How hotel operating costs affect the bottom line [2023 Update] (2024)

Striking a balance: controlling hotel operating costs while upholding guest satisfaction

Keeping hotel operating expenses under control is essential to running a successful property. High business expenses and wasteful practices can deplete profit margins and threaten a property’s financial health and long-term viability.

In the ideal scenario, property expenses would be perfectly aligned with total revenue, leaving a tidy profit for hotel owners. But finding the right balance between revenue and costs while upholding standards of quality and guest experience is not always that easy.

With the right know-how and tools in place, you can improve financial results while keeping guests happy, your employees loyal, and positioning your property for long-term success.

What are hotel operating costs?

Hotel operating costs are the expenses associated with maintaining and running a property. In the hotel industry, they range from fixed costs like rent, property taxes, and insurance to variable costs like hourly wages, utility costs, and travel agent commissions.

Operating costs are managed by each department and consolidated in the hotel’s profit & loss statement (P&L). In the P&L, operating expenses are segmented by month and department and subtracted from topline revenue to give the hotel’s gross operating profit, or GOP, a key measure of performance.

If the GOP is positive, the property is running at an operating profit. If the GOP is negative, the hotel is spending more money than it’s earning and needs to cut costs or boost revenue to improve the bottom line.

Types of hotel operating expenses

A hotel’s operating expenses can be divided into two types:

Fixed costs

Fixed costs generally remain the same regardless of how busy the property is, although they may change periodically. For example, a hotel pays the same rent and property taxes whether it’s running at 30% occupancy or 100% occupancy.

Examples of fixed costs in hotels include:

  • Payroll-related expenses
  • Rent or mortgage
  • Property taxes
  • Insurance
  • Fixed monthly bills like cable and internet
  • Franchise and management fees (if applicable)
  • Technology (E.g., fixed monthly subscription fees)

Variable costs

Variable costs can fluctuate from day to day and are often correlated with occupancy levels. They are, therefore, harder to predict but easier to control, making them prime targets for cost-trimming. For example, the costs of hourly staff and cleaning supplies will be higher when a hotel is running at 100% occupancy than at 30% occupancy.

Examples of variable costs in hotels include:

  • Hourly labor
  • Utilities like gas, electricity, and water
  • Marketing and distribution
  • Housekeeping supplies
  • Maintenance costs
  • Food and beverage inventory
  • Credit card commissions and otherpayment processing fees
  • Technology (if fees are charged on a per-usage basis)

Note that some expenses, like labor costs and technology, can be both fixed and variable. For example, salaries are considered fixed expenses because they don’t vary significantly from month to month, whereas hourly wages are considered variable expenses because they can fluctuate relative to occupancy.

Understanding and controlling hotel operating costs

To control costs, hotel management needs to know how much your property is spending, where the money is going, and why. Use the P&L statement to analyze each department and compare performance to the budget, forecast, and previous months and years. Look for patterns, outliers, and areas for improvement.

The following key performance indicators (KPIs) will help you understand how costs affect revenue and profitability. They can be measured by day, month, or year.

Cost per occupied room (CPOR)

Cost per occupied room, or CPOR, is a measure of the average cost of a hotel guest occupying a guestroom, including both fixed and variable costs. The lower the CPOR, the more potential profit a hotel can make on room sales.CPOR is calculated by dividing total room department costs by the total rooms sold in a given period.

CPOR = Total Rooms Costs/Total Rooms Sold

How hotel operating costs affect the bottom line [2023 Update] (1)

Cost per available room (CPAR)

Cost per available room, or CPAR, is similar to CPOR, except it measures the average cost of servicing all rooms on the property, not just occupied rooms. Whereas occupied rooms can fluctuate day by day, the number of available rooms is relatively fixed.CPAR is calculated by dividing total room department costs by the total number of available room nights in a given period.

CPAR = Total Rooms Costs/Total Available Room Nights

Gross operating profit per available room (GOPPAR)

Gross operating profit per available room, or GOPPAR, is a measure of average gross operating profit relative to the number of available rooms in a hotel.GOPPAR is calculated by dividing gross operating profit by the total number of available room nights in a given period.

GOPPAR = GOP/Total Available Room Nights

How hotel operating costs affect the bottom line [2023 Update] (2)

Labor per available room (LPAR)

Labor is one of the highest expenditures for hotels, representing 49% of total costson average, according to STR. Since the pandemic, labor expenses have climbed even further. Labor cost per available room, or LPAR, is a measure of a hotel’s labor expenses relative to the number of available rooms. LPAR is calculated by dividing total labor costs by the total rooms available in a given period.

LPAR = Total Labor/Total Available Room Nights

How hotel operating costs affect the bottom line [2023 Update] (3)

Guest acquisition costs (GAC)

Guest acquisition costs, or GAC, are the expenses used to generate bookings for a hotel. This includes agency commissions, transaction fees, and sales & marketing expenses. Generally, the lower the acquisition costs, the more profitable room sales are. To calculate GAC, divide total acquisition costs by the total room revenue in a given period and multiply by 100.

GAC = Total Acquisition Costs/Total Rooms Revenue x 100

6 ways to reduce hotel operating expenses

Now let’s imagine you have analyzed your P&L statement and found that operating costs have climbed too high across departments. While every property will take a different approach, here are some key areas to consider to streamline operations and optimize costs.

1. Schedule smarter

Effective scheduling is the easiest way to manage labor costs. Staffing levels should be closely correlated to the flow of arrivals and departures. For example, housekeeping staff should be scheduled based on expected daily occupancy and the average time needed to clean a room. For all departments, costs can be trimmed by sending staff home early or asking them to come in later when the hotel is quieter than anticipated.

2. Cross-train staff

The more versatile employees are at covering duties in other departments, the more flexibility you will have to shift resources where they are needed most. For example, in some smaller properties, front desk staff are trained to seat guests in the restaurant, deliver room service, and clean rooms. Cross-training allows you to operate with fewer staff on property, builds teamwork, and helps employees develop new skills.

3. Offer opt-in housekeeping services

In the hospitality industry, travelers have grown to expect opt-in housekeeping services, and many like the flexibility, but sometimes they need a little nudge. At check-in or prior to arrival, ask guests if they prefer to have intermittent rather than daily housekeeping services. Not only will this save labor costs, but it will also reduce laundering costs and increase operational efficiency.

4. Reduce energy costs

Hotels in the U.S. spend about 6 percent of operating costs on energy each year, according to Energy Star, and costs have climbed even further recently. To reduce them, start with simple, affordable sustainability initiatives like LED light bulbs, staff education, and regular maintenance of HVAC systems. In the longer term, invest in occupancy sensors, smart thermostats, and energy-efficient HVAC systems.

5. Practice smart revenue management

Revenue management is about more than generating revenue, it’s also about controlling the costs of distribution and guest acquisition. Costs can vary significantly by channel, and a direct booking strategy will help reduce OTA commissions. By targeting repeat and long-stay guests, you can bring down marketing and labor costs. And by forecasting occupancy accurately, you can help reduce overstaffing and wastage.

6. Reassess your software stack

With technology proliferating in hotels, it’s easy to lose control of costs. To reduce labor expenses, utilize tools that automate simple, repetitive tasks like a web booking engine, guest engagement platform, and a remote check-in solution. To reduce on-premise technology costs, switch to an integrated, cloud-based hospitality management platform.

For example, Triple C Hotels & Resorts trimmed 60% of its hotel software budget and increaseddirect bookingsby 12% by switching to a cloud-based property management system (PMS) PMS with an integrated pricing intelligence engine.

Find out how Cloudbeds’ integrated platform can help your property save operating costs while increasing guest and employee satisfaction.

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5 questions to ask when reducing hotel operating expenses

Finally, it’s important to consider how reducing expenses will affect quality, guest satisfaction, and employee satisfaction. If your efforts damage guest loyalty, staff turnover, or online reputation, the costs may exceed the benefits.

Before deciding whether or not to reduce costs, ask the following questions:

  1. What will the impact be on quality? Can we continue to maintain our quality standards?
  2. How will it affect our guests? Will we frustrate or inconvenience them?
  3. How will it impact our ability to maintain occupancy rates and meet revenue objectives?
  4. How will staff workloads and morale be affected? Will turnover increase?
  5. How can we roll out the changes in a way that staff and guests support them?

Ask for input from guests and monitor feedback closely in online reviews and surveys. Where possible, involve staff members in the process too. By sharing financial goals with staff and rewarding them for achievements, you will build a culture of fiscal responsibility across operating departments.

Being a stickler about costs isn’t always easy, but it will help you run a leaner, more profitable operation and will position you for success now and into the future.

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How hotel operating costs affect the bottom line [2023 Update] (2024)


What are the operating costs of a hotel? ›

Hotel operating costs are those required to keep your hotel running, such as costs of food and beverage, commissions, and utility costs. These expenses are found within all operating departments, which include rooms, sales & marketing, and property operations, to name a few.

How do hotels reduce operating costs? ›

Wednesday Wisdom: 7 Simple Ways to Reduce Hotel Operating Costs While Sustaining Customer Service
  1. Optimize labor scheduling and staff training. ...
  2. Attend to utilities. ...
  3. Stay on top of maintenance. ...
  4. Improve the employee onboarding experience. ...
  5. Take advantage of technology to automate processes. ...
  6. Streamline F&B to reduce waste.

How can hotel operations be improved explain your answer? ›

Automate daily tasks to keep teams focused on your standards. Streamline housekeeping and hotel maintenance processes. Create an efficient issue management processes. Empower teams to easily make decisions to drive business improvement.

What are the operational issues in hotel management? ›

Top 5 hotel operation challenges
  • Long Failure Resolution Times. Ensuring a good failure resolution time is a crucial part of hotel maintenance and has a direct impact on guest satisfaction and billing. ...
  • Administrative work. ...
  • Calls and Interruptions. ...
  • Communication between teams. ...
  • High cost of operations.

What are three examples of operating costs? ›

Types of Operating Costs
  • Accounting and legal fees.
  • Bank charges.
  • Sales and marketing costs.
  • Travel expenses.
  • Entertainment costs.
  • Non-capitalized research and development expenses.
  • Office supply costs.
  • Rent.

What are operating costs examples? ›

Examples include rent, travel, utilities, salaries, office supplies, maintenance and repairs, property taxes and depreciation (see below for a more comprehensive list).

What are the most important factors affecting operating cost? ›

Fuel Costs – Fuel Costs have quite possibly the most significant impact on operating costs. Depending on the horsepower and fuel consumption of an asset, fuel costs can account for over half of the operating costs in some cases, thus, highlighting the importance of understanding an assets fuel costs and fuel trends.

How can operating costs be improved? ›

8 easy ways to reduce expenses and business operating costs
  1. Identify and resolve problems more effectively. ...
  2. Minimise waste. ...
  3. Reduce supply expenses. ...
  4. Take advantage of modern marketing techniques. ...
  5. 6. … ...
  6. Don't try and do it all – find your niche. ...
  7. Focus on quality – implement a quality management system (QMS)

Why is it important to reduce operating costs? ›

As you grow, your operating expenses will too, meaning that you're losing a larger chunk of hard-earned revenue. Cutting down your operating costs can maximize your profit margins and keep you succeeding even in uncertain markets.

What are the 3 things we can do to improve the hotel? ›

7 Tips to Improve Service Quality at Your Hotel
  1. Treat every guest like a VIP. ...
  2. Make training an everyday priority and not just a one-time event. ...
  3. Provide personalized customer service. ...
  4. Create a positive start for new employees. ...
  5. Update your technology toolbox. ...
  6. Take measure of your customer service performance.
Jan 1, 2017

How can operations improve performance? ›

9 Steps to Improve Operational Efficiency
  1. Use Performance Data to Set Benchmarks and Goals. ...
  2. Implement Automation. ...
  3. Create Open Lines of Communication. ...
  4. Adopt Digital Time Tracking. ...
  5. Encourage Employee Collaboration. ...
  6. Identify Bottlenecks in Your Processes. ...
  7. Hire the Right People and Train Them Well. ...
  8. Focus on Service.
Aug 9, 2022

What are the five 5 Current Challenges of operations management? ›

What are the 5 Current Challenges of Operations Management? There are multiple challenges that operations managers face on a daily basis; this blog highlights the following five: globalization, sustainability, ethical conduct, ineffective communication, and system design.

What is common operational issue in the hotel industry? ›

The first most common operational issue in the hotel business is employee turnover. The around-the-clock hours means staff around the clock too. It is not your typical Monday through Friday office hours job.

What are the two main types of operating costs? ›

Types of Operating Costs

Operating costs are often divided into two categories: variable and fixed. Variable operating costs increase with the output level and decrease as output decreases, while fixed operating costs remain constant regardless of output level. There are many different types of operating costs.

What is a good operating cost? ›

The normal operating expense ratio range is typically between 60% to 80%, and the lower it is, the better. “Below 70%, you're doing a really good job of controlling expenses,” says Vice President AgDirect Credit Jerry Auel.

What is the importance of operating costs? ›

Operating expenses are important because they can help assess a company's cost and stock management efficiency. It highlights the level of cost that a company needs to make to generate revenue, which is the main goal of a company.

How can operating costs be reduced? ›

You may be surprised, but being vigilant in identifying inefficiencies may go a long way in reducing operational costs. Your business can be more efficient by reducing waste in time and materials, condensing your procedures and processes, eliminating employee perks, obtaining more energy-efficient equipment, etc.

How do operating costs affect profit? ›

Operating expenses differ by industry and within an industry by how a company decides to operate based on its business model. As a general rule, an increase in any type of business expense lowers profit. Operating expenses are only one type of expense that reduces net sales to reach net profit.

What is the operating cost Meaning? ›

Operating costs refer to the costs incurred to maintain the day-to-day operations of your business. These include operating expenses like: rent, inventory costs. equipment. insurance.

What causes high operating costs? ›

Wasting raw materials causes operational expenses to skyrocket, and profit margins to plummet. The best way to avoid waste is to base orders for raw materials off of estimated sales by looking at same-day sales from the previous year. For instance, look at the restaurant industry.

What are four examples of operating costing? ›

10 examples of operating costs
  • Salary and benefits. ...
  • Rent or property purchase costs. ...
  • Advertising and marketing fees. ...
  • Licensing fees. ...
  • Property taxes. ...
  • Utility costs. ...
  • Vehicle maintenance. ...
  • Direct materials costs.
Aug 4, 2021

What are the 4 factors which affect operational plan? ›

Ans : The various factors affecting an operational plan are:
  • Venture Nature.
  • Product/service type.
  • Operational scale.
  • Technology involved.

How to reduce operating cost while keeping the quality intact? ›

8 Tips to Reduce Operating Costs
  1. Leverage Technology. In today's digital age, there is an abundant source of business systems and software platforms. ...
  2. Research Vendors. ...
  3. Outsource Jobs. ...
  4. Promote Telecommuting. ...
  5. Pay Vendors Promptly. ...
  6. Take Notice of Inefficiencies. ...
  7. Cancel Subscriptions. ...
  8. Be Sustainable.
Mar 19, 2021

Can operating costs be fixed? ›

Operating expenses can be both fixed and variable. Some of the most common operating expenses are those related to compensation as well as sales and marketing. Certain companies also include the cost of goods sold as an operating expense, as it often helps them access additional financing for the next fiscal year.

What are the benefits of reducing costs? ›

As earlier mentioned, reducing costs brings about an increase in revenue. By reducing expenses, you can increase the company's net profit and its profit margin. Lowering business costs can prove to be an essential factor in expanding your margin. Using cost reduction solutions brings many benefits to the business.

What are at least three 3 major trends in today's hotel industry? ›

Current and emerging hotel trends to be aware of
  • Smart hotel technology. Incorporating the Internet of Things (IoT) into a property is something that excites guests. ...
  • Sustainable hotels. ...
  • Robot staff. ...
  • Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality. ...
  • Unique brand experiences.

What can hotels do to attract customers? ›

10 Effective Ways To Attract Hotel Customers
  • Impress Visitors before their arrival.
  • Train your staff to deliver world-class service.
  • Maintain Excellent Room Services.
  • Offer better rates with recreational facilities.
  • Establish an online presence.
  • Take advantage of peak booking seasons.
Jan 11, 2023

What are the 4 operations strategies? ›

The four competitive priorities for operations strategy and management include cost, quality, flexibility, and speed. Consideration and strategy concerning how to stand apart from the competition in some or all of these will drive your company's growth and continued success.

What makes operations effective and efficient? ›

Factors of operational efficiency

Operational efficiency is gained through a company by cost-effectively streamlining its base operations while eliminating redundant processes and waste. Generally, this is done by focusing on resource utilization, production, inventory management and distribution.

What are the key elements of operations improvement? ›

Tin Chung Shea describes the 7 key elements of improving operation quality: management commitment, process, tools, competence, document and knowledge management, continuous improvement and cyber security.

What are the five 5 operations performance objectives? ›

According to Andy Neely, author of the book “Business Performance Measurement: Unifying Theory and Integrating Practice,” there are five main operational performance objectives: speed, quality, costs, flexibility, and dependability.

Why is it important to improve operational efficiency? ›

Why is operational efficiency important? A business's operations include all the things it does to create products or services. If your operations aren't efficient you could be wasting money and effort. Efficient operations are cost-effective, reducing waste while maintaining quality and service.

How can a company improve its operations? ›

How to Improve Business Operations
  1. Define and measure key performance metrics.
  2. Identify inhibitors to growth.
  3. Create new processes.
  4. Analyze and improve existing processes.
  5. Stay informed about industry trends.
Jul 20, 2022

What is the greatest challenge that the hotel industry is facing right now? ›

Low Occupancy. Very low occupancy rates are a major concern for the industry as re-opening starts over the summer. Most operators require a minimum occupancy of 40% to simply break-even. At the height of the lock-down, occupancy rates were between 0% and 20% across the industry.

What are the major operational issues? ›

Here, we'll present 10 of the most frequent operational issues that businesses face when they grow, and what they need to do to overcome them.
  • Managing overheads. ...
  • Monitoring performance. ...
  • Listening to feedback. ...
  • Responding to competition. ...
  • Regulation and compliance. ...
  • Uncertainty. ...
  • Cyber risks.
Jul 19, 2019

What is the biggest challenge working in operations? ›

Unresolved conflicts between departments

You have different groups, with varying agendas, who all think that they know best. Managing conflicts or competing business practices within an organization is a major challenge for an operations managers, who are often left feeling like a school principal.

What are some operational issues? ›

5 Common Operational Challenges Business Face
  • Weak Systems and Inefficient Processes. Internal systems and processes are made up of detailed procedures that businesses use for consistent, measurable results. ...
  • Work Fatigue. ...
  • Waste (Muda) ...
  • Client Dependence. ...
  • Balancing Quality and Growth.
Jun 17, 2021

What are operational costs in a hotel? ›

Hotel operating costs are those required to keep your hotel running, such as costs of food and beverage, commissions, and utility costs. These expenses are found within all operating departments, which include rooms, sales & marketing, and property operations, to name a few.

What are the three biggest challenges for hotels organizational structure today? ›

The three biggest challenges for hotels' organizational structure are: globalized business environment, technology development and request of interested parties.

What are the four major challenges of the hospitality industry? ›

4 Challenges Facing the Hotel Industry
  • Competition from Hotel Alternatives (like Airbnb) It's impossible to discuss challenges facing the hospitality industry without talking about the elephant in the room — ahem, Airbnb (and similar companies). ...
  • Increasing Energy Costs. ...
  • Data Security. ...
  • Personalizing Guest Experience.
Jul 5, 2018

What could be done to decrease the operating expenses? ›

You may be surprised, but being vigilant in identifying inefficiencies may go a long way in reducing operational costs. Your business can be more efficient by reducing waste in time and materials, condensing your procedures and processes, eliminating employee perks, obtaining more energy-efficient equipment, etc.

How can operations reduce costs? ›

12 ways to reduce your IT costs
  1. Reducing personnel costs.
  2. Replace turnover with lower level employees.
  3. Hire new college graduates every year.
  4. Manage your contractors.
  5. Use offshore resources less than you do now.
  6. Reduce turnover.
  7. Reducing non-personnel costs.
  8. Virtualize servers by using containers.
Mar 7, 2017

How can a business reduce operating expenses? ›

How to reduce business operating costs
  1. Automate business processes. ...
  2. Outsource. ...
  3. Review your insurance policy. ...
  4. Pay invoices on time. ...
  5. Review expenses regularly. ...
  6. Cut down on office space. ...
  7. Shop around for the best rate. ...
  8. Ask your employees for ideas.

How to manage your cost costs in a hotel as a hotel manager? ›

Tools to help control hotel operations costs
  1. Connect your channel manager and booking engine.
  2. Take direct bookings on your website.
  3. Track and measure which online sales channels are generating the most bookings.
  4. Manage reservations with a simple drag and drop calendar.
  5. Organise and streamline housekeeping.

What happens when operating expenses increase? ›

An increase in operating expenses means less profit for a business. Often operating expenses receive the most scrutiny from a company, as these types of costs may be less fixed than their non-operating expenses, manufacturing costs and capital expenditures.

What is the example of cost reduction? ›

Cost cutting measures may include laying off employees, reducing employee pay, closing facilities, streamlining the supply chain, downsizing to a smaller office, or moving to a less expensive building or area, reducing or eliminating outside professional services, such as advertising agencies and contractors, etc.

Why is cost control important in a hotel? ›

In the hospitality industry food cost control is very important since it requires intense budgeting, the process can limit waste. The general rule of thumb in the Food & Beverage industry is to keep food cost percentages between 28-32%.

What are the four 4 main processes of cost management? ›

While cost management overall is a complicated process and a critical project management knowledge area, we can break it down into four processes:
  • Resource planning. ...
  • Cost estimation. ...
  • Cost budget. ...
  • Cost control.
Mar 18, 2022

What are the 5 functions of cost management? ›

Planning, communication, motivation, appraisal, and decision-making are the features that make managing costs an important business procedure. Resource allocation, cost estimation, cost budgeting, and cost control are the major functions of the cost management process.

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Author: Duncan Muller

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Name: Duncan Muller

Birthday: 1997-01-13

Address: Apt. 505 914 Phillip Crossroad, O'Konborough, NV 62411

Phone: +8555305800947

Job: Construction Agent

Hobby: Shopping, Table tennis, Snowboarding, Rafting, Motor sports, Homebrewing, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.