Gilgamesh (character) (2024)

Enough expository banter! Now we fight like men! And ladies! And ladies who dress like men! For is morphing time!

Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy V

Gilgamesh is a recurring character in the Final Fantasy series.

Initially introduced as an antagonist in Final Fantasy V, Gilgamesh has appeared in a number of other titles since, and been added to remakes of earlier titles, and become the most recurring singular character in Final Fantasy media. His role varies - he is sometimes an ally, an optional boss, a summoned monster, or all of these things - but as a whole he is a wandering swordsman with a vast collection of famous and powerful swords.


  • 1 Profile
    • 1.1 Appearance
    • 1.2 Personality
    • 1.3 Abilities
  • 2 Appearances
    • 2.1 Final Fantasy
    • 2.2 Final Fantasy IV: The After Years
    • 2.3 Final Fantasy V
    • 2.4 Final Fantasy VI
    • 2.5 Final Fantasy VIII
    • 2.6 Final Fantasy IX
    • 2.7 Final Fantasy XI
    • 2.8 Final Fantasy XII
      • 2.8.1 Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings
    • 2.9 Final Fantasy XIII
      • 2.9.1 Final Fantasy XIII-2
    • 2.10 Final Fantasy XIV
    • 2.11 Final Fantasy XV
    • 2.12 Final Fantasy Type-0
    • 2.13 Final Fantasy Dimensions II
    • 2.14 Dissidia Final Fantasy (2008)
      • 2.14.1 Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy
      • 2.14.2 Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia
    • 2.15 Theatrhythm Final Fantasy
      • 2.15.1 Theatrhythm Final Fantasy Curtain Call
      • 2.15.2 Theatrhythm Final Fantasy All-Star Carnival
    • 2.16 Pictlogica Final Fantasy
    • 2.17 Final Fantasy Airborne Brigade
    • 2.18 Final Fantasy Artniks
    • 2.19 Final Fantasy All the Bravest
    • 2.20 Final Fantasy Record Keeper
    • 2.21 Final Fantasy Explorers
    • 2.22 Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
      • 2.22.1 War of the Visions: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
    • 2.23 Final Fantasy World Wide Words
    • 2.24 World of Final Fantasy
    • 2.25 Mobius Final Fantasy
    • 2.26 Stranger of Paradise Final Fantasy Origin
    • 2.27 Chocobo to Mahou no Ehon: Majo to Shoujo to Go-nin no Yuusha
      • 2.27.1 Cards
    • 2.28 Final Fantasy Trading Card Game
    • 2.29 Triple Triad
  • 3 Non-Final Fantasy guest appearances
    • 3.1 Itadaki Street
    • 3.2 Blood of Bahamut
    • 3.3 Guardian Cross
    • 3.5 Monster Strike
    • 3.6 Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ
    • 3.7 Other media
  • 4 Musical themes
  • 5 Behind the scenes
  • 6 Merchandise
  • 7 Gallery
  • 8 Etymology and allusion
  • 9 References


While Gilgamesh's appearance, battle prowess, and arsenal vary between appearances, there are some common recurring elements. He is a collector of weapons, particularly swords and katanas, and owns many such weapons which may be taken from other Final Fantasy titles. He is particularly associated with Excalibur and its weak imitation, the Excalipoor; many games depict Gilgamesh wielding these two weapons, or he is seeking the Excalibur and mistakes the Excalipoor for it. Gilgamesh has also owned the weapons of other Final Fantasy characters, but it is often implied they are also counterfeits and may have visual differences from the originals as a mark of this. Gilgamesh is closely associated with Genji equipment, which can be stolen from or dropped by him. In some titles this is the only way Genji equipment can be obtained. His partner is Enkidu, who has varied in appearance across titles even more than Gilgamesh, which is sometimes explained by Gilgamesh not being accompanied by the recurring character Enkidu, so he has instead taken an animal companion with a green appearance and named it Enkidu. Gilgamesh considers Bartz his rival and specifically mentions him in some games, and that he hopes to find him again someday so they can have a great duel.

Unlike other recurring characters, like Cid and Biggs and Wedge, it is heavily implied that the different characters named Gilgamesh encountered in different Final Fantasy games are the same person, using the power of the Rift to travel to different worlds. While this is plausible for some incarnations, there is no clear continuity to which incarnations of Gilgamesh are the same and how they relate to the others, as some Final Fantasy games give Gilgamesh a detailed backstory that may be at odds with his other appearances. In spin-off games, Gilgamesh is almost always representing Final Fantasy V unlike other recurring characters, whose different incarnations usually represent their own respective games.


Gilgamesh (character) (1)

Gilgamesh's appearance is usually that of a male with a stout stature, wearing red and orange armor of varying design, and having as many as eight arms, each of which holds one of his many weapons. He wears face paint that is white or grey with red markings, but other times this is actually his real skin complexion. Gilgamesh usually only has two arms visible, but when he reveals his true form he has six or eight arms (the exact number is inconsistent between different games). In Final Fantasy IX he has four arms at all times, and in Final Fantasy XV he has only one arm, but forms another of pure energy as the fight with him progresses.

Most commonly in spin-off titles, Gilgamesh's appearance is based on his original appearance in Final Fantasy V, which was designed by Yosh*taka Amano and Tetsuya Nomura, who also designed Gilgamesh's battle sprite in that game. In this design, Gilgamesh wears red-orange armor with with a grey steel chestplate, grey pants with polka-dots with multiple layered skirts, a belt with a monstrous face on the clasp, a helmet with a pair of black horns and a tassel, and black and gold bracers and boots. The exact details may change depending on if either Amano's or Nomura's art is used as the basis; for instance, Amano's design gives Gilgamesh bright red armor while Nomura's design is more orange, and Nomura's design has a more prominent chestplate than Amano's design.

Gilgamesh's trademark weapon is a naginata, a type of polearm. He otherwise uses many different weapons in different games, with the four most common being Excalibur, Excalipoor, Zantetsuken, and Masamune. The exact design of these weapons also varies between games.


Though he is often an antagonistic presence, Gilgamesh is not truly evil. Conflicts with him usually stem from the party possessing a weapon he wants for his collection, or being tasked to track down Gilgamesh for taking the weapons of others. In Gilgamesh's mind however, he is a duelist who challenges his enemies to honorable combat; if he wins then he has the right to take their weapon as a trophy, and if he loses he will concede defeat and acknowledge their abilities. He enjoys having great duels with worthy opponents and will be disappointed when denied a proper fight, either because his opponent was weak or because Gilgamesh feels he is not able to fight at his full power. If the party bests him in battle or proves their worth to him in some other way, Gilgamesh may even come to view them as friends and may show up to offer them aid later.

He is extremely hammy and boisterous, often speaking proudly and highly of his skills, which may or may not be exaggeration. He speaks in great dramatic declarations and has an advanced vocabulary, and enjoys putting on airs of power and showmanship. He is also bumbling, foolish, and clumsy, and often makes oddly-worded jokes or taunts. His ineptitude is also demonstrated in him repeatedly mistaking counterfeit weapons for the genuine thing. In several games when fought as a boss, he will feign defeat and beg for mercy when weakened, a ploy to buy time or distract the party while he casts defensive buffs on himself and then renews his attack.


Gilgamesh (character) (2)

Gilgamesh is an extremely powerful and dangerous swordsman. His Dissidia profile describes him as having "strength that once decimated an entire army" (specifically Galuf's army), and in other games he is notorious for defeating many opponents in battle. In games where he is fought as an enemy he is usually a very challenging opponent fought late in the game or in optional content.

He is skilled with a variety of weapon types, which gives his attacks different power levels and effects depending on what type of weapon he uses. He can unleash powerful combo attacks with his swords and send out shockwaves of energy from them. In XIII-2 Gilgamesh briefly tries out various kinds of firearms to fight, but dislikes them and discards them in favor of melee weapons. His recurring attacks include Cross Slash, Jump, Wind Slash, and the buffing spells Protect, Shell and Haste. He also sometimes has attacks based on Blue Magic from Final Fantasy V, such as Death Claw and Missile. However, his magical abilities in most appearances are far weaker than his physical abilities.

Gilgamesh often has some sort of element of randomness to him, particularly when he is usable as a summon. This is attributed to him attacking with any of the multiple weapons he may have, which often includes the useless Excalipoor. Thus, Gilgamesh's summon is unreliable; he tends to be very powerful when using a proper weapon but is entirely ineffective if he uses Excalipoor.


Final Fantasy[]

Gilgamesh (character) (3)

I've finally found it! The object of my search—a weapon without peer! Eh? Who's there? You're after my sword, aren't you!
Let's see how you handle the mighty me! And by me, I mean Gilgamesh!! And by handle, I mean DIE!!!

Gilgamesh, after inspecting a sword that resembles the Excalibur

Gilgamesh appears in the Dawn of Souls and subsequent remakes. He is in the Lifespring Grotto, a bonus dungeon, together with three other Final Fantasy V bosses. After the Warriors of Light talk to some mermaids, they find a mysterious sword. It is most likely the Excalipoor (the Excalibur can be found later in another dungeon). Upon inspecting the sword, Gilgamesh, who is described as a rude man wielding a halberd, attacks the party. If the player does not speak to the mermaids, they can face Gilgamesh in the exit room near the teleport spot and he will speak a different set of words.

Gilgamesh has 8,888 HP (like in the third fight with him in Final Fantasy V) and unleashes physical attacks that can easily KO even a high level character. He drops Genji Gloves upon his defeat. He is somewhat easy to beat should the player's party be at a high level.

Final Fantasy IV: The After Years[]

Gilgamesh is summoned as a boss by the Creator in the final dungeon. During the battle he will feign defeat and cast Haste, Protect and Shell on himself before continuing the battle. When defeated, he mutters "... Bartz...?" before vanishing. The party wonders what "Bartz" means, and thinks that in spite of his appearance, Gilgamesh did not seem evil. He drops the Excalipoor upon his defeat.

Final Fantasy V[]

In his debut appearance, Gilgamesh is a major antagonist, acting as Exdeath's right-hand-man. For the bigger part of the game, Gilgamesh has morphed his appearance, but he reveals his true appearance later. The party can steal Genji equipment from him. Gilgamesh's transformation line in the English localization of Final Fantasy V Advance is a reference to the popular series Power Rangers. In this version he also alludes to Team Rocket's original motto from the Pokémon series after Enkidu appears.

Final Fantasy VI[]

Gilgamesh (character) (4)

Gilgamesh is an esper in the Advance and later versions. If the player bets the rare sword Excalipoor (bought from the Jidoor Auction House) in the Dragon's Neck Colosseum, they face an Onion Dasher. Win or lose, Gilgamesh challenges the entire party to a boss battle for the Excalipoor.

Once defeated in Dragon's Neck Coliseum, Gilgamesh is acquired as a magicite, and teaches Quick (x1) and Valor (x5). His magicite grants +2 Strength at level up. He costs 99 MP to summon, and when summoned, Excalibur (first), Masamune (second) and Excalipoor (last) will drop onto the battlefield, the sword(s) glowing a specific color before Gilgamesh attacks the enemy party. This refers to his appearance as a summon in Final Fantasy VIII.

Final Fantasy VIII[]

Gilgamesh (character) (5)

Gilgamesh is a pseudo-Guardian Force obtainable if the party acquired Odin before entering the Lunatic Pandora and fighting the boss at the top of it. Odin will be replaced by Gilgamesh, who will appear at random during battles to attack enemies with one of four random swords. Unlike Odin, Gilgamesh can appear even during boss battles and any time during battle. Zantetsuken instantly defeats all opponents, Masamune and Excalibur deal heavy damage to all opponents, and Excalipoor deals just one point of damage to all opponents. As with Odin, Gilgamesh's Zantetsuken does not work against opponents invulnerable to instant death attacks.

Gilgamesh's Triple Triad card is held by CC King, who can be challenged during the Card Club sidequest in Balamb Garden. It modifies into some of the rarest items in the game: Holy War.

Final Fantasy IX[]

Gilgamesh (character) (6)

Gilgamesh is a Rank D Treasure Hunter who travels Gaia looking for treasure. He is known by different names in different towns, including "Alleyway Jack" and "The Four-Armed Man".

Gilgamesh in Final Fantasy IX diverges quite a bit from the earlier incarnations, not having much to do with interdimensional travel or collecting weapons, although his artwork depicts him with numerous blades and his brother's message in Memoria suggests Gilgamesh is looking for swords. Gilgamesh is instead an avid card player and a petty thief.

Final Fantasy XI[]

Gilgamesh (character) (7)

Gilgamesh is a non-player character and a major figure in Norg, the pirate city located on the Elshimo Island. He is involved in a few of the quests related to the Rise of the Zilart expansion, as well as Rhapsodies of Vana'diel, can be summoned as an Alter Ego spell, and is also involved in the Samurai job class story. This Gilgamesh looks entirely different from his other appearances.

Gilgamesh is the name of one of the world servers.

A species of creature that resembles the likeness of Gilgamesh, under the name Naraka, also exists in Vana'diel. These bosses exist as a Notorious Monsters in the Voidwatch line of boss quests, a nod to Gilgamesh's association with the Void.

Final Fantasy XII[]

Gilgamesh (character) (8)

Gilgamesh is an Elite Mark petitioned by Montblanc at the behest of an unidentified warrior who lost to Gilgamesh and was forced to forfeit his sword to him. Gilgamesh is found in the Lhusu Mines and must be fought twice.

The player can steal a different Genji item from him each battle phase. He uses a variety of swords from previous games, all of them counterfeit, including the Buster Sword, the Revolver, the Orichalcum, and the Brotherhood, as a homage to past installments and main characters in the series, as well as the Zantetsuken, the Tournesol, and the Wyrmhero Blade. He is accompanied by Enkidu.

After the battle, Gilgamesh appears to the party in the Barheim Passage. He refers to them as "friends" and gives them the Matamune fishing rod before departing.

Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings[]

For battle information, see Gilgamesh (Revenant Wings)

Gilgamesh (character) (9)

The greatest swordsman in all of Ivalice... or so he says.


Gilgamesh returns as a Yarhi in the mission Battle on the Big Bridge, wandering around with Enkidu at the Gates of Shattered Time. When he spots the party, he recognizes them as the people who had previously battled him, and vehemently denies that he, in fact, lost.

Deciding that fate had brought them back together to fight, he takes out his swords and attacks Vaan and two other party members. Gilgamesh is defeated and flees for his life, but not before alluding to his position as a summon upon being defeated. Afterward, the party unlocks his sphere on the Ring of Pacts.

Gilgamesh is a Rank III non-elemental melee Esper, sharing the same rank and spot with Odin, although Gilgamesh is the more powerful one and also has a special attack. His normal attack, Slice Thrice, hits the enemy three times, while his special attack, Masamune, deals physical damage to one target ignoring their defense. Slice Thrice was used by Gilgamesh as a boss in Final Fantasy XII, and Masamune was a weapon the player could obtain by fighting Gilgamesh.

Final Fantasy XIII[]

Gilgamesh (character) (10)

While Gilgamesh himself makes no formal appearance, his name is used for one of the Retail Networks, Gilgamesh, Inc., received after clearing mission 46. The company sells weapons that offer the highest strength and magic boosts and belong to powerful and rare synthesis groups, but are offset with disadvantageous special properties, such as Stagger Lock, which prevents the wielder from Staggering enemies, and Paper Tiger, which greatly reduces the character's maximum HP.

Final Fantasy XIII Ultimania Omega further reveals that Gilgamesh was at some point during development planned as a fal'Cie who would have wielded swords in various sizes, some even so large to dwarf large buildings.

Final Fantasy XIII-2[]

Gilgamesh (character) (11)

For battle information, see Gilgamesh (Final Fantasy XIII-2)

Gilgamesh is available as a downloadable content boss for the Coliseum. Arriving to participate in the fight, Gilgamesh battled Snow after he ruined his introduction, until Lightning intervened.

He wields guns and rocket launchers though he discards them for swords during his match with Noel and Serah, who can recruit him into the Paradigm Pack as a Commando upon his defeat. After Valfodr is defeated, Gilgamesh is among the remaining monsters who keep Snow company in the Coliseum until he is able to return to his world.

Gilgamesh wields six different swords and uses his Blue Magic skills from Final Fantasy V: Eerie Soundwave and Death Claw. Along with his usual swords—the Excalibur, the Excalipoor, the Masamune, and the Zantetsuken—he adds another classic Final Fantasy sword, the Muramasa, to his collection. His sixth sword, the Bashosen, is new to the series, and the markings on the sword faintly resemble his faithful companion, Enkidu. The sword alludes to the Bashosen weapon from the classic Chinese novel, Journey to the West, where Bashosen is a giant fan-like weapon used by the Demon King Ginkaku, and its name translates as "Banana Palm Fan". When staggered Gilgamesh's swords shatter at the hilts and he resorts to spells. Afterward the swords regenerate.

With the exception of Excalipoor, whose origins are not explained, and Bashosen, which was created in Cocoon, each of his swords are said to come from another Final Fantasy game: Excalibur comes from a hidden room in Alexandria in Final Fantasy IX, Muramasa was recovered from the ruins of Zanarkand in Final Fantasy X, Masamune was fished out of Doma's poisoned river in Final Fantasy VI, and the Zantetsuken is apparently not Odin's sword in this incarnation, but a nail shed by Chaos from Dissidia Final Fantasy. The notes that mention the weapons' origins in Final Fantasy XIII-2 Ultimania Omega refer to it as a list of Gilgamesh's fake weapons, so these origin stories could be false.

During the cut scene in which Gilgamesh is introduced, he breaks the fourth wall by saying "I was starting to worry that you will never download this part of the game, and I'd be stuck in digital limbo!"

Gilgamesh is referred to by being one of the names available for monsters, although spelled as 'Gilgamash'.

Gilgamesh's name appears in the chocobo races in Serendipity. Once the player has reached the fal'Cie class races, the player will most likely encounter a racer named Gilgamesh Rising.

Final Fantasy XIV[]

Gilgamesh (character) (12)

But where are my manners? I have yet to properly introduce myself. I am Gilgamesh, and that is my companion, Enkidu! ...Well, not really. It has been many moons since last I saw him, so to ease the burden of loneliness, I tamed a rooster and painted it green.

Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn

Gilgamesh made his first appearance in patch 2.1. As revealed in a series of sidequests involving Hildibrand Manderville and Nashu Mhakaracca, the latter is investigating a rash of weapon thefts by a so-called duelist who challenges adventurers and takes their weapons upon defeating them. He features as a recurring antagonist in several battles.

Gilgamesh is fought twice during the 2.x Hildibrand questline, once on the big bridge and a final time in a confrontation at the big keep. This makes him the final boss of the Hildibrand questline, as the big keep fight is part of the final Hildibrand quest. This is fitting, as it's the first time a joke character has been featured as the final boss of a joke questline in the franchise. He makes another appearance in the 4.x Hildibrand questline, where it is revealed that he had disguised himself as the samurai-for-hire "Yojimbo" (who can be fought as a boss in the Kugane Castle dungeon).

He is later fought as the final boss of the Stormblood Hildibrand saga at Kugane Ohashi (Or Kugane Big Bridge) disguised as Yojimbo. Near the beginning of the fight, he abandons the disguise entirely and proceeds to engage the party as himself. At the end of the quest chain, while under the influence of a mind control drug he goes on to teleport Hildibrand, Nashu, a Hannish representative and himself to the "Interspectorial Rift". After regaining his senses, he would send the other three back to the Source (though Hildibrand would be rendered comatose by having his soul summoned by Elidibus), while Gilgamesh himself departed for "unfinished business".

Wind-up Gilgamesh is a minion.

Final Fantasy XV[]

Gilgamesh (character) (13)

Gilgamesh appears in the downloadable content Final Fantasy XV: Episode Gladiolus as the main antagonist. Known as the "Blademaster", Gilgamesh fights those who undertake the "Trial of Gilgamesh". Thirty years ago Cor Leonis fought Gilgamesh and managed to claim his arm, but was defeated and had to run. During the time Gladiolus Amicitia leaves Prince Noctis's party in Chapter 7, Gladiolus returns with Cor to take on the challenge and confront Gilgamesh.

Gilgamesh is drastically different to his recurring appearance. He has only a single arm, and lacks his usual comedic traits. Instead, he is a formidable foe with contempt for the weak. While Enkidu appears as a boss, he does not appear to be Gilgamesh's pet. Gilgamesh is fought on a bridge littered with the swords of the warriors he has defeated, and his battle music contains motifs from "Clash on the Big Bridge".

Gilgamesh loosely implies he might be an outworlder, referring to Eos as "your world". Ignis Scientia mentions that Gilgamesh must be over 1000 years old.

Final Fantasy Type-0[]

Gilgamesh (character) (14)

Main article: Gilgamesh Ashur

A colossal warrior from Lorica with the power of the Black Tortoise Crystal, Gilgamesh is a l'Cie who has forgotten his Focus and serves as a boss. He is accompanied by Enkidu, a fellow Black Tortoise l'Cie.

Gilgamesh (character) (15)

This is the second title in the Final Fantasy series where Gilgamesh has a notable role in the game's plot. Lorica is referred to as the place where Gilgamesh spent his childhood. This is the first game where Gilgamesh takes the player's weapons upon emerging victorious. Most of his other appearances merely allude to his weapon-claiming habit. His habit of claiming weapons apparently stems from his resentment of heroes who are too weak to protect that which matters most, much like he had been.

Final Fantasy Dimensions II[]

Gilgamesh (character) (16)

Gilgamesh (character) (17)


Gilgamesh (character) (18)

Gilgamesh OR.

Gilgamesh (character) (19)This section about an enemy in Final Fantasy Dimensions II is empty or needs to be expanded. You can help the Final Fantasy Wiki by expanding it.

Gilgamesh (character) (20)This section about Summon magic in Final Fantasy Dimensions II is empty or needs to be expanded. You can help the Final Fantasy Wiki by expanding it.

Dissidia Final Fantasy (2008)[]

A master swordsman wandering the Dimensional Rift.

Summon Compendium

Gilgamesh (character) (21)

Gilgamesh appears as a summon, and as a ghost for the player to fight in the Offline Lobby. The Gilgamesh ghost is a Level 100 Bartz, wearing a full set of Genji equipment and bearing the Dragon Seal item, a reference to Shinryu who was introduced in Final Fantasy V, like Gilgamesh. The message on the card reads "I wanted to fight you one more time... mano-a-mano", which is Gilgamesh's farewell to Bartz when the party finds him in the Rift. Bartz also quotes Gilgamesh, saying "Let's finish this, one-on-one!" when battling Chaos, and "Let's fight like men!" when battling Jecht.

Gilgamesh's Summonstone can be obtained in the second stage of the Distant Glory - Villains storyline. The artwork used for the summon is from Final Fantasy V. When called upon he will either triple the summoner's Bravery or reduce it to 1, as a reference to Excalibur and Excalipoor. When Gilgamesh is summoned and produces the Excalipoor result, the text for the summon effect will read "I feel so betrayed..." This is what Gilgamesh says in Final Fantasy V upon realizing that the "Excalibur" he found is a worthless counterfeit.

Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy[]

Gilgamesh (character) (22)

Gilgamesh is a secret playable character, marking his first fully playable appearance. Mimicking several of his other appearances, Gilgamesh's appearance is a coincidence, as he stumbles into World B where the wars are taking place while traveling through the Void and the worlds connected to it.

Sensing Bartz, Gilgamesh seeks out his rival for their promised rematch, but Bartz has lost his memories and cannot remember him. Nonetheless, he accepts Gilgamesh's challenge and defeats him. Though he was not summoned by a god Gilgamesh is subject to the war's rules and is sent back to where he entered the world from, a portal to the Void engulfing him.

Despite appearing as a playable character, the summon version of Gilgamesh from the first Dissidia returns, and is even used by him in the story battle against him. Like other summons, it functions identically to how it did in the first game.

Gilgamesh's first alternate outfit is based on his Final Fantasy VIII appearance, giving him lighter armor and a red cloak. His second alternate outfit is based on his battle sprite from Final Fantasy V, giving him heavier full plate armor. As a bonus fourth outfit, Gilgamesh takes on his Final Fantasy Type-0 appearance, a suit of red and black armor. This outfit was made available to those in attendance of a Dissidia 012 tournament in Japan, and was never released in other areas.

Gilgamesh brings a wide variety of weapons with him, each having different effects when drawn in battle: his traditional Excalibur, Excalipoor, Masamune, and Zantetsuken swords, as well as the Genji Blade, the Chicken Knife, the Naginata spear, and the Battle Axe.

Gilgamesh's HP Attacks refer to the attacks he used in his various battles in Final Fantasy V, including Death Claw, Rocket Punch, Missile, Jump, Sword Dance, and Hurricane.

Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia[]

Gilgamesh is a playable character representing Final Fantasy V.

Theatrhythm Final Fantasy[]

Gilgamesh (character) (23)

A worthy opponent who Bartz faces time and again. Though drawn to battle, upon realizing he cannot win, Gilgamesh flees with no more than a pointed barb. Yet in the end, he gives up his life for his rival...


Gilgamesh is a boss-type and regular enemy in Battle Music Sequences for Final Fantasy V.

Theatrhythm Final Fantasy Curtain Call[]

Gilgamesh returns as an enemy in Battle Music Sequences for Final Fantasy V and the Dissidia series.

Theatrhythm Final Fantasy All-Star Carnival[]

Gilgamesh appears as both a regular and boss-type enemy, and makes his playable debut as the secondary antagonist representing Final Fantasy V. Added via update on 5 July 2017, he is obtained by collecting Dark Crystal Shards.

Gilgamesh (character) (24)


Gilgamesh (character) (25)


Pictlogica Final Fantasy[]

Gilgamesh from Final Fantasy V appears as an enemy.

Gilgamesh (character) (26)


Gilgamesh (character) (27)

Playable sprite.

Gilgamesh (character) (28)

Boss sprite.

Gilgamesh (character) (29)This section about a character in Pictlogica Final Fantasy is empty or needs to be expanded. You can help the Final Fantasy Wiki by expanding it.

Final Fantasy Airborne Brigade[]

Gilgamesh appears as one of the summon enemies as well as a Legend character that uses the Death Claw ability.


Gilgamesh (character) (30)

Gilgamesh's icon.

Ability Cards

Gilgamesh (character) (32)

Double Trouble (SR).

Gilgamesh (character) (33)

Whirlwind Slash (SR).

Gilgamesh (character) (34)

Cross Slash (SR+).

Gilgamesh (character) (35)

Double Trouble (SR+).

Gilgamesh (character) (36)

Whirlwind Slash (SR+).

Gilgamesh (character) (37)

Cross Slash (SSR).

Gilgamesh (character) (38)

Cross Slash (SSR+).

Gilgamesh (character) (39)

Wind Slash (UR).

Gilgamesh (character) (40)

Zantetsuken (UR).

Gilgamesh (character) (41)

Zantetsuken (UR+).

Legend Cards

Gilgamesh (character) (42)

Death Claw (Summon).

Gilgamesh (character) (43)

Cross Slash (SR).

Gilgamesh (character) (44)

Dual Thrust (SR).

Gilgamesh (character) (45)

Electrocute (SR).

Gilgamesh (character) (46)

Hurricane (SR).

Gilgamesh (character) (47)

Tsubamegaeshi (SR).

Gilgamesh (character) (48)

Whirlwind Slash (SR).

Gilgamesh (character) (49)

Cross Slash (SR+).

Gilgamesh (character) (50)

Dual Thrust (SR+).

Gilgamesh (character) (51)

Electrocute (SR+).

Gilgamesh (character) (52)

Hurricane (SR+).

Gilgamesh (character) (53)

Tsubamegaeshi (SR+).

Gilgamesh (character) (54)

Whirlwind Slash (SR+).

Gilgamesh (character) (55)

Cross Slash (SSR).

Gilgamesh (character) (56)

Cross Slash (SSR).

Gilgamesh (character) (57)

Masamune (SSR) [FFVI].

Gilgamesh (character) (58)

Whirlwind Slash (SSR).

Gilgamesh (character) (59)

Cross Slash (SSR+).

Gilgamesh (character) (60)

Cross Slash (SSR+).

Gilgamesh (character) (61)

Masamune (SSR+) [FFVI].

Gilgamesh (character) (62)

Whirlwind Slash (SSR+).

Gilgamesh (character) (63)

Excalibur (UR) [FFVI].

Gilgamesh (character) (64)

Self-Destruct (UR).

Gilgamesh (character) (65)

Excalibur (UR+) [FFVI].

Gilgamesh (character) (66)

Self-Destruct (UR+).

Gilgamesh (character) (67)

Enkidu (UUR) [FFVI].

Gilgamesh (character) (68)

Enkidu (UUR+) [FFVI].

Gilgamesh (character) (69)

Zantetsuken (CR) [FFVIII].

Gilgamesh (character) (70)

Zantetsuken (CR+) [FFVIII].

Gilgamesh (character) (71)This section about a character in Final Fantasy Airborne Brigade is empty or needs to be expanded. You can help the Final Fantasy Wiki by expanding it.

Final Fantasy Artniks[]

Gilgamesh (character) (72)

Final Fantasy Artniks.

Gilgamesh (character) (73)

Final Fantasy Artniks (2).

Gilgamesh (character) (74)

Final Fantasy Artniks (3).

Gilgamesh (character) (75)This section in Final Fantasy Artniks is empty or needs to be expanded. You can help the Final Fantasy Wiki by expanding it.

Final Fantasy All the Bravest[]

This likable henchman of Exdeath's eventually comes to befriend Bartz and crew.


The Gilgamesh appears as an enemy encountered on the Bridge of Moore. It uses Stab and drops the Excalipoor.

Final Fantasy Record Keeper[]

Gilgamesh (character) (76)

Gilgamesh is a playable character who could be recruited during the Challenge Event Big Bridge Showdown as the First Time Reward for completing the event's Big Bridge Showdown stage on Classic difficulty. Gilgamesh also appears as a boss in select Final Fantasy V stages.

Final Fantasy Explorers[]

Gilgamesh (character) (77)

Gilgamesh (character) (78)This section about an enemy in Final Fantasy Explorers is empty or needs to be expanded. You can help the Final Fantasy Wiki by expanding it.

Final Fantasy Brave Exvius[]

Gilgamesh appears both as a summonable vision and as an enemy. His first enemy appearance occurred during the event The Big Bridge, based on his iconic battle from Final Fantasy V. His second (and permanent) enemy appearance is at the Chamber of the Fallen, as part of the "Gilgamesh's Offensive" trial and its Chamber of the Indignant version, "Scorn of Gilgamesh". Defeating him in the Chamber of the Fallen yields the Genji Blade plus other additional rewards if the trial's missions are completed. His sprite is based on his appearance in Final Fantasy XIII-2. His third enemy appearance occurred during the event The Clash on Big Bridge, based on his appearance as Gilgamesh Ashur from Final Fantasy Type-0.

As a playable unit, Gilgamesh (from Final Fantasy V) is a 5-7★ Rare Summon. His job is listed as Guard Captain, and his role is Physical Damage. His Trust Master reward is the extremely-valuable Genji Glove accessory, due to it granting the Dual Wield passive ability. His Super Trust Master reward is the Genji Helm (FFV).

Gilgamesh (character) (79)

No. 363 Gilgamesh (5★).

Gilgamesh (character) (80)

No. 364 Gilgamesh (6★).

Gilgamesh (character) (81)

No. 1072 Gilgamesh (7★).

Gilgamesh (character) (82)

Enemy sprite (Big Bridge FFV event boss).

Gilgamesh (character) (83)

Enemy sprite (Gilgamesh's Offensive).

War of the Visions: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius[]

Final Fantasy World Wide Words[]

Gilgamesh (character) (84)This section about an enemy in Final Fantasy World Wide Words is empty or needs to be expanded. You can help the Final Fantasy Wiki by expanding it.

World of Final Fantasy[]

Gilgamesh (character) (85)

Who's Who
CV: Keith Szarabajka / Kazuya Nakai
Age in Grymoire: Immeasurable
Notes: Big Bridge's classic clasher / Not that weird / Actually...yeah, that weird
Batty for Bartz
Gilgamesh has a very special soul. Although he was born in the same world as Bartz, he spent a long, long time wandering the space between dimensions. As such, his memories and his obsession with Bartz have been imprinted upon his soul itself.
So even though his Grymoirian self is just a copy, Gilgamesh still retains some of the emotions his original had. He's similar to the Warrior of Light in this regard.
Batty for Bartz: Continued
When Gilgamesh has a chance encounter with Snow, he shouts "Bartz!" and ends up picking a fight with what he believes must be his nemesis.
There is a logic to these seemingly random actions:
  1. Gilgamesh is destined to fight Bartz (but he doesn't know why).
  2. Bartz must be destined to fight Gilgamesh. (Obviously.)
  3. Therefore, the only person who would dare fight him is Bartz! (Because...right?)
With this ironclad reasoning behind him, Gilgamesh assumes Snow must be a shape-shifted Bartz, and the rest is history. Or insanity.
Snow and Gilgamesh are both excellent conversationalists—that is, if carrying on simultaneous monologues still counts. You have to feel bad for poor Celes...
First World of Origin:

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow. (Skip section)

Gilgamesh is first encountered on the big bridge Alexander when the party is travelling with Bartz. Believing that he has finally found his nemesis again, Gilgamesh challenges Bartz to a "rematch." However, the Grymoire version of Bartz does not share the same experiences as his Final Fantasy V counterpart, and thus is completely bemused as to why Gilgamesh wants to fight him. After a boss battle, Gilgamesh is once again forced to admit defeat, but says that he will be back for another rematch.

Later on in the story, there is an intervention where it is revealed that Gilgamesh was duped into revealing the position of Bartz and Boko, believing that he would finally be able to get his rematch. However, when it is revealed that the Bahamutian solider that sold him out in fact wants to kill Bartz himself, Gilgamesh decides to "sacrifice" himself to fight off the Bahamutian soldier and save the town, in an ending that mirrors the events of Final Fantasy V.

There is also a colosseum battle ("Exdeath's Kooky Kabuki"), in which Gilgamesh can be imprismed.

Spoilers end here.

Gilgamesh (character) (86)This section in World of Final Fantasy is empty or needs to be expanded. You can help the Final Fantasy Wiki by expanding it.

Mobius Final Fantasy[]

Gilgamesh reuses his appearance from Final Fantasy XIII-2. He appears before Wol at the battle tower and states he has met many heroes on multiple worlds, and claims that Wol lacks the fire in his soul that they possessed. He offers to train Wol by challenging him to a series of battles. Despite his irritation at Gilgamesh's antics, Wol accepts, and fights his way up the tower. At the top, Gilgamesh commends Wol's performance, and acknowledges him as a Warrior of Light. He promises to return to challenge Wol for his weapons once he has saved his world before departing in his typically comedic fashion.

Gilgamesh (character) (87)


Gilgamesh (character) (88)

Job card.

Gilgamesh (character) (89)

Rarity 3 card.

Gilgamesh (character) (90)

FFVIII card.

Gilgamesh (character) (91)

True Gilgamesh.

Stranger of Paradise Final Fantasy Origin[]

Gilgamesh (character) (92)

The Lufenian Nil brought Gilgamesh to the realm of Cornelia in their attempt to reconnect it to Paradise. Gilgamesh encountered Jack Garland and his group in numerous confrontations as they initially assumed him to be the cause of the dimensional influxes threatening their world. Throughout these bouts, losing some of his weapons in the process, Gilgamesh assumed Jack to be a past version of Garland he had encountered during the events of Dissidia. Gilgamesh returns to the rift after being defeated a final time and seeing that he wore out his welcome with Jack’s group.

Chocobo to Mahou no Ehon: Majo to Shoujo to Go-nin no Yuusha[]

Gilgamesh (character) (93)

Gilgamesh is the main antagonist in the first book, who also tries to marry the princess Irma. He also appears as a summon card.


Gilgamesh (character) (94)
Bitter End
Gilgamesh (character) (95)
Slice Thrice
Gilgamesh (character) (96)
Gilgamesh (character) (97)
Monarch Sword
Gilgamesh (character) (98)
Ultimate Illusion

Gilgamesh (character) (99)This section in Chocobo to Mahou no Ehon: Majo to Shoujo to Go-nin no Yuusha is empty or needs to be expanded. You can help the Final Fantasy Wiki by expanding it.

Final Fantasy Trading Card Game[]

Gilgamesh appears in Final Fantasy Trading Card Game as multiple Forward cards: an Earth-elemental card, portraying his Final Fantasy Type-0 appearance with a CG render and an artwork; a Lightning-elemental card featuring his artwork by Yosh*taka Amano from Final Fantasy V, and a Lightning-elemental promotional card featuring his Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy outfit of his original Final Fantasy V appearance; and two Dark-elemental cards, a first depicting his artwork by Tetsuya Nomura for Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy and a second portraying his appearance in Theatrhythm Final Fantasy; and one of his alternate Final Fantasy V Yosh*taka Amano artwork.

Gilgamesh is listed and as a l'Cie in his Final Fantasy Type-0 card; and as a "Captain of the Guard", for all other cards, alluding to his rank in Exdeath's army.

Gilgamesh (character) (100)

Gilgamesh [2-103R] Chapter series card.

Gilgamesh (character) (101)

Gilgamesh [3-071S] Chapter series card.

Gilgamesh (character) (102)

Black Tortoise l'Cie Gilgamesh [4-056R] Chapter series card.

Gilgamesh (character) (103)

Gilgamesh [5-157R] Chapter series card.

Gilgamesh (character) (104)

Gilgamesh [8-062R] Chapter series card.

Gilgamesh (character) (105)

Black Tortoise l'Cie Gilgamesh [10-068S] Chapter series card.

Gilgamesh (character) (106)

Gilgamesh [10-088S] Chapter series card.

Gilgamesh (character) (107)

Gilgamesh [15-091C] Chapter series card.

Gilgamesh (character) (108)

Gilgamesh [PR-025] Chapter series card.

Gilgamesh (character) (109)

Gilgamesh [1-128R] Opus series card.

Gilgamesh (character) (110)

Gilgamesh [1-129C] Opus series card.

Gilgamesh (character) (111)

Gilgamesh [1-207S] Opus series card.

Gilgamesh (character) (112)

Black Tortoise l'Cie Gilgamesh [3-080R] Opus series card.

Gilgamesh (character) (113)

Gilgamesh [3-103H] Opus series card.

Triple Triad[]

Gilgamesh from Final Fantasy XIV and World of Final Fantasy appears alongside Enkidu on Triple Triad cards in the version available via the Final Fantasy Portal App.

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Final Fantasy XIV.

Gilgamesh (character) (115)

Final Fantasy XIV.

Gilgamesh (character) (116)

Final Fantasy XIV.

Gilgamesh (character) (117)

World of Final Fantasy.

Gilgamesh (character) (118)

World of Final Fantasy.

Gilgamesh (character) (119)

World of Final Fantasy.

Non-Final Fantasy guest appearances[]

Itadaki Street[]

Gilgamesh (character) (120)

Gilgamesh appears in Dragon Quest & Final Fantasy in Itadaki Street Special.

Gilgamesh (character) (121)This section in Dragon Quest & Final Fantasy in Itadaki Street Special is empty or needs to be expanded. You can help the Final Fantasy Wiki by expanding it.

In Dragon Quest & Final Fantasy in Itadaki Street Portable, Gilgamesh appears based on his Final Fantasy VIII appearance. Gilgamesh is a chance card in Dragon Quest & Final Fantasy in Itadaki Street Portable, the card's ability: Group all characters to target point.

He appears as a playable character in Itadaki Street: Dragon Quest & Final Fantasy 30th Anniversary.

Gilgamesh (character) (122)

Artwork from Itadaki Street: Dragon Quest & Final Fantasy 30th Anniversary.

Gilgamesh (character) (123)

Redner from Itadaki Street: Dragon Quest & Final Fantasy 30th Anniversary..

Blood of Bahamut[]

Gilgamesh (character) (124)

Gilgamesh, alongside other recurring Final Fantasy summons, appears as one of the giants that must be defeated. There is also a stronger version of Gilgamesh that can be fought, called Durga, whose design is much closer to Final Fantasy V depiction of Gilgamesh. A reference to Gilgamesh's fancy of famous weapon replicas can also be found in the description of Dark Sword, a material obtained from the giant.

Guardian Cross[]

Gilgamesh (character) (125)

Banished to the Rift for failure, this warrior renounced his master Exdeath and made the greatest sacrifice of all.


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Puzzle & Dragons[]

Gilgamesh (character) (127)

Gilgamesh appeared as part of the Final Fantasy collaboration that happened in the North American version from November 2, 2015 to 15 November 2015. When fought in the Netherworld, he uses the skills "Gilgamesh Resolve", "Took you long enough!", "I was worried you'd gotten lost!", "It's go time!", "Jump", "Normal Attack", "Electrocute", "Goblin Punch", "Aera", Wind Slash", "I suppose I misjudged!", "Fighting all four of you...", " just too tough for me...", "...NOT! Ha, I lied! Like a rug! Oh, I kill me!", "Urgh!", "I, uh, have an important appointment!", "We'll meet again!". After defeating him, he drops himself and Bartz's Brave Blade as rewards.

He was obtainable as a 6★ ranked unit named "Gilgamesh" (ギルガメッシュ, Girugamesshu?), with an attacker and physical type and fire and water elements.

As a 6★ ranked unit, Gilgamesh wears his standard outfit and wields his spear while enveloped in an aura of water and fire. His active skills are "My Collection", "Excalibur", "Excalipoor", "Masamune" and "Genji Shield" and his leader skill is "Oh really? Just try it!".

Gilgamesh (character) (128)

No. 2057 Gilgamesh (6★).

Monster Strike[]

Gilgamesh appeared as part of the Final Fantasy collaboration.

Gilgamesh (character) (129)

Gilgamesh (character) (130)

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Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ[]

Gilgamesh (character) (132)

Gilgamesh under the name Weapon Master appears as a Heartless.

Other media[]

Gilgamesh is referred to by Natsuki Takaya in one of her side columns in Fruits Basket, stating her love of the Final Fantasy series.

Musical themes[]

Gilgamesh's leitmotif is called "Battle at the Big Bridge" and originally played during four of the battles against him in Final Fantasy V. Since its original appearance, it has followed Gilgamesh in several of his cameos and had several rearrangements and adaptations, and became one of the most popular themes of the series.

Behind the scenes[]

According to the fifth "Chocobo's FF Laboratory" feature published in the November 1993 edition of V-Jump, the initial design for Gilgamesh was created by Tetsuya Nomura, although Yosh*taka Amano was the one who drew the character's final artwork. The magazine states that Nomura's initial design looked like a cross between Gilgamesh's first and second in-game forms.[2]

In the page quote, Gilgamesh refers to the 1990's series, Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers.

The character is named after the ancient Mesopotamian hero Gilgamesh.

Gilgamesh's Genji equipment refers to him being wandering royalty. In Japanese "genji" is a term used for a wandering noble or prince.

Gilgamesh's signature attack, "Ultimate Illusion", is a synonym for "Final Fantasy".

Gilgamesh is one of few characters in the Final Fantasy franchise to have held his own against entire armies, once during the clash on the big bridge in Final Fantasy Type-0, as well as against Galuf's army. This is a direct parallel to Benkei, who was known for facing down impossible odds on bridges.

Originally voiced in Japan by Daisuke Gōri for the Japanese release of Final Fantasy XII before his death on January 17, 2010, Gilgamesh's voice is provided by Kazuya Nakai as of Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy, by Riki Kitazawa in Final Fantasy XIV, by Kazuya Nakai once more in World of Final Fantasy, and by Kazuhiko Inoue in Final Fantasy XV. In the English versions, Gilgamesh is voiced by John DiMaggio in Final Fantasy XII, Keith Szarabajka in Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy and Final Fantasy Type-0 HD, Kurt Wilson in Final Fantasy XIV and Tom Taylorson in Final Fantasy XV.


Gilgamesh (character) (134)

Master Creatures produced a six and a half inch tall figure of Gilgamesh in their third series of Final Fantasy characters. The figure's information describes it as wearing the Genji armor and wielding the Excalipoor, among other weapons.

There are also two figures based on Gilgamesh's appearance in Final Fantasy VIII, one with him standing and the other kneeling, and both with the four swords he uses in the game.


Gilgamesh (character) (135)

Gilgamesh sacrifices himself to defeat Necrophobe.

Gilgamesh (character) (137)

Deva Loka Nightmares II artwork by Yosh*taka Amano, part of the 2012 Deva Loka art exhibition.

Gilgamesh (character) (138)

Artwork from Final Fantasy V by Tetsuya Nomura.

Gilgamesh (character) (139)

Artwork from Final Fantasy V by Tetsuya Nomura.

Gilgamesh (character) (140)

Gilgamesh versus Bartz artwork by Yosh*taka Amano from Final Fantasy V Advance.

Gilgamesh (character) (141)

Gilgamesh up-close in Final Fantasy VIII.

Gilgamesh (character) (142)

Concept artwork of Gilgamesh in Final Fantasy IX.

Gilgamesh (character) (143)

Rank S Shock in Final Fantasy IX.

Gilgamesh (character) (144)

Gilgamesh's Final Fantasy VIII incarnation render in Dissidia 012.

Gilgamesh (character) (145)

Final Fantasy XIV artwork.

Gilgamesh (character) (146)

Traditional battle sprite render in Dissidia 012.

Gilgamesh (character) (147)

Gilgamesh's true form render in Dissidia 012.

Gilgamesh (character) (148)

Master Figures-like render in Dissidia 012.

Gilgamesh (character) (149)

Interdimensional Rift appearance in Dissidia 012.

Etymology and allusion[]

[view· edit· purge]Gilgamesh is the main character of the Epic of Gilgamesh, an Akkadian poem considered the first great work of literature. He is a demigod with superhuman strength who builds the walls of Uruk to defend his people and travels to meet the sage Utnapishtim, a survivor of the Great Flood.

Gilgamesh is believed to have actually existed by many scholars. It is estimated he lived sometime between 2800 and 2500 BC. The Sumerian King List claims Gilgamesh ruled the city of Uruk for 126 years.

Gilgamesh in Final Fantasy is also based on Benkei, a famous character in the Japanese mythologies and chronicles of the Genpei War. A powerful warrior monk said to have personally defeated 200 men in every battle he engaged in and said to have had the strength of demons, Benkei's introduction sees him set out to collect 1,000 weapons, and to this end he posted himself at Gōjō Bridge in Kyoto and challenged every warrior who attempted to cross. On his 1000th duel Benkei was defeated by Minamoto no Yosh*tsune, the only defeat he had ever known, and became his faithful retainer throughout the rest of his life.

From the story of Benkei, Gilgamesh takes his preference for the naginata (Benkei's traditional weapon as a monk), his penchant for fighting on bridges, his collecting of weapons from enemies he defeats, and his friendship with the player's characters who defeat him. Benkei's devotion to Yosh*tsune is the basis for Gilgamesh's association with Genji equipment—the Minamoto Clan is also called the Genji Clan, using the alternate pronunciation for the Chinese characters for mina and moto, gen and uji, respectively. Gilgamesh's face paint is based on traditional kabuki actors, for which Benkei is a popular character to portray.


  2. V-Jump, ("Chocobo's FF Laboratory", チョコボのFF研究室?), November 1993, p.188-192.


Recurring characters

Aerith Gainsborough - Agrias Oaks - Al-Cid Margrace - Alma Beoulve - Amon - Arazlam Durai - Argath Thadalfus - Ashelia B'nargin Dalmasca - Artemicion - Ba'Gamnan - Balthier - Biggs and Wedge - Boco - Cait Sith - Calca and Brina - Cid - Cidolfus Orlandeau - Cloud of Darkness - Cloud Strife - Cyan Garamonde - Dancing girl - Delita Heiral - Doga - Enkidu - Owain (Shun) - Exdeath - Four Fiends - Fran - Gabranth - Galuf Halm Baldesion - Gilgamesh - Iroha - Jessie - Kain Highwind - Kefka Palazzo - Krile Mayer Baldesion - Lightning - Lone Wolf the Pickpocket - Luso Clemens - Magus Sisters - Mid - Mog - Moglin - Montblanc - Mustadio Bunansa - Namingway - Noctis Lucis Caelum - Orran Durai - Palom - Penelo - Princess Sarah - Typhon - Ultros - Unei - Ramza Beoulve - Rasler Heios Nabradia - Setzer Gabbiani - Shantotto - Shirma - Siegfried - Squall Leonhart - Stiltzkin - Tenzen - Traveling merchants - Ultima - Vaan - Vivi Ornitier - Warriors of Darkness - Warriors of Light - Xande

Lists of characters

Final Fantasy - Final Fantasy II - Final Fantasy III - Final Fantasy IV - -Interlude- - The After Years - Final Fantasy V - Legend of the Crystals - Final Fantasy VI - Final Fantasy VII - Remake - Advent Children - Dirge of Cerberus - Before Crisis - Crisis Core - Last Order - On the Way to a Smile - Ever Crisis - Final Fantasy VIII - Final Fantasy IX - Final Fantasy X - Final Fantasy X-2 - Final Fantasy XI - Final Fantasy XII - Revenant Wings - Final Fantasy XIII - Final Fantasy XIII-2 - Lightning Returns - Final Fantasy XIV - Final Fantasy XV - Kingsglaive - Final Fantasy XVI - Type-0 - Agito - Tactics - Tactics Advance - Tactics A2 - Vagrant Story - Crystal Chronicles - Ring of Fates - My Life as a King - Echoes of Time - My Life as a Darklord - The Crystal Bearers - Mystic Quest - Adventure - Legend - Legend II - Legend III - Chocobo Racing - Unlimited - The Spirits Within - Dissidia - Dissidia 012 - Dissidia NT - Opera Omnia - Theatrhythm - Theatrhythm Curtain Call - Theatrhythm All-Star Carnival - The 4 Heroes of Light - Dimensions - Dimensions II - Record Keeper - Explorers - Brave Exvius - War of the Visions - World of Final Fantasy - Mobius - Stranger of Paradise

Recurring summons

SummonsAlexander - Amaterasu - Asura - Atomos - Bahamut - Bahamut ZERO - Behemoth - Bismarck - Bomb - Brynhildr - Cactuar - Cait Sith - Carbuncle - Catoblepas - Chocobo - Diabolos - Dryad - Faerie - Fenrir - Garuda - Gilgamesh - Goblin - Golem - Hecatoncheir - Ifrit - Ixion - Kirin - Lakshmi - Lamia - Leviathan - Lich - Madeen - Magic Pot - Magus Sisters - Midgardsormr - Mishiva - Moogle - Neo Bahamut - Odin - Phoenix - Quetzalcoatl - Ragnarok - Raiden - Ramuh - Remora - Shiva - Siren - Susano - Syldra - Sylph - Tiamat - Titan - Tonberry - Typhon - Ultima - Unicorn - Valefor - Zalera
Abilities1000 Needles - 10000 Needles - Abyssal Maw - Aerial Blast - Aerial Tackle - Aerospark - Alluring Embrace - Angel Feathers - Asura's Boon - Big Bang - Black Cauldron - Breach Blast - Briny Cannonade - Brotherly Love - Burning Strike - Camisade - Cat Rain - Chaos Wave - Chef's Knife - Chocobo Kick - Condemnation - Counter Rockets - Dark Messenger - Delta Attack - Demon Eye - Diamond Dust - Disintegration - Divine Judgment - Dragon Claws - Earthen Wall - El Niño - Emerald Light - Energy Blast - Energy Ray - Eschaton - Eternal Breath - Eternal Darkness - Excalibur - Excalipoor - Exaflare - Explosive Fist - Fat Chocobo - Fey Light - Flames of Rebirth - Flare Breath - Force Blasters - Frostwave - Frozen World - G-Force 199 - Gaia's Wrath - Gaian Salvo - Geocrush - Ghostly Veil - Gigaflare - Goblin Punch - Gungnir - Healing Horn - Healing Ruby - Heavenly Strike - Heavy Strike - Hellfire - Holy Aura - Holyja - Howling Moon - Hurricane Kick - Impulse - Judgment Bolt - Kozuka - Lunatic Voice - Masamune - Megaflare - Meteorite - Meteor Strike - Mind Blast - Mist Breath - Moogle Dance - Múspell Flame - Oblivion - Octopus Ink - Pain - Passado - Photosynthesis - Pirouette - Pummel - Pyroburst - Quakeja - Radiant Breath - Razzia - Rock Buster - Roxxor - Ruby Light - Ruinous Omen - Runaway Train - Self-Destruct - Shin-Zantetsuken - Silent Voice - Soaring Uppercut - Sonic Wings - Steelcrusher - Teraflare - Terra Homing - Thor's Hammer - Thunderstorm - Tidal Wave - Tornado Zone - Tri-Disaster - Tsunami - Ullr's Shield - Ultimate End - Valkyrian Scythe - Wakizashi - Wheel Grind - Wheel Rap - Whirlwind - Whispering Wind - Withering Winds - Zanmato - Zantetsuken

Game specific summons

Final Fantasy IVco*ckatrice - Mindflayer - Mist Dragon - Whyt
Final Fantasy VEggman
Final Fantasy VICrusader - Quetzalli - Maduin - Phantom - Seraph - Valigarmanda - Zona Seeker
Final Fantasy VIIBahamut Fury - Bahamut SIN - Chocobo & Moogle - Grangalan - Hades - Kujata - Knights of the Round
Final Fantasy VIIIBrothers (Final Fantasy VIII) - Cerberus - Doomtrain - Eden - MiniMog - Moomba - Pandemona
Final Fantasy IXArk
Final Fantasy XAnima - Yojimbo (Daigoro)
Final Fantasy XIAir Spirit - Dark Spirit - Earth Spirit - Fire Spirit - Ice Spirit - Light Spirit - Thunder Spirit - Water Spirit
Final Fantasy XIVEos - Selene
IvaliceAdrammelech - Alraune - Aquarius - Balasa - Belias - Chaos - Cúchulainn - Cu Sith - Cyclops - Djinn - Exodus - Famfrit - Garchimacera - Gnoam - Hashmal - Mateus - Raiden - Ramih - Sagittarius - Sahagin - Salamander - Shemhazai - Shivan - Shivar - White Hare - Wyvern - Zeromus - Zodiark
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a DarklordAbaddon - Ahriman - Chimera - Coeurl - Death Knight - Gigas - Kain - Little Pirate - Minion - Mu - Ochu - Palom - Shade - Scorpion - Sphere - Tentacle
Final Fantasy DimensionsArgy
Final Fantasy Dimensions IIAhriman - Aqua Maiden - Aqua Witch - Barbariccia - Baugauven - Black Chocobo - Black Mage - Brachiosaur - Byakko - Chadarnook - Cherry - Cherubim - Chrono Dragon - Dragoon - Dullahan - Earth Mage - Eidolon Mootie - Fake - Forest Chocobo - Flame Mage - Foron - Gargoyle - Genbu - Ice Dragon - Kaiser Dragon - Knight - Kunoichi - Lady Bomb - Lamia Queen - Lorelei - Lucifer - Medusa - Melusine - Mermaid - Mist - Momb Bomb - Mootie, Eidolord - Mother Brain - Mysidian Rabbit - Mystic Knight - Ninja - Paladin - Phlegethon - Princess - Pumpkin Witch - Rocbouquet - Sage - Samurai - Seiryu - Shinatsuhiko - Skuld Bahamut - Soothsayer - Succubus - Summoner - Suzaku - Styx - Time Mage - Twintania - Urd Bahamut - Valkyrie - Verth Bahamut - White Chocobo - White Mage - Wind Witch - Ymir
Dissidia seriesDissidia Final FantasyBarbariccia - Cagnazzo - Deathgaze - Demon Wall - Iron Giant - Kraken - Malboro - Mandragora - Marilith - Omega - PuPu - Rubicante - Scarmiglione - Shinryu - Ultima Weapon - Ultros
Dissidia 012 Final FantasyCalcabrina - Giant of Babil - Land Worm - Shinryu Verus


Recurring enemies

AquanAdamantoise - Aspidochelon - Dagon - Desert Sahagin - Genbu - Gigantoad - Gil Turtle - Killer Fish - Kraken - Land Turtle - Leap Frog - Oceanus - Orobon - Piranha - Poison Toad - Sahagin - Sahagin Chief - Sahagin Prince - Sea Devil - Toad - Ultros
AhrimanAhriman - Bat Eye - Blood Eye - Evil Eye - Floating Eye - Fly Eye - Plague
AvianAxebeak - Bat - Bennu - Blood Bat - Buer - co*ckatrice - Garuda - Griffon - Harpy - Helldiver - Poison Bat - Poison Eagle - Pyrolisk - Redmaw - Rudra - Rukh - Seeker Bat - Simurgh - Steel Bat - Strato Avis - Suzaku - Thunderbird - Tot Aevis - Vulture - Zu
BeastBandercoeurl - Bandersnatch - Basilisk - Behemoth - Big Horn - Blood Taste - Bugbear - Bulette - Byakko - Catoblepas - Cerberus - Chimera - Chimera Brain - Chocobo - Coeurl - Crazy Horse - Dark Behemoth - Dhorme Chimera - Dual Horn - Epiolnis - Fenrir - Flamehound - Frostbeast - Gaelicat - Garm - Garula - Gorgimera - Grand Horn - Guard Hound - Hellhound - Humbaba - Iguion - Ironback - Ixion - Kaiser Behemoth - King Behemoth - Kirin - Lizard - Lizardman - Manticore - Mesmenir - Minotaur - Mu - Nightmare - Nutkin - Python - Sabertooth Tiger - Sekhret - Silver Lobo - Skull Eater - Soul Eater - Sphinx - Sprinter - Stunner - Unicorn - Warg Wolf - Wererat - Wolf - Yowie - Zaghnal
BombBalloon - Bomb - Grenade - Ice Bomb - King Bomb - Mom Bomb - Purobolos
DragonAeronite - Archaeoaevis - Archaeosaur - Black Dragon - Blue Dragon - Bone Dragon - Brachioraidos - Clockwork Dragon - Dark Bahamut - Dragon - Dragon Aevis - Dragon Zombie - Earth Dragon - Fafnir - Fossil Dragon - Ghidra - Gizamaluk - Gold Dragon - Great Dragon - Green Dragon - Holy Dragon - Hydra - Ice Dragon - Jormungand - Jura Aevis - Lesser Lopros - Magic Dragon - Midgardsormr - Mini Dragon - Mushussu - Nidhogg - Red Dragon - Ruby Dragon - Salamander - Sea Dragon - Seiryu - Shadow Dragon - Shield Dragon - Shinryu - Silver Dragon - Skull Dragon - Storm Dragon - Svarog - Thunder Dragon - Tiamat - Twintania - Two-Headed Dragon - Tyrannosaur - Tyrant - Vouivre - Wyrm - Wyvern - Yamatano Orochi - Yellow Dragon - Yiazmat
ElementalAir Elemental - Dark Elemental - Earth Elemental - Elemental - Fire Elemental - Liquid Flame - Water Elemental
FeyFaerie - Nymph - Sprite - Sylph - Titania
FiendArchaeodaemon - Anubys - Astaroth - Belphegor - Byblos - Calofisteri - Chadarnook - Cloud of Darkness - Deathgaze - Death Claw - Deepeye - Demon - Demon Wall - Diabolos - Echidna - Garchimacera - Gargoyle - Gazer - Gomory - Greater Demon - Gremlin - Hecteyes - Hedgehog Pie - Imp - Iron Claw - Lamia - Lamia Matriarch - Lamia Queen - Lilith - Marilith - Medusa - Melusine - Mimic - Mindflayer - Mini Satana - Mover - Naga - Parasite - Piscodemon - Pit Fiend - Reaver - Scylla - Squidraken - Succubus - Taurus - Thanatos - Twintania
FlanBlack Flan - Flan - Flan Azul - Flan Princess - Green Slime - Ice Flan - Purple Bavarois - Red Marshmallow - Slime - Thunder Flan - White Mousse - Yellow Jelly
Gigas/GiantAcheron - Cyclops - Elm Gigas - Gigantos - Gigas - Glasya Labolas - Hecatoncheir - Hill Gigas - Ogre - Ogre Mage - Titan - Troll
HumanoidAmon - Black Goblin - Black Knight - Captain - Centaurion - Dadaluma - Djinn - Fell Knight - General - Gilgamesh - Goblin - Goblin Captain - Goblin Guard - Goblin Mage - Goblin Prince - Guard - Hobgoblin - Magician - Magus Sisters - Necromancer - Ninja - Orc - Pirate - PSICOM Enforcer - Red Cap - Ricard Mage - Samurai - Siegfried - Sleepy - Soldier - Sorcerer - Vice - Werewolf - Yojimbo - Wizard
InsectAnkheg - Antares - Antlion - Arachne - Bite Bug - Black Widow - Caterchipillar - Desertpede - Dragonfly - Gloom Widow - Hornet - Hundlegs - Killer Bee - Killer Mantis - Scorpion - Tarantula - Tunneler
MachineArmor Construct - Armored Fiend - Attack Node - Clockwork Soldier - Clockwork Dragon - Colossus - CPU - Death Machine - Deathmask - Defense Node - Dreadnought - Guardian - Guard Scorpion - Heli Gunner - Io - Iron Giant - Magna Roader - Manasvin Warmech - Nymurod - Omega - Prometheus - Proto Armor - Prototype - Red Giant - Satellite - Searcher - Soldier - Spitfire - Sweeper - Tunnel Armor - Tyrant
PlantAlraune - Cactuar - Carrot - Cassie - Dryad - Exoray - Funguar - Gigantuar - Goobbue - Great Malboro - Kactuar - Leshy - Malboro - Malboro Menace - Mammon - Mandragora - Mandragora Prince - Mandrake - Microchu - Moss Fungus - Myconid - Neochu - Ochu - Ouroboros - Rafflesia - Roper - Stroper - Treant - Triffid - Wood Eyes
StoneGolem - Mythril Golem - Objet d'Art - Stone Golem
Summoned monsterAlexander - Asura - Bahamut - Brynhildr - Carbuncle - Diabolos - Garuda - Golem - Ifrit - Leviathan - Magus Sisters - Odin - Phoenix - Ramuh - Shiva - Titan - Ultima - Zalera
UndeadAbaddon - Banshee - Bloodbones - Bone Dragon - Daedalus - Dark Skeleton - Death Knight - Dinozombie - Dragon Zombie - Dullahan - Evil Dreamer - Ghast - Ghost - Ghoul - Ixtab - Lich - Mummy - Oversoul - Phantom - Phantom Train - Red Wisp - Revenant - Shadow - Shambling Corpse - Skeleton - Skull Dragon - Specter - Spritzer - Taxim - Vampire - Wight - Wraith - Zombie
WeaponAtlas - Diamond Weapon - Emerald Weapon - Omega Weapon - Ruby Weapon - Sapphire Weapon - Ultima Weapon
WormBoss - Heavy
Fiend (Final Fantasy X series) - Cie'th (Lightning Saga) - Voidsent / Sin eater (Final Fantasy XIV) - Daemon (Final Fantasy XV) - Akashic (Final Fantasy XVI) - Manikin (Dissidia Final Fantasy series)

Lists of enemies

OtherAtomos - Brachioraidos - Brothers - Chocobo Eater - Earth Eater - Eden - Enkidu - Eukaryote - Four Fiends - Gesper - Jabberwock - Magic Pot - The Mandragoras - Master Tonberry - Necrophobe - Prokaryote - Sandcrawler - Tonberry - Tonberry King - Typhon
Final Fantasy - Final Fantasy II - Final Fantasy III - Final Fantasy IV - Interlude - Final Fantasy IV: The After Years - Final Fantasy V - Final Fantasy VI - Final Fantasy VII - Before Crisis -Final Fantasy VII- - Crisis Core -Final Fantasy VII- - Dirge of Cerberus -Final Fantasy VII- - Final Fantasy VII Remake - Final Fantasy VIII - Final Fantasy IX - Final Fantasy X - Final Fantasy X-2 - Last Mission - Final Fantasy XI - Final Fantasy XII - Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings - Final Fantasy XIII - Final Fantasy XIII-2 - Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII - Final Fantasy XIV - Final Fantasy XV - A King's Tale: Final Fantasy XV - Final Fantasy XVI - Final Fantasy Tactics - Final Fantasy Tactics Advance - Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift - Final Fantasy Tactics S - Crystal Defenders - Crystal Defenders: Vanguard Storm - Vagrant Story - Final Fantasy Type-0 - Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles - Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates - Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a King - Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time - Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a Darklord - Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers - Final Fantasy Mystic Quest - Final Fantasy Adventure - The Final Fantasy Legend - Final Fantasy Legend II - Final Fantasy Legend III - Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light - Dimensions - Dimensions II - Dissidia Final Fantasy - Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy - Opera Omnia - Theatrhythm Final Fantasy - Theatrhythm Final Fantasy: Curtain Call - Pictlogica Final Fantasy - Final Fantasy Airborne Brigade - Final Fantasy All the Bravest - Record Keeper - Explorers - World Wide Words - Brave Exvius - World of Final Fantasy
Gilgamesh (character) (2024)
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Author: Arielle Torp

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Author information

Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

Address: 87313 Erdman Vista, North Dustinborough, WA 37563

Phone: +97216742823598

Job: Central Technology Officer

Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.