EV to EBITDA (2024)

What is EV to EBITDA?

EV (which is the sum of market capitalization, preferred shares, minority shares, debt minus cash) to EBITDA is the ratio between enterprise value and Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization that helps the investor in the valuation of the company at a very subtle level by allowing the investor to compare a certain company to the parallel company in the industry as a whole, or other comparative industries.

EV to EBITDA Multiple is a vital valuation metric used for measuring the value of the company to compare its valuation with similar stocks in the sector. It is calculated by dividing its enterprise value (Current Market Cap + Debt + Minority Interest + preferred shares – cash) by EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization).

I rate this multiple above PE Ratio! The values of EV and EBITDAEBITDAEBITDA refers to earnings of the business before deducting interest expense, tax expense, depreciation and amortization expenses, and is used to see the actual business earnings and performance-based only from the core operations of the business, as well as to compare the business's performance with that of its competitors.read more are used to find the EV/EBITDA ratio of an organization. This metric is widely used to analyze and measure an organization’s ROI, i.e., return of investment and its value.

EV to EBITDA (1)

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For eg:
Source: EV to EBITDA (wallstreetmojo.com)

We note that the EV to EBITDA Multiple of Amazon is at around 29.6x, whereas for Walmart, it is around 7.6x. Does this mean that WallMart is trading cheap, and we should buy Walmart compared to Amazon?

In this detailed article on EV to EBITDA ratio, we look at the following topics –

Table of contents
  • What is EV to EBITDA?
    • What is Enterprise Value?
    • Understanding EBITDA
    • EV to EBITDA ratio or the Enterprise Multiple
    • EV to EBITDA – Forward vs. Trailing
    • How to Find Target Price using EV to EBITDA
      • Target Price (based on trailing multiple)
      • Target Price (based on forward multiple)
    • Why EV to EBITDA is better than PE ratio?
      • #1 – Accounting can game PE ratios; however, the Gaming of EV to EBITDA is problematic!
      • #2 – Buybacks affect PE Ratio
    • Significance of Enterprise Multiple
    • Limitations of EV/EBITDA
    • Which sectors are best suited for valuation using EV to EBITDA
    • Alternative to EBITDA
    • Conclusion
    • EV/EBITDA ValuationVideo
    • Recommended Articles

What is Enterprise Value?

Enterprise Value, or EV, shows a company’s total valuation. EV is used as a better alternative to market capitalization. The value calculated as the Enterprise ValueEnterprise ValueEnterprise value (EV) is the corporate valuation of a company, determined by using market capitalization and total debt.read more is considered better than market capitalization because it is calculated by adding more vital components to the market capitalization value. The added components used in the EV calculation are debt, preferred interestPreferred InterestA preferred share is a share that enjoys priority in receiving dividends compared to common stock. The dividend rate can be fixed or floating depending upon the terms of the issue. Also, preferred stockholders generally do not enjoy voting rights. However, their claims are discharged before the shares of common stockholders at the time of liquidation.read more, minority interestMinority InterestMinority interest is the investors' stakeholding that is less than 50% of the existing shares or the voting rights in the company. The minority shareholders do not have control over the company through their voting rights, thereby having a meagre role in the corporate decision-making.read more, and total cash and cash equivalentsCash And Cash EquivalentsCash and Cash Equivalents are assets that are short-term and highly liquid investments that can be readily converted into cash and have a low risk of price fluctuation. Cash and paper money, US Treasury bills, undeposited receipts, andMoney Market fundsare itsexamples. They are normally found as a line item on the top of the balance sheet asset.read more. The debt, minority interest, and preferred interest values are added with the calculated market capitalizationMarket CapitalizationMarket capitalization is the market value of a company’s outstanding shares. It is computed as the product of the total number of outstanding shares and the price of each share.read more value. At the same time, the total cash and cash equivalents are subtracted from the calculated value to get the Enterprise Value (EV).

We can thus write a basic formula for calculating the EV as follows:

EV = Market Cap + Debt + Minority Interest + Preference Shares – Cash & Cash Equivalents.

Theoretically, the calculated enterprise valueCalculated Enterprise ValueThe Enterprise Value Formula is an economic measure that reflects the entirevalue of the organization, including secured and unsecured creditors, equity and preference shareholders, and is more commonly employed in acquiring other businesses or merging two or more businesses to achieve synergy. Enterprise value Formula = Market Capitalization + Preferred stock + Outstanding Debt + Minority Interest – Cash & Cash Equivalentsread more can be considered the price or value an investor buys the company. The buyer will also have to take up the organization’s debt as his responsibility in such a case. In other words, it is said that the particular value will be pocketed by him too.

The inclusion of debt gives the Enterprise Value its added advantage for organization value representation. The debt is to be considered seriously when it comes to any takeover situation.

For example, it will be more profitable to acquire an organization with a market capitalization of $10 million with no debt than to acquire an organization with the same market capitalization and a debt of $5 million. Apart from the debt, the enterprise value calculations also include other important special components in arriving at an accurate figure for the firm’s value.

Also, you can have a look at the critical differences between Enterprise Value vs. Market CapitalizationEnterprise Value Vs. Market CapitalizationMarket cap is the market value of a company’s stock. This financial metric assesses the value of a business based solely on the stock. Enterprise Value on the other side is a more comprehensive and alternative approach to measuring a company’s total value. read more.

Understanding EBITDA

EBITDA, or earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization, is used to represent an organization’s financial performance. With the help of this, we can find out the potential of a particular firm in terms of the profit its operations can make.

We can write the formula for EBITDAFormula For EBITDAEBITDA is Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation, and amortization. Its formula calculates the company’s profitability derived by adding back interest expense, taxes, depreciation & amortization expense to net income. EBITDA = net income + interest expense + taxes + depreciation & amortization expenseread more in simple terms as follows:

EBITDA = Operating Profit + Depreciation + Amortization

Here, the operating profit equals the net profit, interest, and taxes added together. The depreciation expense and amortization expense play a significant role in EBITDA calculation. So to understand the term EBITDA to the fullest, these two terms are explained in brief below:

EBITDA is net income with interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization further added back to it. EBITDA may be employed to analyze and compare the profitability of different organizations and industries as it eliminates the effects of financing and accounting decisions. EBITDA is commonly utilized in valuation ratios compared to enterprise worth and revenue.

EBITDA is a Non-GAAP measure and is reported and used internally to measure the company’s performance.

EV to EBITDA (2)

source: Vodafone.com

EV to EBITDA ratio or the Enterprise Multiple

Now that we know about EV and EBITDA, we can look at how they are used to get the EV/EBITDA ratio or, in other words, the Enterprise Multiple. The EV/EBITDA ratio looks at a firm as a potential acquirer would, considering the company’s debt, which alternative multiples, like the price-to-earnings (P/E) ratioPrice-to-earnings (P/E) RatioThe price to earnings (PE) ratio measures the relative value of the corporate stocks, i.e., whether it is undervalued or overvalued. It is calculated as the proportion of the current price per share to the earnings per share. read more, don’t embrace. The following formula can calculate it:

Enterprise value Formula = Enterprise Value / EBITDA

EV to EBITDA (3)

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For eg:
Source: EV to EBITDA (wallstreetmojo.com)

EV to EBITDA – Forward vs. Trailing

EV to EBITDA can be further subdivided into Investment BankingInvestment BankingInvestment banking is a specialized banking stream that facilitates the business entities, government and other organizations in generating capital through debts and equity, reorganization, mergers and acquisition, etc.read more Analysis.

  • Trailing
  • Forward

Trailing EV to EBITDA formula (TTM or Trailing Twelve Months) = Enterprise Value / EBITDA over the previous 12 months.

Likewise, the Forward EV to EBITDA formula = Enterprise Value / EBITDA over the next 12 months.

The key difference here is the EBITDA (denominator). We use the historical EBITDA in the trailing EV to EBITDA and the forward or EBITDA forecast in the forward EV to EBITDA.

Let us look at the example of Amazon. Amazon’s trailing multiple is at 29.58x; however, its forward multiple is around 22.76x.

EV to EBITDA (4)

source: ycharts

Calculating EV to EBITDA (Trailing & Forward)

Take the example below and calculate the Trailing and forward EV/EBITDA. The table is a typical comparable table with relevant competitors listed and their financial metrics.

Let us calculate EV to EBITDA for Company BBB.

EV to EBITDA (5)

Enterprise Value Formula = Market Capitalization + Debt – Cash

Market Capitalization = Price x number of Shares

Market Capitalization (BBB) = 7 x 50 = $350 million

Enterprise Value (BBB) = 350 + 400 -100 = $650 million

Trailing Twelve Month EBITDA of BBB = $30

EV to EBITDA (TTM) = $650 / $30 = 21.7x

Likewise, if we want to find the forward multiple of BBB, we need the EBITDA forecasts.

EV to EBITDA (forward – 2017E) = Enterprise Value / EBITDA (2017E)

EV to EBITDA (forward) = $650 / 33 = 19.7x

There are some points to consider concerning Trailing EV to EBITDA vs. Forwarding EV to EBITDA.

  • If EBITDA is expected to grow, the Forward multiple will be lower than the Historical or Trailing multiple. From the above table, AAA and BBB show an increase in EBITDA, and hence, their Forward EV to EBITDA is lower than the Trailing PE.
  • On the other hand, if EBITDA is expected to decrease, you will note that the Forward EV to EBITDA multiple will be higher than the Trailing multiple. It can be observed in Company DDD, whose Trailing EV to EBITDA was at 21.0x; however, Forward EV to EBITDA increased to 26.3x and 35.0x in 2017 and 2018, respectively,
  • One should not only compare the Trailing multiple for valuation comparison between the two companies but also look at the Forward multiple to focus on Relative Value – whether the EV to EBITDA difference reflects the company’s long-term growth prospects and financial stability.

How to Find Target Price using EV to EBITDA

Now that we know how to calculate EV to EBITDA let us find the stock’s Target Price using this EV to EBITDA multiple.

We revisit the comparable comp table we used in the earlier example. We need to find the fair value of TTT that operates in the same sector as below.

EV to EBITDA (6)

We note that the average multiple of this sector is 42.2x (Trailing), 37.4x (forward – 2017E), and 34.9x (forward – 2018E). We could directly use these multiples to find the fair value of the Target Company (YYY).

However, we note that company FFF and GGG are outliers with EV to EBITDA multiple ranges too high. These outliers have dramatically increased the overall EV to EBITDA multiple in the sector. Using these averages will lead to incorrect and higher valuations.

The right approach would be to remove these outliers and recalculate the EV to EBITDA multiple. We will remove any impact from these outliers, and a comparative table will be cohesive.

EV to EBITDA (7)

Recalculated average multiples of this sector are 19.2x (Trailing), 18.5x (forward – 2017E), and 19.3x (forward – 2018E).

We can use these multiples to find the Target PriceTarget PricePrice Target in the context of stock markets, means the expected valuation of a stock in the coming future and the valuation may be done either by the stock analysts or by the investors themselves. For an investor, price target reflects the price at which he will be willing to buy or sell the stock at a particular period of time or mark an exit from their current position.read more of YYY.

  • EBITDA (YYY) is $50 million (ttm)
  • EBITDA (YYY) is $60 million (2017E)
  • Debt = $200 million
  • Cash = $50 million
  • Debt (2017E) = $175 million
  • Cash (2017E) = $75 million
  • Number of Shares is 100 million
Target Price (based on trailing multiple)
Target Price (based on forward multiple)
  • Enterprise Value (YYY) = Sector Average x EBITDA (YYY)
  • Enterprise Value (YYY) = 18.5 x 60 = $ 1109.9 million.
  • Equity Value (2017E) = Enterprise Value – Debt (2017E) + Cash (2017E)
  • Equity Value (YYY) = 1109.9 – 175 + 75 = $1009.9 million
  • Fair Price x Number of Shares = $1009.9 million
  • Fair Price = 1009.9 /100 = $10.09

Why EV to EBITDA is better than PE ratio?

EV to EBITDA is better in many ways that the PE ratio.

#1 – Accounting can game PE ratios; however, the Gaming of EV to EBITDA is problematic!

It will become obvious with the help of an example.

There are two companies – AA and BB. We assume that both companies are identical in all ways (Business, Revenue, clients, competitors). Though this is impossible in the practical world, we assume this impractical assumption for this example.

We also assume the following –

In this case, you should not have any particular preference to buy a specific stock as the valuations of both the companies should be the same.

Introducing a slight complication here! Though all parameters are equal, we make only changes concerning the depreciation policies used by each company. AA follows a Straight Line Depreciation Policy, and BBAccelerated depreciation is a way of depreciating assets at a faster rate than the straight-line method, resulting in higher depreciation expenses in the early years of the asset's useful life than in the later years. The assumption that assets are more productive in the early years than in later years is the main motivation for using this method. read more follows an accelerated depreciation policyFollows An Accelerated Depreciation PolicyAccelerated depreciation is a way of depreciating assets at a faster rate than the straight-line method, resulting in higher depreciation expenses in the early years of the asset's useful life than in the later years. The assumption that assets are more productive in the early years than in later years is the main motivation for using this method. read more. Straight-line charges equal depreciation over the useful life. Accelerated Depreciation policy charges higher depreciation in initial years and lower depreciation in final years.

Let us see what happens to their valuations?

EV to EBITDA (8)

As noted above, the PE ratio of AA is 22.9x, while the PE ratio of BB is 38.1x. So which one will you buy?

Given this information, we favor AA as its PE multiple is lower. However, our assumption that these two companies are identical twins and should command the same valuations is challenged because we used PE Ratio. It is one of the most significant limitations of the PE ratio.

This huge valuation problem is solved by EV to EBITDA.

Let us now look at the table below –

EV to EBITDA (9)

We note that the Enterprise value of AA and BB are the same (this is the core assumption of our example). The table above notes that the enterprise value is $4,400 million (for both).

Though PAT for AA and BB was different, we note that the depreciation policy usedThe Depreciation Policy UsedWhen you purchase a zero depreciation policy, you are purchasing insurance that protects your entire property and does not decrease in value over time. So your car will depreciate over time, but if you have an accident, you will receive the entire amount from the insurance company and they will not subtract the depreciation value of your car.read more does not affect EBITDA. AA and BB have the same EBITDA of $400.

Calculating EV to EBITDA (AA & BB) $4400 / $400 = 11.0x

We note that the EV/EBITDA of both AA and BB is the same at 11.0x and is following our core assumption that both companies are the same. Therefore it doesn’t matter which company you invest in!

#2 – Buybacks affect PE Ratio

PE ratio is inversely proportional to the Earnings Per ShareEarnings Per ShareEarnings Per Share (EPS) is a key financial metric that investors use to assess a company's performance and profitability before investing. It is calculated by dividing total earnings or total net income by the total number of outstanding shares. The higher the earnings per share (EPS), the more profitable the company is.read more of the company. If there is a buyback, then the total number of shares outstanding reduces, thereby increasing the company’s EPS (without any changes in the fundamentals of the company). This increased EPS lowers the PE ratio of the company.

Though most companies buyback sharesBuyback SharesShare buyback refers to the repurchase of the company’s own outstanding shares from the open market using the accumulated funds of the company to decrease the outstanding shares in the company’s balance sheet. This is done either to increase the value of the existing shares or to prevent various shareholders from controlling the company.read more as per the Share Buyback Agreement, one should be mindful that the management can adopt such measures to increase EPS without any positive change in the company’s fundamentals.

Significance of Enterprise Multiple

  • Investors primarily use an organization’s EV/EBITDA ratio to determine whether a company is undervalued or overvalued. A low EV/EBITDA ratio value indicates that the particular organization may be undervalued, and a high EV/EBITDA ratio value indicates that the organization may well be overvalued.
  • An EV/EBITDA ratio is beneficial for international comparisons as it ignores the distorting effects of individual countries’ taxation policies.
  • It is also employed to find attractive takeover candidates since enterprise value includes debt and is thus a much better metric than the market cap for mergers and acquisitions (M & M & M&A). An organization with a low EV/EBITDA ratio will be viewed as a decent takeover candidate.
EV to EBITDA (10)

source: Bloomberg.com

  • EV/EBITDA ratios vary based on the type of business. So this multiple should be compared only among similar businesses or to the average business generally. Expect higher EV/EBITDA ratios in high-growth industries, like biotech, and lower multiples in industries with slow growth, like railways.
  • The EV/EBITDA ratio inherently includes assets, debt, and equity in its analysis as it includes the enterprise value and Earnings before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization values.
  • An organization’s EV/EBITDA ratio perfectly depicts total business performance. Equity analysts often use the EV/EBITDA ratio when making investment choices.

For example, Denbury Resources INC., an oil and gas company primarily based in the US, reported its first-quarter financial performance on the 24th of June, 2016. Analysts derived and calculated the organization’s EV/EBITDA ratio. Denbury Resources had an adjusted EV/EBITA ratio of 5x. It had a forward EV/EBITDA ratio of 13x. Each of those EV/EBITDA ratios is compared to alternative organizations with similar business and past organization multiples. The organization’s forward EV/EBITDA ratio of 13x was more than double the enterprise value at the same point in time in 2015. Analysts found that the increase was because of an expected decline in the organization’s EBITDA by 62%.

Limitations of EV/EBITDA

EV/EBITDA ratio is a good ratio that stands above other traditional techniques similar to it. However, it does have certain drawbacks, which have to be known before using this metric to make sure you are less affected by them. The main drawback is the presence of EBITDA in the ratio. Here are some of the EBITDA’s drawbacks:

Which sectors are best suited for valuation using EV to EBITDA

Generally, you can use the EV to EBITDA valuation method to value capital intensive sectorsCapital Intensive SectorsCapital intensive refers to those industries or companies that require significant upfront capital investments in machinery, plant & equipment to produce goods or services in high volumes and maintain higher levels of profit margins and return on investments. Examples include oil & gas, automobiles, real estate, metals & mining.read more like the following –

  • Oil & Gas Sector
  • Automobile Sector
  • Cement Sector
  • Steel Sector
  • Energy Companies

However, EV/EBITDA cannot be used when the current cash flow is negative.

Alternative to EBITDA

There is something called the adjusted EBITDA in accounting vocabulary, which can be a better alternative to EBITDA because of having fewer drawbacks. Adjusted EBITDAAdjusted EBITDAAdjusted EBITDA (Earnings before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, & Amortization) is a tool to measure a Company’s recurring earnings through deducting many irregular, non-recurring, & one-time items from EBITDA. read more is a metric for an organization that adjusts its “top line” earnings for extraordinary items before deducting interest expenses, taxes, and depreciation charges. It is often employed to compare similar firms and for valuation.

By standardizing cash flows and discounting anomalies, which might occur, be adjusted, or be normalized, EBITDA can give a better measure of comparison while evaluating multiple organizations. Adjusted EBITDA differs from EBITDA in that adjusted EBITDA normalizes financial gains and expenses since different organizations might treat each kind of financial gain and expense differently. The adjusted EBITDA can be expressed in a formula as follows:

The adjusted EBITDA can be expressed in a formula as follows:

Adjusted EBITDA = Net Income – Other Income + Interest + Taxes + Depreciation & Amortization + Other Non recurring charges

So when it comes to calculating the EV/EBITDA ratio for a business organization, the use of EBITDA value can be replaced by the use of adjusted EBITDA value. The change is preferable as the adjusted EBITDA value has more accuracy than the simple EBITDA value.

Below is a snapshot of Square’s Adjusted EBITDA reported in its S1 registration document.

EV to EBITDA (11)

source: Square SEC Filings


EV/EBITDA ratio is an essential and widely used metric to analyze a company’s Total Value. This metric has successfully solved the problems encountered while using the traditional metrics, like the PE ratio, and hence it is preferred over them.

Also, as this ratio is capital-structure-neutral, it can be effectively used to compare organizations with different ranges of leverage, which was not possible in simpler ratios.

EV/EBITDA ValuationVideo

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