Room Revenue Multiplier: A Quick Hotel Valuation Method [includes EXAMPLE] ⋆ UpStay (2024)

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Estimating a hotel’s value can be a cumbersome and time-consuming process, especially if it has been operating for years.

For a new hotel, you only need to consider the current land value, property replacement costs, and depreciation factors. There’s no revenue or income to add to the equation. That valuation method is known as the cost approach.

But when determining an established hotel’s value, you need to consider its current and estimated future sales, revenue, income, expenses, and other relevant factors. Those also include intangible assets.

That’s what makes hotels different from other real estate properties. They have tangible and intangible assets, such as reputation, service quality, location desirability, and overall charm. But, unfortunately, there’s no formula to calculate their value.

Still, there are other hotel revenue management formulas you can use for hotel appraisals. We’ll go over some of the most important, including calculating a room revenue multiplier.

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What Is a Room Revenue Multiplier?

A room revenue multiplier (RRM) is a rate that hotel appraisers use to determine a hotel’s value or calculate its gross income. It represents the value per room, that is, how much annual revenue each room generates.

It considers a hotel’s total revenue, gross income, net operating income, profit, cap rate, ADR (Average Daily Rate), and RevPAR (Revenue Per Available Room).

Room Revenue Multiplier Method

The room revenue multiplier method is part of the income capitalization approach.

This approach is key to converting income into value. It shows how much income a hotel can make in the future, and what its resale value would be.

When you know a hotel’s cap rate, you can calculate its net operating income (NOI). That’s important for calculating its gross income, which you can then use to determine its RRM.

Typical Room Revenue Multiplier for Hotels

Hotel appraisers worldwide use different room revenue multipliers for hotel valuations. They typically range from 3.5-4.5.

A bit of research will help you find out what an average RRM in a particular area is, but you can also hire a professional with proper industry knowledge.

But if you already know the estimated value of a property you’re looking to buy, you can calculate its RRM to ensure you don’t overpay for it.

How Do You Calculate the Revenue Multiplier of a Room?

To calculate a hotel’s RRM, you need to know its value and gross income.


If you don’t know the value, you can get to a rough estimate by using a hotel’s ADR.

A common rule of thumb is to assume a hotel is worth a thousand times its ADR, which leads to this formula:

Room Revenue Multiplier: A Quick Hotel Valuation Method [includes EXAMPLE] ⋆ UpStay (1)

Value = ADR * Number of Rooms * 1,000

Example: If a hotel has 30 rooms and an ADR of $150, its rough value would be $4.5 million.

Are you trying to estimate your hotel’s value?

UpStay is a fully automated upselling solution that generates high-margin extra revenues for your hotel without upfront costs.

Gross Income

Once you know the value, the next step is finding out the gross income. This is the formula:

Room Revenue Multiplier: A Quick Hotel Valuation Method [includes EXAMPLE] ⋆ UpStay (2)

Gross income = Net Operating Income + Expenses

You can calculate the net operating income by subtracting operating expenses from all revenue.

Room Revenue Multiplier

You can determine the RRM with this formula:

Room Revenue Multiplier: A Quick Hotel Valuation Method [includes EXAMPLE] ⋆ UpStay (3)

RRM = Value / Gross Income

Example: If a hotel’s value is estimated at $4.5 million, and its gross income is $900,000, its RRM would be 5.

When you know a particular hotel’s RRM in advance, you can use it to estimate its value.

One way to go about it is to use the RevPAR, like this:

Room Revenue Multiplier: A Quick Hotel Valuation Method [includes EXAMPLE] ⋆ UpStay (4)

Value = RevPAR * Number of Rooms * RRM

Example: If a hotel has 30 rooms, a RevPAR of $50,000, and the average RRM for similar properties in the area is 3.8, its value would be $5.7 million.

This valuation method sets the value per room at 3.8 times the annual room revenue.

However, RevPAR doesn’t take into account the cost per occupied room and additional revenue sources, such as a restaurant, spa, parking, and other types of hospitality offering.

That’s why you might want to use the APPAR (Adjusted RevPAR):

APPAR = (ADR - Variable Costs per Occupied Room + Additional Revenues per Occupied Room) * Occupancy Rate

Room Revenue Multiplier Example

Let’s say a hotel has 50 rooms, 40 of which are occupied. That would mean that its occupancy rate is 80%.

Generating a $10,000 total room revenue with those 40 occupied rooms, it would have a $250 ADR and a RevPAR of $20,000.

Suppose its net operating income is $960,000, and its operating expenses amount to $370,000. Its gross income would be $1.33 million.

Let’s now assume that an average room revenue multiplier for similar properties in the area is 3.5.

Multiplying it by the gross income would lead to an estimated hotel value of $4,655,000.

If you’re thinking about buying a hotel, you need to know that your total funds would be higher than the purchase price.

There are PIP (Property Improvement Plan) expenses to consider, as well as the closing costs. If PIP expenses are, say, $10,000 per room, and the closing costs are $150,000, you would need to add another $650,000 to the purchase price.

If you’re taking out a loan, you need to consider interest rates and loan amortization as well. If you think that interest rates will increase in the future, the hotel’s value will likely drop unless its income keeps up the pace.


There are many more hotel valuation techniques, but using a room revenue multiplier with the simple formulas above is the quickest method.

It gives a rough estimate, but one that should be close enough to a property’s estimated purchase price. It can show you the bigger picture to help you make an informed purchasing or selling decision.

Room Revenue Multiplier: A Quick Hotel Valuation Method [includes EXAMPLE] ⋆ UpStay (5)

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Graduated from Standford University, Arielle has over 5 years of experience in the Hospitality industry. She holds an MBA in business administration from the IDC Herzliya, Israel. She currently works as Account Manager at UpStay, building and maintaining strong, long-lasting customer relationships. She is deeply passionate about helping hoteliers unlock significant new revenue streams from unsold premium inventory.


Room Revenue Multiplier: A Quick Hotel Valuation Method [includes EXAMPLE] ⋆ UpStay (2024)


What valuation method is used for hotels? ›

A room revenue multiplier (RRM) is a rate that hotel appraisers use to determine a hotel's value or calculate its gross income. It represents the value per room, that is, how much annual revenue each room generates.

What is room revenue in a hotel? ›

Revenue per available room (RevPAR) is a metric used in the hospitality industry to measure hotel performance. The measurement is calculated by multiplying a hotel's average daily room rate (ADR) by its occupancy rate.

What are the ways of increasing hotel revenue give at least 5? ›

11 Simple Ways to Successfully Increase Hotel Revenue
  • Offer Early Check-In and Late Checkout.
  • Promote your food and beverage options throughout the stay.
  • Offer room upgrades pre-arrival.
  • Partner with local businesses to offer excursions and experiences.
  • Take advantage of other upsell opportunities.
14 Sept 2021

What are the 4 main valuation methods? ›

4 Most Common Business Valuation Methods
  • Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) Analysis.
  • Multiples Method.
  • Market Valuation.
  • Comparable Transactions Method.

What are the 3 valuation methods? ›

Three main types of valuation methods are commonly used for establishing the economic value of businesses: market, cost, and income; each method has advantages and drawbacks.

What is room revenue formula? ›

Room revenue formula

It can be calculated in two ways: Multiply average daily rate (ADR) with occupancy – this is the most popular method. Divide the total revenue of a set time period by the number of available rooms in that period.

What is included in room revenue? ›

Room Revenue means all revenues, income and proceeds of any kind from the rental of guest rooms (whether from cash, check, credit card, credit transactions or otherwise), including the fair market value of any barter and other non-cash property and services received by the licensee as an alternative to cash payments, ...

What is room revenue analysis? ›

The room revenue report displays columns containing the number of Nights and Total Room Revenue, along with other filter criteria. The report divides the total revenue by the revenue amount per stay, and by the number of nights in the stay.

What are the 3 main revenue sources of hotel? ›

Typically, revenue in the hospitality industry is generated through hotel room rentals, meeting space occupancy, and the sale of food or beverages.

How do you calculate room expenses? ›

The simple formula for calculating room or bed rates is summing up the fixed and variable costs and what you want to earn. Sum up all the costs, add what your hotel needs to profit from, and divide it by the number of rooms. The room rate you will get will cover the expenses related to managing a hotel.

How do you calculate room occupancy? ›

An occupancy rate is measured by dividing the number of occupied rooms by the number of available rooms and multiplying by 100, showing the percentage of rooms occupied at a specific moment. For example, if you have a 10-room hotel and last night you sold 5 rooms, then the occupancy rate would be 50 percent.

What are the 4 methods to increase revenue? ›

What Are The '4 Methods to Increase Revenue'?
  • Increase the number of customers.
  • Increase the average transaction size.
  • Increase the frequency of transactions per customer.
  • Raise your prices.

What are examples of revenue management? ›

The most common example of how Revenue Management is executed is in the businesses of Hotel Management and the Airline Industry. The primary source of revenue for hotels is found in their room rates. The revenue generated from the bookings is a simple multiplication of price and volume booked.

What are the three techniques to increase revenues? ›

Strategies to increase sales revenue
  • increasing your prices.
  • finding new customers.
  • selling more to existing customers.
  • offering sale promotions to boost the volume of sales.
  • developing new product or service lines.
  • selling in new markets.

What are the 5 methods of valuation? ›

This module examines the traditional property valuation methods: comparative, investment, residual, profits and cost-based.

What are the 6 methods of valuation? ›

Methods for determining Customs value
  • Method one – transaction value. ...
  • Method two – transaction value of identical goods (“identical goods method”) ...
  • Method three – transaction value of similar goods (“similar goods method”) ...
  • Method four – deductive value. ...
  • Method five – computed value. ...
  • Method six – residual basis of valuation.
24 Jul 2019

What are the 5 methods of company valuation? ›

5 Common Business Valuation Methods
  • Asset Valuation. Your company's assets include tangible and intangible items. ...
  • Historical Earnings Valuation. ...
  • Relative Valuation. ...
  • Future Maintainable Earnings Valuation. ...
  • Discount Cash Flow Valuation.

What is valuation with example? ›

A common example of valuation is a company's market capitalization. This takes the share price of a company and multiplies it by the total shares outstanding. For example, if a company's share price is $10, and the company has 2 million shares outstanding, its market capitalization would be $20 million.

What is valuation and its types? ›

Valuation is a process by which analysts determine the present or expected worth of a stock, company, or asset. The purpose of valuation is to appraise a security and compare the calculated value to the current market price in order to find attractive investment candidates.

What is the best valuation method? ›

Business Valuation Methods
  • Discounted Cash Flow Analysis.
  • Capitalization of Earnings Method.
  • EBITDA Multiple.
  • Revenue Multiple.
  • Precedent Transactions.
  • Book Value/Liquidation Value.
  • Real Option Analysis.

How do you calculate revenue per guest? ›

What is revenue per visitor? Revenue per visitor (RPV) is a measurement of the amount of money generated each time a customer visits your website. It is calculated by dividing the total revenue by the total number of visitors to your site, and is a method of estimating the value of each additional visitor.

What is room revenue management? ›

Revenue management refers to the strategic distribution and pricing tactics you use to sell your property's perishable inventory to the right guests at the right time, to boost revenue growth. Other products such as your amenities and food and beverage offerings will also come into the picture.

How do I calculate my rooms sold? ›

  1. Formula: # of Room Nights Sold / Total Property Accommodation. When using the weekly statistics you will need to multiply the total number of accommodations by 7. ...
  2. Examples: Jan 2015 = 48 total units x 31 days = 1488 total sellable room nights.
19 Oct 2022

What are the 5 sources of revenue? ›

The 5 major sources of revenue for the Government are Goods and Services Tax (GST), Income tax, corporation tax, non-tax revenues, union excise duties .

What are the main types of revenue? ›

Revenue can be divided into operating revenue—sales from a company's core business—and non-operating revenue which is derived from secondary sources. As these non-operating revenue sources are often unpredictable or nonrecurring, they can be referred to as one-time events or gains.

What are types of revenue sources? ›

There are several ways to generate Revenue Streams:
  • Asset sale. The most widely understood Revenue Stream derives from selling ownership rights to a physical product. ...
  • Usage fee. ...
  • Subscription fees. ...
  • Lending/Renting/Leasing. ...
  • Licensing. ...
  • Brokerage fees. ...
  • Advertising.

What is average room revenue? ›

What is the meaning / definition of ARR in the hospitality industry? ARR stands for: Average Room Rate. It is a hotel KPI which measures the average rate per available room – similarly to ADR. Both of them can be used for the same purpose which is to calculate the average rate of the room.

How do you calculate occupancy in Excel? ›

To express this in excel we can divide the total number of available rooms in B1 , against each of the days in the spreadsheet. For example, to calculate the first day's occupancy rate we can do =B4/$B$1 : N.B. We type $B$4 instead of just B4 because we want to keep the second cell reference in the function static.

What are the 4 P's of the revenue cycle? ›

The 4Ps of revenue management are: Pricing, Positioning, Pace and Performance.

What are three 3 main ways to increase profits for your business? ›

There are four key areas that can help drive profitability. These are reducing costs, increasing turnover, increasing productivity, and increasing efficiency. You can also expand into new market sectors, or develop new products or services.

What is your revenue model? ›

A revenue model is the strategy of managing a company's revenue streams and the resources required for each revenue stream. A business model is the structure comprised of all aspects of a company, including revenue model and revenue streams, and describes how they all work together.

What are 4 examples of revenue? ›

Types of revenue accounts
  • Sales.
  • Rent revenue.
  • Dividend revenue.
  • Interest revenue.
  • Contra revenue (sales return and sales discount)
26 Oct 2022

What are 2 examples of revenue? ›

The three examples of revenue are: Rent received. Amount received from one time sale of an asset. Interest received from bank accounts.

What are the three examples of revenue? ›

Dividends, royalties and rent received.

How can I generate revenue quickly? ›

How to Increase Revenue in a Business
  1. Determine Your Goals. ...
  2. Focus on Repeat Customers. ...
  3. Add Complimentary Services or Products. ...
  4. Hone Your Pricing Strategy. ...
  5. Offer Discounts and Rebates. ...
  6. Use Effective Marketing Strategies. ...
  7. Invigorate Your Sales Channel. ...
  8. Review Your Online Presence.

Which method of valuation is suitable for hotels in civil engineering? ›

Valuation based on Profit

This method of valuation is suitable for commercial properties such as hotels, restaurants, shops, offices, malls, cinemas, theaters etc. for which the valuation depends on the profit.

Which costing is used in hotel industry? ›

The terms Variable costs and fixed costs in hotel operation is used to distinguish between those costs that have direct relationship to Hotel occupancy and those that has no relation to occupancy and business . Fixed Costs: Fixed costs are normally not effected by changes in occupancy or sales volume.

How do you know which valuation method to use? ›

There isn't one right formula. But here are a few common valuation techniques: (1) asset-based, (2) income-based, and (3) market comparable. The most appropriate method will depend on your company's individual history, market, asset mix, and management strengths.

Which method of valuation is suitable for hotels Mcq? ›

(3) Valuation based on profit:

(i) Under this sub-head, valuation of cinemas, theatres, hotels, banks, big shop etc. located at suitable places is done where profit is of capitalized value.

What is general valuation method? ›

General Valuation Method. The general valuation method is determined by the cost an individual would incur to lease the same vehicle under the same terms in the same geographic area.

What is valuation and its methods? ›

Valuation is a quantitative process of determining the fair value of an asset, investment, or firm. In general, a company can be valued on its own on an absolute basis, or else on a relative basis compared to other similar companies or assets.

What are the two valuation methods? ›

Valuation methods typically fall into two main categories: absolute valuation and relative valuation.

What are the 4 valuation methods most used in investment banking? ›

Investment Banking Valuations
  • Comparable Company Analysis.
  • Precedent Transaction Analysis.
  • Discounted Cash Flow Analysis.
  • Leveraged Buyout/Recap Analysis.

What are the 4 types of cost? ›

Costs are broadly classified into four types: fixed cost, variable cost, direct cost, and indirect cost.

What is the example of hotel industry? ›

Five Different Sectors of the Hospitality Industry. While the hospitality industry covers several different services, it can generally be defined through five different sectors. These sectors include food and beverages, lodging, recreation, travel and tourism, and meetings and events.

What is the formula for valuation of a business? ›

The formula is quite simple: business value equals assets minus liabilities. Your business assets include anything that has value that can be converted to cash, like real estate, equipment or inventory.

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