What is RevPAR & How to Calculate It? | SiteMinder (2024)

Data is incredibly valuable to any hotel or accommodation business. It can help you to make accurate, informed, or strategic decisions for the benefit of your property.

Hotels are a veritable beehive of activity, with almost every kind of activity or transaction consisting of data. By using common hotel performance metrics such as RevPAR, you can paint a clear picture of what’s working within your business and what you can do to improve.

This article will explain everything you need to know about RevPAR and many other popular hotel metrics, so you can start making positive changes at your hotel today.

Formula sheet for RevPAR and other key hotel metrics

What is RevPAR & How to Calculate It? | SiteMinder (1)

Table of contents

What does RevPAR mean?

RevPAR stands for revenue per available room, and is one of the most common and important hotel metrics.

It provides a glimpse into the number of rooms that are being sold at a hotel and how much revenue is being generated from those bookings.

You should use RevPAR to understand the best way to maximise the revenue generated per room. If the RevPAR of your property is increasing, it must mean your average room rate or occupancy rate is increasing – or both!

Always use RevPAR in combination with other key performance metrics to optimise your hotel’s performance.

How do you calculate RevPAR?

Simply multiply your average daily rate (ADR) by your occupancy rate. For example:

If your hotel is occupied at 70% with an ADR of $100, your RevPAR will be $70.

The other way to calculate it is by dividing the total number of rooms available in your hotel with the total revenue from the night.

In a 300 room hotel, 70% occupancy equals 210 rooms occupied.

Multiply that by 100 and you will get $21,000 as your total room revenue.

Divide $21,000 by the total number of rooms available (300) and you’ll have your $70 RevPAR.

To calculate your property’s annual RevPAR, simply take your rooms available multiplied by 365 days in a year. So with the 300 room property above, the annual room nights available is 109,500. That’s a lot of room nights to yield and optimise!

Note that you’ll also need to calculate your ADR for the first example.

RevPAR vs ADR: What’s the difference?

RevPAR and ADR are not to be confused. While they both relate to room revenue they’re very different metrics. In fact, you first need to calculate your ADR before you begin calculating RevPAR.

ADR will simply tell you how much revenue each sold room is selling for on average, while RevPAR will tell you how much revenue you’re bringing in for all your rooms.

You might have 100 rooms at a rate of $100 per night, but if your occupancy is only 50% then your revenue figure won’t be anywhere near what your target is. This is why RevPAR is important to track. If you can’t solve your occupancy problem, then perhaps you can make more money on the rooms you are selling, even without raising rates – since increasing rates could be counterproductive.

What is RevPAR Index?

It’s important to understand that RevPAR and RevPAR Index are not the same thing.

The RevPAR Index measures the performance of your RevPAR relative to a grouping of other hotels, such as a competitive set, market, or sub-market.

RevPAR is the straightforward calculation to understand how well you are selling and profiting from your rooms,

The RevPAR Index, or revenue generating index (RGI) should be 100. This indicates your hotel is getting the expected, or fair, market share amongst the particular group of hotels. Naturally an RGI of greater than 100 represents more than the expected market share, and less than 100 represents you are not getting as much of the share as you should.

How to calculate the RevPAR Index

To calculate the index you need to divide your RevPAR with the aggregated group of hotels’ RevPAR and multiply it by 100.

So, if your hotel’s RevPAR is $70 and the group’s is $50 your RevPAR index will be 140.

This means you’ll be easily getting more than your expected market share.

There are a few reasons you might want to calculate your RevPAR Index:

  • It will allow you to see how well your strategy is working relative to competitors
  • It can show you the variance between you and your competitors – if your index is lower can you make an investment, in technology for example, to help close the gap?
  • You can be continually aware of how your hotel is positioned

The tricky part is choosing the competitive set to measure yourself against. If you’re in a busy city, it can be easier because there is a larger selection to choose from. Choose hotels that have a similar product offering to you. Once you have established your competitive set, you should try not to change it unless you have a good reason to do so.

Tips to increase RevPAR at your hotel

Your RevPar will increase when you maximise the amount of revenue you gain from each individual guest. One of the best ways to do this is by upselling and cross-selling to add extra purchases to a guest’s booking.

Examples might include:

  • Shuttle transport services to and from airports or stations
  • Food and beverage welcome packs such as champagne, fruit, and chocolates
  • Tickets to local attractions or events
  • Amenity packages that include things like massages or spas
  • Art, craft, or exercise classes
  • Pre-stay email offering upgrades or additional services such as a VIP experience

If you need help with upselling, check out the Hotel App Store for useful tools.

Other tactics to boost your RevPAR revolve around your marketing, distribution, and revenue management strategies. Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Put a high focus on direct bookings to maximise profit
  • Try to lower cancellation rates by analysing which OTA channels have the highest/lowest rates
  • Ask for reviews and promote any positive feedback you gain
  • Implement minimum stay policies
  • Run and maintain loyalty or reward programs to boost return stays
  • Ensure your booking process is quick and smooth with a quality booking engine
  • Sell local products used within your hotel such as soaps and moisturisers

Other important hotel metrics

RevPAR is, of course, not the only key metric you should be focusing on at your hotel.

Other useful metrics that you should be tracking as part of your revenue management strategy include:

What is RevPAR & How to Calculate It? | SiteMinder (2)

What is RevPAR & How to Calculate It? | SiteMinder (2024)


What is RevPAR and how is it calculated? ›

Revenue per available room (RevPAR) is a performance measure used in the hospitality industry. RevPAR is calculated by multiplying a hotel's average daily room rate by its occupancy rate. RevPAR is also calculated by dividing total room revenue by the total number of rooms available in the period being measured.

Why is RevPAR calculated? ›

The REVPAC metric indicator (revenue per available customer) represents the total revenue generated by a single customer. The REVPAC is computed by taking the total revenue generated by all the customers and then dividing that sum by the total number of customers staying at your hotel.

What is the formula for RevPAR quizlet? ›

The ADR formulas is as follows: Total Revenue from room sales / Total number of rooms sold. The RevPAR formula is as follows: ADR (X) Occupancy Rate = RevPAR.

How do I calculate RevPAR in Excel? ›

To calculate RevPAR, simply multiply the average daily rate (ADR) by the occupancy rate.

What is RevPAR explain with examples? ›

As an example; if you have 10 rooms in your hotel and $1000 average income per night, then your revenue per available room would be $100. This means that for every available room you on average make $1000 ÷ 10 = $100.

What do you mean by RevPAR? ›

RevPAR is a straightforward hotel performance metric that tracks how much money a hotel is making on its rooms. It's correlated directly with a hotel's Average Daily Rate (ADR) and its Occupancy Rate. For a given period, you can calculate hotel RevPar using these RevPAR formulas: RevPAR = ADR x Occupancy Rate.

How can I improve my RevPAR? ›

How to increase hotel RevPAR?
  1. 4 instant effect strategies.
  2. Price management. The higher the ADR, the higher the RevPAR. ...
  3. Balancing the ADR and the occupancy rate. ...
  4. Emphasis on direct bookings. ...
  5. Decreasing cancellation rate. ...
  6. 5 postponed effect strategies.
  7. Reducing extra expenses. ...
  8. Length of stay requirement.

What is the difference between RevPAR and total RevPAR? ›

While TRevPAR includes all sources of revenue within a hotel, RevPAR only includes room revenue on a per-available-room basis. In some instances, the hotel with the highest RevPAR may actually be outperformed by other hotels when looking at TRevPAR, due to revenues coming from other departments.

What is the definition of RevPAR quizlet? ›

- Revenue per Available Room (RevPAR) is total room revenue divided by total rooms available. - RevPAR is measured in. - dollars and cents. RevPAR combines. room occupancy and room rate information to measure a hotel's ability to maximize total room revenue.

What is the correct formula to calculate a hotels average rate? ›

Calculating the Average Daily Rate (ADR)

The average daily rate is calculated by taking the average revenue earned from rooms and dividing it by the number of rooms sold. It excludes complimentary rooms and rooms occupied by staff.

What is the profit margin for hotels? ›

What is a good net profit margin for a hotel? As a general rule, a healthy profit margin lies at around 10%, whereas 5% is a low margin and 20% is a high margin.

What is the difference between average room rate and RevPAR? ›

While RevPAR and ADR are similar, they are used differently. RevPAR, which stands for “revenue per available room,” indicates how successful your hotel was at filling the rooms, whereas ADR indicates how successful your hotel was at maximizing room rates.

Which is more important ADR or RevPAR? ›

RevPAR is generally considered the more important metric because it takes into consideration both daily rates and daily occupancy. Obviously, selling more rooms at higher rates is beneficial to any hotel. If occupancy is increasing it means that rooms are being priced to sell, and that's a great metric of success.

What are the two formulas for RevPAR? ›

To calculate your RevPAR, simply multiply your average daily rate (ADR) by your occupancy rate. Say you have an occupancy of 80%, and an ADR of €100 – your RevPAR will be €80. Alternatively, you can divide the number of available rooms in your property by total revenue from that night (or specified time period).

What does OCC stand for in hotels? ›

The occupancy rate, or OCC, shows what percentage of your available rooms you've sold on a given date or over a specific period. It's one of the main KPIs used by hotels to measure their performance.

What is the correct formula for calculating revenue? ›

A simple way to solve for revenue is by multiplying the number of sales and the sales price or average service price (Revenue = Sales x Average Price of Service or Sales Price).

What is average guest per room? ›

Formula For Average Guest Per Room (APR) - APR Calculator

Average Guest Per Room (APR) - Provides the average number of guests occupied per room in the hotel, This ratio is normally based on the total guest in the hotel including children divided by the total number of rooms sold.

How do you calculate the number of rooms in a hotel? ›

An occupancy rate is measured by dividing the number of occupied rooms by the number of available rooms and multiplying by 100, showing the percentage of rooms occupied at a specific moment. For example, if you have a 10-room hotel and last night you sold 5 rooms, then the occupancy rate would be 50 percent.

What factors affect RevPAR? ›

RevPAR is dependent on two important metrics- ADR and occupancy. All three of them work in sync. Many hoteliers still view high occupancy as the operational target, disregarding all other aspects of revenue management. You should not only focus on having a constant ADR and 100% occupancy.

What's the best way to increase hotel revenue? ›

11 Simple Ways to Successfully Increase Hotel Revenue
  1. Offer Early Check-In and Late Checkout.
  2. Promote your food and beverage options throughout the stay.
  3. Offer room upgrades pre-arrival.
  4. Partner with local businesses to offer excursions and experiences.
  5. Take advantage of other upsell opportunities.
Sep 14, 2021

How do hotels increase room revenue? ›

Six essential hotel sales strategies are: group bookings, direct bookings, destination marketing, cross promotional sales, guest rewards strategies, revenue management strategies. Other room selling techniques might include upselling, cross-selling, packages, promotions, re-marketing, and local partnerships.

How many rooms should a housekeeper clean per day? ›

The average hotel housekeeping worker is required to check and/or clean between 12 and 20 rooms in an eight-hour shift.

How do you calculate room capacity? ›

Divide your usable floor space by 36, to determine how many people can fit in the space (assuming a 36 sq. ft. allotment)

How do you read RevPAR? ›

The acronym stands for “revenue per available room.” In a simple example: If my hotel was 60 percent occupied last night and my average rate was $100, my RevPAR would be $60 (100 x . 6).

Does RevPAR include food and beverage? ›

TRevPAR = Total Revenue / Total Rooms Available

The total revenue includes all the revenue generated by means of rooms, food and beverage and other operating departments. It also includes miscellaneous income, like cancellation fees.

What is always true when a hotel has a RevPAR index above 100? ›

What is always true when a hotel has a RevPAR index above 100? The hotel is out performing its competitive set. The STAR report for a manager's hotel indicates that last month the hotel achieved an ADR Index of 110.

How do hotels determine RevPAR? ›

How do you calculate RevPAR? Simply multiply your average daily rate (ADR) by your occupancy rate. For example: If your hotel is occupied at 70% with an ADR of $100, your RevPAR will be $70.

How do you calculate average cost per guest? ›

Average rate per guest (ARG)

The formula to calculate it is dividing the daily room revenue by the total guests: daily room revenue / number of guests.

How do you calculate average guest? ›

Total Sales ÷ Total Number of Guests = Average Check

The average guest check is calculated by using the above formula and can be calculated for any period that these figures are available for.

How many rooms does a hotel need to be profitable? ›

Hotels that consist of 25 or more rooms provide 83.6% of industry revenue (with 62.7% of industry revenue coming from guest room rentals, 12.5% coming from food and alcohol sales, 4.2% coming from conference and meeting rooms and 4.2% coming from other charges), while hotels that offer fewer than 25 rooms only ...

Which is the largest source of revenue for a hotel? ›

Widen Your Ancillary Revenue Flow

In the hotel industry, room revenue will always be the greatest source of revenue.

What is a perfect sell in hotels? ›

A perfect sellout is where every room is sold and occupied. This excludes those always hard to collect no-shows from the picture. Follow along as I take you through the anatomy of a perfect sellout. 1.

What is a good hotel RevPAR? ›

The RevPAR Index, or revenue generating index (RGI) should be 100. This indicates your hotel is getting the expected, or fair, market share amongst the particular group of hotels.

What is the difference between ADR and RevPAR? ›

While RevPAR and ADR are similar, they are used differently. RevPAR, which stands for “revenue per available room,” indicates how successful your hotel was at filling the rooms, whereas ADR indicates how successful your hotel was at maximizing room rates.

How does Airbnb calculate RevPAR? ›

For Airbnb and HomeAway listings in MarketMinder, RevPAR is the Revenue Per Available Rental and is calculated by dividing the total revenue earned by the number of available listings.

How do I get a higher RevPAR? ›

How to increase hotel RevPAR?
  1. 4 instant effect strategies.
  2. Price management. The higher the ADR, the higher the RevPAR. ...
  3. Balancing the ADR and the occupancy rate. ...
  4. Emphasis on direct bookings. ...
  5. Decreasing cancellation rate. ...
  6. 5 postponed effect strategies.
  7. Reducing extra expenses. ...
  8. Length of stay requirement.

How much profit does a hotel make per room? ›

What is a good net profit margin for a hotel? As a general rule, a healthy profit margin lies at around 10%, whereas 5% is a low margin and 20% is a high margin.

What is a good occupancy rate for a hotel? ›

For many hotels, an ideal occupancy rate is between 70% and 95% - though the sweet spot depends on the number of rooms, location, type of hotel, target guests, and more.

How do you calculate the average room rate? ›

ADR is calculated by dividing room revenue by rooms sold. The metric is of course applicable for any currency.

Why is ADR higher than RevPAR? ›

This is because RevPAR takes into consideration both daily rates and daily occupancy. ADR prioritizes occupancy in its calculation, which may not indicate whether room rates are accurate and profitable.

How do you calculate if an Airbnb is worth it? ›

A simple way to calculate your Airbnb revenue is by multiplying the year-round occupancy rate and your average daily rate. If you charge $150/night and achieve a 70% occupancy rate, you will make around $150*0.70*365, which is $38,325 before expenses and taxes.

How do you calculate occupancy rate? ›

An occupancy rate is measured by dividing the number of occupied rooms by the number of available rooms and multiplying by 100, showing the percentage of rooms occupied at a specific moment. For example, if you have a 10-room hotel and last night you sold 5 rooms, then the occupancy rate would be 50 percent.

What is average daily room rate? ›

The definition of hotel ADR is simple: It stands for average daily rate, and it's used to measure the average revenue that a hotel receives for each occupied guest room per day. By measuring the ADR for your property, you're able to see the average rate that comes from all occupied rooms.

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Author: Stevie Stamm

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Name: Stevie Stamm

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Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.