Can OCI cardholder hold property in India (2024)


Can OCI cardholder hold property in India (1)

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I am an Overseas Citizen Of India (OCI) cardholder and received a few acres of agricultural land from my parents who are Indian residents/citizens. Can I hold this property and pass it on to my two children (one was born in India and the other in the US) who are US citizens and OCI cardholders? Can they retain this property for their lifetime if they want it? If I sell this property, how should I report this sale in my US tax returns? Also, do I need to pay any tax in India from the sale?

Name withheld on request

Under the exchange control law, non-resident Indians or foreign passport holders are prohibited to acquire agricultural land in India. However, as an exception, a non-resident Indian or an OCI cardholder can acquire any immovable property in India (including agricultural land) by way of inheritance from a person resident in India or from a person resident outside India who had acquired the property in accordance with the provisions of the exchange control law in force at the time of acquisition.

Accordingly, as an OCI, you may inherit the agricultural land from your parents who are persons resident in India. Similarly, your children may inherit the agricultural land in India from you as a person resident outside India who had acquired the property in accordance with the provisions of the exchange control law in force at the time of acquisition. However, you or your children will be able to transfer such agricultural land only to a person resident in India.

Under the income-tax law, there is no income-tax levied on inheritance and sale of agricultural land in India unless the agricultural land is situated in or within specified distance from urban areas. However, such a sale may be taxable in the US as per the tax laws of the US.

Sonu Iyer is tax partner and people advisory services leader, EY India.

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×Can OCI cardholder hold property in India (14)

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Can OCI cardholder hold property in India (2024)


Can OCI holders hold property in India? ›

As per the guidelines issued by Reserve Bank of India, an NRI or OCI card holder can invest in any residential or commercial property. The guidelines also state that one can buy any number of residential or commercial properties.

Are OCI card holders not allowed to buy and sell property in India? ›

However, as an exception, a non-resident Indian or an OCI cardholder can acquire any immovable property in India (including agricultural land) by way of inheritance from a person resident in India or from a person resident outside India who had acquired the property in accordance with the provisions of the exchange ...

Do you need OCI card to own property in India? ›

Can an Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) buy property in India? Yes, an OCI cardholder can buy property in India as long as it is not agricultural land, a plantation property, or a farmhouse. An OCI can also receive a property as a gift, as long as it is from an Indian resident relative.

Can you own property in India as a US citizen? ›

There's good news. If you're a US citizen and hold an OCI (Overseas Citizen of India) card, you'll be able to buy most types of property in India even if you're not living there. Key exceptions include agricultural land and properties, and plantations, which can't be bought by non-residents.

What are the limitations of OCI in India? ›

The OCI is not entitled to vote, be a member of Legislative Assembly or Legislative Council or Parliament, cannot hold constitutional posts such as President, Vice President, Judge of Supreme Court or High Court etc. and he/she cannot normally hold employment in the Government.

Can I live in India forever with OCI card? ›

(i) An OCI is entitled to life long visa with free travel to India whereas for a PIO card holder, it is only valid for 15 years.

What are the disadvantages of OCI card? ›

The OCI card benefits refer to the rights you gain, like working rights, living as a resident, and entering India as many times as you want. One of the major drawbacks is that you must surrender your Indian passport as India doesn't accept dual citizenship.

What is the new rules for OCI card holders? ›

OCI cardholder is required to upload ONLINE a copy of the new passport and a recent photo each time a new passport is issued up to 20 years of age and once after completing 50 years of age. The uploading of these documents may be done within three months of receipt of new passport.

Can I sell property in India and bring money to USA? ›

Prior to transferring funds from India to the US you'll need to complete Form 15CB, and your bank will ask you to provide proof of the source of the money, such as a copy of the property sale agreement.

Can OCI have bank account in India? ›

Since OCI cardholders are working and receiving their income within the territory of India, these individuals are allowed to open special bank accounts in Indian Bank branches.

Does OCI pay tax in India? ›

AN OCI's foreign income and interests from non-resident rupee bank accounts are exempted from being taxed. However, all their income from Indian sources shall be liable to Indian taxes. This is because taxability in India is not determined by the country of origin.

Can OCI sell property in India without Aadhar card? ›

Hi, Adhar is not required for sell the property in India. You don't need any aadhar card or proof of residence for selling any property in India. Your passport, Pan card and OCI card will suffice. - Hence, these two documents are enough to execute the sale deed for transferring the property in the name of buyer.

Can I sell my house in India from USA? ›

A non-resident Indian (NRI) can sell their residential or commercial property to either an Indian Citizen or another NRI. The same goes for any foreign national such as UK, USA or Canadian citizens who may have inherited Indian property and now wish to sell their Indian assets.

Can a US green card holder own property in India? ›

Then the answer is 'yes'. A green card holder can invest in an Indian property as per the Foreign Exchange and Management Act (FEMA) provisions. An NRI can purchase any residential or commercial property in India except agricultural land, a plantation property, or a farmhouse.

How can OCI sell property in India? ›

Yes. OCI Cardholder is at parity with Non-Resident Indians (NRIs) towards property transactions. As per FEMA, RBI frames the Directions / Regulations concerning the Acquisition and Transfer of immovable property in India.

Is OCI better than visa? ›

Although the OCI card is considered a lifelong visa, it's not actually a visa. It's a document that gives you the right to work and live in India. Most visas only allow you to visit countries. This is not the case with the OCI card.

How long is OCI passport valid for India? ›

Passport should have at least six months validity at the time of making application for grant of visa. It should have at least two blank pages for stamping by the Immigration Officer.

Can I travel to India with OCI on passport less than 6 months? ›

If you are an OCI cardholder and your passport does not have the minimum validity, you will need a new passport to apply for an India visa. If the expiry of your passport is within three months, you are advised to apply for a new one before applying for a visa for India.

What are the benefits of OCI in India? ›

OCI Card Benefits
  • Tariffs in air fares in domestic sectors.
  • Entry fees for visiting national parks, wildlife sanctuaries, the national monuments, historical sites and museums in India.
  • Matter of inter-country adoption of Indian children.
  • Purchase or sale of immovable properties other than agricultural land.

Does OCI count as dual citizenship? ›

It is basically a life long Visa and with some other privileges attached which can be seen on the Ministry of Home Affairs' web site. It is reiterated that holding an OCI card in no way entitles its holders to claim the status of dual citizenship.

How long does OCI expire? ›

The OCI card is valid for 10 years after issued and it allows Multiple Entry to the country.

Does OCI expire? ›

OCI card is required to be re-issued each time a new passport is acquired by the cardholder up to the age of 20 years. OCI card is required to be re-issued once on acquiring a new passport after completing 50 years of age.

How long does it take to get OCI in USA? ›

Kindly note that normal processing time for a new OCI application (based on Indian origin) is 4-5 weeks from the date of registration of the application in the Consulate whereas for re-issuance/updation of OCI Cards, it is 5-6 weeks.

Are OCI holders considered citizens? ›

Despite its name, OCI status is not citizenship and does not grant the right to vote in Indian elections or hold public office. The Indian government can revoke OCI status in a wide variety of circ*mstances. In addition, the OCI Card is only valid with valid international passport.

What is the college fee for OCI living in India? ›

You can opt for 15% All India quota seats there will not be any issues in that but you will have to pay NRI fees because your primary citizenship is of some other country. So basically even in government colleges you will have to pay high fees which is around 10 lakhs per year.

How do I pay my OCI fees in USA? ›

Payment can be made in cash, money order, cashier's check, or banker's check. If applying by post cash is not accepted. No personal checks are accepted. Non-US passport holders and non-USA nationals residing in the US for less than 2 years have to pay $20 additional fee as reference fee.

How much value can I carry India from USA? ›

Make sure that you fill the declaration of your baggage accurately. Declare that you do not have value of foreign currency notes in excess of US $ 5000 or equivalent. You should also declare that you do not have more than US $10,000 aggregate value of foreign exchange including currency.

How much money can be transferred from USA to India without tax? ›

What is the IRS limit on sending money to India? The IRS has no limit on how much money your friends or family can send to India. However, above $11.7 million USD, they'll be liable for taxes.

Is property sold in India taxable in USA? ›

That means any gain from selling your primary residence overseas is usually tax-free, as long as you meet the occupancy requirements and your gain is below these thresholds: $500,000 – if you're married filing jointly. $250,000 – if you use any other filing status.

Can OCI transfer money from India to USA? ›

Limits on Transactions

According to the Liberalised Remittance Scheme, you are allowed to send no more than USD 2,50,000 in a given year. So yes, money can be sent from India to America with no problems if sent for the correct purpose.

Does OCI need to be renewed? ›

Re-issuance of OCI registration certificate is not mandatory each time a new passport is issued between 21-50 years of age. However, if the applicant wishes to obtain new set of OCI documents, he/she can apply for the same. If the OCI card is issued at the age of 50 years, there is no need for re-issuance of OCI.

Can OCI repatriate money from India? ›

NRIs can repatriate funds from India. These can include any income made by you in India. Here are the different sources of income in India, which can be repatriated abroad: Funds that you held in India before you moved abroad.

Does OCI count as Indian passport? ›

If you get an OCI, it is NOT the same as being a regular Indian citizen: You do not get an Indian passport. There is no such thing as an OCI passport. You have no voting rights.

Can OCI buy car in India? ›

There are no restrictions on NRIs buying a car (or cars) in India. Just go to your favorite showroom, book the car, and drive away. Remember to use your NRE or NRO account for any payment at the car dealership. Don't worry; you won't be taxed for a car purchase.

Can US citizens with OCI apply for Aadhar? ›

OCI Cardholders who stay in India for a long time (over 182 days in twelve months immediately preceding the date of application for enrolment) and have an Indian address can also enroll for Aadhaar Card in India.

How can OCI get address proof in India? ›

Valid photo ID proof: PAN card/ OCI card/ driving license/Passport. Documents to prove your OCI status: Proofs that establish your relationship with any other country, such as a passport or OCI card. Address proof: Utility bill or ID card containing your valid address.

Can US citizens have Aadhar card in India? ›

YES. An NRI (whether minor or adult) with a valid Indian Passport can apply for Aadhaar from any Aadhaar Kendra. If your passport has the name of your spouse, then it can be used as Proof of Address for them.

How can I sell my property in India while I am in USA? ›

If you are a Non-Resident Indian, you can sell the property to a Resident Indian without restrictions. If the buyer is a Non-Resident Indian or a Person of Indian Origin (POI), you may need the approval of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). You are not allowed to sell the property to a foreigner.

Can I sell my property in India from abroad? ›

An NRI can sell his/her residential or commercial property to either a person residing in India, another NRI or a person of Indian origin (PIO). One can also mortgage the property to an authorised real estate dealer or a financial institution dealing with home loans.

How do I avoid paying taxes when I sell my house in India? ›

However, you can substantially reduce it by using one of the following methods:
  1. Exemptions under Section 54F, when you buy or construct a Residential Property. ...
  2. Purchase Capital Gains Bonds under Section 54EC. ...
  3. Investing in Capital Gains Accounts Scheme.

Can OCI holders own property in India? ›

A. As per the guidelines issued by Reserve Bank of India, an NRI or OCI card holder can invest in any residential or commercial property. The guidelines also state that one can buy any number of residential or commercial properties.

Can non-resident hold property in India? ›

Can a non-resident inherit immovable property in India? Yes, a person resident outside of India who is a NRI, PIO or a foreign national of non-Indian origin can inherit and hold immovable property in India from a person who was resident in India.

Can NRI sell property in India without going to India? ›

A Non-Resident Indian (NRI) can sell his/her residential or commercial property to either a Resident Indian, another NRI or a Person of Indian Origin (PIO). Such transactions do not require any special permission from the Reserve Bank of India (RBI).

Can you hold property with an OCI card? ›

Q: Can OCI card holders purchase property in India? A: OCI card holders can purchase residential and commercial properties in India. But they are not permitted to purchase agricultural land, including farmland or any kind of plantation property.

Can OCI sell property in India without PAN card? ›

As a general norm, a Permanent Account Number (PAN) is mandatory for all large-scale transactions in India. Though several NRIs are not liable to pay income tax in India (their income is taxable in the country of their residence), they must furnish their PAN details to sell a property in India.

Do OCI card holders need to pay tax in India? ›

AN OCI's foreign income and interests from non-resident rupee bank accounts are exempted from being taxed. However, all their income from Indian sources shall be liable to Indian taxes. This is because taxability in India is not determined by the country of origin.

Is Indian visa better than OCI? ›

The India Tourist eVisa is available for foreign travelers who want to visit India for tourism. On the other hand, the OCI Card allows you to live and work in India. In both cases, you must check eligibility and whether you meet the requirements.

What is the difference between OCI and NRI in India? ›

An NRI can invest in residential/commercial properties but is not allowed to invest in agricultural or plantation property or a farmhouse. An OCI can invest in various financial investment opportunities available in India.

How much is India income tax for OCI? ›

The rate of tax is 20 percent. The tax on all long-term capital gains which are chargeable to tax, can be saved by investing within six months the amount of capital gains in capital gain tax saving bonds issued by NHAI and REC. The lock-in period is three years.

Can NRI sell property in India without coming to India? ›

a NRI can sell property in India without RBI permissions. If you're a PIO you can sell to a resident of India or a NRI without advance permission, but if you intend to sell your property to another PIO you'll need to get RBI approval in advance⁶.

How often should OCI be renewed? ›

Once you reach the age of 50, you must apply for OCI card renewal and have your visa re-issued. For those between the ages of 21 and 50, there are no mandatory requirements to get your card re-issued. Similarly, after the age of 50, it is not mandatory to renew your OCI card every time you get a new passport.

Does having an OCI count as dual citizenship? ›

It is basically a life long Visa and with some other privileges attached which can be seen on the Ministry of Home Affairs' web site. It is reiterated that holding an OCI card in no way entitles its holders to claim the status of dual citizenship.

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