Dividend Aristocrats List: Ranking the Best Dividend Stocks (2024)

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Dividend Aristocrats List: Ranking the Best Dividend Stocks (1)Below you’ll find the Dividend Aristocrats list for 2024 and a free dynamic ranking system that updates daily. Updated 01/27/2024 to reflect S&P latest changes.

Visit the page at any time to see the latest scores. The detailed 35-point scoring methodology is outlined below the table. You’ll also find tips for selecting the best Dividend Aristocrat stocks and the best brokers for dividend growth investing.

Table of Contents

Dividend Aristocrats List and Rankings

Note: If you like this free resource, please explore the site and consider subscribing to my free newsletter.

Use a broker such as M1 Finance to automate dividend reinvestment and optimize the compound interest effect.

Keep reading after the table to learn about the dynamic ranking system and how I source the data.

The default sort is by the ranking score, highlighting the most undervalued Dividend Aristocrats at the top, and overvalued at the bottom. You can sort it as you like.

You may also download this table as a free Dividend Aristocrats spreadsheet, CSV, or PDF. Swipe to scroll across the table on mobile.

Here’s a video overview of the tool.

Please note: This data table relies on multiple data feeds. If one feed is down, the table may not populate all fields or load to the website. If there’s an error, refresh or come back later. Blanks and data feed errors will impact rankings.

Failed to import selected file: cURL error 28: Operation timed out after 5000 milliseconds with 0 bytes received

01/27/2024: Addition FAST, Deletion WBA (S&P Global Press Release)
03/07/2023: Addition KVUE
02/07/2023: Deletion VFC due to dividend cut
01/24/2023: Additions NDSN, CHRW, SJM (S&P Global Press Release)
01/26/2022: Additions BRO, CHD; Deletion T (S&P Global Press Release)
12/20/2021: Deletion LEG moved from S&P 500 to S&P 400 Mid Cap Index
02/01/2021: Additions IBM, NEE, WST; Deletions CARR, OTIS, RTX (S&P Global Press Release)
05/21/2020: ROST suspended dividend – Removed from table 09/29/20
04/06/2020 Removed UTX, added RTX. OTIS, CARR
Update for 2020: Added AMCR, ALB ATO, ESS, EXPD, O, ROST. PX to LIN.
Update for 2019: Added CB, CAT, UTX, PBCT.
Update for 2018: Added AOS, PX, ROP

Help Selecting the Best Dividend Stocks

For those looking for help in selecting the best dividend growth and retirement income stocks, I use and recommendThe Sure Dividend Pro Plan. The five newsletter bundle has a strong focus on Dividend Aristocrats and other retirement and passive income investments. It tops the list of our favorite stock newsletters.

I’ve been a paid subscriber to this newsletter to supplement my own stock research for the past four years. Each month, Sure Dividend recommends its top 10 dividend growth stock picks, plus rankings of 850+ other of the best dividend stocks in the market. Highly recommended.

With the Sure Dividend Pro Planyou get:

The Sure Dividend Newsletter— The Sure Dividend flagship newsletter focuses on high-quality dividend growth stocks trading at fair or better prices. It publishes on the 1st Sunday of the month. It includes each section as described in this Sure Dividend review.

The Sure Retirement Newsletter— Focuses exclusively on securities with 4%+ dividend yields, including stocks, REITs, MLPs, and BDCs. It publishes on the 2nd Sunday of the month.

The Sure Passive Income Newsletter— Focuses on ‘buy and hold forever’ dividend stocks. Its goal is to buy once and never sell for truly passive rising income over the long run. It publishes on the 3rd Sunday of the month.

Top 10 Dividend Elite Service— Analyzes the Top 10 dividend stocks with 25+ years of rising dividends every month. It publishes on the 1st Sunday of the month.

Top 10 REITs Service— Analyzes the Top 10 REITs every month. It publishes on the 2nd Sunday of the month.

You can try the Sure Dividend Pro Plan for a 7-day trial to get the latest versions and cancel if you don’t like it. You won’t be charged until after the 7-day trial is complete. Cancel your subscription at any time.

The regular price for the Sure Dividend Pro Plan is $499 per year. RBD readers pay $399 per year by using the button below or the Sure Dividend coupon code “RBD100“.

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Beginner investors can choose an entry-level newsletter subscription called The Sure Dividend Ideas Plan which offers only the Top 10 Dividend Elite Service and Top 10 REITs Service.

Regularly priced at $99, RBD readers pay $67 per year. The newsletters included offer basic buy recommendations without sell recommendations or quantitative analysis.

Both services come with a 7-day free trial. where you can download the latest versions to try them out.

Read more: Sure Dividend Review – Is it Worth the Cost?

Dividend Aristocrats Ranking Methodology

The table above has the updated Dividend Aristocrats list and a dynamic ranking system designed to highlight the most undervaluedDividend Aristocrats at a given point in time, worthy of more research.

I call this a quick value rankings list because it’s a first-glance look at the current best value opportunities. Keep in mind that this is in no way a complete way to evaluate a stock. Further research is necessary before buying one of these stocks.

Don’t consider this ranking system a recommendation to buy or sell individual stocks. However, use it as a starting point for further due diligence and research.

I also make no guarantee of the accuracy of this data. Data is sourced from Google Finance, Finviz, and the Dividend Radar CCC list, so it’s as good as they provide it. This table is now fed with near real-time data.

I’m currently using a 40-point system to rank the stocks based on my own investment philosophies and objectives.

Up to five points are awarded to each stock based on the following criteria:

  • Current P/E Ratio
  • Forward P/E Ratio
  • Current Yield
  • PEG Ratio (Price to earnings growth)
  • Price to Book Ratio
  • Payout Ratio
  • 5-Year Dividend Growth Rate (DGR)

These are eight valuation measures I use in my own investing.

Above you can see the vital data, but I’m calculating the scoring behind the scenes because it doesn’t fit. Basic logical commands calculate the scoring based on the metrics listed after the table.

If you have any suggestions for additional metrics, please write them in the comments section. Data that is N/A, negative, or unavailable is scored as zero.

The table and calculations are done with a Google Sheet, utilizing the GOOGLEFINANCE function and the SheetsFinance add-on.I get the dividend growth rate (5-YR DGR) from the Dividend Radar CCC spreadsheet.

What are the Dividend Aristocrats?

The S&P Dividend Aristocrats Stocks List is a group of companies that have paid and increased dividends for 25 years or more. Income investors favor Dividend Aristocrats because the companies are solid long-term holdings with predictable, safe, and growing dividend payments.

The list is maintained by S&P Global and updated once a year in late January.

Dividend growth is a key metric for income investors to ensure income growth outpaces inflation. Stability and reliability are also important factors so that income streams remain consistent in a retirement portfolio.

To learn more about the Dividend Aristocrats, visit the Standard & Poors Indices Website.

Dividend Aristocrats Stocks List Eligibility

To be eligible for membership in the S&P 500 Dividend Aristocrats list, a company must meet thefollowing criteria(source):

  • Be a member of the S&P 500
  • Have increased dividends every year for at least 25 consecutive years
  • Meet minimum float-adjusted market capitalization and liquidity requirements

S&P maintains the complete eligibility standards of the Dividend Aristocrats list.

The Dividend Champions List is not bound by membership in the S&P 500 index, so smaller companies qualify. In addition, the Champions follow the fiscal year instead of the calendar year.

So the S&P 500 rules may not include certain companies with great dividend histories (such as Parker Hannifin) whose streaks are fiscal year based.

Many dividend growth investors prefer the Dividend Champions, Challengers, and Contenders (CCC) for its more comprehensive range of companies.

But the Dividend Aristocrats are the most famous, so many investors choose to stick with the most well-known list. I’ve chosen to do the same for this exercise to keep the size of the table manageable.

How to Buy the Most Undervalued Dividend Aristocrat Stocks

You can attempt to buy each Dividend Aristocrat stock one at a time or use an ETF such as “NOBL”.

Either way, I’m a big fan of the online broker M1 Finance. With M1 Finance, you can create your own “pie“, a kind of a customized mini-ETF. Then you can buy all the stocks in the pie at once.

Every time you add funds to your account, M1 will automatically buy more of the most undervalued stocks in your portfolio.

M1 Finance is commission-free for regular stock transactions. The main difference between M1 Finance and old-fashioned brokers is you create your ideal portfolio first, then fund and modify it over time.

M1 is popular for its simplicity and excellent design. It was founded by a 25-year-old Stanford grad and is geared toward that generation. Super-slick desktop and mobile usage.

Learn More at M1 Finance

Read more: M1 Finance Review

Detailed Scoring Metrics

I’ve updated the table to be dynamically generated in real-time. A Google Sheet feeds the table, which gets its data from the GOOGLEFINANCE function, FinViz, and the SheetsFinance add-on.

TTM P/E Ratio

  • 0-10,5 points
  • 10.01-15, 4 points
  • 15.01-20, 3 points
  • 20.01-30, 2 points
  • 30.01-40, 1 point
  • >40, 0 points

Forward P/E Ratio

  • 0-10,5 points
  • 10.01-15, 4 points
  • 15.01-20, 3 points
  • 20.01-30, 2 points
  • 30.01-40, 1 point
  • >400, 0 points

Dividend Yield

  • >4%, 5 points
  • 3.01%- 4.0%, 4 points
  • 2.01%-3.0%, 3 points
  • 1.01%-2.0%, 2 points
  • 0.01%-1.0%, 1 point
  • No dividend, 0 points

PEG Ratio

  • 0.0-1.0, 5 points
  • 1.01-2, 4 points
  • 2.01-3, 3 points
  • 3.01-4, 2 points
  • 4.01, 5, 1 point
  • >5.0, 0 points

Price to Book

  • 0-2, 5 points
  • 2.01-4, 4 points
  • 4.01-6, 3 points
  • 6.01-8, 2 points
  • 8-10, 1 point
  • >10, 0 points

Payout Ratio

  • <35%, 5 points
  • 35.01%- 45.0%, 4 points
  • 45.01%-60.0%, 3 points
  • 60.01%-75.0%, 2 points
  • 75.01%-90.0%, 1 point
  • >90.00% =, 0 points

5-Year Dividend Growth Rate

  • >=15%, 5 points
  • 10%- 14.99%, 4 points
  • 7.5%-9.99%, 3 points
  • 5.0%%-7.49%, 2 points
  • 2.5%-4.99%, 1 point
  • <2.5% =, 0 points

Cash Ratio (Under construction)

  • >1.00, 5 points
  • 0.75-1.00, 4 points
  • 0.50-0.75, 3 point
  • 0.25-0.50, 2 point
  • 0.1-0.25, 1 point
  • 0.01-.1, 0 points

Please provide any feedback you may have in the comments section or by contacting me. I’m happy to consider other metrics or adjusting the methodology as long as the data is available and it fits into the screen.Dividend Aristocrats List: Ranking the Best Dividend Stocks (2)

Why Invest in the Dividend Aristocrats?

Dividend growth investors pay close attention to a few lists of stocks to help quickly weed out companies without a proven long-term dividend commitment.

The most widely used is the S&P Dividend Aristocrats List. Dividend Aristocrats are stocks that are part of theStandard & Poors 500 index and have maintained a continuousdividend payment and growth streak of 25 years or more. They also must meet minimum certain market capitalization and liquidity requirements.

The Dividend Aristocrats are, as their name suggests, an elite group. Today, the list consists of 50 stocks.

Some of the more popular members include Chevron (CVX), Proctor & Gamble (PG), Walmart (WMT), Coca-Cola (KO), and Johnson & Johnson (JNJ).

For dividend investors looking for excellent, wide-moat companies with superior business models and rock-solid management over the years, the Dividend Aristocrats List is a candy store.

For now, I’ve chosen to focus on the Dividend Aristocrats instead of the U.S. Champions, Challengers, and Contenders List (the “CCCs”) to keep the table more manageable. Though I also use the CCC list, many beginner-to-intermediate investors tend to favor the upper crust of dividend payers.

How to Use the Dividend Aristocrats Ranking System to find the Best Dividend Stocks

The ranking system is a STARTING POINT for further research. It’s a quick look at the Dividend Aristocrats list, comparable in one table.

Don’t just go and buy the top ten, that would be short-sighted. But use it to foster investment ideas and then go off and do your own research on the individual stocks. A high or low ranking through my automated system is not a recommendation to buy or sell any stock. Invest at your own risk!

Keep in mind that the data is only as accurate as data providers. All are reliable, but sometimes the table doesn’t update perfectly or the data is wrong. Also, watch out for anomalies. For example, a stock could receive a “5” rating for a high yield, but the company may have lost the investors’ confidence and could be ready to cut the dividend.

Add this Dividend Aristocrats list ranking system to your list of stock research tools.

Photo source: Wikipedia Commons Public Domain

Dividend Aristocrats List: Ranking the Best Dividend Stocks (3)

Craig Stephens

Craig is a former IT professional who left his 19-year career to be a full-time finance writer. A DIY investor since 1995, he started Retire Before Dad in 2013 as a creative outlet to share his investment portfolios. Craig studied Finance at Michigan State University and lives in Northern Virginia with his wife and three children. Read more.

Favorite tools and investment services right now:

Sure Dividend — A reliable stock newsletter for DIY retirement investors. (review)

Fundrise — Simple real estate and venture capital investing for as little as $10. (review)

NewRetirement — Spreadsheets are insufficient. Get serious about planning for retirement. (review)

M1 Finance — A top online broker for long-term investors and dividend reinvestment. (review)

Dividend Aristocrats List: Ranking the Best Dividend Stocks (2024)


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9 Dividend Aristocrat Stocks to Buy Now
Dividend Aristocrat StockTrailing Dividend Yield*Implied Upside*
Coca-Cola Co. (KO)3.1%9.8%
Kenvue Inc. (KVUE)3%13.9%
Federal Realty Investment Trust (FRT)4.4%19.3%
AbbVie Inc. (ABBV)3.4%5.3%
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20 high-dividend stocks
CompanyDividend Yield
Evolution Petroleum Corporation (EPM)8.39%
Eagle Bancorp Inc (MD) (EGBN)8.18%
CVR Energy Inc (CVI)8.13%
First Of Long Island Corp. (FLIC)7.87%
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10 Best Dividend Stocks to Buy
  • Verizon Communications VZ.
  • Johnson & Johnson JNJ.
  • Philip Morris International PM.
  • Altria Group MO.
  • Comcast CMCSA.
  • Medtronic MDT.
  • Pioneer Natural Resources PXD.
  • Duke Energy DUK.
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Out of more than 4,000 public companies in the U.S., just 54 make the cut in 2024, including five newly minted dividend kings: Archer Daniels Midland (ADM), Fortis (FTS), Kenvue (KVUE), RPM International (RPM), and United Bankshares (UBSI).

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7 Dividend Stocks to Buy and Hold Forever
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Johnson & Johnson (JNJ)3.1%25.3%
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4 Top Dividend Kings to Earn Passive Income
  • Dividend King #1: The Coca-Cola Company.
  • Dividend King #2: Johnson & Johnson.
  • Dividend King #3: Procter & Gamble.
  • Dividend King #4: AbbVie.
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Many of these stocks frequently deliver relatively low growth. For example, of the five Dividend Kings with the longest records for dividend increases, only one has underperformed the S&P 500 over the past 10 years, while three have outperformed since 1990.

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Author: Stevie Stamm

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Name: Stevie Stamm

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Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.