The rising cost of living and the impact on small businesses (2024)

The rising cost of living and the impact on small businesses (1)

The cost of living has increased dramatically, energy and fuel bills has been one of hardest hit areas. This is having a huge impact on small businesses as they are seeing costs increase from rising energy bills and customers are being more careful and spending less on their products and services. Businesses often don’t want to pass on these price increases to customers but have no choice or face the risk of losing their business altogether if they do not pass on the price increase. In this article we have some advice for small businesses who are struggling with the increase in energy and fuel costs.

Focus on core best sellers

If your business is struggling, we recommend avoiding taking any uncalculated risks during difficult periods. Instead focus on core products and services that are proven to make your business money. Spending money on new ideas, stock or unproven marketing campaigns could risk your businesses getting into more issues and debt. Instead use the cashflow you have within your business to reinvest in proven marketing channels and products that continue to sell all year round. If you have some extra budget, you may want to take a calculated risk but make sure you are not in a position where this money is needed to pay essential bills.

Avoid employing more staff

Although you may want to support the local community and offer jobs employing staff during difficult times can add a strain to your business finances. Recruitment and training are costly and requires investment from the business. It may also be the case that you need to make some employees redundant. This is a very difficult decision that no small business owner wants to make. By postponing hiring new employees you can also limit the number of employees you may need to make redundant. Retaining existing staff is often much more cost effective than employing and training new recruits.

Review business spend

We recommend that businesses conduct a complete review of current spend and identify any areas where costs can be cut. Things to review include business premises, electricity providers, stock provider, water bills, payment processing, and broadband. Although costs are rising there are still deals to be had if you shop around and negotiate prices with suppliers. An alternative if your business can operate remotely may be to reduce the size of your current business premises and request that employees work from home. This is a great way to reduce costs but also keep all your current staff employed. Employees might welcome the change as it is likely to reduce their travel costs and improve their work life balance.

Employee perks

Many businesses offer employee perks to help members of staff and encourage them to stick with the company. If you are desperate to cut costs, then this is one area that can be reduced without directly impacting on business operations. Where possible we suggest replacing perks with cheaper alternatives as opposed to removing them all together. Why not try giving members of staff a few options to choose from, this way you provide the perks that are most valued by your employees.


Travelling to meet potential new customers, suppliers and to deliver goods or services can be costly. Fuel prices are at an all-time high, minimising the travel to essential journeys only and planning trips can help reduce costs. There will be journeys that cannot be avoided, a good idea is to combine these trips into one journey to reduce costs.

As a fuelGenie customer you already have access to supermarket fuel, which is on average 3p per litre cheaper than other petrol stations. To maximise fuel savings, we recommend downloading our fuel prices app. The app allows you and your drivers to view the cost of fuel at fuelGenie eligible petrol stations near your location. You and your drivers can download the fuelGenie app for free, find out more about the fuelGenie fuel prices app.

The rising cost of living and the impact on small businesses (2024)


How does the cost of living impact businesses? ›

High inflation means businesses have to pay more for products and materials, may have to wait longer for stock to come in and then pay higher shipping costs to get it delivered. If you sell abroad in markets where inflation is lower, it can make your products less competitive.

How is the cost of living crisis affecting small businesses? ›

The cost of living crisis is also making it harder for small businesses to attract and retain staff. With wages failing to keep pace with the rising cost of living, many people are finding it difficult to make ends meet. This is leading to an increase in staff turnover as employees leave in search of better-paid work.

What are the impacts of the rising cost of living? ›

The rising cost of living has been associated with a reduction in wellbeing, including increased anxiety and worsening mental health. Charities and campaign groups have said the impact of increased costs has been worse for households already on lower incomes.

What are the impacts of the cost of living crisis? ›

There are several ways that the rising cost of living can affect people's health. Being unable to afford sufficient food leaves people malnourished. Being unable to keep a home warm leaves people at risk of developing respiratory diseases and, for the most vulnerable, at risk of death.

What would be the impact on business if costs increase? ›

With increasing costs, a business would have to sell more products in order to break even or make a profit. When costs increase, businesses often have to make the choice of absorbing increased costs or passing them on to customers by increasing prices. As a result, the business will be more likely to make a loss.

How can we manage the rising cost of living? ›

How to cope with higher living costs
  1. Check what you're paying for. Go through your bank statements and look at your standing orders and Direct Debits to see what you're paying for. ...
  2. Check what benefits you can claim. ...
  3. Save money on your food bill. ...
  4. Help with your bills. ...
  5. Help with rent.

What is the impact of small businesses? ›

Not only do small businesses provide more jobs, they also bring careers and opportunities. Successful small businesses put money back into their local community through paychecks and taxes, which can support the creation of new small businesses and improve local public services.

What is the impact of small business in the community and the economy? ›

Small businesses generate revenue that converts to local taxes feeding the local economy to create a better business within your community. This means your school districts, police forces and other small businesses and organizations will create a support system and reap the benefits of each others' hard work.

What is the impact of crisis in business? ›

Curtin et al. (2005) pointed out that a crisis can have serious consequences on a company's revenue streams; a badly managed crisis can severely damage a company, its reputation and its brand. Crisis challenges the public's sense of safety, values and appropriateness (Sapriel, 2003).

Who is most likely affected by rising cost of living? ›

Rising costs of living exert greatest impact on persons, mainly retired persons, with fixed incomes composed of savings bank interest, life insurance annuities, pensions, or social security benefits. 4 Families of workers whose wages are low also bear a heavy burden during times of inflation.

What causes a rise in cost of living? ›

Increases in the costs of consumer goods, underpinned by strong demand from consumers and supply chain bottlenecks, have been factors causing rising inflation. Food prices have also been rising sharply over the past year.

How does cost of living impact the economy? ›

When prices for energy, food, commodities, and other goods and services rise, the entire economy is affected. Rising prices, known as inflation, impact the cost of living, the cost of doing business, borrowing money, mortgages, corporate, and government bond yields, and every other facet of the economy.

Why is high cost of living a problem? ›

Generally, a higher cost of living means that basic expenses have become – well, expensive. This especially impacts low-income households, since they have to spend a larger part of their budget on non-discretionary items like food or petrol.

What is the impact on cost? ›

Impact cost represents the cost of executing a transaction in a given stock, for a specific predefined order size, at any given point of time. Impact cost is a practical and realistic measure of market liquidity; it is closer to the true cost of execution faced by a trader in comparison to the bid-ask spread.

What can affect cost of living? ›

Necessary expenses can include housing, food, taxes, health care, clothing, education, entertainment and transportation. Cost of living is linked to income and is used to compare the livability of different cities.

What impact does change have on a business? ›

Change in an organization leads to many positive aspects – that lead to retaining a competitive edge and also remaining relevant in your business area. Change encourages innovation, develops skills, develops staff and leads to better business opportunities, and improves staff morale.

What happens when cost increases? ›

Economists call this the Law of Demand. If the price goes up, the quantity demanded goes down (but demand itself stays the same). If the price decreases, quantity demanded increases. This is the Law of Demand.

How does a rise in inflation affect businesses? ›

When inflation is high, each unit of currency buys fewer goods and services. As a result, businesses may find it difficult to maintain their profit margins. In addition, consumers may cut back on their spending, which can lead to lower sales for businesses.

What is the solution to cost of living? ›

The simplest way to reduce immediate cost of living pressures would be to cut taxes on petrol, electricity and gas. This would reduce prices for consumers and help reduce some of the temporary inflation.

What is rising living costs? ›

A “cost of living crisis” simply refers to a scenario in which the cost of everyday essentials like energy and food is rising much faster than average incomes. You may have heard the term “inflation” used a lot in relation to this.

What is the biggest problem for small businesses? ›

Recruitment, Retention of Employees, and Labor Quality. Challenges in labor quality, including employee recruitment and retention were cited by 55% of small business owners, making it the largest challenge.

What is small business short answer? ›

A business which functions on a small scale level involves less capital investment, less number of labour and fewer machines to operate is known as a small business. Small scale Industries or small business are the type of industries that produces goods and services on a small scale.

What is the most important issue for a small business? ›

Financial Planning

More resources increase ability, efficiency, and quality. Unfortunately, access to many of these resources comes through having capital, but small businesses reported that a lack of capital or cash flow was their number one challenge.

What do you think are the impact of businesses in your community? ›

Increasing local businesses means creating more jobs to encourage more people to stay in the area. This not only allows people to work closer to home, but also improves the quality of life for the community by increasing city revenue, creating a more self sustainable community, and connecting the community together.

What is the main importance of small business? ›

Small businesses are important because they provide opportunities for entrepreneurs and create meaningful jobs with greater job satisfaction than positions with larger, traditional companies. They foster local economies, keeping money close to home and supporting neighborhoods and communities.

What is the importance of small business to the economy? ›

Small businesses create two-thirds of new jobs and deliver 43.5 percent of the United States' gross domestic product (GDP). In addition to keeping the economy running, small businesses also lead the way in innovation. Small businesses produce 16 times more new patents per employee than large patenting firms do.

How do you show impact on a business? ›

  1. Focus on Outcomes. The number of hours served, dollars contributed, and employees engaged are important to understand a company's level of commitment to a cause. ...
  2. Listen to Your Stakeholders. ...
  3. Learn From Others. ...
  4. Don't Undervalue Stories. ...
  5. Measure, Refine, Tweak, Measure Again.
19 Jun 2020

What is the impact of poverty on businesses? ›

Poverty is often associated with illiteracy, which can affect productivity. Employees with poor literacy skills may struggle to fully understand workflow instructions. Consequently, they are prone to making work-related mistakes, resulting in lost profits and reduced customer confidence.

What is positive impact in business? ›

A positive business is one that creates value and can continue to develop products and services that make a positive impact on society. In order to create economic value, businesses need to think long term and determine how they can continue to be a financially sustainable business.

What are the positive and negative effects of increasing prices? ›

That's because a bit of inflation encourages spending in anticipation of rising prices, which can lead to higher wages and growth in the economy. But inflation can also degrade the value of people's savings, fixed income investment returns, and can lead to a decrease in global competition for a country.

Who is affected the most with the increase in cost of living and why? ›

Fixed incomes earners like pensioners, daily wage earners, manual workers, small vendors, workers in small enterprises and in private low-income jobs are all badly affected by the continuous rise in prices. Income of the consumers adjusted to present inflation is the real income.

What costs are rising the most? ›

The latest data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) shows energy prices are up 17.6% and gasoline alone is up nearly 17.5% over the last year. Used vehicle prices are up nearly 4.1% for the year, and new vehicle prices have increased 8.4%. Food prices have also increased by 10.9% year over year.

What causes cost increase? ›

As the demand for a particular good or service increases, the available supply decreases. When fewer items are available, consumers are willing to pay more to obtain the item—as outlined in the economic principle of supply and demand. The result is higher prices due to demand-pull inflation.

What is cost of living and why is it important? ›

The cost of living is the amount of money needed to cover basic expenses such as housing, food, taxes, and healthcare in a certain place and time period. The cost of living is often used to compare how expensive it is to live in one city versus another. The cost of living is tied to wages.

Why is it important to know the cost of living? ›

Measurement of the cost of a minimum standard of living is essential in determining relief payments, social-insurance benefits, family allowances, tax exemptions, and minimum wages. Measurements of change in the cost of living are important in wage negotiations.

Does cost of living impact financial goals? ›

Even when you are can easily cover your basic living expenses (home, food, fuel), the creeping costs of your essential and discretionary spending can begin to impact your short-, medium-, and long-term goals.

How does high cost cause poverty? ›

High costs and inadequate benefits

In addition, the very high costs of housing and childcare increase families' risk of poverty. It is generally accepted that where people are out of work or don't earn enough money, the social security system should provide a safety net to prevent them falling into poverty.

What is opportunity cost and how does it impact your life? ›

Opportunity cost represents the benefits forgone by choosing one option over another. Recognizing opportunity costs can help you make better decisions in all aspects of your life. It can be difficult to identify opportunity costs when the benefits of the alternative choice aren't easily quantifiable.

What is an example of cost of living? ›

There are basic costs that are a part of everyday life—things like rent, bills, health care and groceries. These expenses are known as the cost of living.

What are the business benefits of paying the living wage? ›

Paying the real Living Wage is not only good for your employees' financial wellbeing; it's good for business too. According to the Living Wage Foundation, 86% of accredited employers said it had improved the reputation of their business, while 75% said it increased motivation and retention rates.

What does rise in cost of living mean? ›

A cost of living raise is typically based on the increase (or decrease) of the standard cost of living each year. The cost of living may include an increase in the cost of housing, utilities, taxes, health care and food.

Why are costs so important? ›

Understanding your costs is vital for informed business decisions. It helps you determine the profitability of your operations and how to set prices. But proper costing is complex, and many businesses aren't doing a good job.

Why is the real living wage important? ›

As a real Living Wage Employer, your recruitment power will increase, making it easier to attract new staff - at all pay levels. Paying your staff a fair wage allows them to focus on their job and raises morale, engagement and motivation; it also reduces absenteeism and sickness rates, improving employment relations.

How does paying a living wage affect employers? ›

Employers talk about having reduced staff turnover, a more productive work environment and increased business as a direct result of paying a Living Wage. Workers talk about spending more time with their families, feeling valued, less stressed and consequently happier and more motivated in their workplaces.

What are examples of business benefits? ›

Employee benefit examples
  • Health insurance.
  • Paid time off (PTO)
  • Retirement plan benefits.
  • Flexible work schedule.
  • Dental insurance.
  • Vision insurance.
  • Life insurance.
  • Paid family leave.
20 Oct 2022

What are positive and negative effects of inflation? ›

Key Takeaways. Inflation, the sustained and broad rise in the prices of goods and services over time, erodes purchasing power. A small but positive inflation rate is economically useful, while high inflation tends to feed on itself and to impair the economy's long-term performance.

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Name: Neely Ledner

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Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.