The Order To Cash Process (O2C) - and Ways To Improve This | Corcentric (2024)

The balance of a business’saccounts receivableledger, including aged debt and days sales outstanding (DSO), can provide insight intoinefficienciesin theO2C processwhich can be addressed to improvecash flow.

These inefficiencies tend to come from manual processes, these impact the accounts receivable (AR) team’s ability to handle invoice creation, presentment, and distribution. As a result, an inefficient O2C process will have a negative impact on payment timeframes, potentially driving up DSO and inhibiting cash flow.

The good news is that there are solutions. By automating the entire accounts receivable process, from credit management to invoicing and payment reconciliation, businesses can optimize every step of the O2C process for improved cash flow by bringing money into your organization faster.

What isorder-to-cashand where does this fit in thecash cycle?

Theorder-to-cashprocessencompasses all steps fromwhen a customer order is placed up until the business is paid (the cash). Those steps includeorder managementandorder fulfillment, through tocredit management, theninvoicingand ultimatelypayment collection.

O2Chas an implicit connection to the supply of goods and order fulfilment, therefore driving a need for goodsupply chain managementprocesses to be in place.

Benefits from optimizing theorder-to-cashprocess

The biggest hurdle to accounts receivable productivity is the fact that AR processes are often too complex, with too many disparate financial systems, too little standardization, and too many manual steps. These processes are often compounded by interruptions resulting from issues demanding quick resolution.

As every business leader knows, free cash flow is the single most important metric to determine the health of their business. The AR department has a uniquely influential role in facilitating cash flow. By shortening the time from purchase to order and invoice delivery, as well as simplifying the payment process, cash flows more readily. Therefore, assessing and adjusting the O2C process is the most obvious place to address cash flow challenges.

In addition to cash flow improvements, the top benefits from optimizing theorder-to-cashprocessinclude the following:

  • Revenue generation ─ a streamlined purchase and fulfilment process, swift, accurateinvoicing,and ease of payment improvecustomer satisfactionand encourage repeat purchasing as well as customer advocacy. These factors can have a positive impact on sales growth.
  • Customer experience ─ customer relationshipscan be won or lost on the experience oforder fulfillment,invoicing,and payments. A reliable O2C system to manage invoicing and fulfilment, in addition to disputes and credit collection, promotes accuracy and timeliness, contributing to improved customer experience.
  • Cost savings ─ Stronger internal controls through an automated O2C process significantly reduces or eliminates errors and makes it easier to support early payment discounts. With business processimprovement, any company can bring down overheads, resulting in lower operational expenses and supporting operational leverage.

Steps taken in theOrder toCashProcesses

1. Order management

Everything starts with an order. A customer places an order viaecommerce, directsales orderprocesses, or other means. Once the order is placed, inventory is checked by theorder processing systemto confirm the goods can be dispatched. Once verified, a delivery timeframe is issued. The customer’s credit facility will be check to determine whether the order was accepted on existing credit terms. The order is then recorded in the sales ledger and the goods are shipped. Finally, automatic re-ordering via theERP system, is triggered in the supply chain to ensure the inventory is replenished for future sales.

2. Credit management

The vast majority of B2B sales are made on credit, allowing time for an invoice to be generated, sent, and paid, without slowing down the fulfilment of each order. But credit must be awarded based on an assessment of each buyer’s ability to pay. Carefully determining credit at this early stage prevents payment risks when invoices are due.

3. Customerinvoicingsystem

Customers are invoiced for each order to request payment, within a specified timeframe, for the goods they have purchased. The bestcustomerinvoicingsystemsautomatically generate and deliver invoices to customers when they purchase. However,invoicingautomationneeds to take into account a large number of nuances and variables, including invoice format, delivery mechanism and media, recipient, approval process, associated documentation and many other factors.

4. Accounts receivable

Once a sale is made and goods are shipped, theaccounts receivableprocess kicks in. This encompasses invoice generation and delivery, tracking and reconciliation of payments against the ledger.

Savvy accounts receivableteams willautomatethe sending of payment reminders, or statements, before invoices are due. It is the responsibility of theaccounts receivableteam to investigate and resolveinvoicingerrors, reissuing invoices to the correct amount if errors have occurred.

5. Payment collection

The process forcustomer paymentsshould be made clear at the time of purchase and in the invoice (or accompanying documentation).Payment collectionthen either occurs through customers making online payments, bank transfers, or submitting payments in some other format. A purchase order number is a typical tracking reference that ensures each payment is correctly matched to the corresponding order.Outstanding invoicesare chased directly until a predefined point, at which time they are either written off as bad debt or passed to a third-party collections agency.

6. Data management

Across theO2C process, gooddata managementis key. Theorder managementsystemneeds to connect, inreal time, toinventory managementvia anenterprise resource planning(or ERP) system. In this way, the organization can work across systems to determine stock levels and fulfil orders or trigger reorders.

Theinvoicingsystemneeds to accept a trigger to create an invoice when orders are fulfilled, the system then pulls in data about the order, checking the customer’s credit limits and agreed payment terms, before generating and delivering an invoice to the correct contact.

Thepayment collectionsprocess then needs to link back to the purchase ledger to ensure payments are reconciled against the correct order. Each and every step can, and should, be automated to improve efficiency and accuracy.


A comprehensive approach to optimizing the O2C process will combine technology, consultative services and financial services. Many organizations leverage technology because it can automate customer credit decisioning or AR and Treasury processes within the O2C cycle. Automation reduces or eliminates manual and paper-based processes. The attendant cost savings and error reduction usually present a positive ROI. AutomatingtheO2C processbrings a wealth of benefits, including the following:

Time Savings: Invoice creation and delivery can be very manual processes, consuming valuable skilled staff hours.By automatingprint and postal delivery, or the emailing of invoices and delivery of follow-up communications to chase payments, the AR team can focus on more business-oriented issues.Automationcan even take output from anERP systemand connect this directly with buyers’ accounts payableinvoicingportals – bypassing the need to manual re-key or copy-paste invoices into these.

ImprovedCash Flow:Automationdoesn’t just save process time, it preventsbottlenecksin invoice delivery, payment processing, and reconciliation. These factors reduce friction in bringing cash into the business, thereby improvingcash flow.

Improved Accuracy:Automationhas a positive impact on accuracy across the wholeO2C process. When machine systems talk to each other, by direct data transfer, there’s no risk of copy-paste or other human errors occurring.

Cost Reduction:The time savings from processautomation, as well as reduction in queries and helpdesk calls, can be so significant they often make investments in aspects of O2Cautomation, such asARautomation, pay for themselves within a few months.

ImproveCustomer Experience:Customer relationshipsbenefit from the improvementsautomationbring to process consistency, fulfilment reliability, brand perception and ease of payment.

GainReal-timeVisibility:Automationoforder-to-cashprocessesmeans that each stage is handled digitally, therefore easily tracked and presented at a glance via management information dashboards or other methods.

Simplify Reporting and Audits: By automatingtheO2C process, all actions and data are available for grouping and analysing as reports or as audit trails at the touch of a button.

Consistency in theO2C Cycle

Consistency across theorder-to-cashprocessensures predictability of outcomes and presents customers with a positive brand experience. Here are some of the mainworkflowsthat need to be followed and checked on a regular basis, or ideally automated, to maximise consistency.

  • Order management: Develop a consistent approach to checking stock, fulfillingsalesordersand reordering to replenish stock.
  • Credit management: Maintain a consistent approach to determining credit worthiness, setting payment terms, and credit limits.
  • Invoicingworkflow: Create and deliver invoices in a consistent layout, with appropriate branding, within as a short a time as possible.
  • Payment collection: A range of payment options, ideally linked directly from the invoice and with a consistent payment process consistent, reduces problems that may delaycash flow.
  • Late payment reminders: A consistent approach to reminding customers that their invoice is due for payment (perhaps two weeks ahead of the payment deadline), and then sending reminders/dunnings at set timeframes for late payments, will helpcash inflowand minimise payment delays.

Promotingcustomer satisfactionand business success

When fully optimized through automation, theorder-to-cashprocess can have a positive impact oncash flowandcustomer satisfaction. While tech solutions can bring benefits to your organization, it isn’t enough to bring your O2C operations to where you want it to be. Without providing financial management and consultative services, an automation-only approach cannot deliver the results that you need with the speed demanded by the current financial climate.

At Corcentric, we help clients optimize all aspects of theO2C process, such asinvoicing,accounts receivable,and payments. Our experience has shown us thathigh-techworks best when the deployment ishigh-touch, so all of our order-to-cash software solutions are delivered as managed services. Get in touch directly to find out how we can help optimize yourcash cyclethroughautomationoforder tocashprocesses.

The Order To Cash Process (O2C) - and Ways To Improve This | Corcentric (2024)


What are the main processes in O2C? ›

The process of order-to-cash, often shortened to O2C in business-speak, includes fulfillment, invoicing, and payment collection, among other steps.

How do you streamline order-to-cash process? ›

Two major steps are required. The first is to get the whole order management process under control and centrally managed. The second is to improve the bill-to-cash segment of the cycle.

What are the 7 tips to improve your accounts receivable collection? ›

How to Improve Your Accounts Receivable Process?
  1. Systemize Invoicing and Payment. ...
  2. Develop a New Collection Strategy. ...
  3. Ensure a Quality Customer Experience. ...
  4. Align Your Team on AR Collection. ...
  5. Prioritize Your Collection Efforts. ...
  6. Offer Discounts and Payment Plans. ...
  7. Use a Collections Agency as a Last Resort.
5 Oct 2022

Why O2C process is important? ›

Why is the order-to-cash cycle important? Implementing a comprehensive order-to-cash process is crucial to completing customer orders within established deadline timeframes. A thorough order-to-cash cycle can help reduce production costs while simultaneously increasing productivity.

What is O2C transformation? ›

O2C transformation is a means to an end for most CFOs. The task is handed off to the O2C process owner in order to meet KPIs around cash flow, access to working capital, forecasting or profitability through improved process efficiency.

What is O2C interview questions? ›

6 Order To Cash Interview Questions With Example Answers
  • What is an order to cash process? ...
  • What is the importance of an order to cash cycle? ...
  • There are a few phases of the OTC cycle. ...
  • What are the stages involved in order management? ...
  • What are the differences between order to cash and procure to pay?
11 Aug 2022

What is OTC order management? ›

In a digital sales environment, OTC stands for order to cash. Put simply, OTC order management involves the entirety of the order processing system. This covers everything from the moment when the order is received up until the point where payment is made and logged in your books.

How do you smooth cash flow? ›

10 Tips for Managing Cash Flow
  1. Monitor your cash flow on a regular basis.
  2. Cut your costs.
  3. Get your customers to pay faster.
  4. Get cash for your assets.
  5. Obtain a line of credit or a loan.
  6. Rent equipment rather than buy it.
  7. Keep up with your invoicing.
  8. Finance Large Orders or Long-term Contracts.

What is the difference between O2C and accounts receivable? ›

Accounts Receivable includes Billing, Customer Payment Processing, and Credit & Collections and related Order-to-Cash (O2C) work processes. The research area is for professionals and their managers, covering a range of issues related to the design and delivery of work processes in these areas of high customer impact.

What is the difference between P2P and O2C? ›

Generally speaking, the process a business undertakes when making purchases from suppliers is often referred to as “Procure to Pay,” or P2P. The flip side of the coin, the process of receiving payment for goods or services rendered, is called “Order to Cash,” or O2C.

What are the 5 strategies for effective accounts receivable management? ›

  • Sign a Contract and Check Credit. Managing accounts receivable begins before the first invoice goes out the door. ...
  • Track Accounts Receivable. A key part of this process is to effectively track accounts receivable. ...
  • Make Payment Easy. ...
  • Do Your Part. ...
  • Re-Think Your Billing Approach.
5 May 2014

What are the five main causes of cash flow problems? ›

The main causes of cash flow problems are:
  • Low profits or (worse) losses.
  • Over-investment in capacity.
  • Too much stock.
  • Allowing customers too much credit.
  • Overtrading.
  • Unexpected changes.
  • Seasonal demand.
22 Mar 2021

What are 3 factors that affect cash outflows? ›

In this post, we boil down 5 key components that affect the timing of your cash inflows and outflows.
Five factors that affect your cash flow timing
  • Collection of accounts receivable. ...
  • Credit terms and trade discounts. ...
  • Enforcement of credit policy. ...
  • Purchase and sale of inventory.
19 Mar 2019

What are the reasons for failing at cash management? ›

We've compiled the ten most common causes of poor cash flow and how you can fix them.

What is credit management in O2C? ›

Credit Management – Credit management is a process that analyzes a customer's financial health to determine whether to extend business credit. It begins with ensuring prospective customers are financially sound and creditworthy to help minimize the risk of late payment or default.

What is unapplied cash in O2C? ›

An unapplied payment is one which doesn't have an invoice, or that might have been coupled with an invoice, but was not settled.

What are the 4 types of processing? ›

Data processing modes or computing modes are classifications of different types of computer processing.
  • Interactive computing or Interactive processing, historically introduced as Time-sharing.
  • Transaction processing.
  • Batch processing.
  • Real-time processing.

What are the five methods of processing? ›

5 traditional food processing techniques explained
  • 1 hom*ogenisation. ...
  • 2 Pasteurisation. ...
  • 3 Canning. ...
  • 4 Drying.

What is O2C process in HCL? ›

The order to cash cycle is the financial lifeblood of any organization. Not only does it determine how quickly an order from a customer is translated into cash in the bank, but also the customer experience and their perception of the service provider.

Is O2C part of P2P? ›

Order to Cash(O2C) and Procure to Pay(P2P) are two complementary business processes that are almost identical in execution. While the P2P function deals with a business's procurement cycle, the O2C process deals with the entire customer ordering and fulfillment process.

What is R2R & O2C? ›

Order to Cash (O2C) and Record to Report (R2R)

What are the 3 tiers of OTC? ›

The OTC Markets Group platform is segregated into 3 distinct market tiers: the OTCQX, the OTCQB, and the Pink. Each of these different tiers is separated based on perceived risk levels, which depend on the quality and regularity of a listed company's reporting information and disclosures.

What are OTC examples? ›

Medicines you can buy without a prescription are called non-prescription or over-the-counter (OTC) medicines. They may be taken to treat minor health problems at home. Examples of over-the-counter medicines are acetaminophen, aspirin, antacids, decongestants, antihistamines, and laxatives.

How are OTC transactions done? ›

Over-the-counter markets do not have physical locations; instead, trading is conducted electronically. This is very different from an auction market system. In an OTC market, dealers act as market-makers by quoting prices at which they will buy and sell a security, currency, or other financial products.

Which is the last step in O2C cycle in SAP? ›

Finally, the last stage of SAP order to cash process is related to billing the customer. The common practice is that the customer pays after receiving the goods but of course it is also possible to configure SAP to expect a step with an advance payment from the customer before any goods are dispatched.

What are 5 ways to keep cash flowing? ›

5 Ways to Keep Cash Flowing in Your Business
  • Create and monitor cash flow projections. An important part of managing cash flow is spotting trouble before it hits. ...
  • Maintain a steady sales effort. ...
  • Invoice and collect regularly. ...
  • Maintain access to credit. ...
  • Avoid big cash outlays.

What is O2C in internal audit? ›

Order to cash (O2C) and accounts receivable (AR) are important business processes within a corporation. AR is one of a series of accounting transactions dealing with the billing of a customer for goods and services received.

Who are the stakeholders in O2C? ›

An individual or organization who has any form of interest(usually financial) invested in the company.

What is O2C automation? ›

What is Order-to-Cash Automation Software? O2C automation software speeds the order-to-cash cycle with the help of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Robotic Process Automation (RPA) to facilitate in faster turnover of accounts receivable.

How do I audit an O2C? ›

Internal Audit and Order-to-cash process

The steps of a traditional O2C process involve receiving customer orders, approving or extending credit, fulfilling orders, raising invoices, receiving customer payment and managing the receivables and reconciling with the bank records.

What is purchase order in O2C? ›

Order to Cash also known as O2C or OTC is the business process that covers the entirety of the order processing system right from receiving the order to up until the point the payment is made and an entry is logged in your accounting books.

What are 12 steps of P2P cycle? ›

Procure to Pay (P2P) Process
13 Dec 2021

What is O2C process in Oracle? ›

The Order to Cash flow is the complete process of entering an order into the system (Sales Order), delivery the good(s) (Shipping), and then producing the Invoice for the good(s).

What is O2C in procurement? ›

The order to cash cycle, often known as the O2C or OTC cycle, describes how your company receives, processes, manages, and completes customer orders. This includes handling all aspects of the transaction, such as shipping the merchandise, receiving money, making invoices, and reporting.

What is P2P and O2C cycles? ›

Generally speaking, the process a business undertakes when making purchases from suppliers is often referred to as “Procure to Pay,” or P2P. The flip side of the coin, the process of receiving payment for goods or services rendered, is called “Order to Cash,” or O2C.

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