What Is Project Accounting? Principles, Methods & More (2024)

To stick to your project budget, you have to track costs. Project accounting, as with general accounting, is a method by which project managers can manage project finances.

Project accounting is not the same as balancing your checkbook or even seeking the service of a certified public accountant as it’s unique to project management. Let’s look at what a project account is as well as its principles and methods.

What Is Project Accounting?

Project accounting refers to all elements related to financial transactions in a project. This includes everything from project costs, billing and revenue. Project managers and accountants use project accounting when executing financial tasks on projects. Management receives regular reports on its progress and whether or not the project accounting is successful.

The use of project accounting is essential in managing a project budget; project managers use it to stay updated on the project’s direct costs, overhead costs and revenue. Just as a project manager monitors the project’s schedule and scope, they also track these financial transactions to ensure they’re on budget and make necessary adjustments to avoid overspending.

To do this, a project accounting plan must be created during the project planning phase. The plan outlines all costs and schedules how to monitor and track those costs during project execution, including money spent on resources such as the project team, equipment and more.

When creating a project plan, you need project management tools to organize costs related to delivering the product or service on time and within budget. ProjectManager is work and project management software with interactive Gantt charts that help you plan every step of your project on a visual timeline. There are features to plan and manage costs and resources, both human and nonhuman. Set the baseline to track planned costs against actual costs in real time. Get started with ProjectManager today for free.

How Does Project Accounting Work?

Project accounting works by creating a detailed plan of your project costs and managing them throughout project execution to make sure you’re on budget. This is done by monitoring project costs and tracking the variance between the planned and actual costs.

Documentation is required to record the project costs that are incurred throughout the project. As noted, tracking the actual expenses and revenues of the project helps compare them to the costs you have set in your plan, but you’ll also look at future-based costs of contracted delivery schedules and completion dates.

Project accounting includes documenting the date legal agreements are signed with a customer, tracking earned revenues from sales agreements and identifying the costs related to each project phase. In short, project accounting follows the money from the project plan through execution with detailed documentation and adjustments to help you stick to your budget.

Project Accounting Principles

As in any project management method, there are principles to help initiate, plan and establish metrics for accounting in projects, how to execute contracts, avoid scope creep and close out projects. There are eight main project accounting principles that we’ve outlined below.

  1. Cost Principle: When recording the project costs, use the original value instead of the forecasted market value. You want to capture the cost you spent, not the potential cost.
  2. Matching Principle: Revenues and expenses should match the appropriate costs over time. When assigning expenses incurred during project execution, make it the period in the project when the team has incurred the expenses.
  3. Consolidation Principle: To make the overall project cost consistent, group any related project work together. Accomplish this through a systematic process of determining revenue and costs with other parties to consolidate financial activities for the project under one account.
  4. Full Disclosure Principle: You want to record everything of significance in your financial statements to provide transparency into your project finances. This helps with accountability with project stakeholders.
  5. Prudence Principle: This principle requires that you state the amount of revenue and expenses that represents the best estimate of how much revenue or costs might actually occur over the course of the project.
  6. Liability Principle: Make sure to acknowledge all costs related to the future obligations of the project. This can include any contract penalties and liquidation damages associated with the breach of a contract. In other words, you’re liable for these costs if they incur.
  7. Control Principle: You must apply procedures and processes when monitoring the financial activities of the project to make sure you follow regulations. This allows managers to track the actual costs of the project and adjust nonrecurring events to keep to your budget.
  8. Resource Allocation Principle: This principle states that resources can be allocated to more than one project. Project managers can allocate the same amount of resources to different projects if there’s a financial benefit and little risk involved rather than continuing to reallocate money over time into projects.

Project Accounting vs. Financial Accounting

Project accounting and more general financial accounting share many things in common but they’re not the same thing. Yes, they both deal with costs and expenses, but the context and the execution differ enough to make it worth exploring some of those differences.

For starters, there’s a different timetable for project accounting and financial accounting. Project accounting deals with a project, which has a start date and an end date. This means the accounting work ends when the project is completed. Financial accounting works on periods throughout the financial year, which is different across businesses.

The reporting is also different. In project accounting, reporting is based on deliverables. Financial accounting has reports, too, only they look at other aspects of running a business. They’re more concerned with profit and loss, which is not relatable to project accounting.

There are also cost hierarchies that diverge. For example, project accounting cost hierarchies are based on tasks and projects while financial accounting hierarchies are based on departments and cost centers.

Comparative analysis is hard to do in projects but easy in financial accounting. In fact, the levels of understanding are different as well. Stakeholders and sponsors of projects don’t often understand how money is spent on projects, but lenders are clear about financial accounting principles.

Project Accounting Revenue Recognition Methods

Revenue recognition in project accounting is based on when a client should pay, whether upfront, in the middle of the project or when the final deliverable is complete. Revenue recognition only counts revenue once the money has been earned. There are several methods of project accounting revenue recognition, the most common listed below.

Sales Basis

This method recognizes revenue once the sale has been made. That is, at the point of purchase you recognize your revenue. This can be done with cash or credit on the delivery of goods or services. This is commonplace in retail stores but can also apply to project deliverables.


The installment plan is familiar to anyone who holds a mortgage or has bought large machinery and paid for it over a period of time. There is risk involved as it’s not certain that payment will be delivered regularly. This method means you recognize revenue as it’s delivered as a percentage of the total revenue. This could be over a period of months or even years.

Percentage of Completion

This method is often used with large or long-term projects. It allows a company to recognize revenue by milestones that indicate progress in the project. Contracts for this method are detailed to make it clear when revenue recognition takes place. This allows you to recognize revenue as it comes in instead of waiting until the end of a long project.

Completed Contract

Here, you realize revenue after everything has been delivered and stakeholders or clients are satisfied. This is mostly found with short-term projects or when an extended warranty is involved. It can also end up as a default method when others, such as the percentage of completion method, fail due to lack of clarity.

Cost Recoverability

When you can’t estimate the cost of goods and services in the contract, it’s called cost recoverability. A more conservative approach to revenue recognition only comes to fruition after you’ve recoupled all costs associated with the project.

The Role of the Project Accountant

Project accounting is usually done by the project manager and the project accountant, depending on the size of the project and the organization hosting the project. Project accountants are responsible for monitoring the process of the project, tracking variances and approving expenses.

Project accountants also ensure that project billing is done correctly and delivered to the clients as well as making sure payments are received. They are often in charge of project reporting and maintaining all relevant income and expenditure for the project while also overseeing project records and contracts to ensure they’re followed.

In addition, project accountants review processes for managing accounts and work with auditors. It’s the project accountant’s responsibility to develop financial systems with the IT team in order to be more user-friendly.

Project Accounting Benefits

The importance of project accounting is clear; cost is one-third of the triple constraint and managing those finances is key to delivering a successful project. Knowing how much you’re spending will help you keep to your budget, therefore, understanding the workflow of your costs is crucial to controlling them. Here are some other benefits to project accounting.

  • Get insights into costs, bids and scope for new projects
  • Improves resource management
  • Stay updated on project progress and profitability
  • Helps identify issues with projects to respond quickly
  • Educates project team on project cost and profitability
  • Improves financial management of the organization
  • Reduces risk and improves overall project management

How ProjectManager Helps With Project Accounting

The benefits of project accounting are clear, but many cannot be achieved without the proper tools. ProjectManager is work and project management software that captures real-time data for more insightful decision-making. Organize costs and resources and monitor them in real time to better manage your budget and deliver success to your stakeholders.

Streamline Payment and Track Time

Use our timesheets to help you manage your resources. Once a timesheet is submitted, it is locked until an authorized manager can provide approval. It also tracks who is working on what and showcases outstanding tasks and overall workload. You can see who is busy and who has the capacity for more tasks, all of which are important for capacity planning and expense tracking.

Get a High-Level View of Costs and More

While lightweight software tools require manual dashboard configuration, ours is ready to go when you are. It automatically captures and calculates project data that’s displayed in colorful graphs and charts. You can track costs in real time along with five other project metrics. For more in-depth data, use our one-click reports on timesheets, costs and more. All reports can be filtered to show only the information you want to see and easily shared with stakeholders to keep them updated.

ProjectManager lets you make a cost management plan, organize tasks, resources and more. You can set your budget and track it in real time, creating detailed reports to help you stay on schedule and within budget. All your project accounting needs are built into our myriad of features which help you plan, monitor and report on every aspect of your project. Take account of your project with the only project management tool you’ll need.

ProjectManager is award-winning work and project management software for hybrid teams. Our collaborative platform helps you work better together, no matter where, when or what department. There’s a single source of truth that keeps everyone on the same page. Join the tens of thousands of teams using our tool to deliver success at organizations as varied as NASA, Siemens and Nestle. Get started with ProjectManager today for free.

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What Is Project Accounting? Principles, Methods & More (2024)


What does Project Accounting mean? ›

Project accounting is an accounting practice that tracks costs and financial benefits associated with a project. Project accounting allows businesses to assess the financial implications of completing certain types of projects as well as plan out projects to meet contract parameters.

What is a project accounting example? ›

Project accounting is the accurate tracking of costs incurred through the lifespan of a project. Such costs may include materials, labor and capital equipment. For example, project accounting during a construction project might involve tracking the cost of all building materials, employee wages and permit costs.

What is Project Accounting in SAP? ›

Project System (PS) is one of the key modules of SAP to perform project and portfolio management. It helps you to manage the project life cycle starting from structuring to planning, execution, until the project completion. Audience. SAP PS helps to manage and support all the SAP projects in a company.

Who uses Project Accounting? ›

Who uses project accounting? Typically, project accounting is used by Professional Services Organizations (PSOs) or consulting firms that use an accrual-based accounting method. This typically means these organizations are over $5M in annual revenue (otherwise organizations may use the cash-based accounting method).

What is the role of a project accountant? ›

The Project Accountant's primary responsibility is to support the project team regarding contract modifications, compliance, payments, reports and any other duties related to the project. Accountants are expected to occasionally travel to project sites for job status review meetings.

How is Project Accounting done? ›

How Does Project Accounting Work? Project accounting works by creating a detailed plan of your project costs and managing them throughout project execution to make sure you're on budget. This is done by monitoring project costs and tracking the variance between the planned and actual costs.

What are project topics in accounting? ›

List of Accounting and Finance Project Topics
NumberProject Topics
211 more rows

What makes a good project accountant? ›

Exceptional ability to prepare project budgets, financial forecasts, and tax reports. Extensive experience in project invoicing and billing. In-depth knowledge of best practices in accounting. Excellent communication skills toward effective collaboration and client services.

What are the 7 principles of accounting? ›

Some of the most fundamental accounting principles include the following:
  • Accrual principle.
  • Conservatism principle.
  • Consistency principle.
  • Cost principle.
  • Economic entity principle.
  • Full disclosure principle.
  • Going concern principle.
  • Matching principle.

What are the types of accounting? ›

Here are the nine most common types of accounting:
  • Financial accounting. ...
  • Managerial accounting. ...
  • Cost accounting. ...
  • Auditing. ...
  • Tax accounting. ...
  • Accounting information systems. ...
  • Forensic accounting. ...
  • Public accounting.

What are the 10 accounting concepts? ›

: Business Entity, Money Measurement, Going Concern, Accounting Period, Cost Concept, Duality Aspect concept, Realisation Concept, Accrual Concept and Matching Concept. Let us take an example.

What are the three methods of accounting? ›

And, there are three accounting methods: accrual basis, cash basis, and modified cash basis. Before we can talk about which types of businesses use specific accounting methods, let's briefly go over the basics.

What is PS structure? ›

SAP Project System (PS) is a part of SAP's Project and Portfolio Management solution. Project System helps manage projects throughout the entire project lifecycle, from the creation of a project to the preparation of detailed plans, project execution and completion.

What is PS System? ›

SAP Project System (PS) is a project management software tool that integrates with other components of the SAP Enterprise Resource Planning (SAP ERP) system.

How do I prepare for a project accountant interview? ›

Interview Questions for Project Accountants:
  1. Can you describe your steps in ensuring efficient invoicing? ...
  2. What would junior accountants struggle with in this position? ...
  3. You need to generate a cash flow forecast. ...
  4. Which accounting software do you find works the best? ...
  5. You disagree with your supervisor on a cost estimate.

What are project accruals? ›

Project accruals is the difference between the calculated project costs to date, and the cost to date as per the accounting system.

Is project accounting the same as cost accounting? ›

Project Accounting, sometimes called job cost accounting, creates data that tracks the financial performance of projects. Project Accounting enables the firm providing project resources (labor and material) to monitor the progress of their projects from a financial point of view.

What are the 5 types of accounts? ›

The 5 Account Types
  • Assets.
  • Liabilities.
  • Expenses.
  • Income (Revenue)
  • Equity.
20 Jul 2022

What skills does a project accountant need? ›

What are the most important skills for project accountants?
  • Time management.
  • Project management.
  • Attention to detail to effectively analyze general ledger accounts and financial statements.
  • Ability to manage transactions efficiently and accurately.
  • Capability to prioritize tasks.

What are project financials? ›

Project financials can be simply defined as the money you have for your project. Strategically planning, tracking and managing this money is how project financials can determine whether a project is profitable and to a great part, whether it will be profitable.

What is project based bookkeeping? ›

Project accounting is accounting performed on a project-by-project basis, tracking various individual components of the project. This ensures that your project stays on budget, tells you what you should be billing, and informs the project's overall profitability.

What is the term accounting? ›

Definition of accounting

1 : the system of recording and summarizing business and financial transactions and analyzing, verifying, and reporting the results also : the principles and procedures of this system studied accounting as a freshman. 2a : work done in accounting or by accountants.

How do you determine project revenue? ›


Using this method, we calculate revenue recognition by multiplying the progress of the project during set periods by the total revenue budget. Complete 10% of the project and you can recognize 10% of the revenue. Periods are typically monthly, quarterly or by trimester.

Which topic is best for project? ›

Management Capstone Project Ideas
  • The Importance of Risk Management.
  • Recent Trends in E-Commerce Management.
  • Supplier Relations and Business Management.
  • Driving Principles of Supply Chain Management.
  • Growing Role of Technology in Management.
  • The Impact of Globalization in Business Management.
10 May 2022

How do you write a project? ›

How To Write A Project Plan
  1. Establish Project Scope And Metrics. ...
  2. Identify Key Stakeholders. ...
  3. Outline Deliverables. ...
  4. Develop Tasks. ...
  5. Assign Tasks And Deadlines. ...
  6. Share, Gather Feedback, And Adjust The Project Plan As Necessary. ...
  7. Use Other Project Plans For Inspiration. ...
  8. Get Your Team Involved In The Process.
26 Oct 2021

How many types of account are there? ›

3 Different types of accounts in accounting are Real, Personal and Nominal Account.

What is a project accounting manager? ›

The Project Accounting Manager is responsible for designing, implementing and enforcing policies and procedures for the company's billing and revenue cycle to maximize cash flow while maintaining and improving internal and external customer relations.

What is the role of accounting staff? ›

What does a Staff Accountant do? Staff Accountants prepare and review financial documents, reports, and statements. They oversee all accounting procedures (e.g. tax returns, month-end closures, budgeting) and advise on general financial matters.

What are the responsibilities of a project coordinator? ›

A project coordinator handles administrative tasks for the project manager and team members to keep the project running smoothly. This may include ordering equipment and supplies, managing deadlines and workflow, and scheduling meetings and appointments.

Is project accounting the same as cost accounting? ›

Project Accounting, sometimes called job cost accounting, creates data that tracks the financial performance of projects. Project Accounting enables the firm providing project resources (labor and material) to monitor the progress of their projects from a financial point of view.

How is Project Accounting done? ›

How Does Project Accounting Work? Project accounting works by creating a detailed plan of your project costs and managing them throughout project execution to make sure you're on budget. This is done by monitoring project costs and tracking the variance between the planned and actual costs.

Does QuickBooks do project accounting? ›

You can add project income, expenses, and labor costs, and run project-specific reports from a single dashboard. If needed, you can also add old transactions to new or ongoing projects. Projects is only available in QuickBooks Online Plus, Advanced and Accountant.

What are project topics in accounting? ›

List of Accounting and Finance Project Topics
NumberProject Topics
211 more rows

What are project accruals? ›

Project accruals is the difference between the calculated project costs to date, and the cost to date as per the accounting system.

How do I prepare for a project accountant interview? ›

Interview Questions for Project Accountants:
  1. Can you describe your steps in ensuring efficient invoicing? ...
  2. What would junior accountants struggle with in this position? ...
  3. You need to generate a cash flow forecast. ...
  4. Which accounting software do you find works the best? ...
  5. You disagree with your supervisor on a cost estimate.

What makes a good project accountant? ›

Exceptional ability to prepare project budgets, financial forecasts, and tax reports. Extensive experience in project invoicing and billing. In-depth knowledge of best practices in accounting. Excellent communication skills toward effective collaboration and client services.

What are the different types of accounting? ›

Here are the nine most common types of accounting:
  • Financial accounting. ...
  • Managerial accounting. ...
  • Cost accounting. ...
  • Auditing. ...
  • Tax accounting. ...
  • Accounting information systems. ...
  • Forensic accounting. ...
  • Public accounting.

What is project based bookkeeping? ›

Project accounting is accounting performed on a project-by-project basis, tracking various individual components of the project. This ensures that your project stays on budget, tells you what you should be billing, and informs the project's overall profitability.

Which software is best for project management? ›

The 6 Best Project Management Software Tools of 2022
  • Best Overall: Trello.
  • Runner-Up: Wrike.
  • Best for Collaboration: Basecamp.
  • Best Value: Zoho Projects.
  • Best Features: LiquidPlanner.
  • Best for Big Projects: Microsoft Project.
13 Sept 2022

How do I track project expenses in QuickBooks? ›

Let me show you how:
  1. Go to the Gear icon on the top menu.
  2. Select Account and Settings.
  3. Go to the Expenses tab.
  4. From the Bills and expenses section, tick Edit.
  5. Turn on the Show Items table on expense and purchase forms, Track expenses and items by customer and Make expenses and items billable options.
  6. Hit Save.
14 Dec 2020

How do you use QB projects? ›

How to set up and use projects in QuickBooks Online - YouTube

What are the three methods of accounting? ›

And, there are three accounting methods: accrual basis, cash basis, and modified cash basis. Before we can talk about which types of businesses use specific accounting methods, let's briefly go over the basics.

Which topic is best for project? ›

Management Capstone Project Ideas
  • The Importance of Risk Management.
  • Recent Trends in E-Commerce Management.
  • Supplier Relations and Business Management.
  • Driving Principles of Supply Chain Management.
  • Growing Role of Technology in Management.
  • The Impact of Globalization in Business Management.
10 May 2022

What are the 5 types of accounts? ›

The 5 Account Types
  • Assets.
  • Liabilities.
  • Expenses.
  • Income (Revenue)
  • Equity.
20 Jul 2022

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