List of Important Basic Accounting Formulas (2024)

Accounting involves tracking and keeping a record of the financial transactions of an organization. Multiple functions build accounting into what it is, which are classifying, summarising, verifying, interpreting, recording, etc. data related to the finances of that particular institution.

From the viewpoint of an organization, it should be noted that accounting also deals with profits and losses incurred due to the trading of goods and services. Additionally, it also keeps records of assets and liabilities for a company.

Naturally, the data relating to accounting is represented in numbers, and deriving the right conclusion from an interpretation requires the proper use of the accounting formula. You should note that these formulas are the foundations of accounting. To build a stronghold on accounting and indulge in higher studies relating to accounts, you need to grasp the methods right from their grassroots.

Here is a detailed analysis of accounting and its formulas that are important in studying accounting.

What is an Accounting Formula?

To assess the functioning of a small business or even a large one, there is a set of specific accounting equation formulas that is most handy. They can be used as first-hand solutions to derive a conclusion depending on the business needs.

The formulas are listed below for your convenience.

Merely learning these formulas is less likely to be effective in dealing with numerical that are included under this topic. Therefore, a student has to build the basics of all these terminologies to tackle numerical and advanced concepts.

Understanding the Concepts

Let us understand some essential terms included in the accounting formula that is given below.

Income or Revenue

The cash inflows to a company or business are considered under revenue.


The expenditure that is related to conducting production and sales activities is categorised under expenses.

Fixed Costs

Regular expenses that are incurred in a business to keep it functioning despite the productivity level, such as building rent and warehouse maintenance.

Variable Cost

Costs or expenses that differ based on the sales volume or productivity of business are variable.

Sales Price

It is the retail price at which a company or business sells its products or services to the public.

Current Assets

Assets that are likely to be converted into cash or probably consumed or exhausted within a financial year are termed as current assets.

Current Liabilities

The debts or liabilities that a company is expected to make good within a year are classified as current liabilities.

Total Equity

Total equity refers to the owned capital of an organization held by the shareholders or private owners. It is the difference between the total assets and total liabilities of a company.


Inventory refers to the value of goods (raw materials, semi-finished and finished products) held by an organization.

Hence, it is crucial to understand all these terms before delving deeper into the topics of accounting. You must have a holistic understanding of all these to strengthen your foundation so that you can navigate through the advanced topics more conveniently.

What is the Basic Accounting Equation?

The basic accounting equation is Assets = Equity + Liability.

It is also known as the balance sheet equation. The double-entry bookkeeping system is founded on this very equation, as it represents that the total credit balance equates to a total debt balance.

What is the Comprehensive Accounting Equation?

A comprehensive formula for the basic accounting equation is its expanded form. Commerce students have to note that multiple different factors are included in a firm, proprietorship, or company.

Hence, while calculations are carried out, there might be a slight change in the parameters that are considered. For instance,

In the case of a corporation, Assets = Liabilities + Paid-in Capital + Revenues – Expenses – Dividends – Treasury Stock

Similarly, in the case of a sole proprietorship is: Assets = Liabilities + Owner's Capital + Revenues – Expenses – Owner's Draws

Hence, it is evident that certain parameters differ based on the entity for which the valuation of assets is being done.

To know more about accounting activities and their formulas in calculating those, look into our online learning programmes for a clear understanding. We provide high-quality study materials prepared by subject professionals to guide you on the right path towards effective exam preparation. So, get your notes now and jumpstart your exam preparation.

List of Important Basic  Accounting Formulas (2024)


What are all the basic formula of accounting? ›

The following are the different types of basic accounting equation: Asset = Liability + Capital. Liabilities= Assets - Capital. Owners' Equity (Capital) = Assets – Liabilities.

What are the most important accounting equations? ›

Assets = Liability + Stockholders' Equity

This is called the accounting equation or balance sheet equation. It's used to understand the financial position of a company through the economic resources it owns and the sources of financing for those resources.

How to memorize accounting formulas? ›

Consider using mnemonic devices to associate formulas with memorable phrases or images. For example, to remember the formula for calculating the return on investment (ROI), you could create a mnemonic like “ROI is the Reward Of Investment.” Visualizing this phrase can help reinforce your memory of the formula.

What is the answer to the basic accounting equation? ›

The basic accounting equation gives meaning to the balance sheet structure and is the foundation of double-entry accounting. It has the following formula: Assets = Liabilities + Owner's Equity.

What are the three golden rules of accounting? ›

The three golden rules of accounting are (1) debit all expenses and losses, credit all incomes and gains, (2) debit the receiver, credit the giver, and (3) debit what comes in, credit what goes out.

What is the basic accounting equation for dummies? ›

The accounting equation is a formula that shows the sum of a company's liabilities and shareholders' equity are equal to its total assets (Assets = Liabilities + Equity).

What is the #1 rule in accounting? ›

Rule 1: Debit all expenses and losses, credit all incomes and gains. This golden accounting rule is applicable to nominal accounts. It considers a company's capital as a liability and thus has a credit balance. As a result, the capital will increase when gains and income get credited.

What is the famous accounting formula? ›

Assets = Liabilities + Shareholder's Equity

And as any accountant knows, having a clear picture of a company's finances and what it has on hand is one of the most important elements in making good financial decisions, and why the accounting equation is so critical.

What is the formula for bookkeeping? ›

Also known as the balance sheet equation, the accounting equation formula is Assets = Liabilities + Equity. This equation should be supported by the information on a company's balance sheet.

What is the dead rule in accounting? ›

DEAD Rule. The DEAD rule is a simple mnemonic that helps us easily remember that we should always Debit Expenses, Assets, and Dividend accounts, respectively. The normal balance in such cases would be a debit, and debits would increase the accounts, while credits would decrease them.

What is an easy accounting equation? ›

The three elements of the accounting equation are assets, liabilities, and shareholders' equity. The formula is straightforward: A company's total assets are equal to its liabilities plus its shareholders' equity.

What is the basic accounting answer? ›

What is a simple definition of accounting? In its most basic sense, accounting describes the process of tracking an individual or company's monetary transactions. Accountants record and analyze these transactions to generate an overall picture of their employer's financial health.

What are the basics of accounting? ›

Basic accounting concepts used in the business world cover revenues, expenses, assets, and liabilities. These elements are tracked and recorded in documents including balance sheets, income statements, and cash flow statements.

How many basic of accounting are there? ›

Business transactions are documented in the books of account according to one of three accounting bases: (i) Cash Basis of Accounting; (ii) Accrual Basis of Accounting; or (iii) Hybrid Basis of Accounting.

What is the basic accounting formula for a balance sheet? ›

The balance sheet is based on the fundamental equation: Assets = Liabilities + Equity.

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