Who can inherit if there is no will – the rules of intestacy (2024)

When a person dies without leaving a valid will, their property (the estate) must be shared out according to certain rules. These are called the rules of intestacy. A person who dies without leaving a will is called an intestate person.

Only married or civil partners and some other close relatives can inherit under the rules of intestacy.

If someone makes a will but it is not legally valid, the rules of intestacy decide how the estate will be shared out, not the wishes expressed in the will.

For more information about what is a valid will, see Wills.

Married partners and civil partners

Married partners or civil partners inherit under the rules of intestacy only if they are actually married or in a civil partnership at the time of death. So if you are divorced or if your civil partnership has been legally ended, you can’t inherit under the rules of intestacy.

Partners who separated informally can still inherit under the rules of intestacy. Cohabiting partners (sometimes wrongly called 'common-law' partners) who were neither married nor in a civil partnership can't inherit under the rules of intestacy.

If there are surviving children, grandchildren or great grandchildren of the person who died and the estate is valued at more than £322,000, the partner will inherit:

  • all the personal property and belongings of the person who has died, and

  • the first £322,000 of the estate, and

  • half of the remaining estate.


Susan was in a civil partnership with Fang and they adopted a daughter called Jia. Susan died without leaving a will. Her estate is worth £450,000. After Fang inherits her share of £322,000, the estate that is left is worth £128,000. Fang can have half of this - £64,000.

If there are no surviving children, grandchildren or great-grandchildren, the partner will inherit:

  • all the personal property and belongings of the person who has died and

  • the whole of the estate with interest from the date of death.

Jointly-owned property

Couples may jointly own their home. There are two different ways of jointly owning a home. These are beneficial joint tenancies and tenancies in common.

If the partners were beneficial joint tenants at the time of the death, when the first partner dies, the surviving partner will automatically inherit the other partner's share of the property. However, if the partners are tenants in common, the surviving partner does not automatically inherit the other person's share.

For more information about beneficial joint tenancies and tenancies in common, see Buying with someone else in Buying a home.

Couples may also have joint bank or building society accounts. If one dies, the other partner will automatically inherit the whole of the money.

Property and money that the surviving partner inherits does not count as part of the estate of the person who has died when it is being valued for the intestacy rules.


Tom and Heather are married and own their flat jointly as beneficial joint tenants. They have a child called Selma. Tom dies intestate leaving the jointly-owned flat worth £300,000, and £50,000 in shares in his own name. The flat goes automatically to Heather. This leaves an estate of £50,000 which also goes to Heather, as it is worth less than £322,000. Selma inherits nothing.

If Tom had owned the flat in his name alone, his estate would have been worth £350,000. It would be shared out according to the rules of intestacy, that is, Heather would get the first £322,000. This leaves an estate of £28,000. Heather would get £14,000 and Selma would get the remaining £14,000.

Close relatives


Children of the intestate person will inherit if there is no surviving married or civil partner. If there is a surviving partner, they will inherit only if the estate is worth more than a certain amount.

Children - if there is no surviving married or civil partner

If there is no surviving partner, the children of a person who has died without leaving a will inherit the whole estate. This applies however much the estate is worth. If there are two or more children, the estate will be divided equally between them.

Children - if there is a surviving partner

If there is a surviving partner, a child only inherits from the estate if the estate is valued at over £322,000. If there are two or more children, the children will inherit in equal shares:

  • one half of the value of the estate above £322,000.

All the children of the parent who has died intestate inherit equally from the estate. This also applies where a parent has children from different relationships.


Alan and Grace were married and have two children, Tim and Annie. Alan and Grace get divorced. Alan then has a child, Mark, with his new partner Beata.

Alan and Beata do not marry. Alan dies. Grace does not inherit under the intestacy rules because she is divorced from Alan and neither does Beata because she has not married Alan.

Tim, Annie and Mark inherit all of Alan's estate in equal shares.

For example: Alan and Grace were married and have two children, Tim and Annie. Alan and Grace get divorced. Alan then has a child, Mark, with his new partner Beata. Alan and Beata do not marry. Alan dies. Grace does not inherit under the intestacy rules because she is divorced from Alan and neither does Beata because she has not married Alan. Tim, Annie and Mark inherit all of Alan's estate in equal shares.

A child whose parents are not married or have not registered a civil partnership can inherit from the estate of a parent who dies intestate. These children can also inherit from grandparents or great-grandparents who have died intestate.

Adopted children (including step-children who have been adopted by their step-parent) have rights to inherit under the rules of intestacy. But otherwise you have to be a biological child to inherit.

Children do not receive their inheritance immediately. They receive it when they:

  • reach the age of 18, or

  • marry or form a civil partnership under this age.

Until then, trustees manage the inheritance on their behalf.

Grandchildren and great grandchildren

A grandchild or great grandchild cannot inherit from the estate of an intestate person unless either:

In these circ*mstances, the grandchildren and great grandchildren will inherit equal shares of the share to which their parent or grandparent would have been entitled.


Abdul has two sons, Iqbal and Ismail. Ismail has one daughter, Habiba. Ismail dies when Habiba is two years old. Abdul dies intestate when she is 20. Habiba inherits Ismail's share of Abdul's estate.

Example: Abdul has two sons, Iqbal and Ismail. Ismail has one daughter, Habiba. Ismail dies when Habiba is two years old. Abdul dies intestate when she is 20. Habiba inherits Ismail's share of Abdul's estate.

Other close relatives

Parents, brothers and sisters and nieces and nephews of the intestate person may inherit under the rules of intestacy. This will depend on a number of circ*mstances:

  • whether there is a surviving married or civil partner

  • whether there are children, grandchildren or great grandchildren.

  • in the case of nephews and nieces, whether the parent directly related to the person who has died is also dead

  • the amount of the estate.

Other relatives may have a right to inherit if the person who died intestate had no surviving married partner or civil partner, children, grandchildren, great grand-children, parents, brothers, sisters, nephews or nieces. The order of priority amongst other relatives is as follows:-

  • grandparents

  • uncles and aunts. A cousin can inherit instead if the uncle or aunt who would have inherited died before the intestate person

  • half-uncles and half-aunts. A half-cousin can inherit instead if the half-uncle or half-aunt who would have inherited died before the intestate person.

Who cannot inherit

The following people have no right to inherit where someone dies without leaving a will:

  • unmarried partners (sometimes wrongly called 'common-law' partners)

  • lesbian or gay partners not in a civil partnership

  • relations by marriage

  • close friends

  • carers

However, even if you can't inherit under the rules of intestacy, you might be able to apply to court for financial provision from the estate.

If there are no surviving relatives

If there are no surviving relatives who can inherit under the rules of intestacy, the estate passes to the Crown. This is known as bona vacantia. The Treasury Solicitor is then responsible for dealing with the estate. The Crown can make grants from the estate but does not have to agree to them.

If you are not a surviving relative, but you believe you have a good reason to apply for a grant, you will need legal advice.

For more information aboutbona vacantiago to the GOV.UK website atwww.gov.uk.

You can find out more about getting legal advice.

It is possible to rearrange the way property is shared out when someone dies without leaving a will, provided this is done within two years of the death. This is called making a deed of family arrangement or variation. All the people who would inherit under the rules of intestacy must agree.

If they agree, the property can be shared out in a different way so that people who do not inherit under the intestacy rules can still get some of the estate. Or they could agree that the amount that people get is different to the amount they would get under the rules of intestacy.

If you think that the way the estate is shared out should be rearranged, you will need legal advice. You may get legal aid.

For more information about getting legal aid, legal advice, and help with legal costs.

You may be able to apply to court for reasonable financial help from the estate of the person who has died intestate. For example, if you were living with the person who has died but you were not married to them, you would not inherit under the rules of intestacy. However, you could apply to court for financial help. You must have lived with them for at least two years immediately before their death. Another example is if you were always treated by the person who died as a child of the family. You would not inherit under the rules of intestacy but you could apply to the court for financial help.

You must make the application within a certain time limit although in some circ*mstances this can be extended.

The court may order:

  • regular payments from the estate

  • a lump sum payment from the estate

  • property to be transferred from the estate.

If you want to apply to the court for financial help, you will need legal advice.

You can find out more about getting legal advice.

Rejecting your inheritance

If you reject your inheritance, known as disclaiming it, there are special rules about who can inherit. You should seek advice about this.

Further help

Cruse Bereavement Care supports people who are bereaved and produces useful information and advice. Go to their website at: www.cruse.org.uk. Their helpline is: 0808 808 1677.

The GOV.UK website includes more information about what happens if someone dies without leaving a will. Go to www.gov.uk.

Who can inherit if there is no will – the rules of intestacy (2024)


Who can inherit if there is no will – the rules of intestacy? ›

Dying without a Will: your money

Your state's intestate succession laws will determine where your money goes if you pass away before creating a Will. This requires going into probate court where the court will appoint someone as a personal representative to oversee distribution of your belongings.

Who decides who gets what when there is no will? ›

Dying without a Will: your money

Your state's intestate succession laws will determine where your money goes if you pass away before creating a Will. This requires going into probate court where the court will appoint someone as a personal representative to oversee distribution of your belongings.

What is a person who inherits something by act of law with no will called? ›

One of the administrator's duties is to locate the legal heirs of the deceased, which could include surviving spouses, children, parents, siblings, and other relatives. The order in which heirs inherit from a decedent's estate when there is no will to rely on is called intestate succession.

What happens if there are no inheritors the property of the deceased? ›

If there are no children, the surviving spouse often receives all the property. More distant relatives inherit only if there is no surviving spouse and there are no children. In the rare event that no relatives can be found, the state takes the assets.

Who is first in line for inheritance? ›

The line of inheritance begins with direct offspring, starting with their children, then their grandchildren, followed by any great-grandchildren, and so on. The legal status of stepchildren and adopted children varies by jurisdiction.

Who is the administrator when there is no will? ›

If there is no valid will, and you are the next-of-kin, you can apply to be an administrator in the following order of priority: you are the married partner or civil partner of the person who has died. you are the child of the person who has died. you are the grandchild of the person who has died.

Does the oldest child inherit everything? ›

The thinking that the oldest child continually inherits the whole thing is a frequent misconception. In reality, inheritance legal guidelines vary depending on the US and state, and many factors come into play, such as the presence of a will, the type of belongings involved, and the household structure.

Who is the only person a testator Cannot disinherit? ›

A testator's spouse cannot be disinherited because he or she is entitled to take an elective share of the testator's estate, regardless of the provisions of the will.

What are the rules of intestacy in the United States? ›

The laws of intestacy establish a specific order of priority for the distribution of assets. Typically, a surviving spouse and children are given priority, followed by other close relatives, such as parents and siblings. If there are no surviving relatives, the assets may escheat to the state.

What is a child entitled to when a parent dies without a will in PA? ›

Children's Shares in Pennsylvania. If you die without a will in Pennsylvania, your children will receive an "intestate share" of your property. The size of each child's share depends on how many children you have, whether or not you are married, and whether your spouse is also your children's parent.

What are the new inheritance laws in Texas? ›

Recent Changes in Texas Inheritance Laws

As of September 1, 2019, the law changed to allow for a transfer-on-death deed. This allows a homeowner to transfer their property to beneficiaries without going through probate. As of January 1, 2014, Texas repealed its estate tax. There is no longer an estate tax in Texas.

Who becomes executor if there is no will in Florida? ›

If the decedent did not have a valid Will, the surviving spouse has the first right to be appointed by the judge to serve as a personal representative.

What happens to a bank account when someone dies without a will in Texas? ›

In Texas, bank accounts generally do not go through probate. This means that if you have a bank account in Texas, your loved ones will not have to go through the hassle and expense of Probate Court in order to access your account after you die.

What is the inheritance order? ›

The law of intestate succession may be viewed as the will the state legislature writes for you if you don't write your own will. Probate laws outline an order of succession based upon the relationship of the heir to the decedent. Generally, the order is: spouse, children, parents, siblings, and children of siblings.

What is the order of an heir? ›

According to the UPC, close relatives always come first in the order of inheritance. Generally speaking, the surviving spouse is first in line to inherit, with children and grandchildren next in line. If the surviving spouse has any minor children, they may inherit the whole estate.

What is the order of beneficiaries? ›

It is only necessary to designate a beneficiary if you want payment to be made in a way other than the following order of precedence: To your widow or widower. If none, to your child or children equally, and descendants of deceased children by representation. If none, to your parents equally or to the surviving parent.

What debts are forgiven at death? ›

Upon your death, unsecured debts such as credit card debt, personal loans and medical debt are typically discharged or covered by the estate. They don't pass to surviving family members. Federal student loans and most Parent PLUS loans are also discharged upon the borrower's death.

What if a beneficiary dies before receiving his inheritance? ›

A contingent beneficiary – sometimes called a secondary beneficiary – is the alternate named to receive the property in a will if the primary beneficiary dies before you, cannot be found, or refuses to take accept the gift.

Who are the beneficiaries of his will? ›

When you name someone in your Will to inherit part (or all) of your estate, that person is called a “beneficiary”. Your beneficiaries don't distribute assets; they wait to receive the inheritance you leave behind upon your death.

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