Which state has no billionaires? (2024)

Which state has no billionaires?

Alaska, Delaware, and West Virginia are the only states that still don't have a single billionaire resident. Alaska, Delaware, and West Virginia aren't home to any billionaires, Forbes reported. California, in comparison, has nearly 200 billionaires.

(Video) Ranking The States With The Most Billionaires 2021 | Forbes
Which states do not have billionaires?

Paupers: Only three states have no billionaires—Alaska, Delaware, and West Virginia. However, retired Intuit CEO Brad Smith's growing stash of $900 million in West Virginia suggests the list will be smaller soon. Top three: California has the most billionaires with 197, followed by New York (139) and Florida (107).

(Video) The Billionaires Who Are Richest in Their State
(The Wall Street Journal)
Which state has the most billionaires?

Washington is among the top 10 states with the most billionaires in the U.S., Forbes says
  • 1 - California.
  • 2 - New York.
  • 3 - Florida.
  • 4 - Texas.
  • 5 - Illinois.
  • 6 (tie) - Pennsylvania.
  • 6 (tie) - Georgia.
  • 8 (tie) - Washington.
May 16, 2024

(Video) There Are FAR More Billionaires Than We Think!
(How Money Works)
What state has the least millionaires?

Mississippi consistently ranks as the state with the lowest concentration of millionaire households per capita in the U.S., but don't feel bad for the Magnolia State.

(Video) Top 10 cities with most billionaires 2022 | with Richest Resident
(Stat Mastery)
Which US city has the most billionaires?

With 110 billionaires—9 more than last year—New York City retains its status as the billionaire capital. The city's two richest residents make up a quarter of its billionaire wealth: media magnate and former mayor Michael Bloomberg (estimated net worth: $106 billion) and Koch Industries heir Julia Koch ($64.3 billion).

(Video) Why is Switzerland home to so many billionaires?
(CNBC International)
How many billionaires are in Florida?

Florida. Florida has 107 billionaires — among them one of the richest people in the U.S.

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(Geopolitical Economy Report)
What state has the most successful people?

Wyoming is the number one state in the US for being home to the most successful people, at 3.47 billionaires per one million people.

(Video) Should We Abolish Billionaires? | Robert Reich
(Robert Reich)
Where do rich Americans live?

Los Altos, California

Los Altos ranks as the No. 1 city where the rich are getting richer. The 2019 mean household income was $326,456, which rose quickly to $400,817 in 2022. The three-year percentage change indicates the mean household income rose by 22.78%.

(Video) Super-Rich & Surrounded by Poverty: India's New Billionaires | ENDEVR Documentary
What is the richest place in the US?

New York remains the richest city in the U.S. and the world with nearly 350,000 millionaires and 60 billionaires.

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What city is full of millionaires?

New York has more millionaires than any other city in the world, beating out California's Bay Area, London and other wealthy cities, according to a new report. Nearly 350,00, or one in every 24 residents of The Big Apple are millionaires, according to a new ranking from Henley and Partners.

(Video) The Countries With The Most Billionaires And Their Richest Citizens | Forbes

What state do most billionaires live in?

California — 186 billionaires. New York — 135 billionaires.

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(Lion of Judah)
Who owns most of the wealth in us?

According to an analysis of Survey of Consumer Finances data from 2019 by the People's Policy Project, 79% of the country's wealth is owned by millionaires and billionaires. Also in 2019, PolitiFact reported that three people (less than the 400 reported in 2011) had more wealth than the bottom half of all Americans.

Which state has no billionaires? (2024)
Who is the number 1 richest person in America?

Elon Musk

Which US state makes the most money?

Overall, in the calendar year 2023, the United States' Nominal GDP at Current Prices totaled at $27.360 trillion, as compared to $25.744 trillion in 2022. The three U.S. states with the highest GDPs were California ($3.86 trillion), Texas ($2.56 trillion), and New York ($2.15 trillion).

What state has the lowest average income?

Median annual income in the U.S. in 2023

Mississippi has the lowest-earning population in the U.S. with a median annual wage of just $37,500, according to the BLS.

What state has the strongest economy in the US?


What state has the least billionaires?

Alaska, Delaware, and West Virginia are the only states that still don't have a single billionaire resident
  • Alaska, Delaware, and West Virginia aren't home to any billionaires, Forbes reported.
  • California, in comparison, has nearly 200 billionaires.
May 3, 2024

What is the richest place in the world?

The report highlights New York City, which has continued to maintain its position as the world's wealthiest city, with 11 other US cities joining the top 50 list. In contrast, Tokyo, which held the top spot a decade ago, has fallen to third place due to a decline in its high-net-worth individual population.

Which country has the most billionaires?

China has 814 billionaires, the most in the world, according to the Hurun Global Rich List 2024. Despite holding on to the top spot, China lost 155 billionaires year-over-year, while the U.S. gained 109. The gap between the two countries has now reduced to just 14 billionaires.

What race has the most millionaires in US?

Nearly 86% of millionaires are white. That's not constrained to just millionaires: According to the Federal Reserve, a typical white family's wealth dwarfs that of typical Black and Hispanic families, with the white family's wealth six and five times higher, respectively.

What is the best state to live in if you are rich?

Best states to earn a high income from a tax perspective:
  • Alaska.
  • New Hampshire.
  • North Dakota.
  • Wyoming.
  • Florida.
Mar 7, 2024

Which nationality has the most millionaires?

The U.S. is home to the most millionaires of any country by a large margin. In fact, nearly 9% of U.S. adults are millionaires today. This makes sense, as the United States has the world's largest domestic economy. The U.S. also has more lenient taxation policies than many of its competitors.

Why are billionaires moving to Florida?

Firstly, and perhaps most obviously, Florida does not have a personal income tax, which may be particularly attractive to high-earning individuals.

Who is Florida's youngest billionaire?

Austin Russell who is Florida's youngest self-made billionaire, is the founder of Luminar Technologies. If you have not heard of that company, their technology specializes in machine perception technologies which are mostly used to build autonomous cars.

Who is the richest family in the world?

The Al Nahyan family, the Royal Family of Abu Dhabi, is regarded as the richest family in the world, with an estimated net worth of $305 billion.

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Author: Terence Hammes MD

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Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.