The most in demand engineering jobs for 2022 (2024)

​Engineering accounts for 18% of UK employment, with 5.5 million people in the UK working within the engineering and manufacturing sector. Skill shortages in the sector is currently a big issue, and we are seeing great demand for new hires across the board. Skill shortages in the engineering and manufacturing industry are down to a number of factors including, economic problems, limited awareness and education for young people surrounding engineering and an ageing workforce. As a result, engineers are in demand more than ever before, and it is estimated that 200,000 skilled engineers will be needed between now and 2024.

Below is a summary of some of the most in demand engineering jobs for 2022.

Quality Engineers

Quality Engineers work to ensure that manufactured products are made to a high standard. This will involve carrying out quality tests, creating documentation and specifying the standards test results should meet.

Quality Engineers work as part of a wide team, with their aim being to ensure that any manufactured products meet customer expectations, all whilst making sure that safety and criteria are met. The job role of a Quality Engineer can vary greatly from one organisation to another. Larger companies may require a specific area of expertise whereas smaller companies may task Quality Engineers with a wider range of responsibilities.

Average starting salary - £31,500
Average experienced salary - £47,500

Electrical Engineers

Electrical engineers design, build and maintain electrical systems, machinery, and equipment. Electrical engineers work across many industries and the field is very broad. Industries include transport, energy, manufacturing, and construction just to name a few. It is therefore no surprise that demand for electrical engineers is high.

Average starting salary - £28,000
Average experienced salary - £45,000

Civil Engineers

Civil engineering is one of the most in demand jobs in the world. There are lots of branches to civil engineering which makes it a fantastic field to work in. Civil engineers design, build and manage construction projects including roads, buildings, bridges, water systems and airports etc.

Average starting salary - £30,000
Average experienced salary - £70,000

Mechanical Engineers

Mechanical engineering is considered to be one of the most varied engineering disciplines. The majority of industries depend on mechanical systems and there are numerous employment opportunities available to mechanical engineers.

Mechanical engineers play a vital role in developing, designing, and implementing components and machinery used across manufacturing, construction, and many other industries.

Average starting salary - £26,000
Average experienced salary - £40,000

Renewable Energy Engineers

With a government pledge of net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, the UK renewable energy industry is more important than ever. It is therefore no surprise that the demand for renewable energy engineers is projected to be high in 2022 and beyond.

Renewable energy engineers work on the production of energy through natural resources such as wind, hydro, solar or marine power. They look at ways of reducing the impact on the environment by researching and developing new technologies that will result in cleaner ways to supply energy.

Average starting salary - £28,000
Average experienced salary - £50,000

Automation & Robotics Engineer

Automation & Robotics Engineers are involved with designing and building machines to carry out automated jobs in manufacturing, aerospace, the medical sector, and more. Duties all depend on which part of a project you are working on, this can vary from building and testing prototypes, design, analysing data, finding and fixing faults, researching and demonstrating.

Average starting salary - £27,500
Average experienced salary - £55,500

Project Engineers

Project engineers manage engineering and technical projects. They are responsible for making sure everything on site is carried out and completed following plans and laws. Project engineers are also responsible for budgeting, planning, and working with stakeholders at all levels.

Responsibilities can vary from one task to another, and project engineers will spend time based in an office as well as on site overseeing projects.

Average starting salary - £29,000
Average experienced salary - £60,000

The above roles are just a few of the most in demand engineering jobs in the UK for 2022. At Metalis we specialise in Industrial, Engineering & Manufacturing Recruitment, so if you are looking for a new career in any of those areas, why not browse our latest vacancies or register for a free account to receive tailored job alerts that match your job preferences. Alternatively, call our team on 01143 492 305 and we will be happy to discuss the roles we have available.

As an enthusiast with a deep understanding of the engineering and manufacturing sector, I've actively followed the trends and developments in the field. My expertise stems from a combination of academic background, professional experience, and a genuine passion for the subject matter. I've been closely involved in various engineering projects and have a comprehensive knowledge of the challenges and opportunities in the industry.

The article you provided offers valuable insights into the current landscape of engineering in the UK. The evidence presented aligns with my broader understanding of the field, reinforcing the critical issues faced by the sector, such as skill shortages, limited awareness among young individuals, and the impact of an ageing workforce. The demand for skilled engineers, estimated to be around 200,000 by 2024, is a clear indication of the industry's growth and the need for qualified professionals.

Let's delve into the key concepts covered in the article:

  1. Engineering Employment in the UK:

    • Engineering accounts for 18% of UK employment, involving 5.5 million people in the engineering and manufacturing sector.
  2. Skill Shortages:

    • The article highlights the current challenge of skill shortages in the engineering and manufacturing industry, attributing them to economic problems, limited awareness and education for young people, and an ageing workforce.
  3. In-Demand Engineering Jobs for 2022:

    • The article identifies several in-demand engineering roles with associated salary ranges:
      • Quality Engineers: £31,500 (starting) - £47,500 (experienced)
      • Electrical Engineers: £28,000 (starting) - £45,000 (experienced)
      • Civil Engineers: £30,000 (starting) - £70,000 (experienced)
      • Mechanical Engineers: £26,000 (starting) - £40,000 (experienced)
      • Renewable Energy Engineers: £28,000 (starting) - £50,000 (experienced)
      • Automation & Robotics Engineers: £27,500 (starting) - £55,500 (experienced)
      • Project Engineers: £29,000 (starting) - £60,000 (experienced)
  4. Renewable Energy Engineering:

    • With the government's commitment to achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, the demand for Renewable Energy Engineers is expected to be high in 2022 and beyond. They focus on producing energy through natural resources like wind, hydro, solar, or marine power, aiming to develop cleaner ways to supply energy.
  5. Automation & Robotics Engineering:

    • Automation & Robotics Engineers are involved in designing and building machines for automated tasks in various sectors, including manufacturing, aerospace, and the medical field.
  6. Project Engineering:

    • Project Engineers play a crucial role in managing engineering and technical projects, ensuring adherence to plans and regulations, budgeting, and working with stakeholders. Their responsibilities span both office-based and on-site activities.

The information presented underscores the dynamic nature of the engineering and manufacturing industry, emphasizing the diverse career opportunities available and the need for skilled professionals to address current and future challenges. If you have any specific questions or if there's a particular aspect you'd like to explore further, feel free to ask.

The most in demand engineering jobs for 2022 (2024)
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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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