Organizational Structure for Companies With Examples and Benefits (2024)

What Is an Organizational Structure?

An organizational structure is a system that outlines how certain activities are directed in order to achieve the goals of an organization. These activities can include rules, roles, and responsibilities.

The organizational structurealso determines how information flows between levels within the company. For example, in a centralized structure, decisions flow from the top down, while in a decentralized structure, decision-making power is distributed among various levels of the organization. Having an organizational structure in place allows companies to remain efficient and focused.

Key Takeaways

  • An organizational structure outlines how certain activities are directed to achieve the goals of an organization.
  • Successful organizational structures define each employee's job and how it fits within the overall system.
  • A centralized structure has a defined chain of command, while decentralized structures give almost every employee receiving a high level of personal agency.
  • Types of organizational structures include functional, divisional, flatarchy, and matrix structures.
  • Senior leaders should consider a variety of factors before deciding which type of organization is best for their business, including the business goals, industry, and culture of the company.

Understanding an Organizational Structure

Businesses of all shapes and sizes use organizational structures heavily. They define a specific hierarchy within an organization. A successful organizational structure defines each employee's job and how it fits within the overall system. Put simply, the organizational structure lays out who does what so the company can meet its objectives.

This structuring provides a company with a visual representation of how it is shaped and how it can best move forward in achieving its goals. Organizational structures are normally illustrated in some sort of chart or diagram like a pyramid, where the most powerful members of the organization sit at the top, while those with the least amount of power are at the bottom.

Not having a formal structure in place mayprove difficult for certain organizations. For instance, employees may have difficulty knowing to whom they should report. That can lead to uncertainty as to who is responsible for what in the organization.

Having a structure in place can help with efficiency and provide clarity for everyone at every level. That also means each and every department can be more productive, as they are likely to be more focused on energy and time.

Centralized vs. Decentralized Organizational Structures

An organizational structure is either centralized or decentralized. Traditionally, organizations have been structured with centralized leadership and a defined chain of command. The military is an organization famous for its highly centralized structure, with a long and specific hierarchy of superiors and subordinates. In a centralized organizational system, there are very clear responsibilities for each role, with subordinate roles defaulting to the guidance of their superiors.

There has been a rise in decentralized organizations, as is the case with many technology startups. This allows companies to remain fast, agile, and adaptable, with almost every employee receiving a high level of personal agency. For example, Johnson & Johnson is a company that's known for its decentralized structure.

As a large company with over 200 business units and brands that function in sometimes very different industries, each operates autonomously. Even in decentralized companies, there are still usually built-in hierarchies (such as the chief operating officer operating at a higher level than an entry-level associate). However, teams are empowered to make their own decisions and come to the best conclusion without necessarily getting "approval" from up top.

Types of Organizational Structures

Functional Structure

Four types of common organizational structures are implemented in the real world. The first and most common is a functional structure. This is also referred to as a bureaucratic organizational structure and breaks up a company based on the specialization of its workforce. Most small-to-medium-sized businesses implement a functional structure. Dividing the firm into departments consisting of marketing, sales, and operations is the act of using a bureaucratic organizational structure.

Divisional or Multidivisional Structure

The second type is common among large companies with many business units. Called the divisional or multidivisional (M-Form) structure, a company that uses this method structures its leadership team based on the products, projects, or subsidiaries they operate. A good example of this structure is Johnson & Johnson. With thousands of products and lines of business, the company structures itself so each business unit operates as its own company with its own president.

Divisions may also be designated geographically in addition to specialization. For instance, a global corporation may have a North American Division and a European Division.


Similar to divisional or functional structures, team-based organizations segregate into close-knit teams of employees that serve particular goals and functions, but where each team is a unit that contains both leaders and workers.

Flat (Flatarchy) Structure

Flatarchy, also known as a horizontal structure, is relatively newer, and is used among many startups. As the name alludes, it flattens the hierarchy and chain of command and gives its employees a lot of autonomy. Companies that use this type of structure have a high speed of implementation.

Matrix Structure

Firms can also have a matrix structure. It is also the most confusing and the least used. This structure matrixes employees across different superiors, divisions, or departments. An employee working for a matrixed company, for example, may have duties in both sales and customer service.

Circular Structure

Circular structures are hierarchical, but they are said to be circular as it places higher-level employees and managers at the center of the organization with concentric rings expanding outward, which contain lower-level employees and staff. This way of organizing is intended to encourage open communication and collaboration among the different ranks.

Network Structure

The network structure organizes contractors and third-party vendors to carry out certain key functions. It features a relatively small headquarters with geographically-dispersed satellite offices, along with key functions outsourced to other firms and consultants.

Benefits of Organizational Structures

Putting an organizational structure in place can be very beneficial to a company. The structure not only defines a company's hierarchy but also allows the firm to lay out the pay structure for its employees. By putting the organizational structure in place, the firm can decide salary grades and ranges for each position.

The structure also makes operations more efficient and much more effective. By separating employees and functions into different departments, the company can perform different operations at once seamlessly.

In addition, a very clear organizational structure informs employees on how best to get their jobs done. For example, in a hierarchical organization, employees will have to work harder at buying favor or courting those with decision-making power. In a decentralized organization, employees must take on more initiative and bring creative problem solving to the table. This can also help set expectations for how employees can track their own growth within a company and emphasize a certain set of skills—as well as for potential employees to gauge if such a company would be a good fit with their own interests and work styles.

What Are Some Types of Organizational Structures?

The four types of organizational structures are functional, multi-divisional, flat, and matrix structures.Others include circular, team-based, and network structures.

What Are the Key Elements of an Organizational Structure?

Key elements of an organizational structure include how certain activities are directed in order to achieve the goals of an organization, such as rules, roles, responsibilities, and how information flows between levels within the company.

What Is an Organizational Structure Example?

An example of an organizational structure is a decentralized structure, which gives individuals and teams high degrees of autonomy without needing a core team to regularly approve business decisions. A good example of this decentralized structure is Johnson & Johnson. With thousands of products and lines of business, the company structures itself so each business unit operates as its own company with its own president.

What Is an Organizational Structure Chart?

Organizational structures are normally illustrated in some sort of chart or diagram like a pyramid, where the most powerful members of the organization sit at the top, while those with the least amount of power are at the bottom.

What Is the Best Organizational Structure?

There is no one best organizational structure, as it depends on the nature of the company and the industry it operates in.

The Bottom Line

There are entire fields of study based on how to optimize and best structure organizations to be the most effective and productive. Senior leaders should consider a variety of factors before deciding which type of organization is best for their business, including the business goals, industry, and culture of the company.

Organizational Structure for Companies With Examples and Benefits (2024)


Organizational Structure for Companies With Examples and Benefits? ›

Because organizational structures divide companies into various teams or branches, they're helping to ensure that all tasks and responsibilities specific to those divisions are met more easily. When an employee knows what they should be working on, they're able to operate quickly and more efficiently.

What is organizational structure and its benefits? ›

Because organizational structures divide companies into various teams or branches, they're helping to ensure that all tasks and responsibilities specific to those divisions are met more easily. When an employee knows what they should be working on, they're able to operate quickly and more efficiently.

What are the 4 types of organizational structures examples? ›

Types of organizational structures include functional, divisional, flatarchy, and matrix structures.

How can organizational structure benefit a company? ›

The importance of organizational structures

Organizational structures are important because they help businesses implement efficient decision-making processes. By assigning specialized roles to lower-level employees, businesses can make better decisions faster.

What is organizational structure with example? ›

Definition of an Organizational Structure

The organizational structure also determines the flow of information between divisions within the corporation. A centralized structure, for example, makes choices from the top-down, whereas a decentralized structure distributes decision-making power throughout the organization.

What are the pros and cons of organizational structure? ›

Organizing a company in this way has inherent advantages and disadvantages.
  • Advantage: Specialization. ...
  • Advantage: Operational Speed. ...
  • Advantage: Operational Clarity. ...
  • Disadvantage: Segregation. ...
  • Disadvantage: Weakening of Common Bonds. ...
  • Disadvantage: Lack of Coordination. ...
  • Disadvantage: Territorial Disputes.

What is the most important organizational structure? ›

Hierarchical structure

Its chain of command is the one that likely comes to mind when you think of any company: Power flows from the board of directors down to the CEO through the rest of the company from top to bottom. This makes the hierarchical structure a centralized organizational structure.

What is McDonald's organizational structure? ›

McDonald's has a divisional organizational structure where each division – based on geographical location – is assigned operational responsibilities and strategic objectives. The main geographical divisions are the US, internationally operated markets, and international developmental licensed markets.

What are the three most popular organizational structures? ›

The three main organizational structures are Hierarchical, Sequential, and Matrix.

What are the basic organizational structure of a company? ›

Five elements create an organizational structure: job design, departmentation, delegation, span of control and chain of command. These elements comprise an organizational chart and create the organizational structure itself. "Departmentation" refers to the way an organization structures its jobs to coordinate work.

What is the benefit structure? ›

A Benefit Structure Analysis study shows what types of product characteristics are seen by respondents as being most closely asso- ciated with any single benefit or any group ofrelated benefits.

What are the benefits of circular organizational structure? ›

Circular Organizational Structures

Pros: Provides strong, centralized leadership and vision. Supports communication and collaboration across divisions and encourages a spirit of shared purpose to improve resource sharing and decision making.

What type of hierarchy is Starbucks? ›

Starbucks follows a matrix organizational structure with a combination of vertical and horizontal structures. It is characterized by multiple overlapping chains of command and divisions.

What is a real life example of simple organizational structure? ›

A start-up is a typical example of an organization having a simple structure because apart from the founder there may be one or few employees who multi-task, and take care of all that has to be done to help attain organizational goals. Communication is informal and there is a high degree of collaboration.

What is the organizational structure of Starbucks? ›

Starbucks utilizes a matrix organizational structure that combines several functional and product-based divisions. This means there are multiple overlapping divisions and reporting structures within the overall organization, which makes sense considering its sheer size and global presence.

How does organizational structure affect a company? ›

Organizational structure improves operational efficiency by providing clarity to employees at all levels of a company. By paying mind to the organizational structure, departments can work more like well-oiled machines, focusing time and energy on productive tasks.

What is the greatest advantage of a simple organizational structure? ›

Because a simple business structure hires a lower number of employees, there are fewer budget costs. With a lower number of employees, a company needs fewer computers, resources and payroll checks. With this increase in capital, a simple business structure has more opportunities for expansion, hiring and development.

How organizational structures can affect a company's success? ›

While organization is necessary for success, the structure can influence the project management process. A company's organizational structure may dictate the level of project management, who makes ultimate project decisions, the communication of project goals and tasks and how the project manager works with his team.

Which is the simplest and very commonly used organizational structure? ›

Line organizational structure is one of the simplest types of organizational structures. Its authority flows from top to bottom. Unlike other structures, specialized and supportive services do not take place in these organizations. The chain of command and each department head has control over their departments.

How do you know which organizational structure is best? ›

How to choose an organizational structure
  • Review the different organizational structures. ...
  • Determine the company's strategy. ...
  • Consider the business' environment, size and age. ...
  • Review the information. ...
  • Create a visual chart and make a decision.
Jun 24, 2022

How is Apple organizational structure? ›

Apple uses a company structure that is commonly known as “functional organization”. This means that the company has been organized around areas of expertise, rather than individual products. The products themselves are then worked on by individuals from across the different areas of expertise.

What organizational structure is used by Coca-Cola? ›

The Coca-Cola Company has a somewhat complex matrix organizational structure with geographic divisions, product divisions, business-type units, and functional groups.

What is the organizational structure of Disney? ›

Disney utilizes a decentralized cooperative multidivisional (M-form) organizational structure. This focuses on different business types and is common in diversified companies that have a wide breadth of operations, especially where these operations are carried out globally.

What is the best organizational structure for a startup? ›

In the early stages, most startups will adopt a flat org structure. This helps create faster expansion because it's less structured than competitors that may have complex management hierarchies. It also fosters faster decision-making. A flat org structure has few (or no) layers of management.

What are the two most commonly used organizational management structures? ›

Tip. A functional structure is arguably the most common type of organizational structure. Divisional structures are used by smaller companies. Finally, small companies with diverse product lines may consider a product structure.

What is an example of a matrix structure? ›

In a matrix structure, individuals work across teams and projects as well as within their own department or function. For example, a project or task team established to develop a new product might include engineers and design specialists as well as those with marketing, financial, personnel and production skills.

What is an example of a flat organizational structure? ›

Amazon is an excellent example of a flat organization. Like Google, it has few managerial roles, and employees can move up or down within the company as needed. This structure allows for faster communication and decisions. Additionally, Amazon is known for its fast response time to changes in the market.

What is an example of an organic structure company? ›

Examples of such organizations could be bigger insurance companies, health care companies, or even universities and governmental facilities. For employees, the responsibilities are clear as well as their career path.

What are the 4 major types of benefits? ›

There are four major types of employee benefits many employers offer: medical insurance, life insurance, disability insurance, and retirement plans.

What is an example of a benefit organization? ›

Some examples of mutual benefit organizations include: Chambers of commerce. Labor unions. Business leagues.

What are the 4 types of benefits? ›

What are the four major types of employee benefits? These include medical, life, disability, and retirement. Here is a closer look at these employee benefits and why they are often offered by business owners.

What are the three main advantages of the functional organizational structure? ›

Advantages of a functional structure

productivity - specialism means that staff are skilled in the tasks they do. accountability - there are clear lines of management. clarity - employees understand their own and others' roles.

What are the advantages of horizontal or flat organizational structure? ›

Horizontal organizational structures typically allow companies to focus on employees and give more control to individual team members. It can also facilitate more direct lines of communication between managers and employees because there isn't an extensive hierarchical reporting structure.

What is an advantage of organizing a company by functions? ›

In a functional business structure, employees report to a functional manager with the same work specialty. A key advantage of this organizational structure is that it increases productivity because it allows employees to focus on their skills.

What is Walmart's organizational structure? ›

Walmart has a hybrid hierarchical-functional organizational structure, otherwise referred to as a matrix structure that combines multiple approaches. Walmart utilizes the hierarchical structure which means that current CEO Doug McMillon is the only employee without a direct superior.

How is Nike structured? ›

Nike has a matrix organizational structure with a strong preference for geographic and regional divisions. At the top of the Nike hierarchy is global corporate leadership headquartered in Beaverton, Oregon.

Why does Amazon use functional organizational structure? ›

Global groups based on functions

Each major business function has its own dedicated group that is headed by an executive-level manager, such as a CEO or SVP. By structuring the company in this way, Amazon can efficiently and successfully manage its e-commerce operations throughout the entire organization.

What kind of organizational structure is Amazon? ›

Amazon organizational structure can be classified as hierarchical. Senior management team include three CEOs and three senior vice presidents responsible for various vital aspects of the business reporting directly to CEO Andy Jassy.

What is a real life example of vertical organizational structure? ›

Companies with a vertical structure may organize their organization by product or function. For example, an automobile manufacturer divides its organization by product line: trucks, electric cars, and passenger cars.

What is an example of a divisional structure? ›

In a divisional structure, people are grouped together based on the product or service they provide, not the work they do. For example, a large corporation such as General Electric has divisions for electronics, transportation, and aviation, each with its own team of accountants, marketers, etc.

What type of organizational structure is PepsiCo? ›

Functional Corporate Groups/Offices.

This characteristic of PepsiCo's organizational structure refers to basic business functions.

What type of organizational structure is Dunkin Donuts? ›

This type of organizational structure that Dunkin' Brands has is divisional.

What type of Organisational structure is KFC? ›

KFC's organizational structure consists of six levels. The management board, which includes the president and regional directors and the chief financial officer, is at the top (CFO). This is followed by general managers, assistant general managers, unit managers, team members, and workers.

What is the meaning of organizational structure? ›

What is an organizational structure? Organizational structure is the method by which work flows through an organization and allows groups to work together within their individual functions to manage tasks.

What is the purpose of organizational structure? ›

The purpose of an organisation structure is to help the organisation to achieve its aims and objectives and employees to complete their work effectively and efficiently. An organisation structure allocates employees designated work roles and responsibilities and helps management to coordinate and control activities.

What are the 4 elements of organizational structure? ›

Edgar Schein, a prominent organizational psychologist, identified four key elements of an organization's structure: common purpose, coordinated effort, division of labor, and hierarchy of authority.

What is the main purpose of having an organizational structure *? ›

The main purpose of such a structure is to help the organization work towards its goals. It brings members of the organization together and demarcates functions between them. Secondly, the structure also helps in ensuring smooth and efficient functioning.

What is organizational structure simplified? ›

Also known as the flat structure, the simple organizational structure doesn't have multiple layers of management or formal departments. Instead, a simple organizational structure usually has one owner that delegates tasks to employees directly.

How can organisational structure be improved? ›

How to Improve Your Organizational Structure
  1. Address your business needs and issues. ...
  2. Make sure that your hierarchy fits with your company's purpose, objectives, and goals.
  3. Build on what is already working.
  4. Leverage the strength of your top talent.
  5. Build ownership and accountability at all levels of the organization.
Oct 28, 2020

What are the foundations of organization structure? ›

There are six basic elements which form the basis of an organization structure: They include work specialization, departmentalization, chain of command, span of control, centralization/decentralization and formalization.

What are the 3 key guidelines to develop organizational structure? ›

  • Governance. The first element of structure is governance - some person or group has to make the decisions within the organization.
  • Rules by which the organization operates. Another important part of structure is having rules by which the organization operates. ...
  • Distribution of work.

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