How to Calculate the Average Growth Rate in Excel | Excelchat (2024)

When you are analyzing data or making plans for the future, it helps to know several formulas in Excel that will calculate rates of growth. While some are built into the program, you will need the right formulas to get your desired average growth rate.

How to calculate the Compound Average Growth Rate

Annual Average Growth Rate (AAGR) and Compound Average Growth Rate (CAGR) are great tools to predict growth over multiple periods. You can calculate the average annual growth rate in Excel by factoring the present and future value of an investment in terms of the periods per year.

CAGR can be thought of as the growth rate that goes from the beginning investment value up to the ending investment value where you assume that the investment has been compounding over the time period. In this tutorial, you will learn how to calculate the Average Annual Growth Rate and Compound Annual Growth Rate in Excel.

How to calculate the Average Annual Growth Rate

The Average annual growth rate (AAGR) is the average increase of an investment over a period of time. AAGR measures the average rate of return or growth over constant spaced time periods.

How to Calculate the Average Growth Rate in Excel | Excelchat (1)

To determine the percentage growth for each year, the equation to use is:

Percentage Growth Rate = (Ending value / Beginning value) -1

According to this formula, the growth rate for the years can be calculated by dividing the current value by the previous value. For this example, the growth rate for each year will be:

Growth for Year 1 = $250,000 / $200,000 – 1 = 25.00%

Growth for Year 2 = $265,000 / $250,000 – 1 = 6.00%

Growth for Year 3 = $268,000 / $265,000 – 1 = 1.13%

Growth for Year 1 = $277,000 / $268,000 – 1 = 3.36%

Growth for Year 2 = $290,000 / $277,000 – 1 = 4.69%

Growth for Year 3 = $325,000 / $290,000 – 1 = 12.07%

AAGR is calculated by dividing the total growth rate by the number of years.

AAGR = (25% + 6.00% + 1.13%+ 3.36% + 4.69% + 12.07%) / 6 = 8.71%

In this example, the cells A1 to B7 contains the data of the example mentioned above.

How to Calculate the Average Growth Rate in Excel | Excelchat (2)

To calculate AAGR in Excel:

  • Select cell C3 by clicking on it by your mouse.
  • Enter the formula =(B3-B2)/B2 to cell C3. Press Enter to assign the formula to cell C3.

How to Calculate the Average Growth Rate in Excel | Excelchat (3)

  • Drag the fill handle from cell C3 to cell C8 to copy the formula to the cells below.
  • Column C will now have the yearly growth rates. Go to cell F4.
  • Assign the formula =AVERAGE(C3:C8). Press Enter.

How to Calculate the Average Growth Rate in Excel | Excelchat (4)

This will show the annual average growth rate of 8.71% in cell F4.

How to calculate the Compound Average Growth Rate

The compound average growth rate is the rate which goes from the initial investment to the ending investment where the investment compounds over time. The equation for CAGR is

CAGR = ( EV / IV)1 / n – 1 where,

EV = Ending Value

IV = Initial Value

n = Time period

For example, if you invest $ 225,000 in a business for five years and the year-end values for every year are:

How to Calculate the Average Growth Rate in Excel | Excelchat (5)

You can calculate CAGR as:

CAGR = (500,000/225,000)1/5-1= .1731=17.32%

Cells A1 to B6 contains the data mentioned above. To calculate CAGR,

  • Go to cell E3. Select it with your mouse.
  • Assign the formula =(B6/E2)^(1/(5-1))-1 to cell E3. Press Enter to assign the formula to cell E3.

How to Calculate the Average Growth Rate in Excel | Excelchat (6)

  • Cell E3 will have the CAGR value. Format it as a percentage value by clicking on the percentage (%) symbol from Home > Number.

How to Calculate the Average Growth Rate in Excel | Excelchat (7)

Cell E3 will now show the compound annual growth rate of 22.08%.

How to calculate the Compound Annual Growth Rate using the XIRR Function

You can also use the XIRR function to calculate CAGR in Excel. The XIRR function in Excel returns the internal rate of return for a series of cash flows which might not occur at a regular interval. The XIRR function uses the syntax =XIRR(value, date, [guess]). It uses the values and their corresponding dates to find the rate of return. You can provide the beginning and end values and corresponding dates as the argument to an XIRR function to find CAGR. To find CAGR from the previous example using the XIRR function:

  • Create a new table in cells A11 to B13 with the initial and ending values. Column A has to contain the dates in a Date format in Excel for the XIRR function to work. Make sure to add a minus (-) sign before the ending value. Without this, you will get a #NUM! error.
  • Go to cell E12.
  • Assign the formula =XIRR(B12:B13,A12:A13) to cell E12.

How to Calculate the Average Growth Rate in Excel | Excelchat (8)

  • Press Enter to assign the formula to E12.

Cell E12 will now show the CAGR value 22.09%.

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How to Calculate the Average Growth Rate in Excel | Excelchat (2024)


How to Calculate the Average Growth Rate in Excel | Excelchat? ›

Using Growth Rate Formula in Excel

How to calculate the average growth rate? ›

To calculate the growth rate, take the current value and subtract that from the previous value. Next, divide this difference by the previous value and multiply by 100 to get a percentage representation of the rate of growth.

What is the formula for average rate in Excel? ›

Calculate the average of numbers not in a contiguous row or column
FormulaDescription (Result)
=AVERAGE(A2:A7)Averages all of numbers in list above (9.5)
=AVERAGE(A2:A4,A7)Averages the top three and the last number in the list (7.5)
1 more row

Is there a growth formula in Excel? ›

The GROWTH Function[1] is categorized under Excel Statistical functions. The function helps calculate predicted exponential growth by using existing data.

What is the formula for AAGR in Excel? ›

AGR = (Ending Value - Beginning Value) / Beginning Value

Next, in order to find the average, we use the AVERAGE Function based on the number of years. Our example is broken up into 3yr, 5yr, and 10 year increments. In our example, we posted a strong 3 year AAGR, but a not so strong 5yr and 10yr.

What is the formula for real growth rate? ›

To calculate the growth rate for both nominal and real GDP, two data years are needed. The GDP of year 2 is divided by the GDP of year 1 and the answer is subtracted by one. That is, Growth Rate = (GDP_Year2/ GDP_Year 1) - 1.

What is the formula for specific growth rate? ›

Specific growth rate (SGR) was calculated for each group at the end of each sampling period as: SGR: (% day − 1) = 100 × [(ln final fish weight) − (ln initial fish weight)]/days fed.

How to do an average formula in Excel? ›

Calculate the average for nonadjacent cells

, click Average, and then press RETURN. Click the cell that contains the average that you just created, cell A8 in this example. The formula is displayed in the formula bar, =AVERAGE(A2:A7) if you're using the sample data.

What is the formula for average rate? ›

To find the average rate of change of a function f(x) over an interval [a, b]: Find f(a) and f(b). Substitute the values in the formula [f(b) - f(a)] / (b - a) and simplify.

What is the formula to calculate rate in Excel? ›

-200Monthly payment
8000Amount of the loan
=RATE(A2*12, A3, A4)Monthly rate of the loan with the terms entered as arguments in A2:A4.1%
2 more rows

What is the formula for growth rate? ›

The formula is Growth rate = (Current value / Previous value) x 1/N - 1. Subtract the previous value from the current value: Get the difference between the previous and current values by subtracting the previous value from the current one. The formula is Current value - Previous value = Difference.

How to calculate average annual growth rate? ›

How to use the annual growth rate formula
  1. Find the ending value of the amount you are averaging. ...
  2. Find the beginning value of the amount you are averaging. ...
  3. Divide the ending value by the beginning value. ...
  4. Subtract the new value by one. ...
  5. Use the decimal to find the percentage of annual growth.
Oct 13, 2023

What is the formula for monthly growth rate in Excel? ›

Input your monthly figures into two consecutive columns. In a third column, apply the formula =(B2−A2)/A2∗100 to compute the growth percentage.

How to calculate YoY growth in Excel? ›

The traditional formula in Excel for YoY growth is =(C6-C5)/C5. Apply this formula to compare the data from the current year (C6) against the previous year (C5) and derive the growth percentage.

What is the formula for growth forecast in Excel? ›

=FORECAST(x, known_y's, known_x's)

The FORECAST function uses the following arguments: X (required argument) – This is a numeric x-value for which we want to forecast a new y-value. Known_y's (required argument) – The dependent array or range of data.

What is the formula for growth percentage in Excel? ›

Calculating the Percentage Increase in Excel

The percentage change formula is New Value/Old Value – 1. Returning to our earlier example: a company generates $14 million in revenue in the most recent year, compared to $10 million in the previous year. The percentage change is a 40% increase (14/10 – 1 = 40%).

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