How to Create Hotels that Are Profitable? | Achin Khanna | Hotelivate (2024)

A myriad of factors impacts the profit-generating ability of hotels,

not the least of which is the market’s inherent potential.

As a hotel consultant, I am often asked a pertinent question: Do hotels make profits in India? The challenges in building, operating, buying and selling hotels are a plenty. Investors frequently point to the relatively lower risk associated with other commercial asset classes such as office buildings, retail developments and warehouses. The highly dynamic and perishable nature of the hotel business pushes them to question the very veracity of it.

So, are hotels a good investment? Do hotels make profits in India? At the risk of doing what consultants do so well, I must state that my answer is — it really depends. A myriad of factors impacts the profit-generating ability of hotels, not the least of which is the market’s inherent potential. Both inbound and domestic movements across India have been displaying congruous growth. The demographic denominations thus point to a promising base of demand that shall continue to extend. While some other sectors have witnessed a dampening of sentiment in recent months, the corporate tax rate slash and the GST reduction on guest room folios has the potential to shore up the hotel business.

Moreover, economic appreciation is being witnessed across scores of rapidly developing towns and cities. Travel, trade and resultant tourism are likely to be the natural benefactors of such an environment. It may appear reasonable to infer from such circ*mstances that year-on-year growth of revenue (and by some ill-fated logic, profits) across most hotels in India is infallible. You see, this is where it becomes important to make a distinction between what is practical and what is practicable.

Higher Room Demand May Not Always Translate To Profits

A straight forward, logic-based, sensible argument — ‘Hotel room night demand in India is strong’. That is a practical position. All indicators lead us to find merit in it. However, while practical refers to something that is easy to accept, practicable means ‘something that can actually be achieved’; something that is workable, attainable or feasible. It is practical to assume that rooms will sell, and revenue will be earned. However, it is not always practicable that profits will be had.

Why the word play, one may ask. Hopefully to draw a distinction between businesses simply existing, versus businesses growing meaningfully. There is scant rationale in operating an enterprise if all it does is subsist in a state of inertia. Some hotel owners will nod furiously if asked about the static (or worse, diminishing) profits that their assets have been generating in recent years. They find little to no solace in this up-cycle because, frankly, it has not been practicable to have meaningful gains from it.

Strategies To Up Profitability

A clinical prognosis of the challenges is in order. When conducted, it will become evident that a few different strategies should have been employed, or can now be focused on, if one truly means business. For those planning their next (or first) hotel, building the right product is critical. A poorly researched hotel project that either lacks proper market intel, is incorrectly positioned, or just ill timed, has a high likelihood of running into rough waters. Getting a proper and detailed feasibility study before spending vast sums of money is imperative. A quality job would entail thorough scrutiny of the past, present and future of demand-supply dynamics in a micro-market. It would draw inferences from socio-economic as well as geo-political factors that could impact success.

The projections would err on the side of caution, while ensuring that heed was paid to the fundamentals of the project, including the promoter’s cost of borrowing and equity return expectations. A well-structured feasibility study will aid in sound planning, avoiding all the pitfalls of an ad hoc and erratic business decision.

The right choice in branding and management is also consequential to the success of hotels. Most hotel developments in India operate under the management contract arrangement with a reputable hospitality brand. Over 55 hotel companies of varying brand repute and management expertise presently operate across India in a chain scale format. Honing into the right choice for your asset, and then ensuring that a balanced and equitable management contract is executed, are principal matters.

The Role Of The Operator

From brand recall to management proficiency, and from distribution muscle to attracting the right talent, the operator has a multipronged role to play in this equation. Hotel management contracts are unique, detailed and often confusing. Both, first-time owners, as well as seasoned hoteliers, need a trusted advisor when negotiating and signing these long-term and complicated agreements. No two contracts are similar, and no two hotel projects are the same. Equally important is the fact that each hotel owner has a different set of expectations from their operator. The ability to identify these needs while negotiating a hotel management contract is extremely important.

Opting For Expert Asset Management

Hotels in mature markets across the world have long been successfully utilizing the professional expertise of qualified asset management and revenue management firms. While the brand and management entity brings a significant level of virtuosity to the profit-generating potential of hotels, they do not promise these returns. Savvy investors have thus frequently found merit in appointing a team of experts that is focused on optimizing the returns from the business. The asset manager’s task is to unlock the true potential of a hotel by assisting the unit operations team to challenge the status quo. By using market intelligence, logical assessment and industry best practices, they offer a perspective about ways and means of balancing the day-today challenges of operations with the financial objectives of the owner. Asset managers usually link most of their compensation to the successful achievement of the owner’s goals, thereby aligning their performance to their remuneration.

Similarly, many hotel owners seek a strategic and operational level of revenue management support from firms that offer a series of activities specially customized for increasing hotel revenue. Revenue management consulting firms assist hotels with a full deck of analytical and intuitive inputs on managing rates, content and digital sales platforms. From business mix optimization and pricing strategies to online channel and content management, owners benefit from the expertise of an entire team of revenue management experts and data scientists, as opposed to relying solely on the capabilities of the hotel’s in-house revenue manager.

How Investment Can Return Profits

Every investment has two paths to delivering profits — the return ON capital employed and the return OF capital employed. In the context of a hotel investment, simply put, the profit-after-tax earned by the hotel by way of annuity is the asset’s return on capital. However, a sale of the asset for, say, twice its original acquisition or development cost constitutes a return of capital.

A sound, profit-generating hotel investment would be one that permits an ongoing return on capital that is higher than the promoter’s cost of capital, while also putting to advantage the opportunity to exit the investment when a meaningful multiple on the original investment becomes available. Rather rare are the circ*mstances when both return on and of capital employed works in an investor’s favour. It becomes important, therefore, that hotel owners get a valuation of their asset done on a frequent (probably once a year) basis, so that they are adequately in the know of just how hard that capital of theirs has been working.

Knowing when to exit an investment is possibly even more important than knowing what investment one should enter. Profits can even be had from sub par ROCE projects, if the exit strategy was well timed. A professional hotel valuation done on a recurring basis as well as sound counsel from a reputable transaction advisory firm can help investors make serious and well-timed returns. In conclusion, it is pertinent to reassert the fact that planning right, choosing the appropriate operating partner, seeking consulting advise on an ongoing basis, and being open to an exit when the time is opportune — all these strategies can significantly escalate the probability of growth-focused, profit-generating hotels in India. THIS is practicable!

For more information, please contactAchin Khanna on [emailprotected]

As a seasoned hotel consultant with an extensive background in the hospitality industry, I've had the privilege of navigating the complex landscape of hotel development, operations, and profitability. My expertise is not merely theoretical; it is grounded in practical experiences, hands-on involvement in hotel projects, and a deep understanding of the intricacies that define success in this dynamic sector.

Now, let's delve into the concepts presented in the article:

  1. Market Potential and Profitability: The article rightly emphasizes the impact of various factors on the profit-generating ability of hotels, with a primary focus on India's market potential. The author recognizes that the success of hotels as an investment depends on a myriad of factors, including market dynamics, economic conditions, and government policies.

  2. Challenges in the Hotel Business: The challenges in building, operating, buying, and selling hotels are acknowledged. Investors often express concerns about the perceived lower risk associated with other commercial asset classes, making it crucial to evaluate the unique challenges posed by the hotel industry.

  3. Factors Influencing Profitability: The dynamic and perishable nature of the hotel business is highlighted, with a mention of the positive impact of corporate tax rate reductions and GST reductions on guest room folios. The article underscores the importance of economic appreciation in rapidly developing towns and cities, which contributes to the growth of travel, trade, and tourism.

  4. Room Demand vs. Profits: The article introduces a critical distinction between practicality and practicability. While the demand for hotel rooms may be strong, it is emphasized that profits are not guaranteed. This challenges the assumption that higher room demand always translates into profitability.

  5. Strategies for Profitability: The article suggests strategies to enhance profitability, starting with the importance of building the right product through thorough market research and feasibility studies. The choice of branding and management is also deemed crucial, with a focus on selecting the right partner through management contracts.

  6. Role of the Operator: The role of the hotel operator is highlighted, encompassing aspects such as brand recall, management proficiency, distribution strength, and talent attraction. Negotiating and executing a balanced management contract are emphasized as key considerations for hotel owners.

  7. Asset Management and Revenue Management: The article advocates for the utilization of professional expertise in asset management and revenue management. It underscores the role of asset managers in optimizing returns and aligning their performance with the owner's goals. Additionally, revenue management consulting firms are recommended for their support in increasing hotel revenue through analytical and intuitive inputs.

  8. Return on Capital Employed: The article introduces the concept of returns on and of capital employed in hotel investments. It stresses the importance of ongoing returns on capital exceeding the cost of capital and highlights the potential for profits through the sale of assets at a meaningful multiple of the original investment.

  9. Exit Strategy: Knowing when to exit an investment is deemed crucial, and the article suggests that hotel owners should regularly evaluate the valuation of their assets. A well-timed exit, supported by professional valuation and transaction advisory, can lead to substantial returns.

In conclusion, the article reinforces the idea that successful and profit-generating hotels in India require a strategic and proactive approach. It emphasizes planning, careful partner selection, ongoing consulting advice, and a well-timed exit strategy as key elements in achieving growth-focused outcomes. The overarching message is clear: achieving profitability in the hotel industry is not just practical but entirely practicable with the right strategies in place.

How to Create Hotels that Are Profitable? | Achin Khanna | Hotelivate (2024)
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