Warriors of Light (2024)

The world lies shrouded in darkness.
The winds die...
The seas rage...
The earth decays...
But the people believe in a prophecy, patiently waiting for its fulfillment.
'When darkness veils the world, four Warriors of Light shall come.'
After a long journey four young warriors did at last appear...
...and in the hand each was holding a crystal.

Intro to the original Final Fantasy.

The Warriors of Light, also called Light Warriors, Warriors of the Light, or Heroes of Light, is a recurring theme in the Final Fantasy series. Four heroes are chosen by the crystals—be it by a prophecy, a will, or by fate—to embark on the dangerous journey to fight evil or restore balance to the world. In the games they appear in, the Light Warriors are always the characters controlled by the player.


  • 1 Appearances
    • 1.1 Final Fantasy
    • 1.2 Final Fantasy III
    • 1.3 Final Fantasy V
      • 1.3.1 Final Fantasy: Legend of the Crystals
    • 1.4 Final Fantasy XIV
    • 1.5 Final Fantasy Mystic Quest
    • 1.6 Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light
    • 1.7 Final Fantasy Dimensions
    • 1.8 Dissidia Final Fantasy (2008)
      • 1.8.1 Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy
      • 1.8.2 Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia
    • 1.9 Final Fantasy All the Bravest
    • 1.10 Mobius Final Fantasy
    • 1.11 World of Final Fantasy
    • 1.12 Stranger of Paradise Final Fantasy Origin
    • 1.13 Final Fantasy Trading Card Game
  • 2 Related content
    • 2.1 Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII
    • 2.2 Final Fantasy XV
    • 2.3 Final Fantasy XVI
  • 3 Non-Final Fantasy guest appearances
    • 3.1 Bravely Default series
    • 3.2 In popular culture
  • 4 References


Final Fantasy[]

Warriors of Light (1)

The Warriors of Light are four youths spoken of in Lukahn's prophecy that appear in Cornelia to save the captured Princess Sarah from the clutches of the corrupted knight, Garland. Unlike in later appearances, these Warriors each hold the crystals themselves. Their mission is not to save the crystals, but to destroy the Four Fiends of each of the four elements and to save the world by restoring the light to the crystals they hold. After defeating the Four Fiends, the Light Warriors travel into the past to defeat the cause of all the evil, Chaos, who turns out to be their first foe, Garland. The evil force had created a cycle of destruction passing through time that the Warriors of Light end once and for all by destroying Chaos.

The Light Warriors are not given names and, instead, are named by the player. Their job classes are also assigned by the player at the start of the game. In the manga adaptation the warriors are named Puffy Tolte, a Red Mage and Flitz Stewart, a Black Belt, and are accompanied by Princess Sarah, Matoya, Bahamut and DB-6, a robot. In the novelization Final Fantasy I * II * III: Memory of Heroes the warriors are named Setro, for the Warrior, Zauver, for the Thief, Flora, for the White Mage, and Teol, for the Black Mage.

Final Fantasy III[]

Warriors of Light (2)

The Warriors of the Light are four orphaned youths that live on the Floating Continent. In the original game, they are not given names, but the 3D version names them Luneth, Arc, Refia, and Ingus, and gives them a short backstory. They travel the world appearing at the four crystals of each element, gaining jobs at each one they find. Their goal is defeat the power of Darkness from destroying their world.

After traveling into the World of Darkness, the Warriors of the Light find their opposing Warriors of the Dark who once saved the world themselves from the destructive power of Light. The four Dark Warriors aid the four orphans during the final battle against the Cloud of Darkness.

Final Fantasy V[]

Warriors of Light (3)

There are two groups of warriors. The four Warriors of DawnGaluf, Dorgann, Kelger, and Xezat—defeated the evil Exdeath and sealed him in a remote cavern, using the power of the four crystals of another world. Though three of the four return home to their world, Dorgann stays behind, feeling guilty for bringing a great evil to an innocent world. While there, he has a son, Bartz, but dies of grief after the passing of his wife, Stella.

Bartz becomes a wanderer and one day gathers a group of warriors in his own group, branded the Warriors of Light by the Wind Crystal. These four, who include the Dawn Warrior Galuf and the royal Tycoon sisters, Lenna and Faris, are chosen by the crystals to protect them and destroy evil. They fail each time, and each crystal is shattered by Exdeath's forces. When each crystal is broken, the shards become job classes for the Warriors.

After the four crystals are destroyed Exdeath returns. The Light Warriors travel to the Dawn Warriors' world and while there, each of the original Warriors of Dawn sacrifice themselves to try and defeat Exdeath, including Galuf, who is replaced by his granddaughter, Krile, who completes the second generation of warriors.

Exdeath fuses the two worlds together so as to gain more power from the Void. The Warriors of Light travel into the Interdimensional Rift, fighting through his horde of demons, and slay Exdeath with the aid of the spirits of the Dawn Warriors. It is revealed that whenever the world is on the brink of being consumed into the Void, four spirits will be born who will give birth to light, referring to the formation of the Warriors of Light.

Final Fantasy: Legend of the Crystals[]

Warriors of Light (4)

200 years after the end of Final Fantasy V, the crystals again come under threat, now from the evil Ra Devil. A descendant of Bartz, Linaly, gathers her friend Prettz, the pirate Rouge, and the general Valkus to defeat this threat. The unlikely team is sent off to the Black Moon to save the world.

While the story focuses on Linaly and Prettz, and none save for Linaly possess any magical properties, the four band together to face the oncoming evil subtly mirroring the Warriors of Light from Final Fantasy V, although they are never officially referred to as the Warriors of Light.

Final Fantasy XIV[]

Warriors of Light (5)

The Warriors of Light are stated to be the band of adventurers (i.e. player characters) that helped protect the city-states and form the Eorzean Alliance during the events leading up to the Seventh Umbral Era. They took to the field during the Battle of Carteneau on the plains of Mor Dhona and were lost during the unleashing of Bahamut. Their name derives from the fact that whenever people try to remember them, all they can remember is a silhouette surrounded by a blinding light.

Characters created for the original game have a special tattoo on their neck, indicating they are one of the Warriors of Light. It can be hidden (or unhidden) with command "/lmark". They have a different intro upon starting the game, appearing in a flash of light and walking to their chosen city state, and there are minor edits to the text of some quests. They receive a chocobo mount whose beak has been branded with the same mark, implying this was their original chocobo from the previous era.

Near completion of the main plot, all player characters (i.e. including those created in A Realm Reborn) are referred to as Warriors of Light by the leaders of the Grand Companies. The player character is referred to as a Warrior of Light specifically by Hydaelyn, and becomes widely known and referred to in-game as the Warrior of Light thereafter.

The concept of the Warrior of Light existed for eons in every world.[1] Elidibus exploited this by becoming a Warrior of Light himself to aid in the Ascians' Ardor as his duty as Emissary. During the final battle of Norvrandt, Elidibus used the Crystal Tower to summon shades of heroes from other worlds, drawing upon their hopes to feed his power as a primal. He merges with them to become a version of the first Warrior of Light in a final bid to defeat the player character, but is defeated by the adventurer and the Exarch.

Ajora Glabados and Ramza Beoulve are known to be Warriors of Light from the ancient past. Ardbert was a Warrior of Light on the First.

Minion of Light is a minion the player can acquire. When summoned, it randomly appears as the Warrior, the Black Mage, or the White Mage from Final Fantasy I.

Final Fantasy Mystic Quest[]

When Benjamin and Phoebe approach the statue at the top of Doom Castle, the statue calls them the Knights of Light, and the Crystals entrust them with their power.

Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light[]

Warriors of Light (6)

Brandt, Aire, Yunita, and Jusqua are chosen to be the Heroes of Light, also referred to as The Children of Hope, in the present by the Crystal to replace Rolan, the sole Hero of Light from the past. Rolan was chosen as a Hero of Light at an unknown point in the past by the Crystal to fight Dark Lord Chaos. Rolan sealed Chaos in the Star Chamber in the center of the planet. In the present Rolan's soul has been corrupted by Lucifer, one of Chaos's servants, and lost his powers as a Hero of Light.

The Heroes of Light do not have innate powers that set them apart from others. Instead, the Crystal simply chooses a person, or people, who have strong hearts filled with hope and other positive emotions, or who have hearts with the potential to be filled with hope, and grants them crowns, which function like jobs from other Final Fantasy games, allowing them to gain powers based on which crown they choose to wear.

Final Fantasy Dimensions[]

Four of the eight main characters of the game are the Warriors of Light: Sol, Aigis, Sarah, and Dusk.

At the beginning of their adventure, the Warriors of Light are chosen by the Crystal of Lux, and are blessed with its power. During their journey, they find five crystal shards which bless them with the Dragoon, Bard, Memorist, Paladin and Seer jobs.

Dissidia Final Fantasy (2008)[]

Warriors of Light (7)

The Warrior of Light represents the original Final Fantasy, modeled after the Warrior class from said game. The Warriors of Cosmos, chosen representatives of the goddess, are also referred to as the "Warriors of Light". Each warrior is in search of a crystal, which holds a part of Cosmos's power.

Shantotto was once a member, having abandoned the war long ago for her own research.

Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy[]

Warriors of Light (8)

Warrior of Light returns in the prequel to Dissidia along with the other Warriors of Cosmos whose membership during the previous 12th cycle included Kain Highwind, Tifa Lockhart, Laguna, Yuna, Vaan, and Lightning before the six sacrificed themselves to ensure their allies' survival in the next cycle.

Terra, Cloud, and Tidus appear in the cycle as the antagonistic Warriors of Chaos, but switched sides prior to the 13th cycle. Jecht was originally a member of the Warrior of Cosmos until he was captured and converted into a Warrior of Chaos.

Other than Shantotto's background story being revealed, the game reveals Prishe to also be a former member who brought the Warrior of Light to Cosmos.

Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia[]

When the battles fought on behalf of Materia and Spiritus begin to destroy their warriors, the two gods create a new world as a haven for recovery. This world is soon threatened by Torsions that warp its fabric. Individuals that fall through the Torsions from their own worlds are deemed to be Warriors of Light by Mog. Together, they journey across the landscape to battle the monster hordes that emerge from Torsions, which usually closes the rift.

Later, Shantotto reveals that the "Light" which the warriors carry is not simply the ability to close Torsions but to open that as well, a fact that proves unsettling. Mog also begins to recruit less benevolent individuals (such as Seymour Guado because they carry this power in equal measure. This leads to speculation by some party members that there is an imbalance towards the light, which could be as harmful as darkness.

Final Fantasy All the Bravest[]

The Warriors of Light are mentioned in the epilogue, referring to them the player's entire party. They have restored the balance to the dimension, reclaiming it from the forces of darkness.

Mobius Final Fantasy[]

Warriors of Light (9)

According to a long-dated prophecy, a Warrior of Light will appear in Palamecia, the land of hope unbound, to slay Chaos and save the world. Wol came to this world as one among many Blanks who share his name, lack of memories, and the possible fate of becoming the next Warrior of Light. He eventually discovers there were more Warriors of Light in the past.

Meia, a "heretic" witch, fell in love with one such Warrior of Light, but because this affair went against prophecy, he was executed and she was condemned to face similar trials to Wol's. While she begins as an adversary, in truth she fights to avenge the loss of her past love, entering into an uneasy pact with Wol.

Alongside Wol and Meia, Warriors of Light and other main characters from the Final Fantasy series appear as ability cards to use in battles, but few, if any, are involved in the main story.

World of Final Fantasy[]

The Captain of the Guard turning into the Champion Warrior of Light alludes to the original Final Fantasy whose main cast consists of a group of nameless people, but in the first Dissidia Final Fantasy one of them was redesigned into his own character.

Stranger of Paradise Final Fantasy Origin[]

Main articles: Strangers or Warriors of Light (Stranger of Paradise)

Warriors of Light (10)

As the kingdom of Cornelia is being ravaged by monsters and cataclysms, three powerful warriors rise up to prominence: Jack, Ash, and Jed. Each carries a dark oval crystal and is gifted with abilities beyond those of regular humans, but they lack any memories of who they were before coming to Cornelia and are only driven by the desire to destroy Chaos.

After slaying three powerful monsters and asking the king's permission to fight Chaos, they are sent to investigate the strange occurrences happening in the Chaos Shrine. They discover an armored figure sitting on the throne who claims to be Chaos. After defeating the knight, they discover their true identity: a young woman named Neon who prayed to someone to become the embodiment of darkness so that she would be the one slain by someone as Chaos. She, too, carries a black crystal and decides to join the three warriors, and the king rejoices, believing the four warriors to be the prophesied Warriors of Light.

Upon returning to the castle, the warriors are tasked with returning four elemental crystals, overtaken by the Four Fiends, to their former splendor, and the only one who possesses any information about them is a notorious Dark Elf king Astos. Jack and his party confront him, and the elf reveals the locations of the crystals, first of them being the Wind Crystal, kept at the orbital station known as the Flying Fortress.

In the Fortress, the Warriors confront the Fiend of Wind, Tiamat, and slay her, returning the crystal to its full strength. A young woman is left lying in Tiamat's place, Sophia, who also wishes to destroy Chaos, carrying a dark crystal. This confuses the others, who believed that the prophecy specified only four Warriors of Light, but regardless, Sophia joins Jack and his friends on their journey.

Over the course of their quest, the Warriors gradually recover their memories and realize that they are Lufenian, while Neon is the only Cornelian in the party. The four Lufenians are Strangers, special agents sent into Cornelia to play the roles of the Warriors of Light so that the world could remain in technological stasis and thus pose no threat to Lufenia, whose denizens wished to exert their control and dump most of their darkness into another world to live in "Paradise". Prior to losing his memories, Jack gained a romantic affection for Princess Sarah and became disgusted with how his people treated Cornelia as their plaything, deciding to rebel in secret and recruiting Astos and other Strangers to their cause. As the final component of the plan, Jack left his original crystal with Sarah so that he would be able to recover his memories at a later point and wrest control away from Lufenia.

After slaying the Four Fiends and returning to Cornelia, the Warriors protect the castle from Captain Bikke and his pirates who were possessed by darkness. They confront Astos who is forced to fight them and perishes, with Jack absorbing most of his darkness. Upon returning to the castle, Jack and his allies attempt to repel the monster invasion, but their efforts are in vain. The royal family, including Sarah, dies, and Jack's original crystal shatters, releasing his memories.

The rest of the party confronts Jack, forcing him to absorb more darkness and kill them in the struggle. Consumed by the dark energies, Jack ventures back to the Chaos Shrine, where the Lufenian extraction point is located. He invades their dimension and destroys the memory crystal that releases countless particles of darkness, which take shape of a being known as the Darkness Manifest. Jack defeats the being and absorbs its darkness before shattering the connection and departing back to Cornelia.

After the plan is complete, Jack retreats to the Chaos Shrine and starts using his surname, Garland. The Four Fiends are revealed to be Jack's friends, who counted on him to finish what they have started and free Cornelia. Garland sets the final part of his idea in motion and invades Cornelia, kidnapping Sarah and taking her to the Shrine where he awaits the Warriors of Light to confront him.

Warriors of Light (11)

During the "Trials of the Dragon King" DLC chapter, the true Warriors of Light challenge Jack, but are easily dispatched. Jack consults with Bahamut and, after Jack proves his worth by defeating him in combat, agrees to empower the true Warriors of Light in future cycles with the hope that they may one day best Jack.

Though Jack claims the true Warriors of Light are from Cornelia, NPC dialogue from allied monsters featured in the "Wanderer of the Rift" DLC chapter reveals that they are from another world. Further NPC dialogue reveals that Neon was experimented on while she was in her mother's womb to become an artificial Warrior of Light. Similarly, NPC dialogue suggests that Jack, Ash, Jed, and Sophia are not true Lufenians and also originated from another world.

Final Fantasy Trading Card Game[]

Warriors of Light (12)

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Related content[]

Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII[]

Warriors of Light (14)

Lightning is called the "the knight of light", a synonym for "the warrior of light" by Zoe in the Yusnaan Slaughterhouse before the fight begins. Lightning has been chosen as the savior of souls by the god Bhunivelze.

Final Fantasy XV[]

Warriors of Light (15)

Final Fantasy XV started as Final Fantasy Versus XIII and a part of the Fabula Nova Crystallis series. As the project became a main series entry, its connection to Fabula Nova Crystallis was diminished, but various design elements of the latter remain.

In the opening loading screen of the game, there's a line that says.

In a time unknown, only a prophecy keeps hope alive in people's hearts. "When darkness veils the world, the King of Light shall come."

This is similar to the opening lines of the first Final Fantasy:

The world lies shrouded in darkness. The winds die... The seas rage... The earth decays... But the people believe in a prophecy, patiently waiting for its fulfillment. "When darkness veils the world, four Warriors of Light shall come."

In the world of Final Fantasy XV, the kings of Lucis serve as the "Warriors of Light", being servants of the Crystal and thus bound to its will through their ancient pact with the Astrals and able to use a special kind of magic via the Crystal's power: this magic, and other magic related to the gods as wielded by the Oracle, comes at the cost of physically debilitating the wielder to a fatal degree if overused.

Noctis Lucis Caelum and his companions Gladiolus Amicitia, Ignis Scientia and Prompto Argentum serve as the Warriors of Light for Final Fantasy XV, with Noctis being chosen by the Crystal to perform a ceremony to cleanse the world of Eos of a scourge that generates monstrous daemons and lengthens the nights until all daylight vanishes. He is known as the King of Kings, or the True King.

Final Fantasy XVI[]

Mythos can be seen as analogous to the Warrior of Light from the Final Fantasy series, the crystals' champion set on a mission to save the world. The Mothercrystals in the world of Valisthea are parts of the Ultima collective, who want Clive Rosfield as their vessel, "Mythos", to cast a spell to remake the world: in their view to save it. However, Clive decides to save the world they already have, Valisthea, rather than pine for a paradise where only Ultima would exist.

Non-Final Fantasy guest appearances[]

Bravely Default series[]

Warriors of Light (16)

In Bravely Default, a spiritual sequel of Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light, Tiz Arrior, Agnès Oblige, Edea Lee, and Ringabel are chosen by a deceased alternate world version of Agnès to be the Warriors of Light: referring to them as the embodiment of her will to stop Ouroboros. This was hinted in the game's announcement trailer that addresses the player as a Warrior of Light. During the final chapter, Airy remarks that no other "Warriors of Light" have impressed her like the foursome.

In Bravely Default II, Gloria, Seth, Elvis, and Adelle are chosen by the Crystals as the current Heroes of Light to fight the Night’s Nexus, the four preceded by Gloria’s grandfather, her protector Sir Sloan, Elvis’s mentor Emma, and the Fairy Queen Aileen. The term itself originated from someone who met Sir Sloan’s group and coined the term from feeling their inner radiance.

In popular culture[]

The four main characters from 8-Bit Theater refer to the Warriors of Light from the original Final Fantasy. Aside from the "Light Warriors" (Fighter, Thief, Black Mage, and Red Mage) there is also the "Real Light Warriors", who, thanks to a decision to grind before starting their adventure and very bad luck, end up falling far behind the first group on their travels.


  1. Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn, "Reflections in Crystal"


Recurring characters

Aerith Gainsborough - Agrias Oaks - Al-Cid Margrace - Alma Beoulve - Amon - Arazlam Durai - Argath Thadalfus - Ashelia B'nargin Dalmasca - Artemicion - Ba'Gamnan - Balthier - Biggs and Wedge - Boco - Cait Sith - Calca and Brina - Cid - Cidolfus Orlandeau - Cloud of Darkness - Cloud Strife - Cyan Garamonde - Dancing girl - Delita Heiral - Doga - Enkidu - Owain (Shun) - Exdeath - Four Fiends - Fran - Gabranth - Galuf Halm Baldesion - Gilgamesh - Iroha - Jessie - Kain Highwind - Kefka Palazzo - Krile Mayer Baldesion - Lightning - Lone Wolf the Pickpocket - Luso Clemens - Magus Sisters - Mid - Mog - Moglin - Montblanc - Mustadio Bunansa - Namingway - Noctis Lucis Caelum - Orran Durai - Palom - Penelo - Princess Sarah - Typhon - Ultros - Unei - Ramza Beoulve - Rasler Heios Nabradia - Setzer Gabbiani - Shantotto - Shirma - Siegfried - Squall Leonhart - Stiltzkin - Tenzen - Traveling merchants - Ultima - Vaan - Vivi Ornitier - Warriors of Darkness - Warriors of Light - Xande

Lists of characters

Final Fantasy - Final Fantasy II - Final Fantasy III - Final Fantasy IV - -Interlude- - The After Years - Final Fantasy V - Legend of the Crystals - Final Fantasy VI - Final Fantasy VII - Remake - Advent Children - Dirge of Cerberus - Before Crisis - Crisis Core - Last Order - On the Way to a Smile - Ever Crisis - Final Fantasy VIII - Final Fantasy IX - Final Fantasy X - Final Fantasy X-2 - Final Fantasy XI - Final Fantasy XII - Revenant Wings - Final Fantasy XIII - Final Fantasy XIII-2 - Lightning Returns - Final Fantasy XIV - Final Fantasy XV - Kingsglaive - Final Fantasy XVI - Type-0 - Agito - Tactics - Tactics Advance - Tactics A2 - Vagrant Story - Crystal Chronicles - Ring of Fates - My Life as a King - Echoes of Time - My Life as a Darklord - The Crystal Bearers - Mystic Quest - Adventure - Legend - Legend II - Legend III - Chocobo Racing - Unlimited - The Spirits Within - Dissidia - Dissidia 012 - Dissidia NT - Opera Omnia - Theatrhythm - Theatrhythm Curtain Call - Theatrhythm All-Star Carnival - The 4 Heroes of Light - Dimensions - Dimensions II - Record Keeper - Explorers - Brave Exvius - War of the Visions - World of Final Fantasy - Mobius - Stranger of Paradise

Abilities - Artwork - Characters - Translations - Wallpapers - Walkthroughs
Abilities - Allusions - Artwork - Characters - Jobs - Timeline - Translations - Version Differences - Walkthroughs
Allusions - Artwork - Benchmark - Locations - Patch Notes - Timeline - Translations - Wallpapers
MainThe Warrior of Light - Hydaelyn - Midgardsormr - The Twelve - Zodiark
Trust AvatarsAlisaie Leveilleur - Alphinaud Leveilleur - Estinien Varlineau - G'raha Tia - Ryne Waters - Thancred Waters - Urianger Augurelt - Y'shtola Rhul - Zero
Scions of the Seventh DawnAenor co*ckburne - Aergmhus Saehstymmsyn - Alianne Vellegrance - Alisaie Leveilleur - Alphinaud Leveilleur - Arenvald Lentinus - Bluomwyda - Clemence - Coultenet Dailebaure - Ephemie Giphelmont - Estinien Varlineau - F'lhaminn Qesh - G'raha Tia - Hoary Boulder - Krile Mayer Baldesion - Liavinne Painefort - Louisoix Leveilleur - Lyse Hext - Minfilia Warde - Moenbryda Wilfsunnwyn - Ocher Boulder - Papalymo Totolymo - Riol Forrest - Tataru Taru - Thancred Waters - Una Tayuun - Unukalhai - Urianger Augurelt - V'mah Tia - Y'shtola Rhul - Yda Hext
EorzeaMerlwyb Bloefhiswyn - Kan-E-Senna - Raubahn Aldynn - Nanamo Ul Namo - Aymeric de Borel
Limsa LominsaAlka Zolka - Baderon Tenfingers - Bloefhis Bloefhisyn - Brayflox Alltalks - Brithael Spade - Carvallain de Gorgagne - Doesmaga Poisonheart - Eynzahr Slafyrsyn - Foerzagyl - Fyrilsunn - Ga Bu - H'mhasi Tia - H'naanza Esi - Hyllfyr Faezmoensyn - Jacke Swallow - K'lyhia - K'rhid Tia - Latisha - Lorens Bloefhisyn - Lyngsath Hyllbornsyn - Madison - Melkoko Melko - Milala Mila - Mimidoa Nanadoa - P'ebaloh - Perimu Haurimu - R'ashaht Rhiki - Reyner Hansred - Rhoswen Leach - Riol Forrest - Rostnsthal - Shamani Lohmani - Sisipu Sipu - Skaetswys - Solkwyb Saelsmyndsyn - Thubyrgeim Guldweitzwyn - V'kebbe - Wawalago Momolago - Wheiskaet Rysswoerdsyn - Wyrnzoen Saelsmyndsyn
GridaniaAmandine - A-Ruhn-Senna - Beatin Mainrocquet - Buscarron Stacks - Cicely - Drake Rhodes - E-Sumi-Yan - Eschiva Keyes - Foulques - Frixio - Fufucha Fucha - Gerolt Blackthorn - Geva Storke - Guydelot Thildonnet - Isildaure Vellegrance - Janremi Blackheart - Jehantel Fointeaume - Joacin - Kuplo Kopp - Landenel Peaumasquier - Laurentius Daye - Leih Aliapoh - Lewin Hunte - Luciane Corne - Millith Ironheart - Miounne - Nolanel - Noraxia - O-App-Pesi - Pawah Mujuuk - Raya-O-Senna - Rolfe Hawthorne - Sanson Smyth - Silvairre - Swethryk Brookstone - Swethyna Brookstone - Sylphie Webb - Tatabaru - Tataramu - Vorsaile Heuloix - Voyce - Wulfiue - Ywain Deepwell - Y'mhitra Rhul - Zhai'a Nelhah
Ul'dahAdalberta Sterne - Aldis - Chuchuto Chuto - Cocobani - Cocobezi - Cocoboha - Cocobuki Lolobuki - Cocobusi - Cocobygo - Colbernoux - Dancing Wolf - Deep Canyon - Dewlala Dewla - Eline Roaille - F'hobhas - Fyrgeiss Loetkilbsyn - Gagaruna - Greinfarr Redblade - Hamon Holyfist - Iliud - Jenlyns Aesc - Kikipu Kipu - Lalai Lai - Leavold - Lewena - Lolorito Nanarito - Loonh Gah- Lulutsu - Memeriga - Meriel - Momodi Modi - Momozigo Mumuzigo - Mumuepo - Mutamix Bubblypots - Mylla Swordsong - Nenekko Nekko - Papashan Nonoshan - Pipin Tarupin - Popokkuli - Ququruka Tataruka - Redolent Rose - Royse Royle - Rurukuta - Serendipity - Seserukka - Severian Lyctor - Solkzagyl Keltnaglsyn - Swift Ryder - Teledji Adeledji - U'odh Nunh - Ungust - Valiant Hart - Weggfarr - Wide Gulley - Yayake Yake - Yuyuhase Luluhase - Zirnberk Fyrgeissyn
IshgardAdelphel de Chevraudan - Alberic Bale - Ansaulme de Rougecarpe - Archombadin - Artoirel de Fortemps - Audaine - Augebert Brasher - Aurvael de Haillenarte - Ayleth - Baurendouin de Haillenarte - Charlemend de Durendaire - Charibert de Leusignac - Constaint - Edmont de Fortemps - Dominiac - Drillemont de Lasserrant - Elaisse Poole - Emmanellain de Fortemps - Estinien Varlineau - Foncrineau - Forlemort - Francel de Haillenarte - Fray Myste - Gibrillont Rivaumaiche - Gontrandoix - Grinnaux de Dzemael - Guerrique de Montrohain - Guillaime - Guillefresne - Handeloup de Daimbaux - Haumeric de Peulagnon - Haurchefant Greystone - Hautdlong - Hermenost de la Treaumaille - Heustienne de Vimaroix - Hilda Ware - Honoroit Banlardois - Hourlinet - Ignasse de Vesnaint - Janlenoux de Courcillant - Jannequinard de Durendaire - Jantellot de Thelomaire - Joye - Julchiezain - Laniaitte de Haillenarte - Lucia Junius - Lycelle - Marcelloix Mourelz - Muscadain de Citenrond - Noalle - Noudenet de Jaimberd - Paulecrain de Fanouilley - Pehainel - Peyraquile Bomptond - Quimperain Evertrue - Rasequin - Redwald Younge - Rielle de Caulignont - Ronantain - Saintrelmaux ‎- Sidurgu Orl - Sigan - Stephanivien de Haillenarte - Sylvetrel de Dzemael - Tarresson de Dzemael - Tedalgrinche - Thomelin - Thordan VII - Vellguine de Bourbagne - Ysayle Dangoulain - Ystride de Caulignont - Zephirin de Valhourdin
Ala MhigoAdri Westwoode - Alpa - Conrad Kemp - Erik - Fordola Lupis - Giff Boarshead - The Griffin - Gundobald - H'raha Tia - Hewerald - Ilberd Feare - J'moldva - J'olhmyn Abah - M'naago Rahz - M'rahz Nunh - M'zhet Tia - Meffrid Noward - Orella Rushton - Raganfrid Bleaker - Sarisha- Ulger Ironheart - Widargelt Beake - Wilred Glasse - Wiscar Marshe - X'rhun Tia
Mor DhonaArya Gastaurknan - D'zentsa - Koh Rabntah - O'tchakha - Rammbroes Zasertylsyn - Rhesh Polaali - Raulf Redhill - Rowena - Slafborn Rhotweitzsyn - Sophie - Talan
DravaniaAdkiragh - Ehll Tou - Ess Khas - Faunehm - Kester Ironheart - Khloe Aliapoh - Loupard - Marcechamp Lierresanteau - Matoya - Midnight Dew - Moghan - Moglin - Mogleo - Mogmug - Mogwin - Ohl Deeh - Orn Khai - Q'yantaa - Roundrox Mazenot - Slowfix Cointoss - T'kebbe Morh - Vath Storyteller - Vedrfolnir - Vidofnir - Zhloe Aliapoh
IlsabardGarlean EmpireAlfonse Baelsar - Allie Baelsar - Asahi Brutus - Aulus Asina - Cato Mammula - Clarricie Priscus - Dabog Inivisch - Daguza Sus - Drusilla Varus - Dyunbu Potitus - Fabineau Soranus - Gaius Baelsar - Galla Longus - Gilbrisbert Buteo - Grynewaht Arvina - Hernais Longus - Jullus Norbanus - Lambard Calowise - Licinia Corculum - Livia Junius - Llofii Potitus - Lugae - Lyon Helsos - Maxima Priscus - Menenius Lanatus - Midas Garlond - Milisandia Baelsar - Nael Darnus - Nero Scaeva - Nerva Galvus - Noah Gabranth - Pagaga Vochstein - Quintus Cinna - Regula Hydrus - Rex Baelsar - Rhitahtyn Arvina - Ricon Baelsar - Sadr Albeleo - Sartauvoir Soranus - Sicinius Vellutus - Solus Galvus - Titus Galvus - Valens Varro - Varis Galvus - Vergilia Corculum - Vitus Messalla - Volusus Malicus - Yamatsumi Urabe - Zenos Galvus
ThavnairAhewann bin Alzadaal - Ardashir Balyk - Jalzahn Daemir - Kancana - Khalzahl bin Mihrasaf - Matsya - Mehryde bihn Shinan - Mehvan bihn Vaazmeira - Nahbdeen bin Pashe - Nidhana - Pasareen bihn Rusheraf - Qerasaf bin Shirashir - Qulsun bihn Aphmau - Racashir bin Fahleel - Sula - Varshahn - Vrtra - Yezahn bin Qulhudi
BozjaAdis - Aggie Glover - Bajsaljen Ulgasch - Blaz Azetina - Isolde Covey - Lovro Slanasch - Marsak Apella - Meryall Miller - Misija Votyasch - Mladen - Ratimir - Rostik Liubasch - Stanik Alubov - Tugeim - Velibor Azetina - Xeven Svanasch
OthardHingashiAkagi - Hanco*ck Fitzgerald - Hanzo - Ichian Matsuba - Kikimo Kimo - Kongo Miyama - Kotokaze Benitoki - Kyokuho Moribe - Makoto Obinata - Musosai - Shiden Unryu - Ugetsu Tachikake - Yuki Yatsurugi
Ruby SeaHansaku Ushikai - Hisui Sui - Ikaruga Hatasashi - Inban - Kurenai Shisui - Koruri Mizuhiki - Nayoshi Kaifu - Rasho Mastbreaker - Shiosai Sui - Soroban - Suzume Kaisuri - Tansui - Tsukikage Urabe
DomaAnzu Zenbu - Azami Shibunuri - Gekkai - Ginko and Kinko - Gogo - Gosetsu Daito - Hakuro Gunji - Hien Rijin - Hozan Nagae - Ihanashi Bakuro - Isse Shibunuri - Karasu Kanshi - Kamui - Kozakura Gyoji - Kurobana Gunji - Oboro Torioi - Tamamo Gozen - Tsubame Oshidari - Yozan Nagae - Yugiri Mistwalker - Yotsuyu Brutus
Azim SteppeAlaqa - Altani Dataq - Anarba Dataq - Bulugan Adarkim - Chambui Dazkar - Cirina Mol - Daidukul Buduga - Dayan Hotgo - Dorgono Qerel - Gurbesu Goro - Ibakha Uyagir - Iturgen Qestir - Jebei Gesi - Khalja Dataq - Luvsan Qerel - Magnai Oronir - Mide Hotgo - Nayaga - Ogul Khatayin - Sadu Dotharl - Sokhatai Dataq - Temulun Mol
NagxiaAtori Moribe - Kosyu
Four LordsFour Lords (Byakko - Genbu - Seiryu - Suzaku) - Koryu - Tenzen
SharlayanAmeliance Leveilleur - Barnier Clarke - Bloewyda Uwilsyngwyn - Claudien - Clive - Galuf Baldesion - Dickon Denman - Ejika Tsunjika - Erenville - Fourchenault Leveilleur - Kagura Jinba - Koh Rabntah - Kokkol Dankkol - Leveva Byrde - Matoya - Mikoto Jinba - Moenbryda Wilfsunnwyn - Montichaigne Mongrignois - Nemjiji - Ojika Tsunjika - Rammbroes Zasertylsyn - Sevestre Albright - Vtorak Vetasch - Wilfsunn Tragbharsyn - Y'mhitra Rhul
NorvrandtWarriors of DarknessArdbert Hylfyst - Branden - Lamitt - Nyelbert - Renda-Rae - Cylva
The CrystariumBeq Lugg - Callea Skyekirk - Cassard - Cerigg Morpurse - Chessamile Lakirk - Cyella Valthane - Crystal Exarch - Feo Ul - Gaia - Giott - Granson Ketchthane - Lue-Reeq Chalah - Lyna - Mauwyl Mudkirk - Moren Morkirk - Nielden - Ryne Waters - Taynor Lakplowe - Theyler Skyehand - Tolas Valkirk - Vonard
EulmoreAnogg and Konogg - Chai-Nuzz Mewlah - Dulia-Chai Mewlah - Eueliss Hylplowe - Grithil Ketchpurse - Irvithe Ketchand - Jongleurs of Eulmore - Kai-Shirr Olkoh - Lanbyrd - Mowen Freepurse - Olvara - Ran'jit - Ronitt - Sai-Lewq Jinal - Tista-Bie Amari - Tristol Horpurse - Vauthry - Veronth Mudthane - Wrenden - Xamott
Amh AraengGhen Gen - Ghun Gun - Halric - Jamial Nabaath - Jeryk Motplowe - Magnus - Rhon Ron - Tesleen Stoneplowe - Thaffe Morhand
Il MhegAenc Thon - Ezel II - Seto - Sul Oul - Titania - Tonatiuh - Tyr Beq
Rak'tika GreatwoodAlmet - Chaqurl Qhotl - Ciuna - Cymet - Lanille - Phyna - Qhoterl Pasol - Qitarl Natl - Quinfort - Runar - Uimet - Valan
The TempestGrenoldt Freethane - Hythlodaeus - Paushs Ooan - Tolshs Aath
Garlond IronworksAlpha - Biggs and Wedge - Cato Mammula - Cid Garlond - Jessie Jaye - Lilja Sjasaris - Maggie - Nero Scaeva
AsciansAltima - Deudalaphon - Elidibus - Emmerololth - Emet-Selch - Fandaniel - Halmarut - Igeyorhm - Lahabrea - Loghrif - Mitron - Nabriales - Pashtarot - Travanchet - Masked Mage
The First BroodAzdaja - Bahamut - Nidhogg - Hraesvelgr - Ratatoskr - Tiamat - Vrtra
TribesAmalj'aa - Sylphs - Kobolds - Sahagin - Ixal - Vanu Vanu - Vath - Moogles - Kojin - Ananta - Namazu - Pixies - Qitari - Dwarves - Arkasodara - Omicron - Loporrits
Tribal Quest NPCs13th Order Fugleman Zo Ga - 175th Order Alchemist Bi Bi - 789th Order Acolyte Ba Go - 789th Order Pickman Gi Gu - Alpa - An Lad - Chaqurl Qhotl - Ezel II - Govv - Gyoka - Gyoshin - Hamujj Gah - Kabuto - Linu Vani - Linu Vanu - Mogleo - Novv - Olmxio - Ozogg - Qitarl Natl - Ronitt - Seigetsu the Enlightened - Sezul Totoloc - Silbexio - Sonu Vanu - Tyr Beq - Vath Deftarm - Zugg
DeitiesPrimalsIfrit - Titan - Garuda - Leviathan - Ramuh - Shiva - Enkidu - Good King Moggle Mog XII - Odin - Phoenix - Bahamut - Ravana - Bismarck - Knights of the Round - Alexander - Warring Triad (Sephirot - Sophia - Zurvan) - Susano - Lakshmi - Shinryu - Tsukuyomi - Eureka - Magus Sisters - Anima - Zodiark - Hydaelyn
The TwelveAlthyk - Azeyma - Byregot - Halone - Llymlaen - Menphina - Nald'thal - Nophica - Nymeia - Oschon - Rhalgr - Thaliak
Historical charactersAllagan EmpireAmon - Doga - Noah - Phlegethon - Unei - Xande
IvaliceAgrias Oaks - Alma Beoulve - Argath Thadalfus - Ashelia B'nargin Dalmasca - Cidolfus Orlandeau - Delita Heiral - Mustadio Bunansa - Orran Durai - Ramza Beoulve - Rasler B'nargin Dalmasca
IshgardDriancoin de Haillenarte - Flavien de Fortemps - Guenriol de Durendaire - Haldrath - Ompagne Deepblack - Sylvetrel de Dzemael - Thordan I
Pre-CalamityBlackburn - Chuchumu - Corguevais - Deaustie - Dreues - Dunstan - Emerick - Eolande Quiveron - Esperaunce - Faustigeant - Fye - Hob - Hurrey - I'llofii - Isaudorel - J'arhll - Keelty - Khrimm - Lalatta - Louisoix Leveilleur - Mannskoen - Marcelloix - Merodaulyn - Morys - Nael Darnus - Naida Zamaida - Nananoby - Niellefresne Thaudour - Nogeloix - Oha-Sok - Ouvielle - Pascaleret Neurtaille - Path Companion - Percevains - Powle - Prudentia - Pulmia - Qhota Nbolo - Qoqoba - Rychyld - S'lyhhia - Sansa - Satzfloh - Siward - Soileine - Telent - Titinin - Troxia - Vairemont - Waekbyrt‎ - Warburton - Willelda - Wybir - Yoyobina - Yuhelmeric - Zezekuta
The World UnsunderedAlkaios - Athena - Azem - Charmion - Elidibus - Emet-Selch - Erichthonios - Euanthe - Hegemone - Hermes - Hythlodaeus - Kleon‎ - Lahabrea - Maira - Meteion - Sokles - Venat
NorvrandtPauldia - Sauldia - Tadric - Tiuna
OthersA-Towa-Cant - Ahldbhar - Curtis Hext - Edvya Thorne - Gunnhildr - Kaien Rijin - Kanzan Mitsurugi - Lalafuto III - Lewphon - Nyunkrepf Nyunkrepfsyn - Ratatoskr - Roddard Ironheart - Shatotto Shato - Tenzen - Zuiko Buhen
The Sea of StarsMare LamentorumLivingway‎ - Loporrits - The Watcher
Ultima ThuleDragons - Ea - Grebuloffs - Karellians - Meteion - Nibirun - Omicron
VoidsentBarbariccia - Cagnazzo - Cloud of Darkness - Diabolos - Ferdiad - Golbez - Orcus - Rubicante - Scathach - Scarmiglione - Zero
Alliance RaidsThe Shadow of MhachCait Sith - Leofard Myste - Radlia Keene - Stacia Myste - Utata Uta
Return to IvaliceAlma Lexentale - Ba'Gamnan - Bwagi Ennze Panca - Fran Eruyt - Jenomis Lexentale (Arazlam Durai) - Lina Mewrilah - Mikoto Jinba - Montblanc - Ramza Lexentale - Wandering Dramaturge
YoRHa: Dark Apocalypse2B - 2P - 9S - Anogg and Konogg
Myths of the RealmDeryk - Snoegeim
Hildibrand AdventuresBriardien de Manseauguel - Cecy - Cyr Blyme - Delion - Ellie Ryse - Gigi - Gilgamesh - Godbert Manderville - Hildibrand Manderville - Jubraca - Julyan Manderville - Nashu Mhakaracca - Typhon - Ultros
EventsSeasonalAldiytha Thorne - Aloyse - Amh Garanjy - Astin - Astrid de Valentione - Beaudefoin Dupaitre - Bert - Blitzen - Bombardier Researcher - Bran - Claudia Thorne - Crystal Caravan - Daluce - Damielliot - Elyne - Emilie - Ethelia - Ezolmile - Flaurie - Fortin Thorne - Goncquard - Haermaga Bleibornsyn - Hamlyn - Havak Alvak - Hildelana Quick - Hortefense - Hugue - Impresario - J'bhen Tia - J'nangho - Jihli Aliapoh - Jiriri - Kokomui - Kupka Kupp - Laurenssen - Lisette de Valentione - Lisie - Little Gruff - Lonesome lass - Lorie - Lyell - Lyonell - Mama Gruff - Marabel - Mayaru Moyaru - Momoru - Motte - Nanapasi - Nanaphon Sasaphon - Naoki Yoshida - Nekeke - Nhagi'a Jakkya - Ninimo - Nonora Nora - Nonotta Notta - Ollier - P'obyano - Papa Gruff - Pawlin Morning - Pipimaya and Sasapano - Pukty Piko - Pumpkin-headed Apparition - R'fhul Tia - R'majha - Riggy - Ririzan - Rodolph - Rodrigault - Roland Redsteele - Royal Seneschal - Saint of Nymeia - Saulinne - Songbirds - T'danafa and T'maritaa - Taggy - Tenny - Thracie - Unsavory Imp - Wunthyll - Z'napha
SpecialDural Tharal - Garuda - Iroha - Kipih Jakkya - Lightning - Lunafreya Nox Fleuret - Noctis Lucis Caelum - Nohi - Odin - Petyr Winsome - Shantotto
Class & Job NPCsMain NPCsAlberic Bale - Alka Zolka - Cocobuki Lolobuki - Curious Gorge - E-Sumi-Yan - Fray Myste - Drusilla Varus - Hamon Holyfist - Jannequinard de Durendaire - Jacke Swallow - Jehantel Fointeaume - K'lyhia - Lalah Jinjahl - Lalai Lai - Leveva Byrde - Luciane Corne - Martyn Goodfellow - Musosai - Mylla Swordsong - Oboro Torioi - Radovan Slobasch - Ranaa Mihgo - Raya-O-Senna - Stephanivien de Haillenarte - Y'mhitra Rhul - Widargelt Beake - Wyrnzoen Saelsmyndsyn - X'rhun Tia
Related NPCs269th Order Mendicant Da Za - Alaqa - Aldis - Adri Westwoode - Arnegis Elder - Akagi - Arya Gastaurknan - Atelloune Mairlaid - Broenbhar Rocksplitter - Broken Mountain - Ceadda - Cemi Jinjahl - Cocobani - Cocobezi - Cocoboha - Cocobusi - Cocobygo - Dancing Wolf - Doesmaga Poisonheart - Dozol Meloc - D'zentsa - Elde - Erik - Eschiva Keyes - Estinien Wyrmblood - Faezahr - Gatty Orwell - Gekkai - Gerhardt - Govv - Guildivain Sailmet - Guydelot Thildonnet - Halga Tolga - Hermin Hart‎‎ - Hilda Ware - H'mhasi Tia - Joye - Karasu Kanshi - Kazagg Chah - K'rhid Tia - Kyokuho Moribe - Leih Aliapoh - Loifa - Makoto Obinata - Maudlin Latool Ja - Melkoko Melko - Momozigo Mumuzigo - Myste - Nashmeira - Nourval Lhorulgois - Nutiba Buntiba - Orcus - O'tchakha - Pawah Mujuuk - Perimu Haurimu - P'yandih - Quimperain Evertrue - Rielle de Caulignont - Redway - Rosalinde - Rostnsthal - Rullus Varus - Sanson Smyth - Setoto Seto - Sevestre Albright - Sidurgu Orl - Silvairre - Shatotto - Sophie - Surito Carito - Sylphie Webb - Thubyrgeim Guldweitzwyn - Tristan Lowe - Tsubame Oshidari - Ugetsu Tachikake - V'kebbe - Waldeve - Whastrach Ahldwaensyn - Yayake Yake - Yuki Yatsurugi - Zhai'a Nelhah
Crafting & Gathering NPCsStory NPCsAdalberta Sterne - Beatin Mainrocquet - Brithael Spade - Fufucha Fucha - Geva Storke - H'naanza Esi - Lyngsath Hyllbornsyn - Redolent Rose - Serendipity - Severian Lyctor - Wawalago Momolago
Related NPCsAnsaulme de Rougecarpe - Atelloune Mairlaid - Aubrenard - Averil - Basyle - Blanstyr - Chanene - Colbernoux - Dauid - Dellemont - Elde - Emeloth Grayce - Enion Townes - Gerhardt - Hal - J'khebica - Keimei Daitenya - Kotocho - Kototsuru - Marmaduke - Marcel - Ortefauchel - Raulf Redhill - Reyna Breakhook - Sisipu Sipu - Wawarukka - Wido - Wiltwaek
The Crystalline MeanBethric - Eismon Valhand - Frithrik - Iola Waldhand - Katliss Horhand - Qeshi-Rae Kaapoh - Thiuna
The StudiumBoric Azora - Debroye - Hinageshi Wright - Jude Rose - Qih Aliapoh - Rurusha Rusha - Tankin Banjo - T'laqa Tia
OthersCeana - Edda Pureheart - The Elementals - Jandelaine de Dzemael - Nedrick Ironheart - Nhaza'a Jaab - Nybeth Obdilord - Omega - Shanga Meshanga - Severa Souther - Tataramu - Valdeaulin Ganathain - Wandering Minstrel
ContentMenu - Soundtracks - Translations - Walkthroughs
CharactersPlayableBenjamin - Kaeli - Phoebe - Reuben - Tristam
OtherArion - Captain Mac - Norma - Otto - Spencer - White
AntagonistsVile Four - Dark King
LocationsCenter of the WorldFocus Tower
Earth RegionHill of Destiny - Level Forest - Foresta - Sand Temple - Bone Dungeon
Water RegionLibra Temple - Aquaria - Wintry Cave - Life Temple - Falls Basin - Ice Pyramid - Spencer's Place - Wintry Temple
Fire RegionFireburg - Mine - Sealed Temple - Volcano - Lava Dome
Wind RegionRope Bridge - Alive Forest - Giant Tree - Kaidge Temple - Light Temple - Windia - Windhole Temple - Mount Gale - Pazuzu's Tower - Ship Dock
OtherMac's Ship - Doom Castle - Battlefields
TermsCrystal - Knights of Light - Prophecy - Rainbow Bridge Machine
GameplayInventoryArmor - Items - Spells - Weapons
MechanicsBugs and glitches - Elements - Stats - Statuses
EnemiesEnemies - Enemy abilities
MediaLe Guide Officiel Nintendo Mystic Quest Legend
ContentArtwork - Script - Translations - Wallpapers
CharactersHeroes of LightBrandt - Jusqua - Yunita - Aire
Temporary playableKrinjh - Torte - Rekoteh - Rolan
OtherAdventurer - Ankhel - Arbaroc - Ariadne - Bylion - Asmodeus - Beelzebub - Belphegor - Carino - Cetus - Chaos - Chief - Dragon - Drake - Eilith - Faithful Fox - Golem - King Guera - King Horne - King Liberte - Kuore - Leviathan - Lilibelle - Louhi - Lucifer - Mammon - Mylion - Namingway - Pione - Queen Arbor - Queen Horne - Satan - Sorcerer - Thauzand - Trylion - Witch of the Sky
LocationsKingdom of Horne - North Caves - Witch's Mansion - Moonlight Tower - Guera - Guera Caverns - Quicksand Castle - Liberte - Pirate Hideout - ??? - Animal Burrow - Fairy Path - Hunting Caves - Urbeth - Arbor - Great Tree Roots - Great Tree - Ice Caverns - Invidia - Invidia Underground - Tower to the Sky - Spelvia Dungeons - Spelvia - Rolan's Soul - Mount Gulg - Sun Temple - Magic Laboratory - Star Chamber - Moonsand Ruins - Holy Tree Tower - Mysterious Lighthouse - Trial Tower
TermsCrystal - Dragonier - Gem - Merchant Lord - Time travel - Animal Staff - Moon Folk - Upgrade
GameplayInventoryAccessories - Armor - Items - Weapons
MechanicsAbilities - Action Point - Crowns - Elements - Guest - Multiplayer - Psyched Up - Stats - Statuses
EnemiesEnemies - Enemy abilities
OtherAchievements - Menu
MediaMusicOriginal Soundtrack
BooksThe Art of Bravely Default/Design Works The Art of Bravely 2010-2013 - Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light Kōshiki Complete Guide - Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light Official Strategy Guide - Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light World Navigator
Allusions - Characters - Locations - Translations - Walkthroughs
Warriors of Light (2024)
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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

Phone: +6873952696715

Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.