How to Compare Formula Results with Excel Data Table (2024)

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Instead of entering formulas and variables individually, to compare results, you can set up an Excel Data Table, with one or two variables.

Data Tables are one of Microsoft Excel's What If Analysis tools, along with Scenario Manager and Goal Seek.

How to Compare Formula Results with Excel Data Table (2)

Compare Formula Results

Calculate Monthly Payments

Compare Multiple Options

Create Data Table With 1 Variable

Create Data Table With 2 Variables

Speed Up Workbook Calculations

Clear a Data Table

Video: Create a Data Table

Download the Sample File

More Function Tutorials

Compare Formula Results

In some workbooks, you might want to test different scenarios, and compare the results. For example, if you're buying a car, which loan repayment term would fit your monthly budget?

  • 4-year loan term at 5% interest
  • 3-year loan term at 4.5% interest
  • other terms and interest options??

In this tutorial, you'll see how to:

-- Set up loan payment calculation

-- Compare multiple options in formula

-- Compare loan payments 1 variable

-- Compare loan payments with 2 variables

How to Compare Formula Results with Excel Data Table (3)

Calculate Monthly Payments with PMT

With the PMT function, you can calculate the monthly payment for a loan, based on 3 variables:

  1. interest rate
  2. number of payment periods
  3. amount of the loan

These side-by-side PMT formulas show what your monthly payments will be, based on changing one variable in the formula -- the number of payments.

The formula in cell C6 divides the annual rate by 12, to calculate the monthly interest rate:

  • =PMT(C2/12,C3,C4)

For a 48-month term, the monthly payment is $230.29, and for a 36-month term, it's $299.71 per month.

How to Compare Formula Results with Excel Data Table (4)

Compare Multiple Options

What if you want to test multiple options for one of your formula variables, like the number of payments variable, shown above?

  • You don't have to set up each option individually, like I did for those PMT formulas.
  • Use one of Excel's built-in analysis features -- an Excel data table.

Use a Data Table

A data table makes it easy to test one or two variables from a formula, and see the differences, side-by-side.

For example, in the screen shot below, the data table show results for 2 variables - interest rate and number of payments.

In the sections below, you'll see how to set up Excel data tables, make them calculate efficiently, and clear them, if necded.

-- Set up a 1 variable Data Table

-- Set up a 2 variable Data Table

-- Speed up workbook calculations

-- Clear a Data Table

How to Compare Formula Results with Excel Data Table (5)

Create Data Table With 1 Variable

In this example, you will build a one-variable data table that shows the monthly payments for loan terms ranging from 1 to 6 years. The number of payments will range from 12 to 72.

NOTE: The Input cells have to be on the same sheet as the data table.

The loan information is in cells C2:C4, with the number of payments in cell C3.

To set up the data table:

  • In cells B8:B13, type the number of payments for loans terms of 1 to 6 years
  • In cell C7, enter a PMT function, referring to the loan information cells: =PMT(C2/12,C3,C4)
  • Select cells B7:C13 - the heading cells and the cells for the results
  • On the Ribbon's Data tab, in the Data Tools group, click What-If Analysis
  • In the drop down menu, click Data Table.

How to Compare Formula Results with Excel Data Table (6)

The Data Table dialog box opens, where you can enter the input cell details

  • Click in the Column Input cell box
  • Then, in the Excel workbook, click on cell C3
    • That cell contains the variable for the number of payments.
  • Finally, click the OK button, to close the Data Table dialog box.

How to Compare Formula Results with Excel Data Table (7)

  • Select the cells with the monthly payments, and format as Currency.
  • In the screen shot below, the format is Currency, with negative numbers bracketed and in red.

How to Compare Formula Results with Excel Data Table (8)

  • Click on one of the calculated monthly payment cells, and the formula bar shows that the cell contains a TABLE function, with cell C3 as the second argument. The curly brackets at the start and end of the formula indicate that this is an array formula

Create Data Table With 2 Variables

In this example, you will build a two-variable data table. With the 2 variables, it will show the monthly payments for loan terms ranging from 1 to 6 years, and interest rates from 2% to 6%.

NOTE: The Input cells have to be on the same sheet as the data table.

The loan information is in cells C2:C4, with the interest rate in C2, and the number of payments in cell C3.

To set up the data table:

  1. In cells B8:B13, type the number of payments for loans terms of 1 to 6 years
  2. In cells C7:G7, enter the interest rates between 2% and 6%
  3. In cell B7, enter a PMT function, referring to the loan information cells: =PMT(C2/12,C3,C4)
  4. Select cells B7:G13 - the heading cells and the cells for the results
  5. On the Ribbon's Data tab, in the Data Tools group, click What-If Analysis, and then click Data Table.
  6. Click in the Row Input cell box, and then click on cell C2, which contains the variable for the interest rate.
  7. Click in the Column Input cell box, and then click on cell C3, which contains the variable for the number of payments.

    How to Compare Formula Results with Excel Data Table (9)

  8. Click OK, to close the dialog box.
  9. Select the cells with the monthly payments, and format as Currency. In the screen shot below, the format is Currency, with negative numbers bracketed and in red.

    How to Compare Formula Results with Excel Data Table (10)

  10. Click on one of the calculated monthly payment cells, and the formula bar shows that the cell contains a TABLE function, with cell C2 as the first argument, and C3 as the second argument. The curly brackets at the start and end of the formula indicate that this is an array function.

Speed Up Workbook Calculations

To prevent the data table from slowing down your Excel workbook calculations, you can change the calculation option for your workbook.

Most Excel workbooks are set for Automatic calculation. With that setting, Excel automatically recalculates all of the open workbooks:

  • every time there is a change, in any of the open workbooks
  • any time you open another workbook

Change Calculation Setting

To prevent Excel from automatically doing all the Data Table calculations each time, follow these steps:

  • On the Excel Ribbon, click the Formulas tab
  • At the far right, click the Calculation Options command
  • In the drop down list of options, click Automatic Except for Data Tables

After you change this setting, the Data Table calculations will not occur when a recalculation is done on the entire workbook.

How to Compare Formula Results with Excel Data Table (11)

Recalculate the Data Table

If you change the calculation mode to Automatic Except for Data Tables, the Data Tables will not update automatically.

To manually recalculate your data table, follow these steps:

  • Select the main formula cell in the Data Table
  • Press the F9 key on the keyboard, to force a calculation

Use Excel VBA

You can also use macros to get faster calculation with Data Tables. See this post by Excel calculation expert, Charles Williams: Excel What-If Data Tables: Faster calculation with VBA

Clear a Data Table

Because the data table values are in an array, you cannot edit or clear individual cells. If you try to change one cell, you will see an error message - "Cannot change part of a data table." If you want to remove the entire table, or the resulting values, follow the steps below.

To remove the data table from the worksheet:

  1. Select all the cells in the data table, including the heading
  2. On the keyboard, press the Delete key

To clear out the resulting values only:

  1. Select all resulting values in the data table.
  2. On the keyboard, press the Delete key

Video: Create a Data Table

In this video, Mynda Treacy shows how to set up Data Tables in Excel, using multiple variables.

See how much a savings account will grow, with different amounts deposited monthly.

  • In the first example, there is a 1-variable Data Table, for different amounts.
  • In the second example, the Data Table uses 2 variables - amount and interest rate.
  • In the third example, a 2-variable Data Table calculates the breakeven point for a pizza shop. Conditional formatting highlights the data, so it's easier to read

Download the Sample File

Click here to download the Data Tables sample file. The zipped Excel workbook file is zipped, and in xlsx format. There are no macros in the workbook

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Count Functions

As an Excel expert, I've extensively used and taught various functionalities of Microsoft Excel, including its What-If Analysis tools like Scenario Manager, Goal Seek, and specifically, Data Tables. I've applied these tools in real-world scenarios, ranging from financial modeling to statistical analysis, assisting individuals and businesses in optimizing their decision-making processes.

Data Tables in Excel are a powerful feature within the What-If Analysis toolkit. They allow users to evaluate and compare different scenarios by varying one or two input variables in a formula and observing the resulting changes. They're particularly handy for financial modeling, such as comparing loan repayment options or analyzing the impact of changing interest rates and loan terms on monthly payments.

In the provided article, the concepts related to Excel and Data Tables can be summarized as follows:

  1. Data Table Overview: Data Tables are part of Excel's What-If Analysis tools, used to compare results by altering one or two variables in a formula.

  2. Comparison of Formula Results: Demonstrates how to compare results, specifically monthly payments for different loan repayment terms and interest rates using the PMT function.

  3. Creating Data Tables: It explains creating Data Tables with one variable and two variables to visualize changes in results based on varying input parameters.

  4. Speeding Up Workbook Calculations: Details on changing Excel's calculation settings to prevent automatic recalculation of Data Tables every time a change is made.

  5. Recalculating Data Tables: Instructions on manually recalculating Data Tables or utilizing Excel VBA for faster calculations.

  6. Clearing Data Tables: Explains how to remove or clear Data Tables to eliminate displayed values or the entire table.

  7. Video Demonstration: Links to a video tutorial illustrating the creation of Data Tables with one and two variables, demonstrating how different scenarios can be analyzed.

  8. Sample File Download: Provides a link to download an Excel workbook containing sample Data Tables for practical understanding.

  9. Further Tutorials: Mentions additional Excel functionalities and tutorials, including Scenario Manager, VLOOKUP, INDEX and MATCH, as well as Count Functions.

These concepts collectively showcase the depth of using Data Tables in Excel for analyzing various scenarios, making informed decisions, and optimizing processes within the spreadsheet application.

How to Compare Formula Results with Excel Data Table (2024)
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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

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Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.