Detention/Suspensions – Barnum Public Schools – ISD 91 (2024)

Detention Policies and Procedures

  1. Detention is a requirement for a student to remain in school or attend school outside normal school hours. Detention lasts for one hour after school on set days. In most cases, detention is served at least one day after it is issued so that parents can be notified. Detention date can only be changed by a call from a parent to the office before detention time. The detention room and list of students serving detention for that day will be posted in the window of the principal’s office.
    1. Morning and Lunch Detentions may also be assigned
  2. Each minute that a student is late for detention will result in an additional five minutes of detention to be served up to 5 minutes. If a student is more than 5 minutes late to detention it will be treated as a skipped detention and another detention will be assigned.
  3. If a student is told to leave detention for not obeying the rules of the Detention Center, it will be recorded as a skip. Skipping detention will result in one additional day of detention. The second time a student skips detention will result in one day of in-school suspension.
  4. When school is not in session, detentions are rescheduled.
  5. Students will not be excused from detention because of extracurricular activities.
  6. Students must bring study materials and be busy with these materials during detention time. If study materials are not brought to the Detention Center or if the student is not productive, the detention time will not count and must be repeated. Detention is given for a reason; it is not a time to play, misbehave or sleep. No student will be allowed to go to a locker.
    1. Detentions are always served after prior notice and, during detention; the rest of the school building is off limits.
  7. No drinks, food or music are allowed in the Detention Center.
  8. Talking is allowed with the supervisor of the Detention Center only.
  9. Detention is intended to help students realize that certain behaviors are not acceptable at Barnum High School. If the assignment of detention does not appear to be corrective, a pre-expulsion hearing will be held to determine the most beneficial school location for the student.
    1. Please remember: If the detention is an inconvenience, so be it. The behavior that caused the detention was an inconvenience to others.


  1. Students will be required to fill out a detention worksheet and a log of what was accomplished during the hour after school. This log will be taken home, signed by parent/guardian and returned to Mr. Kazmierczak the next morning.
  2. Upon receiving a 4th detention students will be assigned a behavior intervention session with Mr. Kazmierczak or a community/county school support.
  3. Parents will be contacted and will be required to meet with Mr. Kazmierczak.
  4. Upon a 5th detention, In-school and Out of school consequences may be used.


Occasionally it becomes necessary to suspend a student from school. In these events, all procedures will be governed by the Minnesota State Law (MSA 127.26-127.40). Students will be suspended from school for any of the following:

  1. Willful violation of any reasonable school regulations. All policies in this handbook are school regulations.
  2. Willful conduct that materially and substantially disrupts the right of others to an education. This includes harassment, threats of physical or mental harm and/or offensive language.
  3. Willful conduct that endangers the student, other students or school property (i.e., fighting, vandalism, stealing).
  4. Other policies included in the Student Rights and Responsibilities Code.

When a student is under the influence of alcohol or drugs or when it is determined that a student may be potentially harmful to self or others, the student will be suspended out-of-school and placed under the supervision of the Law Enforcement Center. In this case, a parent/guardian will be notified immediately.

Following a suspension, a parent/guardian must accompany the student to school to complete a Contract for Readmission. Students are responsible for collecting assignments from their teachers for the days on which they are suspended. Suspended students are not allowed on school property or at extracurricular activities until the suspension period is over unless approved by the principal.

Suspension, In-School – Action taken by an administrator (usually on the recommendation of a teacher or other District employee) to prohibit a student from attending more than one class/activity for a period not to exceed five days. The student cannot be readmitted to classes without a parent conference with the school administrator issuing the In-School Suspension.

Suspension, Out-Of-School – Action taken by the school administrator to prohibit a student from attending a Barnum Public School for a period of time of no more than ten school days (a one-day suspension is for a consecutive period of time equivalent to one school day). The student cannot be readmitted to classes without a parent conference with the school administrator issuing the Out-Of-School Suspension. At this conference, the principal, parent, and student will discuss a remediation plan which may include counseling services, school service, and/or detention.

Alternative to Suspension – It is our goal at BHS to avoid suspension. In the event there is an alternative to suspension program available and BHS is an active partner in this program, students will be required to attend an alternative instead of ISS or OSS. Barnum High School reserves the right to partner with other school districts and/or county or community-based agencies.

Detention/Suspensions – Barnum Public Schools – ISD 91 (2024)


What happens if you miss detention? ›

If a student is told to leave detention for not obeying the rules of the Detention Center, it will be recorded as a skip. Skipping detention will result in one additional day of detention. The second time a student skips detention will result in one day of in-school suspension.

What is the difference between in school suspension and detention? ›

Detention may Detention, which occurs outside the school day and does not entail loss of instructional time or participation, is distinguished from in-school suspension which occurs during the school instructional time and as a result removes students from instruction.

Is school detention still a thing? ›

While detention remains a staple of student discipline across the country, many school leaders are looking at ways to modify the practice, or even replace it, with approaches that may be more effective in actually reducing bad behavior.

Why is school detention bad? ›

Detention and other punitive measures, like suspensions and expulsions, can contribute to other issues, such as recidivism among students, despite harsher or longer punishments. These measures have the potential to increase apathy and defiance.

Can you get expelled for skipping detention? ›

No, a student CANNOT be suspended or expelled for being absent.

Is there a way to get out of a detention? ›

If you're to open to apologizing, admitting your faults, and vowing to learn from your mistakes, you may be able to get out of detention. Sometimes, you may need to get your parents or other teachers involved if you believe you've been given detention unfairly.

What do kids do during in school suspension? ›

Some schools have in-school suspension programs, but they consist of students sitting in a classroom doing homework, without counseling, tutoring or behavior help.

What are in school suspension punishments? ›

In-school suspension, also known as ISS, is a form of punishment that keeps students in school and doing work, but isolates them from the rest of the student body.

What are reasons for in school suspension? ›

  • Being deliberately disobedient or disorderly,
  • Being violent,
  • Having a gun or dangerous weapon,
  • Hurting or threatening to hurt someone with a dangerous weapon,
  • Having drugs (possessing, selling, or giving them away), or.
  • Otherwise violating a school's code of conduct rules.

How long do school detention last? ›

Detentions can be 20 minutes or 40 minutes in length, depending upon the circ*mstances.

What to do during detention? ›

You can read, write, or use your imagination to pass the time. If there's anything you can do to be productive, like homework, you can also use that to make the detention go by quickly. Make sure to follow the rules, however, as you don't want to end up in even more trouble.

What are the pros and cons of detention? ›

Advantages of home detention include cost-effectiveness, flexibility, achievability, and its potential for use at any stage of the criminal justice process. Its disadvantages include its initial costs, the opportunity for escape or criminality, community opposition, and potential loss of in-home equipment.

Can a school give you detention for no reason? ›

Detention Restrictions

Some schools establish specific guidelines for detention, such as requiring 24-hour notice to parents. Teachers cannot insist upon detention out of malice but instead must present a logical reason for it.

Does detention affect your school record? ›

Some school systems track detentions on this robust school record, while others only focus on more severe disciplinary actions like suspensions or expulsions. This record is shared whenever you switch to a different school, or even move to another city or state.

How long is a suspension? ›

A suspension means students are removed from school temporarily for a specific period of time. Students may be suspended for a period of time ranging from one school day to 20 school days. Students who are suspended for more than five school days are considered to be on long-term suspension.

Can a child with ADHD be suspended from school? ›

Federal Law Protects Students from Disability Discrimination

Regardless of how well he or she performs in school, a student who has trouble concentrating, reading, thinking, organizing or prioritizing projects, among other important tasks, because of ADHD may have a disability and be protected under Section 504.

Does a detention go on your transcript? ›

What about disciplinary records? There's a good chance that disciplinary actions, like detention or suspension, will appear on your high school transcript. But don't let that get the better of you!

What is detention called now? ›


Suspensions are essentially the next level up from detentions and you have to do something pretty serious to get one. Sometimes, suspensions are given due to repeated detentions being handed to a student, however, that student is usually referred to a counsellor, as mentioned later in this list.

Do they call your parents when you get detention? ›

Parent/Guardian Notification: Staff will call your parents or legal guardian immediately to let them know you are here and allow you to talk with them.

How do you skip detention without getting caught? ›

It is better to be quick and quiet rather than sprinting loudly out of the school. Keep a faster pace than usual without running or doing anything to call attention to yourself. Be prepared to duck into an empty doorway or stairwell if you hear someone coming down the hallway.

Is in-school suspension a big deal? ›

Suspension can be perceived by students as a rejection, and this can lead to a lack of trust between students and their teachers. When students lose trust, they lose the benefits of forming the relationships that help them feel connected to their teachers and administrators.

What can schools do instead of suspension? ›

Some common alternatives include:
  • in-school suspension.
  • school service (for example, assisting custodial staff with after school clean-up, lunch clean-up, etc)
  • mini course.
  • parent supervision.
  • counseling.
  • community service.
  • behavior monitoring.
  • restitution.

What can I do instead of out of school suspension? ›

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  • Problem solving/contracting. Negotiation and problem-solving approaches can be used to assist students in identifying alternative behavior choices. ...
  • Restitution. ...
  • Mini-courses or skill modules. ...
  • Parent involvement/supervision. ...
  • Counseling. ...
  • Community service. ...
  • Behavior monitoring. ...
  • Coordinated behavior plans.

What type of punishment is suspension? ›

In academia, suspension (also known as temporary exclusion) is a form of school punishment in which a student is excluded from school lessons for a period of time. Suspension is one form of exclusionary discipline; the other form is expulsion.

How long do you get suspended for vaping? ›

Please note that a vaping device with THC or any other type of illegal drug is a level 3 discipline offense which will result in a 1st offense minimum consequence of 10 days out-of-school suspension, which could also include a recommendation for long-term suspension/expulsion.

What does an in school suspension teacher do? ›

Responsibilities include monitoring student behavior, assisting students with assignments, and maintaining student suspension records. Depending upon school assignment, may use behavior modification techniques as assigned in working with students.

What are the benefits of suspension? ›

Suspension training aims to improve your endurance, strength, coordination and power. By doing so, it can have an impact on your weight and contribute to weight loss and changes in your body composition.

Can you get suspended for talking back to a teacher? ›

Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a law disallowing teachers to suspend students for defiant behaviors. SACRAMENTO, California — California's elementary and middle school students won't be suspended for things like falling asleep in class or talking back to the teacher under a bill signed by the state's governor.

Is lunch detention bad? ›

Lunch detention is not that bad, it holds students accountable for their actions without having them stay after school like a traditional detention.

Is school detention legal in the US? ›

A school can legally impose detention on a student, but if a student refuses to do it, they cannot be arrested or legally forced to attend detention. There can be consequences (e.g. in or off-campus suspension) imposed within the school, but they cannot physically force a student to stay in school.

Who invented detention? ›

A Philosopher named Jeremy Bentham was against the death penalty and thus created a concept for a prison that would be used to hold prisoners as a form of punishment. Bentham drew up plans for a facility in which prisoners would remain for extended periods of time.

How does someone get detention? ›

Detention is the process whereby a state or private citizen lawfully holds a person by removing their freedom or liberty at that time. This can be due to (pending) criminal charges preferred against the individual pursuant to a prosecution or to protect a person or property.

How do I convince my principal to not suspend me? ›

Be very polite and obedient. Being respectful and doing as you're told might convince your teacher or principal to let you off the hook for good behavior. Keep eye contact to show that you're listening, and don't speak out of turn. No matter what, never raise your voice in anger or cause any disruption.

What are the long term effects of detention? ›

Standardised measures found high rates of depression, anxiety, PTSD and low quality of life scores. The results strongly suggest that the psychological and interpersonal difficulties participants were suffering at the time of interview were the legacy of their adverse experiences while detained.

What impacts does detention have on children? ›

More than half of all the asylum seeker children we are currently seeing are suffering from post-traumatic stress ... A number of children have been deeply traumatised by their time in detention resulting in post-traumatic stress disorder, nightmares and self-harming.

How does detention affect mental health? ›

Depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder are all common conditions among detainees. Also, these diseases can persist for years after release. The lack of psychological care can make existing mental health challenges even worse.

What does suspended mean for children? ›

: to debar temporarily especially from a privilege, office, or function. suspend a student from school. : to cause to stop temporarily.

How do you tell your parents you got in school suspension? ›

Apologize and make it good and sincere. Then ask what you can do to help your dad with appointments. I'm glad you understand that your trouble at school will cause your parents more stress. Work to ease that and become more thoughtful at home.

Why students should not be expelled? ›

Students who are suspended or expelled from school are more likely to commit crimes, abuse drugs and alcohol, and spiral into low academic achievement and delinquency.

What do you do in school detention? ›

Typically, detentions are served after school. Instead of going home at the end of the day, the student reports to a designated classroom where he or she must sit in a desk for an amount of time generally rang- ing from 10 minutes to two hours, with an hour or less being most typical.

Can my parents go to jail if I don't go to school? ›

Ultimately, you cannot go to jail for a child missing school. A civil violation, however, does go on your record. Additionally, even if you're not thrown in jail, the consequences may still be difficult to bear. That being said, a judge should always act in the best interest of the child.

How bad is a detention? ›

Yet detention is not an effective discipline tool for some students, and in fact it might increase the recurrence of negative behavior. Detention and other punitive measures, like suspensions and expulsions, can contribute to other issues, such as recidivism among students, despite harsher or longer punishments.

What happens if you skip detention in school? ›

Skipping detention will result in one additional day of detention. The second time a student skips detention will result in one day of in-school suspension. When school is not in session, detentions are rescheduled.

Do detentions stay on your permanent record? ›

If your arrest was a detention, then the law enforcement agency that detained and released you must issue a Certificate of Detention, which deletes the record of the arrest (Penal Code Section 849.5).

How long does detention usually last? ›

Detentions can be 20 minutes or 40 minutes in length, depending upon the circ*mstances.

How is detention a punishment? ›

Detention is one of the most common punishments in United States. Usually this is where a student reports to a certain area or room for a certain period afterschool to work on homework and/or complete tasks assigned to the students.

Can you skip lunch detention? ›

If the students does not show up for the assigned lunch detention period, misbehaves or refused to comply with detention rules, they will receive a zero on all assigned work, a referral and the Principal will take appropriate action.

Do detentions show up on transcript? ›

What about disciplinary records? There's a good chance that disciplinary actions, like detention or suspension, will appear on your high school transcript.

How does suspension affect your future? ›

Suspension can be perceived by students as a rejection, and this can lead to a lack of trust between students and their teachers. When students lose trust, they lose the benefits of forming the relationships that help them feel connected to their teachers and administrators.

Do suspensions go on your transcript? ›

Does suspension affect my transcript? Yes. When suspension is under one year, suspension is noted on a student's transcript during the suspension period, the notation is removed at the conclusion of the suspension, and the disciplinary record is retained for seven years.

What is an in school suspension? ›

What is In-School Suspension? In-School Suspension (ISS) is a behavior management program for student misbehavior aimed at keeping students in school to complete their work while being isolated from the rest of the student body.

What punishments are used in schools? ›

Non-corporal forms of disciplinary action
  • Detention. ...
  • Counseling. ...
  • Suspension. ...
  • Expulsion. ...
  • Restorative justice.

How effective is suspension in school? ›

Suspensions do not improve behavior for disciplined students or their peers. Frequent suspensions alone have no positive deterrent benefit for suspended students or non-suspended students.

What should kids do in detention? ›

You can read, write, or use your imagination to pass the time. If there's anything you can do to be productive, like homework, you can also use that to make the detention go by quickly. Make sure to follow the rules, however, as you don't want to end up in even more trouble.

Can you eat in lunch detention? ›

During lunch detentions students have to eat their lunch and then sit quietly or in some cases are allowed to work on school work.

What is lunch time detention? ›

LUNCH DETENTION means to report to and stay in a supervised detention area or classroom for 25-minutes, behaving according to the instructions of the supervising teacher/staff.

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