Denmark. Quality of life: 91/100 (#4 in the world) ...
  4. Netherlands. Quality of life: 88/100 (#7 in the world) ...
  5. Australia. ...
  6. Germany. ...
  7. New Zealand. ...
  8. Belgium.
Mar 4, 2024

Which is the richest school in the world? ›

As of 2020, the Institut Le Rosey in Switzerland is the most expensive school in the world, reaching an annual fee of $133,992 per student. Switzerland's St. George's International School costs about $92,680 per student per year. Leysin American School in Switzerland charges up to $96,160 per student annually.

What is Mexico ranked in education? ›

Highlights: Mexico Education Statistics

Mexico ranks 74th worldwide in the Education Index of United Nations Development Program. The Mexican government spends 5.3% of GDP on education. As of 2020, the net enrollment rate in secondary education in Mexico is 76.4%.

Which country is the best at math? ›

Four countries/economies in Asia outperform all other countries/economies in mathematics: Singapore, Hong Kong (China), Macao (China) and Chinese Taipei. Japan is the strongest performer among OECD countries.

Is Florida ranked #1 in education? ›

In addition to today's recognition, Florida ranked number one in the nation for education by U.S. News & World Report and number one on the Heritage Foundation Education Freedom report card. Florida is also ranked number one in the Parent Power Index.

What state is ranked lowest in education? ›

The least educated states in the WalletHub's study were the following:
  • West Virginia.
  • Mississippi.
  • Louisiana.
  • Arkansas.
  • Oklahoma.
Feb 25, 2024

What country has the strictest school system? ›

Here are some of the toughest education systems in the world:
CountryEducation System StructureNational IQ Scores
Hong Kong6-3-3-4107
6 more rows
Jan 15, 2024

What country ranks the lowest in education? ›

30 Least Educated Countries in the World
  • Ethiopia. ...
  • Sierra Leone. ...
  • Liberia. ...
  • Benin. ...
  • Guinea. ...
  • Somalia. Literacy Rate Among Population Aged 15 and Above: 41% ...
  • Niger. Literacy Rate Among Population Aged 15 and Above: 38.1% ...
  • Central African Republic. Literacy Rate Among Population Aged 15 and Above: 37.5%
Feb 26, 2024

Which country is the most advanced in education? ›

Most Educated Countries Across the World
  • South Korea. South Korea distinguishes itself as the preeminent hub of global education, flaunting an astounding tertiary education rate of 69.29%. ...
  • Canada. ...
  • Japan. ...
  • Luxembourg. ...
  • Ireland. ...
  • Russia. ...
  • Lithuania. ...
  • United Kingdom.
Nov 6, 2023

Did the US ever rank #1 in education? ›

As recently as 20 years ago, the United States was ranked No. 1 in high school and college education. Much of the boom in American education during the second half of the 20th century was fueled by the Montgomery G.I.

What is the lowest ranked country in education? ›

30 Least Educated Countries in the World
  • Ethiopia. ...
  • Sierra Leone. ...
  • Liberia. ...
  • Benin. ...
  • Guinea. ...
  • Somalia. Literacy Rate Among Population Aged 15 and Above: 41% ...
  • Niger. Literacy Rate Among Population Aged 15 and Above: 38.1% ...
  • Central African Republic. Literacy Rate Among Population Aged 15 and Above: 37.5%
Feb 26, 2024

Is Florida #1 in education? ›

The full 2023 ALEC Index of State Education Freedom is available here. In addition to today's recognition, Florida ranked number one in the nation for education by U.S. News & World Report and number one on the Heritage Foundation Education Freedom report card.

What country has the lowest level of education? ›

What country has the lowest adult literacy rate? According to the UNESCO Institute for Statistics, the country with the lowest adult literacy rate (as of 2018) is Niger, located in West Africa. The adult literacy rate in Niger is reported to be 19.1%, meaning that only about 1 in 5 adults in Niger are literate.

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