HL7 Standards: Implementation, Challenges, and Solutions | Redox (2024)


Futurism, Interoperability, Product

HL7 Standards: Implementation, Challenges, and Solutions | Redox (1)

Posted May 10, 2018
By James Lloyd

HL7 Standards: Implementation, Challenges, and Solutions | Redox (2)

Within healthcare, there’s a single organization that sets the standards for most clinical data. HL7 was created in 1987 to provide a framework and standards for the exchange and retrieval of electronic health information. Today, the organization has more than 1,600 members from over 50 countries, including healthcare providers, government officials, payers, vendors, and others with a vested interest in the healthcare industry.

The process to create a new HL7® standard and move that standard into the hands of developers and ultimately into live software is long and complex. Various health systems have adopted different versions and types of standards, and even within the same version, there is significant variation in implementation. These realities present numerous challenges for software companies and health systems trying to stay in sync with one another.

It’s worth noting that HL7 has also introduced FHIR® (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources), a standard with a more modern communication structure that is currently in a trial use stage. FHIR has similar problems to HL7 in that the content communicated using FHIR is still highly variable and specific to each health system. I’ve written this article with both FHIR and HL7 standards in mind.

In this post, we’ll take a look at the process of creating an HL7 standard, the unique challenges of taking that standard from authorship to deployment and use, and the ways that Redox tames the complexity. First, let’s start with digging into the process of creating and implementing HL7 standards.

HL7 Standards: From Ideation to Clinical Use

In brief, the process from standard ideation to implementation and use unfolds as follows:

  1. Authorship: HL7 collects feedback and input from healthcare organizations, software vendors, and other stakeholders to create the standard itself, which is effectively an academic set of specifications for how clinical data is transferred between applications.
  2. Implementation: Software vendors such as electronic health record (EHR) providers implement those standards in their software.
  3. Deployment: The EHR updates are deployed to the healthcare organizations using those EHRs.
  4. Configuration: The systems need to be configured, whether by an in-house IT team, EHR team, or external support.
  5. Use: Two parties exchange information using the standard, such as through an interaction with a new application or a connection to an existing external vendor.

Unique Challenges in HL7 Standards

Written step-by-step the process seems simple enough, but when we look deeper, the process contains details and challenges that are unique to healthcare standards.

In general, most standards organizations are broadly open, as is the case with the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). The IETF is responsible for many of the core internet standards and has no formal paid membership model required to participate. The organization is run by volunteers and is funded by meeting fees, sponsorships, and by its parent organization, the Internet Society. HL7, on the other hand, is a membership organization. The organization requires health systems, software vendors, and other stakeholders to pay significant membership fees to participate in the feedback process outlined in Step One and to vote on changes to the standard.

Furthermore, outside of healthcare, most standards are implemented completely — that is to say, 100% — or not at all. That binary provides simplicity by reducing the number of decision points. With HL7, however, there is a large amount of variance between how vendors implement HL7 standards in Step Two above.

HL7 standards themselves are often architected to have a strong amount of variance due to the evolution of the HL7 organization. That variance is shaped by HL7’s initial pre-World Wide Web use as a standard for exchange between different vendors within the same data center administered by the same IT staff at a health system. HL7 wasn’t originally designed for the Internet; it was made for data exchange within the four walls of the data center in a hospital’s basem*nt. Given its original intent, maintaining compatibility to exchange information between health systems wasn’t a high priority.

Step Three, deployment to healthcare organizations, requires a significant amount of work. Deployment often requires a specific IT project along with the requisite funding, IT staff time, and technology infrastructure to support a new standard. Each implementation is highly customized for the healthcare organization, and deployment requires technology teams to be on-premise.

For example, the patient’s race is typically represented as an abbreviation or just a number that is unique to that health system. At one health system, 3 might represent Caucasian while at another health system it represents Pacific Islander. While this lack of consistency is business as usual for the healthcare industry, it’s not how the process works in many other industries.

When the Bluetooth Special Interests Group authors a new specification, for instance, vendors such as Apple and Bose implement the standard in their devices and that’s it — there’s no additional configuration needed to move from vendor implementation stage to using the standards. (Headphones owners might need to occasionally update the software on their phones or other devices, but the update runs automatically and requires no implementation or configuration decisions.)

Additionally, different organizations have different priorities for how up-to-date they keep their systems, and the overall landscape becomes fragmented in terms of both the version adopted and health system-specific configurations.

In Stage Four, the frequency of health system-specific configuration of HL7 standards presents interesting challenges to application developers. Each health system will have implemented a customized set of specifications, and vendors seeking to work with those health systems traditionally need to adhere to each custom setup.

Solving Common HL7 Challenges

If the process sounds ripe with potential for complications and costly software updates, it is. Both health systems and healthcare technology vendors have to manage this complexity in order to stay current (or current enough) and to maintain interoperability between health systems and healthcare technology solutions. Redox can help solve some of these challenges and remove much of the time and cost burdens involved. Looking at the process step-by-step, here’s how:

Step One: Authorship

HL7 standards are often not based on actual practical use cases but rather the input of subject matter experts considering all possibilities and all angles. This means that often the standard itself tries to do too many things and covers use cases that are not pragmatic. For example, HL7 FHIR (DSTU3) was built to support veterinary use cases in addition to human clinical cases, and there’s a “Patient.animal.breed” field in the specifications. In rare cases, this can be useful, as was the case for an Alaskan hospital lab that needed to process sled dog specimens. Most of the time, however, there’s no need to represent animal patients in the data model.

Instead of including all of these obscure use cases HL7 members developed speculatively, Redox uses input from its customers to develop a single data structure that represents the practical use cases and applications that are commonly in use across the market today. This data structure is, quite literally, our product. Unlike HL7, our business longevity and success depends on keeping this data structure consistent and usable for our customers.

We also collaborate with industry leaders to determine practical implementations of a consistent standard in emerging and future areas as well. For example, the field of precision medicine (using patients’ genomes to craft personalized treatment plans) is an important emerging area in healthcare. HL7 and incumbent EHR vendors are not keeping up with quickly evolving spaces like precision medicine, so we work with the people driving innovation to see where we need to be going, and how quickly, to be able to support them. To pull in a sports metaphor, we’re looking at where the puck is going when developing our data model instead of where the puck is now.

Step Two: Implementation

While there can be significant variation between implementations of different EHRs and even between the same EHR vendor in use at different health systems, Redox offers a standardized and normalized data set and data model that allows those variances to be abstracted.

For example, in the Redox data model, we standardize the Patient’s Race field to the U.S. Census Bureau’s defined list of races to provide consistent data, even when health systems may send a number representing a race (e.g. “3” for Caucasian) or a custom abbreviation. We abstract away from the different standard versions in use at health systems to provide a uniform, modern API experience for application developers.

We also smooth out the variance in data flow. Some EHRs require external systems to query for information like Appointments while other EHRs push that information to external vendors. Redox allows the application developer to set whether they prefer to make queries or receive push notifications, independent of how the health system exposes that data.

Step Three: Deployment

Redox offers support for any implementation at any health system. If they have HL7 v2, FHIR, their own API, or even FTP of some custom flat file, we are able to support that and normalize that to our data model.

We are also able to transition in step with the health system as it inevitably changes its infrastructure without forcing the application developers to do any additional engineering. This means that as FHIR becomes more popular and HL7 v2 begins to wane in some areas (though it will never go away completely), Redox allows an application developer to design once without worrying about what’s going on at the health system under the hood.

Step Four: Configuration

Redox also offers a great deal of value in connecting applications to the standards that have been implemented. For example, Breg, a manufacturer of orthopedic braces, has used Redox to connect to over 40 health systems across 10 different EHRs. More specifically, Breg’s Vision Cloud Connect web and iOS application connects with EHRs to pull patient information and document device dispensation, placement, and billing. One Breg employee did the development and provides minimal ongoing integration support. Without Redox, we estimate that maintaining this level of complex interoperability would require about 8 to 10 full-time employees.

In Conclusion

My hope is that this deep dive into the HL7 standards process has provided insights and ideas for what each phase of standard adoption will entail. If you’re considering Redox or looking for a way to streamline the process, our platform is a seamless and efficient way for healthcare organizations and applications to connect with one another. We have a number of applications who have gone live in a one-week project as opposed to the current state of three to six months that our customers report experiencing before Redox.

If you’re interested in getting started with Redox, or want to learn more, contact us here.

HL7® and FHIR® are registered trademarks of HL7 and are used with the permission of HL7.

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HL7 Standards: Implementation, Challenges, and Solutions | Redox (2024)


What are the barriers of HL7? ›

These barriers include a lack of a FHIR endpoint locator, lack of common authentication and authorization approaches to ensure appropriate patient privacy, gaps in the ability to bridge patient identity across stakeholders, and a lack of industry wide governance and versioning for FHIR Application Programming ...

What are the challenges of FHIR implementation? ›

FHIR Implementation Challenges

You must fulfill interconnectivity requirements in each app utilized in order for FHIR-compliant systems to be fundamentally interoperable. Applications must safely communicate and exchange data. The structural aspects of organizational interoperability must be altered.

What is a weakness of HL7? ›

Limitations of HL7 are 1) its difficulty of expression of clinical findings, signs, and symptoms, which comprise electronic medical records, all because of lack of adequate code of these items, and 2) its being a description of fixed timing of examination results, not being a sequence of episode of the patient.

What is HL7 implementation? ›

HL7 data integration refers to integrating HL7 standards to enable health data interoperability in medical organizations. Messages composed by following HL7 rules have defined structures and data formats. They can be easily interpreted by systems that use different technologies.

What are four barriers to EHR implementation? ›

Despite of the potential benefits of electronic health records, implement of this technology facing with barriers and restrictions, which the most of these are; cost constraints, technical limitations, standardization limits, attitudinal constraints-behavior of individuals, and organizational constraints.

What are the three major barriers to the implementation of networked personal health records? ›

Based on our study and the study of Marien et al., we assumed that there are three key barriers: low perceived usefulness, lack of IT skills and lack of integration and connectivity between applications.

What are the challenges to effective implementation? ›

Common Implementation Challenges
  • Deeply rooted traditions and cultures around food.
  • Lack of trust for medical professionals and outsiders.
  • Social beliefs around certain behaviors.

What are the key barriers to challenge HMIS implementation? ›

The key potential barriers perceived by the healthcare workers while dealing with the HMIS include high initial cost and uncertain financial benefits, high initial physician time costs due to tedious and cumbersome technology, difficult complementary changes and inadequate support and electronic data exchange, lack of ...

What are HL7 standards? ›

HL7 standards are healthcare-specific formatted messages that support a variety of system integrations and interoperability—and enable EHRs to communicate with a variety of systems that operate outside the EHR.

Why are HL7 standards important? ›

The most important function of HL7 standards is to facilitate interoperability between health information systems. HL7 also helps make sure all documentation and other data remain consistent across all the systems, even if the systems are part of different health care organizations.

What is the main goal of HL7? ›

Health Level Seven International®, or HL7, is a member-driven nonprofit organization dedicated to creating and maintaining standards that bridge the gap in healthcare technology. Our goal is to improve the accessibility, speed, safety, security, quality and cost of the electronic heath information exchange.

What is replacing HL7? ›

FHIR combines the best features of HL7's various versions while relying on the latest and most up-to-date web standards to solve challenges in interoperability. Folio3 hl7 integration solutions ensure the integration and interoperability of electronic health information.

What is difference between HL7 and FHIR? ›

The main difference between FHIR and HL7 is that FHIR leverages RESTful web services and open web technologies such as XML, JSON, and RDF, while HL7 only supports XML. FHIR builds on previous standards, including HL7 CDA, V2, and V3, but is easier to use since it covers a broader range of technologies.

Is FHIR and HL7 the same thing? ›

What Is HL7® FHIR®? is a next-generation interoperability standard created by the standards development organization Health Level 7 (HL7®). FHIR is designed to enable health data, including clinical and administrative data, to be quickly and efficiently exchanged.

What is the difference between ASTM and HL7? ›

The first three terms (ASTM CCR, HL7 CDA, and HL7 EHR System Functional Model) represent standards. The first standard (ASTM CCR) focuses on the content of patient health information, and the second (HL7 CDA) focuses on the format of patient health information.

What are possible barriers to implementation? ›

Challenges to implementation are referred to as “implementation barriers.” They can be rooted in a variety of causes, including opposition from key stakeholders, inadequate human or financial resources, lack of clarity on operational guidelines or roles and responsibilities for implementation, conflicts with other ...

What would be a known obstacle to EHR implementation? ›

Costs for equipment necessary for interoperability with other technology devices your practice uses. For example, many EHR systems require specific hardware, networks, or interfaces. Staff training costs. Costs associated with joining health information networks.

What are three common barriers to healthcare? ›

The challenges are myriad, but five are especially concerning for the years ahead.
  • Insufficient insurance coverage. A lack of insurance often contributes to a lack of healthcare. ...
  • Healthcare staffing shortages. ...
  • Stigma and bias among the medical community. ...
  • Transportation and work-related barriers. ...
  • Patient language barriers.
Jul 27, 2022

What are the most common barriers in healthcare? ›

Barriers to Healthcare
  • Health Professional Shortage.
  • Transportation Access.
  • Lack of Health Insurance.
  • Financial Constraints.
  • Language Barriers.
  • Solutions.

Which are 3 of the 5 challenges of implementing information systems? ›

There are five key management challenges in building and using information systems: (1) designing systems that are competitive and efficient; (2) understanding the system requirements of a global business environment; (3) creating an information architecture that supports the organization's goals; (4) determining the ...

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Often overlooked are the five key components necessary to support implementation: people, resources, structure, systems, and culture. All components must be in place in order to move from creating the plan to activating the plan.

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The Implementation Difficulty is a measure of how the specific circ*mstances that may be associated with a particular fire combine to represent potential intricate implementation concerns.

What are some barriers to implementing EHR guidelines in healthcare organizations? ›

6 Common Challenges in EHR Implementation
  • The technical ability. ...
  • The cost of use. ...
  • The people. ...
  • The workflow break up. ...
  • The training. ...
  • The concerns with privacy.
Feb 22, 2023

What are the obstacles in information system implementation? ›

Typical information management challenges include a lack of strategy, digitizing documents, automating processes, controlling the expanding volume, securing information access, minimizing information silos, connecting with older systems, and eliminating low-quality data.

Why do EHR implementations fail? ›

1. Technical Failures. Many EHR implementations fail because the system that was installed simply wasn't the right one. Usually, this happens when the new platform isn't compatible with existing practice management systems employed at the facility.

How does HL7 work in healthcare? ›

HL7 interfaces are used to connect different health IT systems. HL7 interfaces allow data to be exchanged between systems, allowing information to flow in both directions. They can also send messages and receive them. For example, one system may send a patient's medical record to another for billing purposes.

How does HL7 protocol work? ›

HL7 (Health Level Seven) is a standard for exchanging health information between medical applications. This standard defines a format for the transmission of health-related information. Information sent using the HL7 standard is sent as a collection of one or more messages.

How has HL7 improved interoperability? ›

The key application of HL7 interoperability is to enable easy and more efficient sharing or healthcare data between various IT applications as compared to legacy methods. At present, healthcare providers use various IT applications to keep a record of patients' data from billing to medical information.

Is HL7 going away? ›

There's the existing standards, HL7 v2 and C-CDA, and they are not going away, not in the next 10 or 20 years. They will still be in use, and the HL7 version 2 standard is the most widely used standard, and it's being used in countless systems out there and people aren't going to simply replace those systems.

Is HL7 still relevant? ›

First released in the late 1980s, HL7 V2 has become one of the most broadly implemented standards for healthcare data worldwide, according to HL7 International. Some 95 percent of U.S. healthcare organizations use HL7 V2, and it's used in more than 35 countries.

What is HL7 and why does healthcare need IT? ›

HL7 is the messaging standard that enables interoperability and helps healthcare providers deliver better care. Health Level Seven (HL7) is a set of international standards used to provide guidance with transferring and sharing data between various healthcare providers.

Is HL7 considered EDI? ›

Health Level-7 or HL7 EDI is a set of international standards for exchanging, integrating and sharing healthcare messages between hospitals or systems.

Is HL7 XML or JSON? ›

Encoding : the character encoding used for HL7 documents in the XML Format.

Is HL7 same as EDI? ›

HL7 documents have a lot of the characteristics of EDI, but add an extra twist. Records in an HL7 file may be nested. Instead of a single level of parsing, they require a second level. HL7 documents allow patient and visit information to be reliably distributed between parties such as hospitals and insurance companies.

Is HL7 TCP or UDP? ›

HL7 messages are transferred using the TCP/IP protocol. TCP/IP data is sent as a stream of bytes.

Do all hospitals use HL7? ›

After understanding the question “what is HL7 in healthcare?”, let's define the categories of users of the global standard. Depending on the data, there are different types of HL7 messages that are transmitted between systems. In the U.S., more than 90% of medical institutions use HL7 in their work.

How many versions of HL7 are there? ›

Background: HL7 Standards

HL7 standards can be divided into three versions: HL7 Version 2 (v2), Version 3 (v3) and FHIR. While most HL7 messaging uses versions 2.3 and 2.3.

What are the 6 types of ASTM? ›

There are generally six (6) types of features that you will see with an ASTM document, including Test Method, Specification, Classification, Practice, Guide, and Terminology.

Is HL7 a global standard? ›

Health Level Seven or HL7 is a range of global standards for the transfer of clinical and administrative health data between applications.

What are the 5 types of standards recognized by ASTM? ›

Each ASTM standard has its own unique number, and each of these standards generally fall into different categories, such as:
  • Standard Practice Guide.
  • Standard Test Method.
  • Terminology Standard.
  • Standard Classification.
  • Standard Specification.

What are the barriers of health information exchange? ›

The most commonly cited barriers to HIE use were incomplete information, inefficient workflow, and reports that the exchanged information that did not meet the needs of users.

What are barriers to communicating health information? ›

Differences in language, including those related to the use of professional jargon, can create barriers to communication in healthcare. These barriers make it difficult to develop the strong relationships that are important in high-quality healthcare.

What are three barriers to effective communication in health and social care? ›

Competing demands, lack of privacy, and background noise are all potential barriers to effective communication between nurses and patients. Patients' ability to communicate effectively may also be affected by their condition, medication, pain and/or anxiety.

What are the barriers to lack of access to healthcare? ›

Geographic Barriers to Healthcare Access

Physician shortages, poverty, a greater number of uninsured, and long travel distances add up to major discrepancies in healthcare equality between urban and rural America and pose a challenge to the national healthcare system that must be addressed.

Which of the following is the biggest barrier to health information exchange? ›

The greatest barrier to achieving success is the desire of individual health systems to control the data on the patients in their service areas.

What are the 4 main communication barriers? ›

Let's explore four categories of barriers to effective communication in the workplace (language barriers, inclusion barriers, cultural barriers, and environmental barriers).

What are 5 examples of communication barriers? ›

Common Barriers to Effective Communication
  • Dissatisfaction or Disinterest With One's Job. ...
  • Inability to Listen to Others. ...
  • Lack of Transparency & Trust. ...
  • Communication Styles (when they differ) ...
  • Conflicts in the Workplace. ...
  • Cultural Differences & Language.
Jul 18, 2018

What are the five key barriers in communication? ›

5 barriers to communications are:
  • Work environment.
  • People's attitudes and emotional state.
  • Time zone and geography.
  • Distractions and other priorities.
  • Cultures and languages.
Apr 21, 2022

What are the 3 C's in communication in healthcare? ›

Perspective: Consistency, Continuity, and Coordination—The 3Cs of Seamless Patient Care. Amid our efforts to improve health care quality, we can easily lose sight of the most basic questions. Consider evidence-based clinical guidelines, protocols, and pathways.

What are the three major barrier to effective communication? ›

Although the barriers to effective communication may be different for different situations, the following are some of the main barriers: Linguistic Barriers. Psychological Barriers. Emotional Barriers.

What are two barriers to accessing healthcare? ›

It is largely because of barriers to access due to oppression, stigma, and socioeconomic status that lead to health inequities. These barriers can be grouped into four main categories: Cost. Discrimination and bias.

What are ways to overcome these barriers? ›

Ways to Overcome Barriers
  • Get Feedback. To communicate more effectively and overcome objections, start by collecting information about the problem at hand. ...
  • Commit to Change. ...
  • Make Decisions. ...
  • Increase Your Productivity.

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