The HL7 Interface Engine Built for Today's Healthcare Cloud - Qvera (2024)

General Overview of Features and Functionality

Cloud Computing Enterprise Professional
QIE Container Support - Ability to deploy QIE as a light weight Docker container Add-on
Container Orchestration - Provision, deploy & scale containers using Docker Swarm or Kubernetes Engine Add-on
Docker Hub - QIE container images published by Qvera and available in Docker Hub
Cloud Hosting Enterprise Professional
Amazon AWS - Published Solutions

- Virtual machine images with OS, QIE and back-end database pre-configured for single click deploy

- Container images pre-configured for QIE distributed cluster deployments (via Docker Hub)

Google Cloud - Published Solutions

- Virtual machine images with OS, QIE and back-end database pre-configured for single click deploy

- Container images pre-configured for QIE distributed cluster deployments (via Docker Hub)

Microsoft Azure - Published Solutions

- Virtual machine images with OS, QIE and back-end database pre-configured for single click deploy (coming soon)

- Container images pre-configured for QIE distributed cluster deployments (via Docker Hub)

Enterprise Scalability and High Availability Enterprise Professional
QIE Distributed Cluster - Multiple QIE instances running simultaneously in a distributed clusterconfiguration against a single QIE database. Provides HA redundancy and QIE scalability. Add-on
QIE HA Primary/Backup - One primary QIE instance with one or more backup (standby) QIE instanceswhich automatically take over message processing if the primary instance fails. Add-on
Back-End Database Scalability and High Availability Enterprise Professional
Enterprise DBMS Support - Use MariaDB, MySQL or Microsoft SQL Server as the back-end QIE database
DBMS in Distributed Cluster - Multiple DBMS instances running simultaneously in a distributed cluster
DBMS in HA Primary/Backup - One primary DBMS instance with one or more backup DBMS instances
Rapid Interface Development Enterprise Professional
Visual Channel Editor - Quick wire-frame interface development using a graphical interface editor
Advanced Node Path Syntax - QIE's simple, yet powerful, node path syntax for identifying, navigating,and modifying message nodes and sections - available for every data format:
HPath* - HL7v2, X12, ASTMJPath* - JSON, FHIRSimple Node Path - CSV, Plain Text, Fixed Width
XPath - XML, CDA, HL7v3DPath* - DICOM* HPath, JPath & DPath are QIE proprietary node path syntaxes
Advanced JavaScript Editor - A JavaScript editor with advanced features that make coding in QIE easy

Code Wizard - Easy access to all built-in QIE defined functions

Code Completion - Intelligent code completion speeds up the process of scripting in QIE

Syntax Validation - Real time syntax validation highlights coding errors as scripts are written

Task Automation Utilities - Utilities that automate and simplify common time-consuming tasks

Node Path Lookup Dialog - Populate node path values using a point-&-click sample message dialog

RegEx Validation Dialog - Easily validate the syntax of regular expressions

Standard Functions Dialog - Add common data mapping functions without any coding required

Smart Message Editors - Stylized message editors highlight fields based on type. Editors support node-path search. For example, searching for 'PID-2' in HL7 selects the Patient ID

Shared Variables & Caches - Store elements in system variables or channel caches for shared usage
Channel Change History - Track and revert configuration changes with built in version control
Organize Channels by Zone - Group, manage and control access to channels using Zones
Encrypt & Secure Interface Configurations - Secure your intellectual property and prevent interface tampering by publishing your interface configurations for distribution as encrypted secure packages Add-on
Fully Integrated Testing Framework Enterprise Professional
Step-by-Step Testing - Step messages through proposed changes, one function at a time, beforecommitting them to production. Easily view the message state before and after each executed step.
Visual Follow Test Messages - The active channel node is highlighted as the test message is steppedthrough the interface, showing exactly where it is during each step of the testing process.
Configure Multiple Sample Message - Configure multiple sample messages to represent all expectedmessage variations. Easily create sample messages from actual messages processed by the channel.
Monitoring, Error Management, and Alerting Enterprise Professional
Channel Status Dashboards - Monitor channel status/health using the global and zone status dashboards
Automated Email Alerts - Configure users to receive role based email alerts by channel/zone

Erred Messages - Send alerts for erred messages

Consecutive Errors - Send alerts after 'x' consecutive send/receive errors

Channel Inactivity - Send inactivity alerts based on a schedule of expected activity

Large Queue Backlog - Send alerts when queue backlogs exceed defined thresholds

Channel Auto Error Recovery - Configure channels to automatically recover from erred states

Stop After Consecutive Errors - Configure channel to stop after 'x' consecutive errors

Restart Auto-stopped Channel - Auto-restart a channel stopped in an error state after 'x' seconds

Error Management Automation - Automate and streamline the process of managing erred messages

Scripted Error Management - Automate the process of managing errors with scheduled scripts

Managing Errors as Batches - View and manage errors in batches using the Distinct Errors Dialog

Scripted Error Management - Automate the process of managing errors with scheduled scripts

Data Formats and Standards Enterprise Professional
Industry Standard Data Formats - HL7® (v2), X12, ASTM
General Data Formats - CSV, Plain Text, Fixed Width, Binary and EDIFACT
Advanced Data Formats - FHIR®, HL7® (v3), DICOM, XML, JSON, DB Query Add-on
Communication Protocols Enterprise Professional
Industry Standard Protocols - HL7 LLP, File, Network Share, FTP, FTPS, SFTP
IHE Communication Protocols - XDR/XDS, XCA/XCPD, PIX/PDQ, DSUB and more... Add-on
Web Service Protocols - FHIR, SAML, OAuth, HTTP/S, SOAP, REST (URL & Content Encoding) Add-on
Advanced Communication Protocols - Custom APIs, DB Query, Custom Scripting Add-on
Digital Certificate Management - Easily import, generate and manage private keys, self-signed certificates and certificate signing requests (CSR). Automated email notifications and alerts for expiring certificates. Add-on
HL7 Interface Engine Extensibility Enterprise Professional
Import External Java Libraries - Dynamically load and use any external Java library for use within QIE Add-on
Scheduled Scripts - Automate common tasks and management operations using scheduled scripts Add-on
Published Functions - Import or create custom JavaScript functions that can be used in channel scripts Add-on
Third-Party Status Monitoring - Monitor QIE channel status with third-party tools & QIE's monitoring API Add-on
Security Enterprise Professional
Comprehensive Role-Based User Security - Limit access based on user role. Enforce strong passwordsand password expiration. Set auto lock/logout thresholds. Track user activity with audit logging.
Database Encryption - All sensitive data is automatically encrypted (passwords, message data, etc.)
Secure Access to Admin Console - Ability to secure access to the QIE Admin Console using HTTPS Add-on
Support and Training Enterprise Professional
QIE Auto-Update - Schedule automatic download and install of new QIE releases
Training & Certification - Access to tutorials, a comprehensive knowledge base, and certification courses
Phone & Email Support - Get support from a Qvera engineer by phone, remote screen share and email
Interface Development Assistance - Consult with Qvera engineers while building & deploying interfaces Add-on

FHIR Features and Functionality

Support for the HL7 FHIR Standard Enterprise Professional
Support for all FHIR Versions - Seamless transition and support for all versions of the FHIRspecification - DSTU 2, STU 3, R4, R5, etc. Add-on
Support for all FHIR Extensions - Easily support all FHIR extensions, including those defined in thevarious FHIR implementation guides Add-on
Support for all FHIR Operations - Ability to call/execute all defined RESTful API operation including thosesupported by terminology servers (looking up or translating code sets) Add-on
Support for all FHIR Formats - Manage FHIR resources as either JSON or XML. Use QIE’s native FHIRconversion utilities to easily convert FHIR resources from JSON to XML and vice versa. Add-on
Support for all FHIR RESTful APIs - Full support for REST based web service calls, including support forall REST based HTTP methods used by the FHIR API - GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, PATCH and HEAD Add-on
Translating Between FHIR and Other Data Formats Enterprise Professional
Convert FHIR ‹–› HL7 - Easily convert FHIR resources (from both JSON and XML formats) to HL7 v2messages and vice versa using QIE’s advanced node path syntax and support for templates Add-on
Convert FHIR ‹–› CDA - Easily convert FHIR resources (from both JSON and XML formats) to CDAdocuments and vice versa using QIE’s advanced node path syntax and support for templates Add-on
Advanced Node Path Syntax - QIE’s simple, yet powerful, node path syntax for identifying, navigating,and modifying message nodes and sections - available for every data format
Adding SMART on FHIR Capabilities to an Application or EHR Platform Enterprise Professional
Configure QIE as a SMART App Server - Utilizing QIE’s support for OAuth 2.0, QIE can be configured to act as a SMART App Server that can authenticate a SMART Application with an EHR Authorization Server following the launch sequences outlined in the SMART App Launch Framework Add-on
Configure QIE as a SMART Authorization Server - Utilizing QIE’s support for OAuth 2.0, QIE can be configured to act as a SMART Authorization Server that can handle SMART Application authorization requests following the launch sequences outlined in the SMART App Launch Framework Add-on
Configure QIE as a SMART enabled FHIR Server - Utilizing QIE’s support for OAuth 2.0, JSON, XML and QIE’s built in FHIR conversion utilities, QIE can be configured to act as a SMART enabled FHIR Server for any EHR platform. Add-on
QIE Product Features that support HL7 FHIR Enterprise Professional
Built-in JSON & XML FHIR Conversion Utilities - With QIE’s built in FHIR conversion utilities, FHIR resources can easily be converted between both JSON and XML formats supported by the standard Add-on
HTTP Endpoint Configuration - A QIE channel can be configured to listen for inbound HTTP requests andrespond with appropriate HTTP content, response codes and custom HTTP header values Add-on
Digital Certificate Management - Easily import, generate and manage private keys, self-signed certificatesand certificate signing requests (CSR). Automated email notifications and alerts for expiring certificates. Add-on
Integrated OAuth 2.0 Support - QIE web service connection can easily be configured to automatically handle the process of requesting, storing and renewing OAuth 2.0 bearer tokens Add-on

DICOM Features and Functionality

DICOM Network Communications Enterprise Professional
DICOM Connections - DICOM connections can be configured in QIE to connect to any PACS, RIS or device Add-on
DICOM Channel Listeners - A QIE channel can be configured to listen for inbound DICOM requests, and respond with appropriate responses. Listeners can be bound to one or more DICOM connections. Add-on
DICOM Services - DICOM listeners and connections can be configured to support the appropriate DICOM services or presentation contexts. QIE supports all defined presentation contexts. Add-on
DICOM TLS Communications - QIE supports securing DICOM connections using TLS security, including support for limiting trusted certificates and support for client authentication Add-on
DICOM Messaging Services Enterprise Professional
Composite DICOM Message Services (DIMSE-C) - QIE supports all DIMSE-C services

C-FIND - Used to locate a particular DICOM object

C-GET - Used to request a DICOM object from a system or device that has it

C-STORE - Used to transmit a DICOM object across an interface to another system for storage

C-MOVE - Used when one device wants to send a DICOM object to another

C-ECHO - Used to verify that a DICOM connection is functioning - analogous to a ‘Ping’

Normalized DICOM Message Services (DIMSE-N) - QIE supports all DIMSE-N services

N-GET - Used to retrieve information

N-SET - Used to request that information be modified

N-ACTION - Used to request that a particular action be performed

N-CREATE - Used to request that a DICOM object plus services be created

N-DELETE - Used to request that a DICOM object plus services be deleted

N-EVENT-REPORT - Used to notify users of a service about an event regarding a DICOM object

DICOM Message Format Enterprise Professional
DICOM Message Type - Native support for the DICOM binary format including the ability to query for information using the message.getNode('') function and the ability to modify information using the message.setNode('') function without having to convert the DICOM object to an XML or JSON format Add-on
DICOM Node Path Syntax (DPath) - QIE’s simple, yet powerful, node path syntax for identifying, navigating, and modifying DICOM data elements. For example, calling message.getNode('‘/0000,0100’') returns the Command Field element from the DICOM object. Add-on
DICOM Node Path Lookup Dialog - Easily populate node path values using sample DICOM messages and a point-&-click user interface, so you always know exactly what data is going to be returned or modified Add-on
DICOM Format Conversion Utilities Enterprise Professional
Convert to DICOM from XML or JSON - Convert an XML or JSON formatted representation of a DICOM object to a native binary DICOM object Add-on
Convert from DICOM to XML or JSON - Convert a native binary DICOM object to an XML or JSON formatted representation of the DICOM object Add-on
Convert from DICOM to JPEG - Easily render the image data in a native binary DICOM object as a JPEG image for use in other message formats or use cases Add-on
Preview DICOM Images - Easily preview DICOM object image data using the QIE console Add-on
DICOM Helper Functions Enterprise Professional
DICOM Dictionary Lookup Dialog - Easily find the right DICOM Tag, SOP Class UID or Transfer Syntax UID using QIE’s built-in DICOM Code lookup dialog Add-on
Auto-Create Request & Response Objects - Functions to create common DICOM requests & responses

Create C-FIND Request - A function to create a C-FIND request object

Create C-GET Request - A function to create a C-GET request object

Create C-STORE Request - A function to create a C-STORE request object

Create C-MOVE Request - A function to create a C-MOVE request object

Create C-ECHO Request - A function to create a C-ECHO request object

Create DICOM Request - A function to create a generic DICOM request object

Create DICOM Response - A function to create a response to an associated DICOM request object


Cloud Computing, Scalability and High Availability

Amazon AWS Enterprise Professional
Published Virtual Machine Images - Virtual machine images available in the Amazon AWS Marketplace with OS, QIE and back-end database pre-configured for single click deploy
Published Container Images - Container images available in the Amazon AWS Marketplace pre-configured for QIE distributed cluster deployments (via Docker Hub) Add-on
Google Cloud Enterprise Professional
Published Virtual Machine Images - Virtual machine images available in the Amazon AWS Marketplace with OS, QIE and back-end database pre-configured for single click deploy
Published Container Images - Container images available in the Amazon AWS Marketplace pre-configured for QIE distributed cluster deployments (via Docker Hub) Add-on
Native Support for the Cloud Healthcare API - Easily configure a connection to the Google Cloud Healthcare API, by simply importing the JSON Key File which automatically configures the web service connection, including OAuth security. Access any of the supported data stores (FHIR®, HL7v2®, DICOM) Add-on
Microsoft Azure Enterprise Professional
Published Virtual Machine Images - Virtual machine images available in the Amazon AWS Marketplace with OS, QIE and back-end database pre-configured for single click deploy (coming soon)
Published Container Images - Container images available in the Amazon AWS Marketplace pre-configured for QIE distributed cluster deployments (via Docker Hub) Add-on
Enterprise Scalability Enterprise Professional
QIE Container Support - Ability to deploy QIE as a light weight Docker container Add-on
Container Orchestration - Provision, deploy & scale containers using Docker Swarm or Kubernetes Add-on
Docker Hub - QIE container images published by Qvera and available in Docker Hub (coming soon) Add-on
QIE Distributed Cluster - Multiple QIE containers running simultaneously in a distributed cluster configuration against a single QIE database. Optional RabbitMQ message queuing service also available. Add-on
Enterprise High Availability and Fault Tolerance Enterprise Professional
QIE in HA Primary/Backup Configuration - One primary QIE instance with one or more backup (standby) QIE instances which automatically take over message processing if the primary instance fails Add-on
Multiple Load Balanced QIE Instances - Multiple QIE Servers running simultaneously in a cluster configuration against a single QIE database, which is also configured in an cluster or HA configuration Add-on
DB in HA Primary/Backup Configuration - One primary DB instance with one or more backup DB instances
DB in Distributed Cluster - Multiple DB containers running simultaneously in a distributed cluster

The HL7 Interface Engine Built for Today's Healthcare Cloud - Qvera (1)* The QIE HL7 interface engine configurations shown above can be implemented either on premises or in a cloud hosted environment

The HL7 Interface Engine Built for Today's Healthcare Cloud - Qvera (2024)
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Name: Dong Thiel

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Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.