LTM vs. NTM Multiples (2024)

What is LTM vs. NTM Multiples?

Last Twelve Months (LTM) or Next Twelve Months (NTM) are two standard forms in which valuation multiples are presented in trading and transaction comps analyses. While LTM multiples are backward-looking and based on historical performance, NTM multiples are formulated from projected figures.

LTM vs. NTM Multiples (1)

Table of Contents

  • LTM vs. NTM Multiples Introduction
  • Valuation Multiples Review
  • Last-Twelve Months (LTM) Multiples Definition
  • Next-Twelve Months (NTM) Multiples Definition
  • LTM vs. NTM Multiples – Trailing or Forward Valuation
  • LTM vs. NTM Multiples Trade-Offs
  • LTM vs. NTM Multiples Calculator – Excel Template
  • LTM vs. NTM Example Calculation

LTM vs. NTM Multiples Introduction

Valuation Multiples Review

Multiples in relative valuation consist of a measure of value in the numerator and a metric capturing financial performance in the denominator.

To ensure the comparisons are apples-to-apples, equity value must be matched with metrics that pertain solely to equity shareholders, while enterprise value must match with metrics applicable to all stakeholders (e.g. common and preferred equity shareholders, lenders / debt holders)

Last-Twelve Months (LTM) Multiples Definition

LTM stands forLastTwelveMonths. LTM multiples refer to metrics representing past operating performance. For example, the amount of EBITDA generated by a company in the past twelve months would be classified as a LTM metric.

Alternatively, LTM multiple can be used interchangeably with the term “trailing twelve months”, or TTM.

In terms of presentation, both “LTM” and “TTM” can routinely be found in comps sheets.

Next-Twelve Months (NTM) Multiples Definition

NTM, on the other hand, stands forNextTwelveMonths. Multiples denoted as NTM means the selected metric is based on the projected performance in the coming twelve months.

Therefore, a NTM multiple is considered a “forward multiple”, since the valuation is based on a forecast, rather than actual historical financial results.

Companies are also often acquired based on their future prospects (e.g. future revenue growth, margin improvements), which causes forward multiples to become more applicable in M&A scenarios.

High and Cyclical Growth

Three other scenarios that require heavier reliance on NTM multiples are companies that demonstrate:

  1. Significantly high growth (i.e. early stage growth companies) in which the company is growing at a pace where it’ll be significantly different one year from the prior year
  2. Cyclicality that causes the company’s financial performance to vary (sometimes dramatically) year-by-year.
  3. Seasonality in financial performance that requires a full yearly cycle to be captured in the operating metric (e.g. to avoid double-counting the holiday season for a clothing retailer).

Under the given contextual situations, historical multiples (LTM) are unlikely to represent the real value of the companies being valued, making them impractical to use.

Instead, forward multiples (NTM) would reflect a more accurate valuation while being more intuitive, as they provide a better picture of the company’s ongoing performance.

LTM vs. NTM Multiples – Trailing or Forward Valuation

From the view of many practitioners, especially those investing in technology-related and high-growth sectors, forward multiples (NTM) are preferred because they account for projected growth.

For high-growth companies, LTM can be a poor proxy that fails to factor in projected growth due to:

Most importantly, valuation is forward-looking for the most part – albeit historical performance can serve as the insightful basis to reference when creating the forecast.

However, past performance is NOT future performance, and the circ*mstances of a company (and industry) can change in an instant, especially in the digital age.

LTM multiples, such as LTM EBITDA, are usually used for transactions like leveraged buyouts (LBOs). However, LTM EBITDA is typically broken-down and scrutinized on a line-by-line basis.

LTM vs. NTM Multiples Trade-Offs

When deciding between using a LTM or a forward multiple, there are some trade-offs to be aware of.

LTM multiples have the advantage of being based off of actual, factual results. For example, the fact that a company generated $200mm in revenue under accrual accounting standards can be found in its formally audited financial statements (i.e. even if analysts “scrub” and make adjustments to this figure later on).

But LTM multiples suffer from the issue that historical results can be, and quite often are, distorted by non-recurring expenses such as restructuring expenses and legal settlements, as well as non-recurring income (e.g. non-core asset sales).

In effect, the inclusion of such items can cause the metrics of companies to be misconstrued (and thus, misleading to investors).

One goal of relative valuation is to use multiples that properly account for the target company’s core, recurring operating performance.

To reiterate from earlier, historical metrics must be adjusted to exclude non-recurring items.

Forward multiples have the drawback of being subjective measures, where discretionary decisions can cause substantial differences in valuations.

Since projected EBITDA, EBIT, and EPS are all forecasts based on individual judgment, as well as management guidance, these figures tend to be less reliable relative to historical performance.

Hence, both LTM and forward multiples (e.g. NTM) are typically presented side-by-side, rather than picking one instead of another, as the decision is not mutually exclusive.

LTM vs. NTM Multiples Calculator – Excel Template

We’ll now move to a modeling exercise, which you can access by filling out the form below.

LTM vs. NTM Example Calculation

For our example LTM vs NTM multiple calculations, we’ll assume the hypothetical buyout of a company affected by the break-out of COVID, with the peak negative impact occurring in 2020.

The target company had the following valuation data as of fiscal year 2020, which should reflect an underperformance caused by COVID.

  • LTM Enterprise Value (EV): $200mm
  • LTM EBITDA: $20mm

In terms of the forward multiples valuation data:

  • NTM EV: $280mm
  • NTM EBITDA: $40mm

And for the 2-year forward data points:

  • NTM + 1 EV: $285mm
  • NTM + 1 EBITDA: $45mm

With those assumptions stated, we can calculate the EV / EBITDA multiples for each period.

  • EV / EBITDA (LTM): 10.0x
  • EV / EBITDA (NTM): 7.0x
  • EV / EBITDA (NTM + 1): 6.3x

From the multiples listed above, we can distinguish the LTM multiple as an outlier from the three periods.

Given the COVID impact on EBITDA – which would be considered a one-time, non-recurring event – an acquirer would likely make an offer to purchase the hypothetical target company using a NTM multiple.

The true, normalized valuation multiple of the target appears to be around the 6.0x to 7.0x range, rather than around 10.0x.

The expansion of the LTM EV/EBITDA multiple can be attributed to the compressed EBITDA (and a comparatively steadier enterprise value – i.e. overall valuation remained relatively steady despite the reduction in EBITDA), which falsely inflates the valuation multiple.

Either the purchaser would bid off the NTM multiple, or adjust the LTM EBITDA by removing the “one-time” COVID-related impacts to normalize the multiple (i.e. Adj. EBITDA).

Upon doing so, the LTM multiple would converge closer to the approximate valuation range implied by the NTM and NTM + 1 multiples.

LTM vs. NTM Multiples (3)

LTM vs. NTM Multiples (4)

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LTM vs. NTM Multiples (2024)


What is the difference between LTM and NTM EV EBITDA? ›

LTM stands for 'Last Twelve Months' and reflects the most recent Twelve Months of Financial performance. NTM stands for 'Next Twelve Months' and reflects a Business's estimated Financial performance for the upcoming Twelve Months.

How do you calculate LTM multiples? ›

Historical valuation multiples are usually calculated over the last twelve month (LTM) period. To calculate the LTM EBITDA, for example, add the EBITDA from the most recent stub period to the latest full-year EBITDA, and subtract the EBITDA from the corresponding stub period last year.

Why are forward year multiples typically preferred to LTM multiples in comparable companies? ›

Why are forward-year multiples typically preferred to LTM multiples in comparable companies? Investors are more focused on earnings potential than historical earnings.

What is the ntm ev EBITDA multiple? ›

NTM EV/EBITDA is a financial metric often used by buyers to assess the reasonability of a target's valuation. It is actually a combination of the following three terms: "NTM" — next twelve months; "EV" — enterprise value; and. "EBITDA" — earnings before income taxes, depreciation, and amortization.

What is NTM vs LTM multiples? ›

Last Twelve Months (LTM) or Next Twelve Months (NTM) are two standard forms in which valuation multiples are presented in trading and transaction comps analyses. While LTM multiples are backward-looking and based on historical performance, NTM multiples are formulated from projected figures.

What does LTM and NTM mean? ›

Financial analysts use Last Twelve Months (LTM) or Next Twelve Months (NTM) and a number of different valuation multiples when evaluating corporate deals.

Which multiple is better to use in valuations? ›

Since enterprise value multiples allow for direct comparison of different firms, regardless of capital structure, they are said to be better valuation models than equity multiples.

Which multiples should be used for valuation? ›

There are two main types of valuation multiples:
  • Equity Multiples.
  • Enterprise Value Multiples.
Nov 29, 2022

What are the best multiples for relative valuation? ›

One of the most popular relative valuation multiples is the price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio. It is calculated by dividing stock price by earnings per share (EPS), and is expressed as a company's share price as a multiple of its earnings.

Why should a financial analyst Be careful using multiples? ›

Meanwhile, using multiple analysis can also lead to difficulty in comparing companies or assets. This is because companies, even when they seem to have identical business operations, may have different accounting policies. As such, multiples may be easily misinterpreted, and comparisons are not as conclusive.

Why do we use forward multiples? ›

The forward multiple is most often used to determine the valuation of a high growth company that is either unprofitable as of the present date, or the market is valuing the company based on its expected earnings in the future.

Why are transaction multiples higher than trading multiples? ›

Calculating transaction multiples takes into consideration several factors, such as the type of premium a company needs to pay to get a controlling stake. This is also one of the reasons why transaction multiples are higher than trading multiples.

What is a good EV to revenue multiple? ›

What is a good Enterprise Value to Revenue Multiple benchmark? In general, a good EV/R Multiple is between 1x and 3x. However, public SaaS companies range between 6X and 12X EV/R.

How do you calculate EV in NTM EBITDA? ›

It is calculated by dividing its enterprise value (Current Market Cap + Debt + Minority Interest + preferred shares – cash) by EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization).

Do you want a high or low EV EBITDA multiple? ›

What is a Good EV/EBITDA? (High or Low) Generally, the lower the EV to EBITDA ratio, the more attractive the company may be as a potential investment.

What does LTM mean in valuation? ›

Last twelve months (LTM) refers to the timeframe of the immediately preceding 12 months. It is also commonly designated as trailing twelve months (TTM). LTM is often used in reference to a financial metric used to evaluate a company's performance, such as revenues or debt to equity (D/E).

What is multiple of NTM net income? ›

What Does NTM Multiple Mean? The NTM multiple refers to the multiple that would be applied to the next twelve months of a particular financial measure such as revenue, EBITDA or net income.

What is an LTM calculation? ›

LTM (Last Twelve Months), also sometimes known as the trailing or rolling twelve months, is a time frame frequently used in connection with financial ratios, such as revenues or return on equity (ROE), to evaluate a company's performance during the immediately preceding 12-month time period.

Does NTM mean nothing much? ›

NTM: It generally refers to Not Too Much or Nothing Much. NTM can also mean Not to Mention or Next To Me depending on the context it is used. If someone says NTM to 'What's up?' it means Nothing Much.

Does LTM control for seasonality? ›

One of the main benefits of calculating LTM is that it still includes 12 months of historical financial information, so any seasonal trends would still be factored in.

What is the most widely used valuation multiple? ›

The most common multiple used in the valuation of stocks is the P/E multiple. It is used to compare a company's market value (price) with its earnings. A company with a price or market value that is high compared to its level of earnings has a high P/E multiple.

Which valuation method is the most accurate? ›

Discounted Cash Flow Analysis (DCF)

In this respect, DCF is the most theoretically correct of all of the valuation methods because it is the most precise.

What is the most accurate inventory valuation method? ›

The FIFO method (First In First Out)

It's generally the most straightforward inventory valuation method for retailers to use, since it most closely matches the actual cost of inventory and inventory movement. Pros: FIFO is the most commonly used inventory valuation method.

What are typical multiples for business valuation? ›

The multiples vary by industry and could be in the range of three to six times EBITDA for a small to medium sized business, depending on market conditions. Many other factors can influence which multiple is used, including goodwill, intellectual property and the company's location.

What are typical company valuation multiples? ›

Charts of Earnings Multiples for Business Valuation

SDE multiples usually range from 1.0x to 4.0x. The range of EBITDA multiples (for EBITDA between $1,000,000 and $10,000,000) is 3.3x to 8x, with the averages ranging from 4.5x to 6.5x.

Which valuation method is good for M&A valuation? ›

Revenue Multiple

A revenue multiple valuation is the most common methodology used in determining the value of a company. It provides a helpful metric when comparing companies with differing profit levels but similar margins, products, markets and competition.

How is NTM EV EBITDA calculated? ›

It is calculated by dividing its enterprise value (Current Market Cap + Debt + Minority Interest + preferred shares – cash) by EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization).

What is the LTM EBITDA? ›

What is LTM EBITDA? The definition of LTM (Last Twelve Months) EBITDA, also known as Trailing Twelve Months (TTM), is a valuation metric that shows your earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization adjustments over the past 12 months.

What is NTM EV revenue? ›

NTM revenue refers to a company's revenue over the next twelve months (NTM) of operations. This financial measure is sometimes overlooked by buyers who are more focused on a company's future profitability and ability to generate future EBITDA.

What is the major difference between EBITDA and net cash provided by operations from the statement of cash flows? ›

Key Differences

Operating cash flow tracks the cash flow generated by a business' operations, ignoring cash flow from investing or financing activities. EBITDA is much the same, except it doesn't factor in interest or taxes (both of which are factored into operating cash flow given they are cash expenses).

What is a good EBITDA multiples for valuation? ›

The EV/EBITDA Multiple

The enterprise-value-to-EBITDA ratio is calculated by dividing EV by EBITDA or earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization. Typically, EV/EBITDA values below 10 are seen as healthy.

What is a good multiplier for valuation? ›

The multiplier for a small to midsized business will generally fall between 1 and 3‚ meaning‚ that you will multiply your earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) by either 1X‚ 2X or 3X. For larger‚ more established organizations‚ the multiplier can be 4 or higher.

How do I choose EV EBITDA multiple? ›

What is the Formula for the EBITDA Multiple? To Determine the Enterprise Value and EBITDA: Enterprise Value = (market capitalization + value of debt + minority interest + preferred shares) – (cash and cash equivalents) EBITDA = Earnings Before Tax + Interest + Depreciation + Amortization.

Why is trailing twelve months so important? ›

By using TTM, analysts can evaluate the most recent monthly or quarterly data rather than looking at older information that contains full fiscal or calendar year information. TTM charts are less useful for identifying short-term changes and more useful for forecasting.

How is LTM EBITDA margin calculated? ›

EBITDA Margin = EBITDA / Revenue. The earnings are calculated by taking sales revenue and deducting operating expenses, such as the cost of goods sold (COGS), selling, general, & administrative expenses (SG&A), but excluding depreciation and amortization.

What is an LTM valuation? ›

LTM (Last Twelve Months), also sometimes known as the trailing or rolling twelve months, is a time frame frequently used in connection with financial ratios, such as revenues or return on equity (ROE), to evaluate a company's performance during the immediately preceding 12-month time period.

What is a good EV sales multiple? ›

EV-to-sales multiples are usually found to be between 1x and 3x. Generally, a lower EV/sales multiple will indicate that a company may be more attractive or undervalued in the market.

What is a good revenue to valuation ratio? ›

What is considered a good EV/Revenue Ratio? EV-to-Revenue multiples are typically considered healthy when between 1x and 3x. If this ratio is higher, then it's considered that the stocks are over-valued, and it's not profitable for investors to invest in the company.

Why do we use EBITDA multiple instead of EBIT multiple? ›

Why Is EBITDA Preferred to EBIT? EBITDA is often preferred over EBIT by companies that have invested heavily in tangible or intangible assets, and therefore have high annual depreciation or amortization costs. Those costs reduce EBIT as well as net income.

Which is more important net income or operating cash flow? ›

Cash flow is a better criterion and barometer of a company's financial health. Managers and investors can avoid many traps if they pay more attention to operating cash flow analyses.

Can free cash flow be higher than EBITDA? ›

Free cash flow can be higher or lower than EBITDA. In each case, it depends on the circ*mstances in the company, which expenditures were made. If the changes in working capital within a financial year are strongly positive because e.g. a large investment was made, the free cash flow can be less than EBITDA.

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