Google Ads Quality Score: How It’s Calculated & Tips to Improve Your Score (2024)

  1. What is Google Ads Quality Score?
  2. The benefits of improving your Google Ads Quality Score
  3. Factors affecting Google Ads Quality Score
  4. Types of Quality Score
  5. Tips to improve Google Ads Quality Score
  6. Enhancing Google Ads Quality Score
  7. FAQs

By understanding and improving your Google Ads Quality Score, you can optimize your ads for better performance, get higher click-through rates, and increase ROAS.

While mastering the nuances of the metric can be challenging, the rewards are worth it. Today’s post will explain everything you need to know about the Google Ads Quality Score, what it is, how to calculate it, and how to ensure your score is high.

What is a Google Ads Quality Score?

Google Ads Quality Score is a critical metric in your Google Ads campaign that significantly impacts your ad performance and cost. The score estimates the effectiveness of your ads, keywords, and landing pages. The higher the Quality Score, the more relevant your ad and landing page are to the user, leading to lower prices and better ad placements. Caring about your ad campaigns’ Quality Score is essential as it directly influences your ads’ effectiveness and your return on investment ROAS.

Google calculates Quality Score as a sum of the following factors:

  • Expected CTR
  • Ad Relevance
  • Landing Page Experience

Google Ads Quality Score: How It’s Calculated & Tips to Improve Your Score (1)

You may come across a formula for calculating Quality Score:

Quality Score = (CTR * Relevance * Landing Page Experience) / Expected Impact

This formula emphasizes the importance of creating relevant, high-grade ads and landing pages with a good user experience.

It’s important to remember that the Quality Score calculation is a proprietary algorithm used by Google. The formula considers multiple factors and their respective weights.

When evaluating your campaigns, Google weighs CTR, ad relevance, and landing page experience score differently. Expected click-through rate and landing page experience contribute more to Quality Score than ad relevance:

Google Ads Quality Score: How It’s Calculated & Tips to Improve Your Score (2)

The benefits of improving your Google Ads Quality Score

A high Google Ads Quality Score gives your ad campaigns a competitive edge so you can deliver more compelling ad experiences to potential customers and enjoy a host of other benefits.

  1. Reduce advertising costs through lower cost-per-click (CPC) rates
  2. A high Quality Score signals to Google that your ads are relevant and valuable to users, which can result in reduced CPC and more efficient use of your ad spend.

  3. High ad rankings and increased visibility in search results
  4. A higher Quality Score also translates to better ad rankings and increased visibility in search results. This means potential customers are more likely to see and click your ads, driving more traffic to your landing page.

  5. Improve ad performance and increase click-through rates (CTR)
  6. Improving your Google Ads Quality Score can also enhance the performance of your ads, leading to higher click-through rates (CTR). The more relevant and engaging your ads are, the more likely use.

  7. Enhance overall ad relevance and user experience for potential customers
  8. One of the ways to improve Quality Score is to optimize ad relevance and enhance the landing page experience. This boosts your score and improves user experience, increasing engagement and desired actions.

    Landing page relevance is crucial as it impacts how your audience perceives your brand. When users click on your ad, they expect content aligned with what was promised. By meeting this expectation, visitors are more likely to engage and convert.

    When your Quality Score is calculated, Google evaluates the coherence between ads and landing pages. Therefore, a highly relevant landing page enhances user experience and contributes to a higher score, improving ad performance.

  9. Better return on ad spend (ROAS) for ad campaigns and marketing efforts
  10. Finally, a higher Quality Score can lead to a better return on ad spend (ROAS). Ensuring your ads are relevant, engaging, and targeted at the right audience can boost conversions and sales, resulting in a more profitable advertising campaign.

Factors affecting Google Ads Quality Score

The Google Ads Quality Score is a pivotal metric for advertisers, providing insights into the effectiveness of their ad campaigns. A combination of factors influences it, each contributing to your digital advertising efforts’ overall performance and success.

Google Ads Quality Score: How It’s Calculated & Tips to Improve Your Score (3)

Relevance of ad text to the keyword

The relevance of your ad text to the keyword is a critical factor in determining your Quality Score. For instance, if your ad text aligns closely with the keyword, it signals to Google that your ad will likely be relevant to users searching for that keyword. This, in turn, can boost your Quality Score.

It’s essential to ensure that your ad copy communicates the value proposition of your product or service clearly while incorporating the target keyword naturally and effectively.

Google Ads Quality Score: How It’s Calculated & Tips to Improve Your Score (4)

Quality and relevance of the landing page

A user-friendly and informative landing page directly related to your ad can significantly enhance your Google Ads Quality Score. Ad-to-page relevance ensures a direct correlation between your ad’s content and the landing page it leads to. This personalization improves user experience, click-through, and conversion rates, contributing positively to your Google Ads Quality Score.

For example, if your ad promises to teach you how to craft a backlink strategy for your business needs. In that case, your landing page should deliver on that promise by providing a clear and straightforward way for users to access a course teaching them how to do that.

Google Ads Quality Score: How It’s Calculated & Tips to Improve Your Score (5)

Google Ads Quality Score: How It’s Calculated & Tips to Improve Your Score (6)

Historical click-through rate (CTR) of the keyword and the matched ad

Historical click-through rate (CTR) is another crucial factor that affects your Quality Score on Google Ads. If your keyword and matched ad have historically garnered a high CTR, Google interprets this as an indication that your ad will likely be clicked in the future, positively impacting your score.

To improve your CTR, consider employing tactics such as using compelling call-to-action phrases, optimizing your ad copy, and targeting your ads more precisely.

Relevance of the keyword to the ad group

Finally, the keyword’s relevance to the ad group also impacts your Quality Score. When your keyword is highly relevant to the other keywords in your ad group, it signals to Google that your ad will likely be beneficial and relevant to users, thereby boosting your Quality Score.

Consider grouping related keywords and creating separate ad groups for different product categories or services to enhance keyword relevance. Find more about keywords, ad groups, and campaigns for impression sharing in Ad here.

By comprehending and optimizing these variables, you can greatly enhance your score, resulting in more impactful ad campaigns and improved return on ad spend. Now that we’ve examined the factors influencing Google Ads Quality Score, let’s shift our focus to another crucial aspect: the various types of Quality Score. In the upcoming discussion, we will delve deeper into this subject to gain a more profound understanding.

Types of Quality Score

Understanding the different types of Google Ads Quality Score can provide valuable insights into your ad performance and guide you in optimizing your Google Ads campaigns. Each type offers a unique perspective on how various elements of your campaign are performing.

Account-Level Quality Score

This is an aggregate measure of the overall health of your Google Ads account. It considers the historical performance of all ads, keywords, and landing pages associated with your account. A high Account-Level Quality Score indicates that your account, as a whole, is providing value to users and meeting Google’s high standards.

Ad Group Quality Score

An Ad Group Quality Score is an average indicator based on all the keywords within a specific ad group. It provides insights into how well your keywords and ads perform within a particular ad group. A low quality score might indicate that your keywords and ads are irrelevant to each other or your target audience.

Keyword-Level Quality Score

The Keyword-Level Quality Score is the most familiar type. It is a rating between 1 and 10 assigned to each keyword in your account based on its relevance to your ads and landing pages and expected CTR. A high Keyword Quality Score signifies that your keyword will likely trigger ads relevant to users’ search queries.

Ad-Level Quality Score

An Ad-Level Quality Score measures the significance and efficiency of your individual ads. It is determined by factors such as the relevance of your ad text to the keyword, the expected CTR of the ad, and the user experience on your landing page. Improving your Ad-Level Quality Score can improve ad rankings and lower costs.

Landing Page Quality Score

The Landing Page Quality Score assesses the relevance and efficiency of your landing page. It considers factors such as the originality of content, transparency about your business, and ease of navigation. A high Landing Page Quality Score indicates that your page provides a good user experience and is relevant to your ads and keywords.

Display Network Quality Score

The Display Network Quality Score is specific to Google’s Display Network ads. It evaluates the relevance and effectiveness of your ads and landing pages in relation to the themes of websites on the Display Network where your ads might appear. A high Display Network Quality Score can improve your ad placement and visibility on the Display Network.

Gaining a comprehensive understanding of the various Quality Scores can greatly assist in pinpointing areas for enhancement, optimizing campaigns, and ultimately elevating your overall score. Now that we have a firm grasp on the diverse types of Quality Scores and their impact on Google Ads performance, let’s redirect our attention toward exploring effective strategies and best practices to enhance these scores.

Tips to improve Google Ads Quality Score

Enhancing your Google Ads Quality Score can significantly improve your ad performance, increase your return on ad spend, and ensure you are reaching your target audience effectively. Here are some strategies you can employ to boost your Quality Score:

  1. Optimizing landing pages for relevant user experience
  2. One of the key factors influencing your Quality Score on Google Ads is the effectiveness and relevance of your landing page. Users should find what they are looking for quickly and easily after clicking on your ad. To optimize your landing pages, ensure they are user-friendly, fast-loading, and directly related to your ad content.

    With the Instapage platform, you can create highly relevant landing pages that match your ad content. The platform’s AdMap® feature lets you connect your ads to relevant landing pages, ensuring your message aligns seamlessly from ad click to post-click. Instapage enables you to create fast-loading landing pages that instantly capture visitor attention and serve targeted messaging to every audience, enhancing user satisfaction and engagement.

    Google Ads Quality Score: How It’s Calculated & Tips to Improve Your Score (7)

  3. Conducting regular keyword research and refining ad groups
  4. Regular keyword research is crucial in maintaining and improving your Quality Score. By identifying and targeting the most relevant keywords for your business, you can ensure that your ads reach the right audience. Additionally, refining your ad groups by grouping related keywords can improve the relevance of your ads, leading to a higher Quality Score.

    Instapage offers powerful capabilities for businesses to conduct keyword research and refine ad groups. Its advanced features significantly contribute to these activities. With Instapage, you can analyze landing page performance to gain valuable insights on high-converting keywords. Additionally, Instapage supports dynamic keyword insertion, enhancing landing page relevance. You can optimize your PPC advertising efforts by refining ad groups based on performance data.

  5. A/B testing ad variations to improve click-through rates
  6. A/B testing involves creating multiple versions of your ads and testing them to see which performs better. By experimenting with different ad texts, headlines, and call-to-actions, you can identify what resonates most with your audience and drives more clicks. Improving click-through rates (CTR) can significantly boost your Quality Score Google Ads.

Enhancing Google Ads Quality Score

Mastering and optimizing your Google Ads Quality Score is crucial for successful advertising campaigns. The Quality Score depends on factors like ad text relevance, landing page quality, and historical click-through rate. Each type of Quality Score offers unique insights into ad performance and optimization opportunities.

To elevate your Quality Score, refine landing pages, conduct regular keyword research, fine-tune ad groups, and test ad variations. Consider using Instapage to streamline these efforts and facilitate more effective, targeted ad campaigns. With Instapage, optimize landing pages based on data-backed insights, conduct in-app A/B testing, and gain insights from on-page behavior analytics.

Focusing on these areas can enhance your Google Ads Quality Score, resulting in more effective ad campaigns and better utilization of your advertising budget. Improve your landing page experience and sign up for an Instapage 14-day free trial today.


We understand that the Google Ads Quality Score can be a complex topic. Here are answers to some common questions to help you navigate this critical metric.

1. What is a good Quality Score on Google Ads?

A good Quality Score on Google Ads typically falls between 7 and 10. This range indicates that your keywords, ads, and landing pages are relevant and valuable to the people who see your ads. However, it’s important to remember that this metric is relative to each campaign and market competition.

2. Where do I check my Quality Score on Google Ads?

You can check your Quality Score on Google Ads by logging into your Google Ads account and navigating to the Keywords tab. From there, hover over any keyword’s “Status” column to view details.

3. How do I get the best Quality Score on Google Ads?

To achieve the best Quality Score on Google Ads, focus on improving the relevance and effectiveness of your keywords, ads, and landing pages. Regularly conduct keyword research, optimize your landing pages for a better user experience, and A/B test ad variations.

4. How long does it take to build your Quality Score Google Ads?

The time it takes to develop your Quality Score on Google Ads varies depending on several factors, including the changes you’ve made to improve it and how often users can see your ads. It can take anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks for Google to gather enough data to update your Quality Score.

5. CTRs are high, but the Quality Score is low on Google Ads. Why is this happening?

While a high click-through rate (CTR) is a positive signal, it’s just one component of your Quality Score. If your CTRs are high, but your Quality Score is low, it could be due to issues with the relevance of your ad text, keywords, or landing page. It’s essential to ensure all these elements align with each other and with what your audience is searching for.

Google Ads Quality Score: How It’s Calculated & Tips to Improve Your Score (8)

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Google Ads Quality Score: How It’s Calculated & Tips to Improve Your Score (2024)


Google Ads Quality Score: How It’s Calculated & Tips to Improve Your Score? ›

To achieve the best Quality Score on Google Ads, focus on improving the relevance and effectiveness of your keywords, ads, and landing pages. Regularly conduct keyword research, optimize your landing pages for a better user experience, and A/B test ad variations.

How is the quality score in Google Ads calculated? ›

Quality Score is based on historical impressions for exact searches of your keyword, therefore changing keyword match types will not impact Quality Score. If you notice a “—” in the Quality Score column, it means there aren't enough searches that exactly match your keywords to determine a keyword's Quality Score.

How do you improve quality score in Google Ads? ›

Five ways to use Quality Score to improve your performance
  1. Review your Quality Score components. ...
  2. Make ads more relevant to keywords. ...
  3. Try to improve your click-through rate (CTR) ...
  4. Consider updating your landing page. ...
  5. Use Quality Score with other metrics.

What are the 3 key components of Google Ads quality score? ›

Pay attention to the “Big Three” component parts of ads quality: ad relevance, expected CTR and landing page experience.

How to calculate quality rating? ›

Quality score = ((PPM score + QR score)/2)-SQE score. The number derived from the calculation is recorded as the Supplier's quality performance score in the scorecard and is then multiplied by 0.4 to determine the quality performance contribution to the overall performance rating.

How is data quality score calculated? ›

Data quality scores are computed based on quality dimensions for each individual column in the data asset, and then a combined quality score for the entire data asset is calculated. The combined score is an average of the scores for all columns.

What are the three quality score factors? ›

The Quality Score factors

There are three main factors that make up Quality Score: click-through rate (CTR), ad relevance and. landing page experience.

How can I improve my Google score? ›

How to Rank Higher on Google in 5 Steps
  1. Step one: Do your (keyword) research. ...
  2. Step two: Build a solid site structure. ...
  3. Step three: Create valuable content. ...
  4. Step four: Create a link network. ...
  5. Step five: Conduct A/B testing. ...
  6. Step six: Improve page load speed. ...
  7. Step seven: Optimize your website for mobile devices.
May 30, 2023

Does Google Ads Quality Score matter? ›

Higher ad quality generally leads to better performance, including better ad positions and lower cost.

What causes low Quality Score Google Ads? ›

Performance history can affect your Quality Score. If keywords don't have a large number of clicks or impressions, Google Ads will use other factors to generate a Quality Score. Check the number of impressions that your keywords have received. If impressions are under 10,000, this may cause a low Quality Score.

What are the 3 main factors that determine ad quality? ›

If you want to know what the three main factors that determine ad quality are, the answer is expected clickthrough rate, landing page experience, and ad relevance.

What is the difference between Google ad rank and Quality Score? ›

Quality Score is Google's rating of the overall user experience that your landing page/s and ad/s gives when users search for your keyword or keyphrase. The higher the Quality Score, the cheaper the Cost-Per-Click (CPC) and higher Ad Rank you will get.

How does Quality Score affect CPC? ›

quality score determines if your ad can show in a search result. If your ad does show, then it determines your position and your CPC. By increasing your quality score, you can have your ads show more often, increase your position, and decrease your CPC.

What is the formula for quality score and ad rank? ›

Ad Rank = CPC Bid x Quality Score

Using this formula, the best combined CPC bid and Quality Score gets your ad a better position. In other words, advertisers with low quality scores will need to increase their CPC bid to get optimum ad placement.

How to get 10/10 quality score? ›

How to get 10 of 10 quality score? To achieve a 10 out of 10 quality score, you need good account organization, ads that are reflective of the keywords, ads that are regularly being tested, and a great landing page that is relevant to the user and the keyword.

What is the difference between Google ad rank and quality score? ›

Quality Score is Google's rating of the overall user experience that your landing page/s and ad/s gives when users search for your keyword or keyphrase. The higher the Quality Score, the cheaper the Cost-Per-Click (CPC) and higher Ad Rank you will get.

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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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