SJ Kids: Why do some days at school seem longer than others? (2024)

I think that reason that some days seem longer than others is because when you are bored and waiting for the bell to ring time goes by slow but when you are learning and having fun time goes by fast.

Taylor Miller,Grade 4, Keizer

Because you want to get home and do something, like watch TV, but you have to wait.

Joe Moreland,Grade 6, Mt. Angel

I think some school days seem longer than other because we are tired and really don’t like the topic we are learning. Or maybe your looking forward to doing something fun after school and it seems like school just goes on forever!

Sophie Hernandez, Grade 6, Mt. Angel

When your clock gets set back it feels like the school day is a lot longer than it seems.

Nevaeh Whitfield,Grade 4, Myers

Because sometimes some things in school are more boring than other subjects and you think of the time more than usual.

Kaikoa Breunle,Grade 4, Myers

Some days at school seem longer than others because you are sitting there and just watching your teacher teach.

Jeremiah Pinkerton,Grade 4, Myers

Some days are busier than other days or you are really hungry.

Camryn Wintersteen,Grade 4, Myers

You have lots and lots of boring work to do.

Peyton Amundsen,Grade 4, Myers

Because we do longer things.

Pablo Perez,Grade 4, Myers

School days seem long when they are boring.

Kaden Bliven,Grade 4, Myers

It happens because you get tired.

Charlie Severson,Grade 4, Myers

Because of all the work you do.

SJ Hunt,Grade 4, Myers

Some days seem longer because they are boring.

Abigail Barajas,Grade 4, Myers

Some school days seem longer than others because they are boring.

Logan Ratzlaff,Grade 4, Myers

Because you have to do work! Work makes it that way because you work so hard.

Joshua Pikl,Grade 4, Myers

The first day of school goes by fast because you have tons of friends and the last day of school feels really long because it will be summer after the bell rings.

Sidney Shaw, Grade 4, Myers

Because some days are boring and some are awesome.

Darian Ehrmantraut,Grade 4, Myers

Because if you are bored you feel like it’s going S-L-O-W.

Sara Jaffe, Grade 4, Myers

When other people talk at times they aren’t supposed to.

Owen Barber,Grade 4, Myers

Math. Math makes school feel like FOREVER!

Noah Rubrecht,Grade 4, Myers

Maybe the time change.

Moriah Chavarria,Grade 4, Myers

More school work and our clock stops.

Lily Bratcher,Grade 4, Myers

Some school days seem longer then others because you may be really looking forwarded to something you are doing that night.

Amos Mayhugh,Grade 7, Pratum

I think that Mondays are the longest day of the week because we just came back from the weekend and we’re all tired.

Izzy Wade,Grade 6, Pratum

Why do some days at school seem longer than others? Some days seem longer because some tests take so long, when you’re done you feel like you’re an old lady! What makes them seem that way? There’s a lot of stuff on it, a whole lot!

Jaiden Collazo,Grade 3, Sacred Heart

School days seem longer because we work on bigger things and then it seems longer. The reasons it seems longer is because we do not usually do long activities.

Frances Lear,Grade 4, Sacred Heart

Why do some days at school seem longer than others? Because when I don’t have spelling the day seems longer. What makes them seem that way? Because spelling is easy to do.

Javier Rodriguez,Grade 3, Sacred Heart

Why do some days at school seem longer than others? The clock didn’t get fast for me. What makes them seem that way? It was so long at school that day.

Jasmine Hill,Grade 3, Sacred Heart

Days at school are longer because my teacher (that will be Mr. Mullen) reads too long. Well, sometimes. Why am I happy? Because I LOVE to read!

Nyeelah Brown,Grade 3, Sacred Heart

Because your friends are not there and because you don’t have anyone to play with and you get bored.

Damian Cardenas,Grade 4, Sacred Heart

Some days seem longer because we have to do math and other things.

Morgan Cuff,Grade 4, Sacred Heart

Some days seem longer because we have field trips. It seems that way because field trips are far away.

Aldair Cruz Barocio,Grade 3, Sacred Heart

Some days at school seem long because the day is going slow!

Lenny Rios,Grade 4, Sacred Heart

Some days seem longer because we read a lot of chapter books. It seems like we were reading for hours.

Josie Schultz,Grade 3, Sacred Heart

My longest day at school was when we went to the field trip because we would wait and wait and wait.

Simon Wagner,Grade 4, Sacred Heart

Some days at school seem longer than others because of community because it talks about laws that we know.

Sofia Contreras,Grade 3, Sacred Heart

Days seem longer than others because sometimes we have to go home early because we have snow.

Peyton Tupper,Grade 3, Sacred Heart

Some days at school seem longer than others because some are fun and some don’t have anything that I want to do!

Luke Bischoff,Grade 3, Sacred Heart

It’s so long. Sometimes I want to sneak out of school and go to my home and play with my stuff.

Caleb Strunk,Kindergarten, Salem Academy

It feels like it’s going longer instead of shorter, but to me it feels like it’s going really slow.

Moxie Carter,Kindergarten, Salem Academy

I wake up so early and I feel like my whole entire life is at school.

William Koning,Kindergarten, Salem Academy

It feels longer because sometimes it takes forever for school to be over.

Kaylee Gehring,Kindergarten, Salem Academy

It is really slow because we do so much writing.

Alexandrea Willcoxen,Kindergarten, Salem Academy

It feels like it is super long because I have to do lots of stuff and that makes it feel super duper long.

Ryland Dougherty,Kindergarten, Salem Academy

The clock goes slow and that makes days feel longer.

Sydney Villarete,Kindergarten, Salem Academy

It is so long because it is so hot outside.

Rylie Anderson,Kindergarten, Salem Academy

They feel super long because they are super long. And because sometimes I play in the night and I go to bed later than I am supposed to go to bed.

Tyson John,Kindergarten, Salem Academy

I feel like school is very, very long because I keep getting too tired of sitting on the carpet at school.

Joy Greenwood,Kindergarten, Salem Academy

It feels so long when I’m not at school. When I am gone sometimes, I feel like I am left out and don’t have any friends and I’m all by myself and I’m not playing with anyone.

Micah Coulter,Kindergarten, Salem Academy

I get bored and we should just do lazy days when it is a long day.

Alexis Rockwell,Kindergarten, Salem Academy

We are not doing as many things and that is why it feels long.

Natalie Shearer,Kindergarten, Salem Academy

We do a lot of work and that is why they feel longer.

Izabell Manley,Kindergarten, Salem Academy

School days take so long because there is so much to do and you have to have recess, lunch, and another recess, and snack. It is so long and we read so much.

Hayden Brownell,Kindergarten, Salem Academy

Because they are more boring. Because if you have just a math test, then a reading test, it will feel longer.

Noah Smith,Grade 5, Salem Heights

Maybe the buses are late or in a lot of traffic or the bus driver is sick.

Jaycub Valdivia,Grade 4, Scott

We don’t get paid; it’s boring; we can’t chew gum in some classes; we can’t always talk to our friends; and we have to learn too much in one day.

Gage DeCamp,Grade 6, Straub

Some school days seem longer than others because you are just sitting and doing nothing or watching the clock trying to make the clock move.

Elizabeth Haravey,Grade 6, Straub

Sometimes some school days feel longer than others because you want to get home or you finished your work and you’re bored out of your mind.

Olivia Orozco, Grade 6, Straub

I think the day seems longer because I don’t have my cat and I get bored because I can’t bring him to school or put him in the fridge.

TJ Ames,Grade 6, Straub

Because it’s boring like Mr. Forge’s class (just kidding).

Jacob Tinseth,Grade 6, Straub

I think it depends what you’re doing after or during school, boring or not boring.

Ian Odermatt,Grade 6, Straub

Some days feel super long because you are bored.

Katelyn Spahn,Grade 6, Straub

I think its all in your mind and it depends on what your doing and if it’s boring or not.

Tyler Gordon,Grade 6, Straub

I think some school days seem longer than others because you don’t want to get up, you didn’t get much sleep, and it’s just a super lazy school day (super lazy is when you’re lazy, but you have a cape on).

Maegan Campbell,Grade 6, Straub

Some school days seem longer than others because on the long days, it’s usually the day before a break or weekend or vacation. Those days are always longest! Or if you have something fun going on after school, and you are really anxious to get out. Those days are long too!

Ethan Heine,Grade 6, Straub

Some days seem longer because when it’s rainy it makes the time pass slower and also if it’s a boring class it may seem longer than most days.

Savannah Jones,Grade 6, Straub

Sometimes your class is being rude, disruptive and irritating so you want school to be over sooner than it really is.

Emma Johnson,Grade 6, Straub

Because when you are asleep like I always am it takes short time because you are asleep and when you are not asleep you think it takes longer.

Nick Paslay,Grade 6, Straub

Some days Spider-Man visits, those are the days that go by faster. Other days, school is really very boring and they take forever.

Joseph Miller,Grade 6, Straub

Some days are longer because when your bored like at school you think it is like 5,323,463,136,825 hours but when you’re listening in school (never going to happen) it gets fun for you or if you don’t have school you get happy! And play soccer!

Nano Ruelas,Grade 6, Straub

Some school days seem longer than others sometimes to me because I can’t sleep and I wake up at 6 a.m. But when I get home I can take a nap. Then the cycle continues.

Daniel Gomez,Grade 6, Straub

What makes some days seem longer than others is either your teachers won’t stop talking or that you’re doing something boring in class. I’s both.

Kiara Martinelli,Grade 6, Straub

I think the mood you are in can make an impact on how long the day feels. For example, if I came to school ready to yell at whoever crossed my path, the day would probably seem longer than it normally feels.

Dylan I’Anson-Yount,Grade 6, Straub

Because sometimes you have fun at school by standing on chairs when substitutes aren’t paying attention.

Bob Marie Smith,Grade 6, Straub

Math tests, friendship problems, bullies—that’s what makes a day seem long.

Alexis Woodley,Grade 5, Valley Inquiry

Many school days sometimes seem longer because maybe teachers change the time when school’s out?

Ashley Sampson,Grade 5, Valley Inquiry

If I’m doing boring stuff that’s easy, boring stuff that’s hard or boring stuff that’s just plain boring.

Brinsley Hammond-Brouwer,Grade 5, Valley Inquiry

Maybe something new has been added to the day that you are not used to.

Cathleen Rodriguez-Lentz,Grade 5, Valley Inquiry

I think boring days feel longer and days that are really fun seem shorter.

Enessa Vityukov,Grade 5, Valley Inquiry

Because it is busy on some days.

John Miller,Grade 5, Valley Inquiry

School seems long if we have mean substitutes because you just want the day to be over.

Katie Jossi,Grade 5, Valley Inquiry

I think some days seem longer than others because we do more stuff than other days and it is stressing. But I don’t think it’s the day. I think it’s the stuff we do and how long we do them.

Litzy Ku,Grade 5, Washington

I’m assuming some days seem longer than others because if you’re not enjoying it (like a test), it seems like one minute is like five minutes. If you’re doing an activity, it seems like one minute is like 30 seconds.

Fernando Martinez,Grade 5, Washington

Sometimes it seems like some school days are longer than others, and I think I know why. Because some days are shorter than other days. No, I’m just kidding, it’s mostly because sometimes we do fun stuff and other days we don’t. Another reason is because some days we do stuff for a long time and it seems like it goes really slow.

Vanessa Medrano,Grade 5, Washington

Because some days there seems to be so many hurdles preventing me from finding the time to do the things I really enjoy. Kind of similar to employees having limited right of movement within their company.

Noah Kruss,Grade 8, Winterhaven

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SJ Kids: Why do some days at school seem longer than others? (2024)


Why do some school days feel longer than others? ›

Some school days seem longer than others because you are just sitting and doing nothing or watching the clock trying to make the clock move. Sometimes some school days feel longer than others because you want to get home or you finished your work and you're bored out of your mind.

Why are kids in school so long? ›

The 6.5 hour school day—and the long summer break most schools take—originated at a time when children had to help work family farms and ranches. But keeping this agrarian calendar makes little sense in the information age.

How to make school days go by faster? ›

What Are The Most Recommended Tips on How To Make School Go By Faster?
  1. Tip #1: Time Management. ...
  2. Tip #2: Be an Active Listener. ...
  3. Tip #3: Do Not Look At The Clock. ...
  4. Tip #4: Avoid Staring Into Space. ...
  5. Tip #5: Pay Attention And Do The Work. ...
  6. Tip #6: Get a Study Buddy. ...
  7. Tip #7: Interact In Class And Ask Questions.
Mar 27, 2023

Why do some days feel longer than others? ›

When we receive lots of new information, it takes our brains a while to process it all. The longer this processing takes, the longer that period of time feels: When we're in life-threatening situations, for instance, “we remember the time as longer because we record more of the experience.

Why do schools have longer days? ›

An expanded school schedule engages students more fully, and children learn better in a more stimulating environment. By reducing the pressure on the system to cram math and reading and science into too few hours, the new school day opens up the schedule for subjects that students enjoy and teachers like to teach.

What are the problems with longer school days? ›

It is also important to consider the health of the students. With such long hours, students are not getting the proper amount of physical activity and exercise. This can lead to a variety of health issues such as obesity, diabetes, and other physical ailments.

What state has the shortest school year? ›

What State Has the Fewest Required School Days? Besides the states that do not have a required minimum number of school days each year, Colorado has the fewest required school days in the United States, at 160.

What states have a 4-day school week? ›

The state of California gave Leggett Valley Unified permission to operate on a four-day schedule almost 14 years ago. Students at Whale Gulch School were the first in the district to move to a shortened week.

What is the hardest period in school? ›

That being said, many students consider junior year to be the most challenging because they typically take more rigorous courses, such as AP or IB classes. It's also the year when standardized testing, like the SAT or ACT, becomes a priority.

How can I pass 10 minutes in class fast? ›

How to Pass Time in Class
  1. 1 Listen actively and take notes.
  2. 2 Interact in class and ask questions.
  3. 3 Illustrate your notes.
  4. 4 Complete your homework for another class.
  5. 5 Organize and create a to-do list.
  6. 6 Doodle in the margins of your notebook.
  7. 7 Read something interesting.
  8. 8 Engage in some creative writing.

How are shorter school days better? ›

The four-day school week could help students and teachers reduce their stress and fatigue from the long workday. Shorter school days could enhance students' well-being by allowing them to have more balance and flexibility in spending time on their academic, personal, and social needs.

How to pass 10 minutes fast? ›

How to Make Time Go Faster: 8 Tricks That Actually Work
  1. Stop looking at the clock.
  2. Create a predictable routine.
  3. Achieve flow.
  4. Break time down into blocks.
  5. Split your least pleasant tasks.
  6. Put something on in the background.
  7. Do things you genuinely enjoy.
  8. Practice a mental challenge.

How to make 7 hours go by fast? ›

How to Make Time Go by Faster
  1. Chunk your total schedule into smaller blocks.
  2. Try not to stare at the clock.
  3. Break up less pleasant projects into bite-sized tasks.
  4. Switch on some instrumental background music.
  5. Stay focused and “in the zone.”
  6. Build routines into your daily schedule.

Why do days feel so long to me? ›

Stress, uncertainty, and low mood can alter your perception of day-to-day time. Yet, the sheer magnitude of new and difficult challenges might seem to affect your big-picture view. In the middle of a crisis, the days might feel endless as you wait for news or changes for the better (or worse).

Why do days feel longer when you're a kid? ›

Moreover, in regards to days feeling much longer when you were younger, children's cognition and neural processing are less developed than in adults, meaning new stimuli take longer to register and become familiar and there is more of a disconnect between an internal clock and the genuine passage of time.

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Name: Margart Wisoky

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Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.