IKEA's Structure and Control System Analysis - 630 Words | Case Study Example (2024)



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Updated: Mar 7th, 2022


IKEA is one of the worlds leading retailer of furniture and household fittings. In the course of its operation, the company has encountered a lot of obstacles. Therefore, to ensure that its operations are effective and efficient, the company has always been formulating strategic plans to ensure that its operations in the short run and in the long run are effective and sustainable.

To achieve this status and to ensure that it is maintained, IKEA has developed a strong organization culture and control systems that support its short term and its long-term strategies. This paper shall therefore focus on the organization structure of IKEA and its control system and determine impacts that they have on the companys strategies.

Organization and Control Structure of IKEA and their Impact on the Companys Strategies

To ensure that the operations of the company are effective and efficient, IKEA has maintained a stable organization structure and culture. The managerial strategy of IKEA is formal, non-hierarchical and it is based on teamwork (Peters 9).

The manner in which the organization operates portrays the ideology of its founder, Ingvar Kampard (Peters 11). The operations of IKEA are designed to ensure that its mission is achieved. This mission is to ensure that IKEA makes life better for masses. To achieve this, IKEA has always been producing high quality goods and services to its customers at the most affordable price.

The non-hierarchical organization structure of the organization ensures that all the employees have a duty of care and respect for one another. As a result, employees at IKEA do not have titles. At the same time, they do not get special privileges with regards to the positions that they hold.

There is also effective communication among the employees. This ensures that the correct information if passed from employee to employee and from department to department. This ensures that operations within the organization are conducted in an effective and efficient manner. IKEA also believes in recruiting young employees who are innovative and innovative (Egan 22). This ensures that the organization has the best personnel in its staff.

This in turn ensures that the strategies and opinions that these employees come up with work to sustain the operations of the company in the short run and in the long run. This ensures that IKEA stands at a competitive edge over its rivals. The fact that the organization has adopted a decentralized organization structure ensures that information within the organization flows in all directions.

This therefore gives employees at all levels a chance to contribute in innovation, strategy formulation and decision-making. Thus, a strategy like self-assembly that originated from Gillis Lundgren ended up being a culture in the operations of IKEA as it is practiced at all its outlets worldwide (Egan 30).

In addition, the organization does not believe in hiring experienced individuals. Instead, it recruits young people without prior experience and integrates them to its culture. In addition, promotions are conducted within the organization. This not only reduces expenditure on salaries but also ensures that the company remains the best in terms of creativity and innovation (Jugger 51).

Furthermore, this ensures that the people who work at IKEA have love and passion for their work thus they strive to achieve the goals and objectives of the organization are achieved as well as their own personal goals and objectives.


The fact that IKEA has adopted a decentralized organization structure that is non-hierarchical provides a serine environment for all employees to participate in decision-making and strategic planning. This therefore ensures that the strategies that the organization comes up with put the company ahead of its rivals within the market. This in turn guarantees the sustainability of its operations in the short run and in the long run. As a result, the organization at a better chance of achieving its mission, vision, goals and objectives.

Works Cited

Egan, James. Relationship Marketing. ã Harlow: Financial Times Prentice Hall, 2000. Print

Jugger, Simon. “The Power of Consumers.” Admap 14.2 (2000): 51-55. Print.

Peters. Jameson. Consumer Behaviour and Marketing Strategy. European Edition, Mcgraw-Hill international, 2009. Print.

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IKEA's Structure and Control System Analysis - 630 Words | Case Study Example (2024)


How would you describe IKEA's Organisational structure? ›

Generally, IKEA organizational structure can be classified as hierarchical, reflecting massive size of the business that integrates 11 franchisees operating in more than 500 locations in 63 countries.

What is the matrix structure of IKEA? ›

The organisation of IKEA follows a matrix structure where each country has a Service Office (SO) and a national headquarter with support units.

Why is IKEA organizational structure not very hierarchical? ›

The non-hierarchical organization structure of the organization ensures that all the employees have a duty of care and respect for one another. As a result, employees at IKEA do not have titles. At the same time, they do not get special privileges with regards to the positions that they hold.

Is IKEA mechanistic or organic? ›

When looking at IKEA's organization structure at the corporate level, it is more mechanistic than it is organic and it isn't as flat as it is at the lower levels of the organization. On the other hand, at the lower levels of the organization such as the store level, the structure is much flatter and organic.

How do you describe an organizational structure example? ›

An organizational structure is either centralized or decentralized. Traditionally, organizations have been structured with centralized leadership and a defined chain of command. The military is an organization famous for its highly centralized structure, with a long and specific hierarchy of superiors and subordinates.

How do you explain the structure of a company? ›

Company structure is a system outlining how the activities are organized and directed to achieve goals. These activities will generally include the rules to be followed and the roles and responsibilities of those within the company.

What is matrix organizational structure with example? ›

In a matrix structure, individuals work across teams and projects as well as within their own department or function. For example, a project or task team established to develop a new product might include engineers and design specialists as well as those with marketing, financial, personnel and production skills.

What is matrix organizational structure in simple words? ›

A matrix organization is a company structure where teams report to multiple leaders. The matrix design keeps open communication between teams and can help companies create more innovative products and services. Using this structure prevents teams from needing to realign every time a new project begins.

What are the 3 types of matrix structures? ›

There are three types of matrix organizational structures:
  • Weak matrix structure. A weak matrix structure is most similar to a traditional hierarchical structured workplace. ...
  • Balanced matrix structure. ...
  • Strong matrix structure.
Dec 13, 2022

What layout strategies does IKEA use? ›

IKEA stores rely on a "fixed path" design

IKEA showrooms use a “fixed path” layout — there's a designated road that you must follow, and it guides you through the store in one direction. In most stores, customers only see about 33% of the merchandise on offer.

What was the main problem for IKEA? ›

The pandemic limited growth in FY21, and IKEA retail sales benefited as the world re-opened. On the other hand, inflation and supply chain issues impacted FY22 sales, and lead to rising costs and higher prices. That means sales have grown in money, but sales quantities have not kept up.

What strategy does IKEA use? ›

Focus Strategy

The cost focus and differentiation focus are the two aspects of the company's main strategy. IKEA uses a combination of these strategies to achieve its vision. One of the strategies it uses is its cost leadership strategy.

What is the theory behind IKEA? ›

The IKEA effect, named after everyone's favorite Swedish furniture giant, describes how people tend to value an object more if they make (or assemble) it themselves. More broadly, the IKEA effect speaks to how we tend to like things more if we've expended effort to create them.

What are the 4 elements of organizational structure? ›

Edgar Schein, a prominent organizational psychologist, identified four key elements of an organization's structure: common purpose, coordinated effort, division of labor, and hierarchy of authority.

What type of design is IKEA? ›

Democratic Design is at the core of each IKEA product. The five dimensions that make this concept allow our designers and collaborators to create products that are for everyone. Get to know Democratic Design and the principles that bring it to the products and to the homes of the many people.

What's the best organizational structure support your answer? ›

The project-based structure features the best of both the traditional line and functional organizational structures: it's simple, with the first tiers answering only to a direct supervisor. The final tier is the team responsible for completing whatever project is set before them.

What is a real life example of simple organizational structure? ›

A start-up is a typical example of an organization having a simple structure because apart from the founder there may be one or few employees who multi-task, and take care of all that has to be done to help attain organizational goals. Communication is informal and there is a high degree of collaboration.

What are good examples of structure? ›

Buildings, aircraft, skeletons, anthills, beaver dams, bridges and salt domes are all examples of load-bearing structures. The results of construction are divided into buildings and non-building structures, and make up the infrastructure of a human society.

What is organizational structure in your own words? ›

A system that outlines how specific activities are handled to fulfill a strategic mission is known as an organizational structure. Rules, roles, and obligations are all part of these activities. The organizational structure also determines the flow of information between divisions within the corporation.

What is an example of structure in business? ›

The four main forms of business structures in the United States include sole proprietorship, partnership, limited liability company, and corporation.

Why is structure important in the workplace? ›

Structure will give employees more clarity, help manage expectations, enable better decision-making and provide consistency. Organizational charts also assign responsibility, organize workflow and make sure important tasks are completed on time.

What is a functional organizational structure? ›

What is a functional organisational structure? In this type of organisational structure, businesses are organised according to their roles and skills into smaller groups or departments. This may include, for example: sales. marketing.

What is an example of a flat organizational structure? ›

Amazon is an excellent example of a flat organization. Like Google, it has few managerial roles, and employees can move up or down within the company as needed. This structure allows for faster communication and decisions. Additionally, Amazon is known for its fast response time to changes in the market.

What is an example of a functional structure? ›

Examples of organizations with a functional structure include: Amazon, Starbucks. A functional structure groups employees into different departments by work specialization. Each department has a designated leader highly experienced in the job functions of each employee supervised by them.

Which organizational structure works best for projects? ›

Matrix organizational structures are often used in project management because they speak to both the product of the project and the function of the management producing it.

How would you prepare yourself to work effectively in a matrix structure? ›

Working Successfully in a Matrix Management Structure
  1. Define Your Role. It's essential to understand not only your role and responsibilities, but also those of your managers. ...
  2. Manage Deadlines. You're likely to have multiple deadlines competing for your attention at any one time. ...
  3. Communicate Clearly. ...
  4. Appreciate Diversity.

What is simple structure? ›

A simple structure is the most basic operating system that a business can use to centralize its activities. Also known as the flat structure, the simple organizational structure doesn't have multiple layers of management or formal departments.

What is a strong matrix organizational structure? ›

In the strong matrix or project matrix organization structure, the project manager has most of the power, resources and control over the work. The functional manager is there to add support, technical expertise, look after HR issues etc…

What is the difference between functional and matrix organizational structure? ›

Matrix structure is a type of organizational structure where employees are grouped concurrently by two different operational dimensions. Functional structure divides the organization based on specialized functional areas such as production, marketing, and sales for the purpose of management.

Which growth strategy does IKEA focus on? ›

Market penetration.

IKEA uses market penetration strategy aggressively.

How is IKEA structured globally? ›

IKEA Retail is our core business. We currently operate 482 IKEA stores, shops and planning studio's in 31 countries, generating 89% of all IKEA sales worldwide. Ingka Centres operates 44 shopping centres in 14 countries, under different trademarks, always anchored by an IKEA store.

What is the biggest challenge at IKEA? ›

“The biggest challenge has been getting products out of China, where there has been a very limited capacity,” Chief Executive Officer Jon Abrahamsson Ring of Inter Ikea, the worldwide franchiser for the brand, said in an interview.

Why are IKEA so successful? ›

IKEA's approach to design and production goes against business norms. Rather than design and create the product and then set the price, as goes the convention, the company establishes the price first and then reverse engineers the product. The simple, pared-down and minimalistic design of the furniture is no accident.

What are the negative impacts of IKEA? ›

To keep pace with consumer demand, furniture is created from cheap and harmful materials, or illegally felled timber, and processed using wasteful and polluting factory techniques. It not built to last, is hard to recycle, is not desirable enough to resell, and ends up in landfill.

What is IKEA the most successful thing? ›

1. Billy bookcase. The Billy bookcase has cemented itself firmly as one of the most popular products in the IKEA family. It is estimated that every five seconds, one Billy bookcase is sold somewhere in the world.

What is the strategy used by IKEA to attract customers? ›

Exceptional In-store Experience

Ikea brilliantly displays products employing the best lighting systems to generate more sales. It strategically arranges best-matched items in mock rooms to encourage impulse purchases and inspire decor.

How has IKEA managed to achieve this successful growth? ›

Through a massive vertical integration strategy, IKEA became one the largest consumers of wood in the world, and built a plants capable of pulverizing wood into dust and manufacturing many multipurpose boards at one time.

What type of organizational culture does IKEA have? ›

We are informal, pragmatic and see bureaucracy as our biggest enemy. We are constantly looking for new and better ways forward. Whatever we are doing today, we can do better tomorrow. Finding solutions to almost impossible challenges is part of our success and a source of inspiration to move on to the next challenge.

Which type or types of organizational culture do you think are dominant at IKEA? ›

2.1 What type of organizational culture is most representative of IKEA? The culture of IKEA is focused on equality in the workplace and is orientated to the person. The Swedish company has an “Incubator Culture”, because of its “informal, open and caring”4 management style.

What are IKEA's organisational objectives? ›

To create a better everyday life for the many people, this is the IKEA vision.” Our mission as a business is „to offer a wide range of well-designed, functional home furnishing products at prices so low that as many people as possible will be able to afford them.” Our vision also goes beyond home furnishing.

How does IKEA's organizational culture contribute to the firm's success? ›

IKEA empowers its staff to take charge of their actions and the environment. Taking responsibility for its people enables the firm to grow and prosper. Through empowerment, IKEA wins the trust of its workers making them forward-looking and positive about the goals and achievement in the firm.

What leadership style does IKEA use? ›

Known to practice transformational and charismatic leadership styles, Ingvar Kamprad had been a driving force for many decades behind the phenomenal success of the home improvement and furnishing chain.

Why is IKEA so successful globally? ›

IKEA's approach to design and production goes against business norms. Rather than design and create the product and then set the price, as goes the convention, the company establishes the price first and then reverse engineers the product. The simple, pared-down and minimalistic design of the furniture is no accident.

Why does IKEA have a strong culture? ›

The IKEA values were shaped during a time in Sweden when the living conditions were harsh. People had to get by with what they had. This fostered a culture of entrepreneurship and hard work, and made people more pragmatic and mindful of resources. A lot has changed since the early days of the IKEA brand.

What are the 4 types of organizational culture give an example of organizational culture? ›

They identified 4 types of culture – clan culture, adhocracy culture, market culture, and hierarchy culture. You can take the Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI) to assess your organization's culture in just 15 minutes and make strategic changes to foster an environment that helps your team flourish.

Is IKEA ethical and sustainable? ›

To meet the challenges of unsustainable consumption, climate change and growing inequality, we are taking ambitious steps towards a more sustainable future through collaboration with partners, co-workers and customers. Our three focus areas are: Healthy and sustainable living. Circular and climate positive.

What strategic challenges does IKEA face going forward? ›

Industry-wide supply chain challenges

However today, like many other industries, IKEA continues to face significant transport and raw material constraints driving up costs, with no anticipated break in the foreseeable future. Disruptions are expected far into 2022.

What is IKEA goal statement? ›

To create a better everyday life for the many people.” This vision goes beyond home furnishing. We want to have a positive impact on the world – from the communities where we source our raw materials to the way our products help our customers live a more sustainable life at home.

What are IKEA's key resources and capabilities? ›

IKEA's key resource involves around 1,400 suppliers from over 60 countries. These suppliers provide IKEA with furniture designs, wood, distribution facilities, and other necessities the company requires to function.

What are the main features of IKEA's approach to managing their supply chain? ›

What is IKEA's strategy for managing its supply chain? IKEA's strategy is focused on increasing efficiency, reducing costs, and ensuring quality throughout its supply chain. The company also strives to ensure that its supply chain is socially and environmentally responsible.

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