Personal integrity: what it is and why it matters (2024)

When you hear the word “integrity” it can feel weighty and a little bit ambiguous. You might know it’s a good thing to have, but aren’t exactly clear on what exactly personal integrity is or how you can demonstrate that you have it.

However mushy and intangible it might seem, personal integrity is a critical life skill. It can lead you to be the person you want to become and keep you on track when you stumble off your path.

Let’s break down what personal integrity is, why it’s important in your life, how to show you possess it, and how it can impact the people around you.

Integrity can have a significant impact on your own mental health as well as the success of your organization.

  • It is well known that holding intrinsic values, such as personal growth and affiliation, is positively associated with happiness. [1]
  • Studies have shown that people who think about their highest values before a stressful event experience less stress. [2]
  • Knowing your values helps you distinguish between what seems urgent and what is truly important. [2]
  • 33% of workers across 13 countries said they had observed misconduct in their workplace in the previous year. [3]
  • In the United States, 30% of workers have witnessed rules violations at work. [3]
  • Both employees and C-suite leaders place a high premium on integrity among executives. [4]
  • Stock prices of companies recognized for their ethics outperformed the U.S. Large Cap Index by nearly 5% from 2015 to 2017. [5]
  • Only 21% of employees believe they work in a business with a strong ethical culture. [5]
  • 40% of employees said their companies had weak or weak-leaning ethics. [5]
  • More than 50% of the 10 largest corporate bankruptcies since 1980, such as Enron, WorldCom, and Lehman Brothers, resulted from unethical business practices. [6]
  • The ethics of an organization’s culture plays a significant role in creating and sustaining value. [6]

What does personal integrity mean?

Personal integrity is defined as having strong morals or values and following those principles in both your words and actions.

The concept of having integrity is really quite simple—living with integrity means you uphold your values, no matter the situation or who is watching. You live to your own moral code.

An easy way to think about integrity is matching up what you say with what you do. For example, someone would show a lack of integrity if they say that honesty is one of their values but they’re often dishonest or often don’t share the entire truth with others. If honesty (or personal integrity) is important to you, you’ll find a way to be transparent with others, even when it’s difficult to do.

When you have personal integrity, you’re not just acting according to your morals, you’re also true to yourself and what you believe in. You don’t let others influence you easily, and you stick to your principles when it comes to what you want in life and the type of person you want to be.

Why is personal integrity important?

Personal integrity is important for a lot of reasons, but it mostly boils down to it being the right thing to do. When you have integrity, you’re committed to doing the right thing, no matter what. A person with high integrity is more likely to feel content in life since they know what their values and priorities are and aren’t afraid to take action to pursue them.

Demonstrating integrity can make you more friends, too. Others value integrity in the people they surround themselves with since most people don’t like to work or be with others who don’t have strong or even aligned values.

And finally, as the data above shows, if an organization’s culture lacks integrity, it can also negatively affect employees and the business’ overall performance. A company actually performs better when there’s an environment that values integrity and employees are held to high ethical standards.

How do you show personal integrity?

Personal integrity is demonstrated by the way you live your life day in and day out. Being consistent with your values and principles is the biggest way to show you have personal integrity and can be relied upon to do the right thing, even when no one is watching.

You can also show your personal integrity if you are upfront about any potential mistakes you’ve made or that you’ve witnessed from others and feel obligated to report. Keeping yourself and others honest is a strong contributor to having integrity. If you’re ever in doubt on how you can show integrity in a situation, just ask yourself what the right thing is to do. That’s your best way forward.

What are the five attributes of integrity?

1. Have and follow a set of values

It’s impossible to have integrity if you don’t have a moral code that you set for yourself and follow. Your values can be written down, or you could create a mission statement for yourself that you tie everything in your life back to. For some people, it’s also helpful to follow a philosophical or religious doctrine to help them shape their morals and values.

Some example personal values you could jot down include:

  • Authenticity
  • Gratitude
  • Honesty
  • Kindness
  • Reliability

However you decide to form your values, it’s key that you follow those principles in all situations to develop and uphold integrity. Your values are your roadmap to success in personal integrity.

2. Be honest

Honesty is also a critical part of having personal integrity. In addition to following a set of values, you should also be transparent and honest about your actions because you have nothing to hide.

Everyone appreciates honesty, even though it can be difficult for the truth teller and the receiver of the truth. By making honesty a priority in your life, you’ll be able to maintain your personal integrity.

3. Help others

A person who wants to help others spreads a lot of good in the world and usually shows good moral character. If you value generosity and good deeds, you’ll also want to make sure you follow through on those values and take action.

You can help people who you interact with day-to-day or reach out to volunteer organizations to do service work in your community. However you choose to give back, it’s important to do so authentically and not just to maintain appearances or check off a box.

4. Lead by example

One of the worst types of leaders is someone with the philosophy, “do as I say, not as I do.” It’s hard to respect someone who doesn’t follow through on what they say they’ll do, and even harder to work with or for them.

One of the best ways to demonstrate that you have integrity is to act according to your values, whether the people around you follow those principles or not. While you may not have direct reports, you can still lead others to act with integrity. You’ll be seen as someone with good character if you can follow your morals while everyone else follows their whims—and you may even inspire others to follow your example.

5. Take responsibility

There will probably come a time when you don’t demonstrate integrity well or slip up on your values. This is normal and remember that everyone makes mistakes from time to time.

However, how you respond after recognizing that you messed up is important. If you avoid taking responsibility and find excuses for why you didn’t behave according to your morals, you’re digging yourself into an even deeper hole away from personal integrity.

When you’ve messed up, own up to your mistake and hold yourself accountable for any repercussions. Not only will other people respect you more for your responsibility, you may even repair any damage done when you broke trust in going against your values.

What is personal integrity in the workplace?

As the data above showed, integrity can have a significant impact on organizations and employees in the workplace. A company’s ethical culture is vital to a productive and good work environment.

Here are four ways that integrity shows up in the workplace and what you can do to make sure you demonstrate personal integrity at work.

1. Follow company policies

The reason company policies are created in the first place is to ensure the business maintains or develops an ethical culture. Companies often have a set list of values, policies, and mission statements to align employees on what is expected and important to the organization.

By following these workplace rules and statements, whether it’s a vacation policy or anti-harassment policy, you have shown that you also find the guidance valuable and are willing to put the work in to ensure the workplace reflects what is outlined in the policies.

2. Respect all coworkers

While you may not be everyone’s best friend, it’s still important to show respect and kindness to everyone in the workplace. There will be times when you may disagree with someone and it would be easy to gossip about them with your work friends. However, hold yourself to the principles you value and take the high road.

You’ll be seen as a mature and capable professional, and will gain even more respect from your boss or colleagues. Respect also shows up by allowing others to contribute equally during meetings, being flexible with different working schedules, and asking for input or feedback.

3. Speak up about any misconduct

The phrase, “If you see something, say something,” applies pretty well here. If you see any of your coworkers or leaders acting in a way that doesn’t reflect the company’s values or could be considered unethical, you should take the opportunity to speak up.

It can feel intimidating to come forward about workplace misconduct, especially if the person you’re reporting is a friend or your superior. But if you don’t say something, who will? A common excuse people use about not reporting unethical behavior is they believe someone else will report it, but then no one does and the behavior goes unchecked. Keep your workplace an environment full of integrity by holding yourself and your colleagues to ethical standards.

4. Be accountable for mistakes

There are also situations where behavior isn’t necessarily unethical, but doesn’t reflect your integrity. If there was a mistake made, own up to your oversight and take responsibility in making it right. Putting blame on others or avoiding any confrontation expands the issue and doesn’t show good character on your part.

Additionally, you can show personal integrity by how you go about your work. For example, if you hand in a project that was done with little effort because you were feeling lazy on Friday afternoon, that doesn’t hold up well if you or your organization values hard work. You can hold yourself accountable by planning out time to work on projects so you don’t wait until the last minute or by being honest with your business partners to find a reasonable deadline where you can showcase your best work.

The best way to develop personal integrity is to get started

You likely act with personal integrity already, but if you think that you have some areas to work on, you’re not alone. Integrity is a lifelong journey that requires patience as you cultivate this critical life skill.

You’ll also need to give yourself some grace. There will be times along the way where you don’t show integrity or aren’t as honest as you could have been. You can use these experiences as learning opportunities to find out what went wrong, and then own up and correct your mistake.

Regardless of where you are in your journey to demonstrating personal integrity, you’ll never improve if you don’t get started. Begin by reflecting on areas in your personal life or workplace where you can demonstrate integrity. Then, you can focus on developing the five attributes of personal integrity: follow a set of values, be honest, help others, lead by example, and take responsibility. Ask a trusted friend or a life coach to help keep you accountable, and you’ll see that showing integrity will soon become second nature.

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Personal integrity: what it is and why it matters (1)

Personal integrity: what it is and why it matters (2024)


What is personal integrity and why is it important? ›

Personal integrity is the sum of ethical standards that communicate what kind of person you are in how you treat yourself and others. Integrity means you are predisposed to help others, be honest, and lead by example. For these reasons, integrity often factors itself into business ethics.

What personal integrity means? ›

Integrity means being honest and having strong moral principles. A person with integrity behaves ethically and does the right thing, even behind closed doors.

Why is integrity a core value? ›

Having integrity as a core value means that you never stop learning. It's not a matter of striving for perfection but being true to your company's brand and beliefs.

Why is it important to have integrity in all areas of your life? ›

Integrity makes you secure and confident in who you are as a person. When you don't have integrity, there's nothing to help your self-esteem since you're not honest about your morals and values. Confidence comes from being secure in who you are and reflecting on that to others.

What are the 4 characteristics of integrity? ›

The magnificent seven aspects of integrity
  • Honesty. This means telling the truth, being open, not taking advantage of others. ...
  • Respect. ...
  • Generating trust. ...
  • Pride. ...
  • Responsibility. ...
  • Keeping promises. ...
  • Helping others.
24 Aug 2015

What are 5 ways you can show integrity? ›

Wrapping it up
  • Keep your word.
  • Surround yourself with honest people.
  • Stick to what you've committed to.
  • Take responsibility.
  • Show respect for others.
4 Jan 2021

What is the golden rule of integrity? ›

“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” This seems the most familiar version of the golden rule, highlighting its helpful and proactive gold standard.

What are 3 characteristics of integrity? ›

They do good when they can. They are always helping other people. They love to know that they have improved someone's life. It gives their lives meaning.

Why is integrity the most important quality? ›

A person of integrity lives bound sound principles and motivates through ethical behavior. Integrity is the most important trait of leadership in our society because regardless of what other beneficial characteristics exist, people will not follow someone unless they have established trust with them.

Why is integrity the key to success? ›

Integrity is the superiority of being honest and having moral principles; honesty in one's actions. Integrity is what you need to succeed in life, not just your career. The key to success lies within yourself and how much integrity you have.

What is a good example of integrity? ›

Examples of everyday integrity

You can display integrity every day by choosing to do the right thing in all circ*mstances. Here are some examples of how to display integrity in daily life: Refrain from sharing secrets and confidential information with others. Remain honest with your partner.

What are 3 simple ways you can practice integrity? ›

Decide to make these commitments in these small ways and you'll find yourself improving your integrity and strengthening relationships.
5 Ways to Help Build Your Integrity
  • Make promises and keep them. ...
  • Be honest in all your communications. ...
  • Keep yourself and your environment clean and organized. ...
  • Stay focused.
3 Jul 2014

How do you develop integrity skills? ›

Live with honesty and keep your promises.

A broken promise is effectively a lie, and lying is inconsistent with living with integrity. Always be truthful with others, even when it lands you in trouble. Lying is almost always the wrong thing to do, especially when you lie for your own gain.

What are the 6 values of integrity? ›

Understanding and Applying the Six Values of Academic Integrity in all Aspects of our Teaching Learning Roles and Experiences
  • Honesty. ...
  • Trust. ...
  • Fairness. ...
  • Respect. ...
  • Responsibility. ...
  • Courage.

What are the key concepts of integrity? ›

Acting with integrity means understanding, accepting, and choosing to live in accordance with one's principles, which will include honesty, fairness, and decency. A person of integrity will consistently demonstrate good character by being free of corruption and hypocrisy.

How do you identify a person of integrity? ›

Sean Kelsey
14 Nov 2018

What are the four pillars of integrity? ›

Integrity (n.): The quality or state of wholeness, congruence, alignment. The four pillars: Emotional Intelligence, Impeccable Agreements, Healthy Responsibility, and Conscious Communication.

How do you know if someone lacks integrity? ›

There are clear warning signs that a person you're dealing with probably won't do the right thing.
  • Ambiguous, indirect or nonspecific speech. ...
  • Defensiveness. ...
  • Language and behavior inconsistency. ...
  • Inability to apologize or accept accountability. ...
  • Lack of reliability. ...
  • Frequent compromises. ...
  • Bragging. ...
  • Rude arguments.
3 Dec 2018

What are the three types of integrity? ›

Earlier in this article I said there are three forms of integrity. The first is internal integrity. The second is external integrity. The third is the image of integrity.

What are the moral principles of integrity? ›

Integrity: To behave in accordance with ethical principles, and act in good faith, intellectual honesty and fairness. Accountability: To take responsibility for one's actions, decisions and their consequences.

What is the 3 professional integrity? ›

Being honest, respectful and focused while taking responsibility for your actions, no matter the consequences, are key elements of professional integrity.

What are the two concepts of integrity? ›

Ordinary discourse about integrity involves two fundamental intuitions: first, that integrity is primarily a formal relation one has to oneself, or between parts or aspects of one's self; and second, that integrity is connected in an important way to acting morally, in other words, there are some substantive or ...

How will you apply integrity in your daily life? ›

How to Have Everyday Integrity
  1. Keep your promises, even if it takes extra effort.
  2. Go back to a store and pay for something you forgot to pay for.
  3. Never betray a friend's trust even if you get in trouble.
  4. Inform the cashier he gave you too much change back.
  5. Do not gossip or talk badly about someone.

What is the importance of personal integrity and taking 4 responsibility at workplace? ›

Integrity in the workplace contributes to a positive culture in which employees collaborate well, trust one another, respect one another, rely on one another, and be sympathetic. This working culture promotes a motivated, happy staff, which is often more productive than a workforce with a lack of integrity.

What are the three principles of integrity? ›

1. honesty and transparency; 2. respect and dignity; and 3. exemplarity.

What are the 5 attributes of integrity? ›

What are the 5 attributes of integrity?
  • Dependability. Dependability means people can rely on you and that you keep promises. ...
  • Loyalty. Employers especially value and appreciate the loyalty of their employees. ...
  • Honesty. Integrity requires honesty. ...
  • Good judgement. ...
  • Respect.

Why is integrity the most important value? ›

Having integrity means that you live in accordance to your deepest values, you're honest with everyone, and you always keep your word. Integrity is a highly valued trait, especially in leaders. When you live with integrity, you're more likely to be considered for important promotions and leadership positions.

What is a good example of integrity at work? ›

Be Willing to Do Hard Work

Another integrity in the workplace example is when you are on company time; you aren't standing on the sidelines and ordering others to get the work done for you. Even those in powerful positions should know you lose your subordinate's respect if you're never willing to do some work yourself.

What is the core of integrity? ›

The core values to integrity are honesty and trust. Integrity can be defined as the quality of possessing and adhering to high moral principles or professional standards. According to the Collins Dictionary online, “if you have integrity, your are honest and firm in your moral principles”.

What's the difference between honesty and integrity? ›

Integrity implies a consistent behavior, whether honest or not. Honesty implies being truthful (even if it is incorrect) about a subject at hand. Honesty, by definition, is to tell the truth and being true. Integrity is having strong moral principles based on honesty and to follow those principles religiously.

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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.