What Is Billing in Accounting - Billing Process Explained (2024)

Most of us are likely to be familiar with the term ‘billing’ owing to its use in everyday speech.

But if you’re running your own business, it’s essential to delve into a more technical understanding of the concept.

The standard accounting definition of billing describes it as the process of generating invoices for customers on a recurring or one-time basis, depending on the type of pricing plan that a customer has chosen.

In this guide, we will be going over what billing means, why it’s important, the step-by-step billing process, along everything else you need to know about billing for your small business accounting.

Read on to learn about:

  • What Is Billing in Accounting?
  • Importance of Billing For Businesses
  • The Billing Process in Accounting (3 Main Steps)
  • Types of Billing
  • How to Improve The Billing Process
  • What Is Billing FAQ

What Is Billing in Accounting?

Billing is defined as the step-by-step process of requesting payment from customers by issuing invoices. An invoice is the commercial document businesses use to request payment and record sales.

More specifically, an invoice includes the name of the product a buyer purchases, the products’ pricing and payment terms, and the buyer and seller contact information.

You can learn more about the elements of an invoice and how to create one from scratch by heading over to our guide on how to make an invoice.

Importance of Billing For Businesses

The most basic use of billing is to keep a record of all sales that happen within the business. However, there are many other purposes and benefits of billing, that include:

  • Inventory Tracking. If your business sells merchandise, billing helps you keep track of how much inventory is actually available for sale, whether or not the client order has been fulfilled. You’ll also be able to use this information to plan and forecast the amount of inventory your business will be needing in the future.
  • Accurate bookkeeping. Billing records when a good or service is sold, to who, for how much, and when it’s due. This way, both the buyer and the seller are able to track their payments accurately and keep outstanding invoices from becoming overdue.
  • Generating valuable insights. By keeping a daily record of bills and invoices, you’re able to use the data to find out your most in-demand goods, peak buying times, customer buying patterns, and so much more. Long-term, this helps you develop useful marketing strategies for your business.
  • Legal evidence. Issuing an invoice is an essential step in the billing process since it acts as legal proof for the sale. Not issuing an invoice can cause your business issues with collecting payments for the services or products provided.

The Billing Process in Accounting (3 Main Steps)

The billing process can be broken down into three main stages:

1. Review Billing Information

The very first step is reviewing your billing information.

Reviewing requires a business to collect and analyze all the information needed in order to create an invoice or bill.

Practically, it involves checking all product codes and corresponding prices, verifying taxes, adding freight charges, and confirming pre-discussed payment terms, wherever applicable.

The billing info to be reviewed will differ a bit depending on whether your business provides physical products or services.

2. Generate the Invoice

After all the necessary financial information about the sale has been collected and reviewed, it’s time to put the data together and create your invoice.

Now, you can either design your own invoice template from scratch or choose a premade template that you can personalize with your brand colors and logo. Both Word and Excel provide a gallery of templates, where you can type “invoice” in the search box to get access to the invoice templates.

These Word and Excel invoices may be free and easy to access, but the cheapest option is not always the best one for your business.

For starters, free templates aren’t very professional-looking and can be hard to customize. One small change causes the entire format to scramble, and you end up wasting your office hours creating invoices, rather than managing your business.

That’s why most businesses nowadays opt for accounting and invoicing software to automate the process of making an invoice. With invoicing software, all you have to do is go to the invoice generator, choose the invoice template you like best, customize it with your brand colors and business information, and press send.

3. Send Out the Invoice

Invoices can either be delivered physically through snail mail and fax or by writing an invoice email with the document attached.

The traditional postal office method isn’t very convenient, as it can be slow, time-consuming, and unnecessarily costly. The extra expense of paper, ink, and postage, can be easily avoided by sending an email attachment instead.

If you want to save even more time and effort, another option is to send your invoice email through invoicing software. All you have to do is create the invoice, and then press the built-in Send button, for your email to be immediately delivered to the customer.

There’s no need to worry about writing down a subject line, email body message, and manually attaching the invoice pdf file - invoicing software does everything for you.

For more advice on sending invoices and tips on how to get paid on time, head over to our guide on how to send an invoice.

What Is Billing in Accounting - Billing Process Explained (1)

Types of Billing

Depending on the type of financial activities your business takes part in, there are a variety of billing mechanisms you can choose to offer.

Here are some of the main types of billing small business owners deal with during their day-to-day operational activities:

1. Milestone Billing

As the name suggests, this type of billing method requires the completion of a milestone (which could be a particular event or a sub-contract). It is this milestone completion that is given a billing value. An invoice is generated and issued when this event occurs.

2. Progress Billing

In this billing method, invoices are generated in tandem with costs incurred on a routine, monthly, or bi-monthly basis. Therefore, cost recovery is complete before delivery.

3. Sub-line-item Billing

Here, invoices are generated as sub-items of a larger process (such as various parts of a construction process). Such a billing method helps strengthen cash flows. This is seen in the form of a proforma invoice, which is a preparatory bill sent before work is finished.

4. Billing on Completion

This type of billing method is popular in cases with a fixed fee or a one-time service. The payment is made when a service has been provided, or a product or project is delivered. This type of billing is very frequent for businesses offering retail services on restaurants, grocery stores, shopping centers, and so on.

5. Billing for On-going Services

A recurring payment plan is often the best option for on-going services such as online subscriptions, software plans, etc. It ensures a consistent flow of cash into one’s business. The frequency may be weekly, monthly, or even longer depending on the nature of the service or cash flow expectations.

If you’re a subscription-based business or offer specific services for a monthly fee, then this type of billing is likely the best option for you. With cloud accounting software, you can completely automate the process, and set up recurring invoices so they get sent automatically at a fixed interval of time.

6. Prorated Billing

This particular type of billing charges customers based on the cost per day. Customers, therefore, only pay for the number of days that they used the service. In many cases, this can encourage more customers to decide to buy a service or a product because canceling earlier would not lead to overcharging.

Want to learn about the different types of invoices you can issue, what elements they contain, and when it’s best to use each one? Then check out our full guide on invoice types, for more information.

How to Improve the Billing Process

For a small business, billing can be a tedious process. Being a crucial part of any business, it is imperative to have an efficient billing system in place.

1. Set Clear Payment Terms

Setting clear payment terms on your invoices increases the likelihood of receiving quick payments.

Make sure you include clear details about when the payment is due, along with your preferred method of payment such as cash, check, credit card, or any other. Also, if you charge late fees or offer early payment discounts, you need to add that information here too.

2. Send the Invoice Fast

Invoices are best sent immediately after a good or service is delivered. Make sure your customers are happy with your service and that there weren’t any order issues, and then bill them as soon as possible.

At the end of the day, the faster you send, the sooner payment is received.

3. Automation

Most parts of the billing process can be automated using simple tools or software. This includes invoice generation, overdue invoice reminders, automated payments for recurring fees, etc. You can even use free invoice templates to speed up your billing.

4. Switch to Better Software

It seems to be a common (and justifiable) notion that using spreadsheets can be bad for business. It is not only time-consuming but also leaves room for error. Therefore, investing in a good billing software or billing system can prove to be extremely beneficial. In addition to essential billing tools, a software billing system can pack in ERP features or recurring payment options. Cloud-based invoicing software is also worth considering.

5. Intelligent Integrations

Expanding on the previous advice - it’s essential to pick billing or invoicing software that is open to integrations with other tools. Perhaps you’d like to integrate your CRM with your billing software. Or maybe you’d like it to integrate it with your email. The best billing software enables you to work faster and smarter with intelligent integrations that make billing easier and hassle-free.

What Is Billing in Accounting - Billing Process Explained (2)

What Is Billing FAQ

#1. What’s the Difference Between an Invoice and a Bill?

For transactions that are completed in one go, it’s more common to use a bill as documentation. This happens because a bill is short and less detailed than an invoice would be, and includes only important details regarding prices and taxation. For example, you can think of billing done at restaurants, pharmacies, beauty salons, or anywhere where you can purchase goods or services in person.

Invoices, or sales invoices, on the other hand, are commonly issued for products that get sold on credit or that are recurring. So, when a customer doesn’t pay for a good or service on the spot, businesses issue invoices instead of bills. An invoice will contain extra elements such as payment terms, a due date, contact information, a detailed description of the goods and services, and more.

If you want to learn about the differences between a bill and an invoice, head over to our guide on bills vs invoices, for more information and a comprehensive comparison chart.

#2. How Much Time Should You Give Clients to Pay an Invoice?

A widespread payment term businesses use is net-30, which basically means that your customer has 30 days to pay back.

With that being said, there’s no straight answer for every company - payment terms depend on different factors such as your business’ industry, relationship with the clients, or total amount of the invoice.

#3. Is Billing Accounts Receivable?

As we’ve mentioned, billing is the process of generating and issuing invoices. Whereas accounts receivable is the asset account that displays the balance of any outstanding invoices or money owed to a business, in the short-term.

So, essentially, billing and accounts receivable are not the same things.

#4. What Is a Billing Cycle?

A billing cycle, or billing period, is the time period in between billing statements.

So, in simpler words, the billing cycle refers to the interval between the last billing date and the current billing date for any sale of goods and services. The length of this cycle varies from business to business, but it typically lasts between 20 to 25 days.

Key Takeaways

Obtaining timely and adequate customer payments is essential for any business. An efficient billing system forms the foundation for an integrated and streamlined payment collection process and is crucial to your accounting and bookkeeping process. Therefore, for a small business, billing often requires more investment (such as spending in billing or invoicing software) to improve efficiency and minimize losses.

Deskera is one of the most favored cloud software when it comes to a small business as it offers a very efficient and easy-to-use billing and invoicing software for small businesses.

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#Invoicing #Billing #BIlling Process #Billing Software

What Is Billing in Accounting - Billing Process Explained (2024)


What Is Billing in Accounting - Billing Process Explained? ›

Billing is defined as the step-by-step process of requesting payment from customers by issuing invoices. An invoice is the commercial document businesses use to request payment and record sales.

What is the billing process in accounting? ›

The Billing Process: 3 Main Steps

The billing cycle has three main steps: creating the invoice, sending the invoice, and collecting payment from customers.

What are the steps of the billing process? ›

The billing process
  1. Step 1: Review Billing Information (Billing Clerk) Access the daily shipping log in the computer system. ...
  2. Step 2: Print Invoice Batch (Billing Clerk) ...
  3. Step 3: Prepare and Send Invoices (Billing Clerk) ...
  4. Step 4: File Invoice Copies (Billing Clerk)
Dec 30, 2022

What are the 3 types of billing? ›

There are three main types of billing systems:
  • Closed Medical Billing Systems.
  • Open Medical Billing Systems.
  • Isolated Medical Billing Systems.
Oct 1, 2022

What is billing in simple words? ›

an act or instance of preparing or sending out a bill or invoice. the total amount of the cost of goods or services billed to a customer, usually covering purchases made or services rendered within a specified period of time.

What is billing vs invoicing and payment? ›

Essentially, bills and invoices are both documents that request payment and provide details on purchase sales. Invoicing, however, is used for merchandise sold on credit, whereas billing is done immediately and on up-front purchases.

Why is billing an important process? ›

Billing helps any business that sells goods to keep track of how much inventory they have available for sale and if each individual order has been fulfilled or not. Once it's been gathered, this information can also be used for future planning, as it reveals sales patterns and the popularity of specific items.

Which key is used for billing process? ›

The key combination is the “Alt” key plus a letter. Hold the Alt key down to view the underlined shortcut options in the menus. To activate one of the shortcuts, continue to hold the Alt key and the press the second key. For example, Alt + c will open the Claims General tab, and Alt + s will “Save and Release” a claim.

Is billing part of accounting? ›

Differences Between Accounting and Billing

Accounting is focused on recording, classifying, and summarizing financial transactions. On the other hand, Billing is focused on issuing invoices and collecting payments. Accounting covers a wider scope. It not only records transactions but also analyzes and interprets them.

What is the difference between billing and payment? ›

Billing is more focused on issuing invoices and tracking payments, while payment processing is mainly about taking payments and transferring them into your account. Make sure you understand this distinction when running your business so that you will know what you need and use the right software for the job.

How do you explain a bill to a customer? ›

How to Explain a Bill to a Customer
  1. Don't Ask for the Client's Information Twice. ...
  2. Agree on Payment Terms Before You Start. ...
  3. Know How to Explain the Details of the Bill. ...
  4. Speak Like a Human. ...
  5. Be Empathic to Your Customers. ...
  6. Provide Information about Financial Assistance Programs. ...
  7. Set Up Clear Invoices.
May 29, 2013

Is billing accounts payable or receivable? ›

For every sale or purchase, your business will either issue or receive an invoice. If you've provided the good or service, the finance team will note the amount you expect to be paid in accounts receivable. If you are paying the invoice, you'll note the amount in accounts payable.

Is billing the same as accounts receivable? ›

Once you send an invoice (or bill), it becomes part of your accounts receivable – until it's paid. Accounts receivable is the name given to both the money that's owed, and the process of collecting it.

What is billing in accounts payable? ›

Accounts Payable is a short-term debt payment which needs to be paid to avoid default. Description: Accounts Payable is a liability due to a particular creditor when it order goods or services without paying in cash up front, which means that you bought goods on credit.

How do you simplify billing process? ›

Set Up a Portal for Payments

Another way to streamline billing and invoicing is to offer a self-service payment process. Rather than clients having to call you or send a check via snail mail, establish an online portal where they can enter their payment details.

How do you record billing a client? ›

When you send an invoice to a customer, you enter it as a journal entry to the accounting journal. For the journal entry, you can document the total amount due from the invoice as a debit in the accounts receivable account. You also list the total amount due from the invoice as a credit in the sales account.

What kinds of transactions take place in a typical billing process? ›

The typical billing process includes accumulating costs, creating and printing invoices, and recording journal entries for income and receivables.

What are the responsibilities of billing in charge? ›

Responsibilities. Collect all information needed to calculate bills receivable (order amounts, discount rates etc.) Issue invoices and bills and sent them to customers through various channels (mail, e-mail etc.) Update accounting records with new payments, balances, customer information etc.

What is a bill called in accounting? ›

What is a Bill in Accounting? A bill is an invoice received from a supplier, on which the supplier states the amount owed by the recipient. This is the primary source document for trade payables.

Why is billing important in a company? ›

Billing helps any business that sells goods to keep track of how much inventory they have available for sale and if each individual order has been fulfilled or not. Once it's been gathered, this information can also be used for future planning, as it reveals sales patterns and the popularity of specific items.

Is billing an asset or liability? ›

Yes, accounts receivable is an asset, because it's defined as money owed to a company by a customer. Let's take the example of a utilities company that bills its customers after providing them with electricity.

What are the two types of billing? ›

If you're interested in how to start a medical billing and coding career path, you should know more about the two types of billing in the healthcare field, which are professional billing and institutional billing.

What are the 3 procedures for preparing bills or invoices? ›

Procedures for Preparing Bills, Invoices, and Receipts
  1. A bill is a written statement of charges for goods supplied or services rendered.
  2. Computer software. ...
  3. Name and Address of the seller/supplier.
  4. Name and address of the buyers /customers.
  5. The date of the transaction.
  6. The serial number of the invoice.

What is the most typical billing cycle? ›

A billing cycle, also referred to as a billing period, is the interval of time between billing statements. Although billing cycles are most often set at one month, they may vary in length depending on the product/service rendered. Typically, the billing cycle lasts anywhere between 20 and 45 days.

What are billing practices? ›

Billing practices a system that is well documented; and easy to audit, including third party private parties, overdue, and write-offs. Appropriate personnel shall be assigned to track, record and report all credit balances.

What are the billing and invoicing steps? ›

Billing and invoicing involves a number of steps. The merchant sends the bill/invoice, which is then reviewed and paid by the customer. From there, the merchant must then issue a receipt once the payment is complete. Done manually, the above process takes time and involves a lot of back-and-forth with the customer.

What is the billing process for Medicare? ›

Billing for Medicare

When a claim is sent to Medicare, it's processed by a Medicare Administrative Contractor (MAC). The MAC evaluates (or adjudicates) each claim sent to Medicare, and processes the claim. This process usually takes around 30 days.

Is medical billing related to accounting? ›

Medical Billing is an accounting for medical bills and medical claims submitted on behalf of a patient. This field has to do with accounting, and nothing to do with coding. The Medical Biller handles the Revenue Cycle Management for the medical facility.

What are three main types of healthcare services billing methods? ›

Let us discuss in detail the three different medical billing systems for Healthcare below:
  • Closed System: A closed medical billing system uses digital tools to track health records and focus on a singular practice. ...
  • Open System: ...
  • Isolated System:
Apr 28, 2022

What is the journal entry for billing? ›

When you send an invoice to a customer, you enter it as a journal entry to the accounting journal. For the journal entry, you can document the total amount due from the invoice as a debit in the accounts receivable account. You also list the total amount due from the invoice as a credit in the sales account.

What is a billing system in healthcare? ›

Medical billing software is a medical solution that automates billing tasks to help practices get paid faster, improve workflow efficiencies and keep patient information up to date. They enable you to verify insurance coverage, process payments and submit claims for reimbursem*nt.

What is the 8 rule for Medicare billing? ›

The Medicare 8 minute rule allows these providers to bill Medicare for one “unit” of timed service when the length of service lasts at least eight minutes and less than 22 minutes in order to determine how many units of 15-minutes of service were provided.

What are the common forms used in the billing process in healthcare? ›

The UB-04 is the standard claim form used in institutional billing. For electronic claims in institutional billing, the form used will be the 837-I.

How can I improve my billing process? ›

How to Improve Your Billing Process
  1. Agree on terms with the client.
  2. Automate your invoicing process.
  3. Offer a range of payment methods.
  4. Minimise errors.
  5. Consider Direct Debit.
  6. We can help.

How do I process a bill in QuickBooks? ›

Enter bills into QuickBooks
  1. Select + New.
  2. Select Bill.
  3. From the Vendor ▼ dropdown, select a vendor.
  4. From the Terms ▼ dropdown, select the bill's terms. ...
  5. Enter the Bill date, Due date, and Bill no. ...
  6. Enter the bill details in the Category details section. ...
  7. Enter the Amount and tax.

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