The 15 Most Profitable YouTube Niches in 2024 (2024)

What type of YouTube content makes the most money?

When you’re launching yourYouTube channel,picking your nicheis one of the most crucial decisions you have to make.

YourYouTube nichewill determine everything from your target audience to the kind of brand collaborations you can aim for. And it’s also very important for how much you canearn on YouTube.

While it’s theoretically possible to generate an income in any kind ofYouTube niche–from historyto sewing – it’s much harder in some than in others.

So how do you find a profitableYouTube niche?

Measuring which niches are the most profitable is difficult. That’s becausehow much YouTubers makedepends on several things:

  • niche
  • monetizationstrategy
  • audience engagement
  • content quality
  • video length
  • geographical location.

That’s also why it varieshow much YouTube pays you for a million views.

As a benchmark, though, it’s possible to useCPM – Cost per Mille. This is a metric for how muchadvertiserspay YouTube for 1,000ad viewsthrough theGoogle AdSenseprogram.

It’s important to distinguish this fromRPM, or Revenue per Mille. RPM is how much a YouTuber actually gets for 1,000videoviews. Videos can have several or noads, and YouTube takes its cut as well, so this number can differ a lot from CPM.

CPM shows how interestedadvertisersare in investing in contentin a certain niche to access theseYouTube creators’ audiences. The stronger this interest, the easier it is generally to monetize your channel.

This doesn’t just go forad revenuealone, but also foraffiliate programs, brand collabs, and fan funding. And for many creators, these revenue streams are much more important thanads.

That said, here arethe 15most profitable YouTube nichesby CPM.

The 15 Most Profitable YouTube Niches in 2024 (1)


The 15 Most Profitable YouTube Niches in 2024 (2)

Making Money Online

To start with, the single most profitable YouTube niche isstrategies for making money online. Countless people hit YouTube to learn how to generate additional income streams online. And quite a few YouTube creators are ready to share their expertise.

On average, creators in this niche see the highest CPM at of$13.52.

Some sub-niches are even more profitable. Content centered around making money throughaffiliate marketingcan reach CPM heights of up to$22.

Ali Abdaal’s video on instant side hustles hit 1M views in less than 4 months.

The 15 Most Profitable YouTube Niches in 2024 (3)

Digital Marketing

Next up, digital marketing has the second-highest income potential on YouTube.Social media marketing channels, for instance, see average CPM rates of$12.52.

It’s unsurprising, really: For one, digital marketers know exactly how to showcase and sell what they do – through YouTube SEO, for instance. For another, they address an audience of entrepreneurs and small businesses. For advertisers and sponsors, this is a veryvaluable target demographic. As a creator in this space, it’s especially easy to diversify your traffic channels as well. We see a ton of marketing influencers expand into their own websites, blogs, academy lessons, and more

Latasha James gives her viewers a run-down on developing a social media strategy.

The 15 Most Profitable YouTube Niches in 2024 (4)

Personal Finance and Investments

In third place is anothermoney-relatedniche: personal finance and investments. Unlike the previous two, personal finance channels focus less on earning money by hustling and improving your marketing. Instead, they show you how to manage – and invest – the money you already have.

Channels in this niche give advice on anything from stock market terminology tomaking money through crypto. With up to$12, these creators are seeing one of the highest YouTube CPM rates.

Brian Jung’s crash-course intro to crypto has over 4.5 million views.

The 15 Most Profitable YouTube Niches in 2024 (5)

Educational Content

Ranking fourth is a fairly broad category – educational content. Some of themost-subscribed YouTube channels out therefocus oneducation content for kids.

But adult topics are also in high demand, ranging from history andscience channelsto how to use Microsoft Office. Tutorials and courses are some of the most popular YouTube videos on the entire platform. On average, YouTubers in this niche see CPM rates of$9.89.

Despite how YouTube restricts advertising on kids’ content, educational content is a very profitable niche.

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The 15 Most Profitable YouTube Niches in 2024 (6)

Tech, Cars, and Gadgets

Another high-earning niche istechnology, especially cars and gadgets.

Whether it’s a review of the latest iPhone, a comparison between Nikon and Fuji cameras, or a test drive in a new Ferrari, advertisers love tech content.

Within the niche, though, there’s a range of CPM rates. Photography YouTubers, for instance, can see high CPM rates of around$7.31, while the average CPM for car channels is about$4.32. Forgeneral tech channels, advertisers shell out$2.39per 1,000 ad views.

There’s one thing you need to take into account if you’re thinking of joining this niche, though. And that’s the associated costs. Even if your earnings are higher, you often need toinvest in the techyou review or compare before you can start earning an income.

Car content is very profitable on YouTube. But it also requires a considerable budget to make.

The 15 Most Profitable YouTube Niches in 2024 (7)


One of the most popular types of YouTube content is the lifestyle niche. Viewers love to follow other people’s travels and careers, glimpse into their homes, and stay tuned on their relationships.

On average,lifestyle YouTubers can expect CPM rates of $3.47. Note, though, that there’s a lot of variance here, and a lot of competition. After all, there is a huge range to lifestyle creators, from those vlogging from a mansion to college students sharing their campus experience.

What makes this niche so special is just how personal the experiences people share can be. This createsrelatabilityand a sense of connection, even of a community.

Viewers might not actually aspire to a similar lifestyle, but many look for inspiration in the lives of others. And wherever products and services appear, there is potential for advertisers – and for monetization.

Advertisers know this.

On average, lifestyle YouTubers can expect CPM rates of $3.47.

Mikaela Long gives her audience a tour of her home.

The 15 Most Profitable YouTube Niches in 2024 (8)

Fashion and Try On Hauls

One of the most popular types of YouTube content is the lifestyle niche. Viewers love to follow other people’s travels and careers, glimpse into their homes, and stay tuned on their relationships.

On average,lifestyle YouTubers can expect CPM rates of $3.47. Note, though, that there’s a lot of variance here, and a lot of competition. After all, there is a huge range to lifestyle creators, from those vlogging from a mansion to college students sharing their campus experience.

What makes this niche so special is just how personal the experiences people share can be. This createsrelatabilityand a sense of connection, even of a community.

Viewers might not actually aspire to a similar lifestyle, but many look for inspiration in the lives of others. And wherever products and services appear, there is potential for advertisers – and for monetization.

Nearly 12 million people have tuned in to Kat Wonders’ bikini try on haul.

The 15 Most Profitable YouTube Niches in 2024 (9)

Beauty & Makeup

Sister niche to fashion,beauty channels– and makeup YouTubers in particular – are some of the most popular on YouTube. While the competition is enormous, well-produced channels enjoy a lot of advertiser attention.

As a grand average, beauty YouTubers see CPMs ofslightly over $3. Much of this is because the content naturally deals with products. Skincare lines, cosmetics, hair products – all these and many more are constantly shown in reviews and hairstyle how-tos and makeup tutorials.

We’re also counting the weight loss topic here, notably because it can be very lucrative: CPM rates can goup to $10.

Deni’s videos show how even the most niche products can find an eager audience.

The 15 Most Profitable YouTube Niches in 2024 (10)


Especially during the pandemic, cooking channels saw an incredible boost. More and more people are turning to YouTube for recipe inspiration, to boost their kitchen skills, or to marvel at others’ amazing creations.

Cooking channels are fairly profitable in terms of CPM rates, with average values at $2.50.

Emmymade’s cooking channel has over 2.8 million subscribers.

The 15 Most Profitable YouTube Niches in 2024 (11)

Fitness and Bodybuilding

Like cooking channels, fitness and bodybuilding content has seen a significant rise in popularity. From workout routines andbeginners’ yogato very specific topics – weighted jump ropes for muscle growth, for example – YouTube audiences flock to channels that help themreach their body goals.

Advertisers acknowledge that with average CPM rates of$1.60.

Some fitness topics attract above-average CPMs. Some need particular equipment – whether it’s just running shoes or full-on climbing gear. Others are associated with particular diets. Bodybuilding, for instance, covers both.

Goal Guys features a series of fitness challenges, from going vegan for 30 days to getting a sixpack in six weeks.

The 15 Most Profitable YouTube Niches in 2024 (12)

Video Games

Next up, there’s video games – one of thebiggest niches on YouTube. Whether it’s reviews, advanced walkthroughs, streaming or simply gameplay videos with engaging commentary, gaming content can earn passionate YouTubers several million views.

Many gaming expos now dedicate space to video content creators, which has made them into some of thebiggest YouTuber eventsas well.

In fact, several ofthe most-subscribed channelsand highest-earning YouTubers, such as PewDiePie, fall into the gaming niche. On average, creators in the gameplay niche see CPM rates of around$1.40.

Considering just how popular many gamers are, why is the average CPM not higher? For one, the competition is enormous. For another, the audience skews young, which means a lower disposable income.

Some of the most active communities are those ofMinecraft YouTubers(MCYT for short) andRobloxplayers, as well as players of indie horror games like FNAF.

Gaming content attracts both kid and adult audiences – and creators!

The 15 Most Profitable YouTube Niches in 2024 (13)

Comedy: Humor, Challenges, and Pranks

Comedy, humor, and prank channelstake center stage on YouTube. These channels thrive on pure entertainment: Viewers eat up hilarious skits, challenges, pranks, incredible giveaways, and other comedy content.

The need to have a laugh is pretty universal, and so these creators attract a wide range of viewers, from teenagers to adults. This diversity – especially in income – lowers the CPM potential somewhat, but it still hovers at around$1 on average.

The built-in advantage is that it’s all about positive emotion. And that’s kind of context that brands and advertisers love to see their ads and products in.

Here’s one of MrBeast’s older vids – imagine the boost this gave to Orbeez.

The 15 Most Profitable YouTube Niches in 2024 (14)

ASMR and Oddly Satisfying

There are a few unique, extremely popular niches that have very little to do with lifestyle and the world of products. These channels are all about a kind ofsensory stimulationthat produces positive feelings.

ASMR content in particular centers on certain gentle sounds or visuals. Many people experience these as calming and pleasurable, or even feel a pleasant tingling (the “autonomous sensory meridian response” or ASMR proper).

As with comedy channels, this is agreat environmentto present certain kinds of ads and products in. Advertisers reward this with a fairly high CPM for such a niche topic, averagingaround $3.50.

ASMR content isn’t for everyone, but it can have a deeply relaxing effect.

The 15 Most Profitable YouTube Niches in 2024 (15)

Motivation & Spirituality

While there is a big range of worldviews in this niche, what they all share is afocus on self-cultivation. These channels cater to individuals seeking personal growth, inner peace, and the motivation to overcome challenges.

Advertisers and sponsors recognize the value of reaching viewers that are invested in their personal well-being and self-improvement. Consequently, the average CPM for these channels generally falls within therange of $2.50 to $4.00.

Whatever your personal philosophy or beliefs, YouTubers help people find meaning and the power to grow.

The 15 Most Profitable YouTube Niches in 2024 (16)


Travel is another niche where creators focus onsharing experiences and insights, taking viewers on adventures around the world.

After a pandemic that affected both travel-hungry audiences, the businesses that cater to them, and the creators themselves, the niche is again in full swing.

Fortravel YouTubers, this has not only meant more collaboration offers from brands and local tourism boards, but also CPM rates climbing back toover $2.

Making money through traveling? It’s not just possible, but sometimes quite lucrative.

Final Thoughts: The Most Profitable YouTube Niches

Not all niches are created equal. If yourprimary goal on YouTube is to generate an income, you need to take that into account when youstart your channel.

However, you also need to factor in how much you need toinvestin creating content in each niche, andhow fierce the competition is.

At the end of the day, you need to weigh all these factors carefully against your own passions and interests. Only then can you choose the niche that’s perfect for you.

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Think about your hobbies, your professional experiences, and your passions. What skills do you have that you could share with your audience? Check out popular niches on YouTube and how profitable they are. Then, weigh each option against your budget and your own interests.

The most profitable niches on YouTube are currently related to generating additional income streams, digital marketing, and personal finance. Each of them has an average Cost Per Mille (CPM) of over $10.

Some of the highest-paying YouTube niches are how to make money online (CPM = $13.52), digital marketing (CPM = $12.52), and personal finance and investments (CPM = $12).

Check out different niches’ CPM rates. CPM stands for cost per mille and tells you how much YouTube pays you for 1,000 ad views on average. Careful, though. In some niches, such as tech, you have to invest a lot of money into making your content before you start earning.

Currently, videos related to making money online have the highest income potential. On average, content about online side hustles and virtual income streams earn creators about $13.52 per 1,000 views. Videos about affiliate marketing in particular are lucrative. They earn creators $22 per 1,000 views.

Content about making money online has the highest CPM rates on YouTube, with average values of $13.52. Especially creators in the affiliate marketing niche cash in big, with CPMs of $22.

Currently, videos related to making money online have the highest income potential. On average, content about online side hustles and virtual income streams earn creators about $13.52 per 1,000 views. Videos about affiliate marketing in particular are lucrative. They earn creators $22 per 1,000 views.

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  • The 15 Most Profitable YouTube Niches in 2024 (17)

    Alex Lefkowitz

    Alex Lefkowitz is the founder and CEO of Tasty Edits. He's an experienced video editor, having edited hundreds of videos for dozens creators before turning to entrepreneurship and launching his own video editing company. Since then, he has directly managed thousands of video and thumbnail orders. Now, he draws on his experience working with professional creators to write about video editing, the creator economy, and video marketing. You can also read his work on Hackernoon and Medium. Plus, he's contributed several expert opinions in interviews and articles as a guest on platforms like Jotform.

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The 15 Most Profitable YouTube Niches in 2024 (2024)


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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.