How to calculate your employee retention rate (2024)

Written by: Elizabeth Walker

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Published on July 15, 2022.

As an employer, you likely already know it’s crucial to not just attract, but also retain talent for your company’s continued growth and success. Losing employees can mean losing valuable team knowledge, lowering workplace morale, and decreasing employee productivity.

In a competitive labor market, employee retention is a priority for many companies, especially for small businesses that rely on limited staff members to keep their business running. In contrast to larger organizations, smaller businesses may not have the annual salary budget to compete with larger organizations for top talent.

By tracking specific data like employee retention and turnover rates, you’ll have a benchmark for measuring the effectiveness of HR programs and business, driving positive business outcomes, and developing strategies to keep good employees from quitting.

This blog provides an overview of how to calculate your employee retention rate, why employee retention matters, and best practices to improve the retention rate at your organization.

Find out how you can boost your employee retention rate with fringe benefits

What does retention rate mean?

An employee retention rate measures the retention of your employees over a specific time period, giving insight into the employee experience. It complements your turnover rate metric, providing a more complete view of employee transition than calculating either metric alone.

Turnover rate and retention rate are often used interchangeably, but the two aren’t the same. Retention rates are the rates of employees staying, while turnover rate is the rate at which employees leave

In later sections, we’ll go over how you can easily calculate the employee retention rate at your organization. But remember that this data is much more than a simple calculation.

Your retention rate helps you understand whether your organization provides a positive employee experience that motivates and engages your staff. It ultimately shows your company’s ability to retain a stable workforce.

By comparing retention rates over a set time period, you can examine what your employees are missing and make the necessary adjustments to their experience.

Why is employee retention important for business owners?

Your talent is your organization’s most valuable asset. Without it, you won’t be able to achieve your business goals or drive initiatives to maintain a successful business. That’s why employee retention should be one of your top concerns.

Employee turnover disrupts the flow and success of a functioning business. For example, not counting layoffs or other types of involuntary termination, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics1 found that almost 26,000 employees have quit their job since May 2021. When an employee leaves, they leave behind a knowledge gap, creating more work for the remaining team members to pick up the pieces.

Being familiar with your employee retention rate can help you identify any problems so you can implement retention strategies to mitigate high turnover.

A successful employee retention rate can also lead to:

  • Reduced company costs: Studies show that the average cost for replacing an employee is about 6 to 9 months’ salary, so understanding retention rates can reduce overall turnover costs.
  • Increased employee productivity: The longer employees stay at your company, the more productive they become. A high annual turnover rate can lead to reduced efficiency and lower productivity.
  • Improved employee engagement: Analyzing your average employee retention rate allows you to improve employee engagement, such as building a more positive company culture and increasing employee morale.

Looking at internal data and comparing retention rates allows you to make smarter strategic moves ahead of time to make your organization more successful. While some turnover is inevitable, the more engaged employees you have, the less likely they will be to leave your company.

How to calculate your employee retention rate

Employee retention rate calculations provide you with a point of reference when determining how your organization compares to others. That’s why calculating it should be a regular exercise to see where you stand during a period of time, whether that be on a monthly or quarterly basis.

Several different formulas can calculate employee retention rate, but the basic formula is below:

(# of employees at the end of a set time period / # of employees at the start of a set time period) x 100 = retention rate percentage.

The following table shows an example of the simple formula in practice:

# of employees at the end of a month

# of employees at the beginning of a month

# of employees at the end of a month/ # of employees at the beginning of a month

X 100

Retention rate percentage






When calculating your employee retention rate, it’s important to outline a timeframe that you would like to measure so you can easily compare it to future data of the same timeframe.

You may also want to separate your calculations by voluntary and involuntary turnover. This allows you to compare terminated employee data to the percentage of people who left your organization by choice and factor that into your retention strategy.

What is a good employee retention rate?

Generally, employee retention rates of 90% or higher are considered good, meaning a company should aim for an average employee turnover rate of 10% or less. In 2021, the average retention rate was around 52.8%2, but the individual rate varies by industry and sector.

Industries with the highest retention rates include government, finance, insurance, and education, while the lowest rates are in the food, retail, and hospitality industry.

However, a very high retention rate, like 99%, may not always be good either. Some turnover is helpful to carve out career paths for high-performing employees within the organization or to bring in external talent.

You may also want to terminate low-performing or average employees through voluntary turnover to make your company more productive and efficient.

Best practices to improve your employee retention rate

Now that we’ve covered why employee retention is important and how to calculate it, let's talk about what you can do to retain valuable talent at your organization. Below we’ve highlighted a few ways to improve your retention rate and create a more positive work environment.

Value your employees and trust their judgment

In the same way you promote the value of your products to potential customers, you should do the same with your employees. As an employer, expressing how valuable your employees are to you and your organization can instill feelings of exclusivity and pride that can help your employees feel like working at your company is a unique opportunity.

Outstanding employees will stay at their job if they trust leadership and leadership trusts them. Individuals tend to be passionate about the things they’ve helped create and grow. The more you engage your employees in your organization, the more emotionally invested they become, and the more likely they are to stay.

Give employees responsibility and challenge them to make a difference

Another effective employee retention strategy is to give your staff greater visibility and responsibility for the processes and initiatives necessary for success.

This starts with employee career development opportunities and continues with regular company updates on business metrics like profits, revenue, and product; and details on how their personal efforts have a direct impact on the business.

The employees you’re trying to hire and retain have unique talents, skills, and drive. It’s important to make it clear that what they are doing benefits the company in critical ways.

A transparent company culture that is empowering and supportive where honesty matters will likely raise your overall employee retention rate.

Provide competitive compensation and reward personal contributions

Even if you implement all the strategies above, a good employee who is underpaid will look at offers from other employers who will pay them more, especially if the position is similar to yours.

It’s essential to stay on top of what competitors in your industry are offering as compensation. Don’t forget to consider updating your benefits and perks package to stay competitive as well.

Additionally, successful companies reward employees who go above and beyond. Recognizing the efforts of your employees goes a long way toward improving their morale and increasing company loyalty.

There are many ways to show recognition, from office parties and recognition awards to bonuses and promotions. Whatever you choose, current employees need to feel that their employer appreciates their efforts.


In today’s tight labor market, hiring outstanding employees is becoming increasingly challenging. That’s why keeping them on board should be a priority. While losing some employees is unavoidable, staying mindful of the core issues that can improve retention can go a long way toward employee satisfaction.

Offering a competitive benefits package while monitoring your employee retention rate is a great way to help your business stay on the right track. If you’re looking to boost your organization’s benefits package, contact us to learn which personalized employee benefits you can leverage to improve your overall retention.

This article was originally published on July 28, 2020. It was last updated on July 15, 2022.



Originally published on July 15, 2022. Last updated July 15, 2022.

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How to calculate your employee retention rate (2024)


What is an acceptable employee retention rate? ›

What is a good employee retention rate? Generally, employee retention rates of 90% or higher are considered good, meaning a company should aim for an average employee turnover rate of 10% or less. In 2021, the average retention rate was around 52.8%2, but the individual rate varies by industry and sector.

Is 75% retention rate good? ›

According to Built In, average retention rates range from 70-90%. Following this logic, a good retention rate is somewhere above 75%. But for frontline organizations that deal with restaurant and retail, a retention rate above 50% is also decent.

What does 80% retention rate mean? ›

For example, an 80% loyalty/retention rate means that 20% of customers are lost (churned). And a 60% loyalty/retention rate means that 40% of customers are lost/churned. In all cases, the retention and the churn rate should add up to 100% to account for all the customers.

What is a realistic retention rate? ›

A 100% retention rate is always good. Meanwhile, a 15% retention rate is usually bad.

What is the formula to calculate the retention factor? ›

To calculate the retention factor, divide the distance traveled by the chemical of interest by the distance from the baseline to the solvent front.

What is a good employee retention goal? ›

One of the most crucial employee retention objectives is to make both the employees and the boss happy. It makes it easier for committed employees to stay with the company for longer periods, which benefits both parties.

What is the KPI for retention? ›

Customer retention metrics or KPIs are numeric measures that allow you to identify the number of retained customers your product has. In this way, you can measure the total value these customers deliver to you over a period of time.

What is the average turnover rate for 2022? ›

U.S. employee annual voluntary turnover is likely to jump nearly 20% this year, from a prepandemic annual average of 31.9 million employees quitting their jobs to 37.4 million quitting in 2022, according to Gartner, Inc.

What is a good 30 day retention rate? ›

The Average Retention Rate

The 30-day retention rate stabilizes at about 6%. Broadly speaking, any percentage above this can be considered a good retention rate. If you keep more than a third of users on the first day after install, you would actually have a very high-performing app.

Is 80% retention rate good? ›

For SAAS, however, the average monthly retention rate is 93-95%, and a retention rate of 95-97% is considered to be good. For a subscription box service, the average monthly retention rate is 80-90%, and a retention rate above 90% is considered to be good.

How do you calculate retention in Excel? ›

Calculating Retention Rate in Excel

In this screenshot, we have the number of people starting the month in one column and the number of those same people in the next column. To get retention rate for each individual month, we just divide the “stayers” column by the “starters” column.

How do you calculate retention rate example? ›

Retention rate is often calculated on an annual basis, dividing the number of employees with one year or more of service by the number of staff in those positions one year ago. Positions added during the year would not be counted.

What does 5% retention mean? ›

What is the purpose of retention? Retention is a percentage (usually up to 5% of the contract sum) of each payment made under a construction contract which is withheld in order to try and ensure that works under the construction contract are completed to the required standard.

How do you maintain a good retention rate? ›

Four ways to retain employees
  1. Keep employees engaged. One of the worst things for employee morale and productivity is boredom. ...
  2. Give them clear growth opportunities. To keep employees over the long haul, companies have to provide opportunities for them to grow. ...
  3. Make them feel valued. ...
  4. Offer lifestyle-enhancement benefits.

What is the average employee retention rate by industry? ›

Financial activities: 28.5% Professional and Business services: 64.2% Education and Health services: 37.3% Leisure and Hospitality: 84.9%

What is a good retention rate increase? ›

It pays to keep your customers coming back. When you increase your retention rate by as little as 5%, you can directly increase profits by 25% to 95%. Consumers are driven to buy from brands they trust. Over time, existing customers will begin to spend 67% more than new ones.

What is retention factor with example? ›

What is the Retention Factor? The value of retention factor depends upon the affinity of solute towards stationary and mobile phase. For example, if a component has more affinity towards the stationary phase, slower will be its movement, which means the less the retention value and vice versa.

What are the 5 main drivers of employee retention? ›

The key drivers of employee retention
  • Recognition and appreciation. Employee retention starts with creating a healthy work culture and recognizing people as individuals rather than replaceable parts. ...
  • Work balance. ...
  • Flexibility. ...
  • Training and development. ...
  • Organizational and individual alignment. ...
  • Competitive pay plans.
20 Jan 2022

What are the 3 stages of retention? ›

The 3 Stages of Customer Loyalty
  • The First Stage: Customer Retention. Retention occurs when a buyer decides to stick with a brand. ...
  • The Second Stage: Enrichment. ...
  • The Third Stage: Advocacy.
18 Aug 2016

What are the 4 main KPIs? ›

Anyway, the four KPIs that always come out of these workshops are:
  • Customer Satisfaction,
  • Internal Process Quality,
  • Employee Satisfaction, and.
  • Financial Performance Index.
25 Sept 2013

What are the four parts of retention? ›

The 4 Cornerstones of Employee Retention
  • Leadership That Listens. Employees are hired to do a job, which includes not only listening to leadership directives, but also executing upon those mandates. ...
  • Culture That Rewards Performance. ...
  • Culture That Is Flexible. ...
  • Transparent Communications.
26 Oct 2017

Is a 10% turnover rate high? ›

According to Gallup, 10% turnover is healthy, but every industry and every organization is different.

How do you retain employees 2022? ›

Table of Contents
  1. Offer Competitive Base Salaries or Hourly Wages.
  2. Let Your Employees Work From Home.
  3. Provide Flexible Scheduling and Reduced Workdays.
  4. Encourage and Promote a Work-Life Balance.
  5. Recognize and Reward Your Employees for Their Work.
  6. Create a Culture That Employees Want To Be Part Of.
  7. Build Employee Engagement.
19 Sept 2022

What is the great resignation 2022? ›

The rise in the quit rate has been called the “Great Resignation,” with many articles in the popular press speculating about why individuals have become more willing to leave their current employers.

What is typical retention? ›

For most industries, average eight-week retention is below 20 percent. For products in the media or finance industry, an eight-week retention rate over 25 percent is considered elite. For the SaaS and e-commerce industries, over 35 percent retention is considered elite.

What is a good day 1 retention rate? ›

Traditionally, good retention rates are: Day 1 Retention – 40% Day 7 Retention – 20% Day 28 Retention – 10%

What is a healthy rate of attrition? ›

What is a Good Attrition Rate? While it's difficult to define a “good” attrition rate, businesses should generally aim for an attrition rate of 10% or lower. Keep in mind, however, that this number will vary from company to company and industry to industry, depending on the circ*mstances.

What is the highest retention rate? ›

Generally speaking, an employee retention rate of 90 percent or higher is considered good. Industries with the highest retention rates includes government, finance, insurance, and education, while the lowest rates can be seen in the hotel, retail, and food industries.

How do you calculate employee retention and turnover? ›

Simply divide the number of employees who leave (either voluntarily or through termination) during a specific time period by the total number of employees at the start of the period you're measuring.

What are the most important retention factors? ›

Research shows that six important factors in employee retention are people and culture, acknowledgement at work, providing meaningful benefits, ongoing training, workplace environment, and mission and values alignment.

How do you calculate retention rate in Excel? ›

Calculating Retention Rate in Excel

To get retention rate for each individual month, we just divide the “stayers” column by the “starters” column. Note that the numbers for “Employees at Start of Month” change because new people are hired.

How do you do a retention analysis? ›

Calculate retention rate

Divide the number of paying customers at the end of the time period (usually a month) by the total number of paying customers at the beginning of that period. Next, multiply the result by 100. Thus you will get the retention rate in percentage.

How do you calculate monthly retention rate? ›

To calculate retention rate, divide your active users that continue their subscriptions at the end of a given period by the total number of active users you had at the beginning of that time period.

What is employee retention ratio? ›

An employee retention rate is the percentage of employees who stayed on-staff from the beginning of a specific time period to the end of that same time period. This does not include new employees who were hired during that time.

What is a good Day 1 retention rate? ›

Traditionally, good retention rates are: Day 1 Retention – 40% Day 7 Retention – 20% Day 28 Retention – 10%

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