SVB collapse rocks California housing market as house prices to bottom out (2024)

The collapse of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB), a Santa Clara-headquartered lender which had established itself as the tech sector's favorite, is likely to shake up one of the country's most expensive housing markets, experts say—California.

Oscar Wei, deputy chief economist at the California Association of Realtors, told Newsweek that the same bank failures that have spread fears of contagion to the wider banking sector last week "could actually help the housing market slightly because of interest rates being a little lower" in the upcoming months.

The Federal Reserve had previously signaled its intention to hike rates by 50 basis points, with Chair Jerome Powell warning at the beginning of the month that rates will likely be "higher than previously anticipated." But that was before the meltdown of SVB and all the chaos that followed as authorities tried to contain the damage and avoid widespread panic among investors.

SVB collapse rocks California housing market as house prices to bottom out (1)

Amid the current uncertainty surrounding the banking sector, Wei and most experts expect that the Fed will only raise interest rates by 25 basis points, if at all—leading to a cooling of mortgage rates. This could end up helping sales in the California housing market in the upcoming months, Wei told Newsweek.

Sales in California—one of the states with the most expensive home prices in the country—have dropped significantly in the past year, having plunged 42.8 percent in January from January 2022.

California has also seen some of the steepest home price drops in the country since mid-2022, when most experts announced that the U.S. housing market was moving towards a significant correction after over two years of boom. That's partly because home prices in the state have been some of the most unaffordable in the entire country. The median single-family home price is currently around $750,000, more than twice the national average median.

Partly, that's also because California's housing market has been directly impacted by the crisis that hit the tech industry after the pandemic, when their booming revenues started slowing down and even the country's tech giants announced mass layoffs.

"In the Bay Area, we typically have more people who hold onto tech stocks compared to other parts of the country, partly because when you work in a tech company you get issued stock options and things like that," Wei said. "So when tech stock prices go down, people feel less wealthy. And so they're less likely to offer a higher price than they used to when they buy a home."

In the Bay Area, Wei said that home prices have been dropping a little faster compared to other areas in Southern California or the Central Valley, "and that's partly because of the tech stocks' impact."

In January, the median sale price in the Bay Area was $1 million, down 35 percent from the peak of $1.54 million in April 2022, according to the California Association of Realtors. But the free fall of California's home prices might be halted—or decelerated—by the collapse of SVB.

"As we move into the spring home buying season [between March and May], it looks like the cost of borrowing will be a little bit more affordable compared to say two, three weeks ago," Wei said. The California economist thinks that home prices—which have been plunging deeper than in most other U.S. states in California these past few months—might finally reach rock bottom and go back up.

"My belief is that in the next couple of months, in March or April, we may actually see the bottom of prices, of the median price. So the median price might reach the bottom for the state in the next couple of months, and then it will start coming back up," Wei said.

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This, Wei specifies, is if the bank failures of last week won't spread to the wider banking system. "If things get out of hand, then it will be a little different. I think home prices could actually go back down a little further in that case," Wei said. At the moment, the California Association of Realtors still thinks that the crisis will be contained.

But while this might be good news for homebuyers and sellers, the meltdown of SVB is also expected to profoundly impact the construction of affordable housing in the state. Bloomberg reported that SVB was a key lender for funding affordable housing projects in California, having put more than $2 billion into investments and loans in the Bay Area over the past 20 years.

The implosion of the bank is now likely to disrupt and delay these projects.

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SVB collapse rocks California housing market as house prices to bottom out (2024)


How does the Silicon Valley bank collapse affect the housing market? ›

Impact of SVB Collapse on the Housing Market

One common impact is a decrease in available credit, which can make it more difficult for buyers to obtain mortgages. When banks collapse, they may be less willing or able to lend money, which can make it harder for potential homebuyers to secure financing.

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Increased risk of foreclosure

A housing market crash often contributes to an increase in foreclosure activity. Homeowners who experience financial hardships may struggle to make mortgage payments, leading to foreclosure. Foreclosures can have a cascading effect on neighborhoods too.

Will home prices drop in 2024 in California? ›

CAR felt optimistic in its 2024 housing market forecast with falling mortgage rates, rising prices, economic expansion, and with demand for homes strong. Home prices are predicted to rise 6.2% to a record median price of $680,300 next year. Housing affordability will remain flat.

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Yes. This is the best time to buy a house in California. With the current trend in the CA housing market, you'll find better deals on your dream home during Q2 2024. As per Fannie Mae, mortgage rates may drop more in Q2 of 2024 due to economic changes, inflation, and central bank policy adjustments.

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Lawrence Yun, the chief economist of the National Association of Realtors says that 'The Silicon Valley Bank failure, along with a few other banks, means that the Federal Reserve cannot be so aggressive in raising its short-term interest rates. Therefore mortgage rates will decline.

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There could be some job losses ahead as a result, especially among some California tech companies, he adds. Local housing markets may be hampered by those job losses. But “broadly across the country,” Yun says, “more home buyers will enter the market [because of] lower mortgage rates.”

Is 2024 a good time to buy a house in California? ›

Existing, single-family home sales are forecast to total 327,100 units in 2024, an increase of 22.9 percent from 2023's projected pace of 266,200. California's median home price is forecast to climb 6.2 percent to $860,300 in 2024, following a projected 1.5 percent decrease to $810,000 in 2023 from 2022's $822,300.

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The median rent price in California for May 2024 is $2,800.

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If your credit score is strong, your employment is stable and you have enough savings to cover a down payment and closing costs, buying now might still be smart. If your personal finances are not ideal at the moment, or if home values in your area are on the decline, it might be better to wait.

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Best Time to Sell Your House for a Higher Price

April, June, and July are the best months to sell your house in California. The median sale price of houses in June 2023, was $796,400, which is expected to grow more in 2024. However, cities like Arcadia and San Mateo follow an upward trend throughout the year.

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The 30-year fixed mortgage rate is expected to fall to the mid-6% range through the end of 2024, potentially dipping into high-5% territory by the end of 2025. Here's where mortgage interest rates are headed for the rest of the year and how that will impact the housing market as a whole.

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Mortgage rate predictions 2024

The MBA's forecast suggests that 30-year mortgage rates will fall into the 6.4% to 6.7% range throughout the rest of 2024, and Fannie Mae is forecasting the same. NAR believes rates will average 7.1% this quarter and fall to 6.5% by the end of 2024.

Will Silicon Valley Bank affect housing? ›

While the federal government promises to protect depositors, affordable-housing developers that relied on the bank for construction loans are in a more uncertain position. The implosion of SVB threatens to create construction delays and disrupt financing deadlines developers must meet to qualify for federal subsidies.

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Ritesh Kumar, director of procurement and supply chain intelligence at The Smart Cube, details the significant changes brought about by the failure include increased competition in banking deposits between regional and incumbent organisations, smaller banks facing challenges with interest rates and deposits, and real ...

What are the effects of Silicon Valley Bank failing? ›

A high-profile bank failure like this one could reduce consumer confidence in the banking system. That lack of confidence could create more of the problem that contributed to Silicon Valley Bank's failure—account holders rushing to withdraw deposits from a bank that doesn't have the funds to cover them.

Will the Silicon Valley Bank collapse lead to a recession? ›

The recent failure of multiple midsized banks has put the effects of high inflation and high interest rates into perspective leading to heightened concerns for a recession among consumers.

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